Duck Hunt
  • Shooter


Duck Hunt is the classic NES zapper game.
DrD2k9 beats "Game B - 2 Ducks" by completing 27 levels. See the author's comments for details on how this game mode works.
Duck Hunt is a classic light gun shooter game for the NES and the game best associated with the NES Zapper. It has three modes: Mode A, Mode B, and Mode C. Modes A and B have you shooting ducks to score points, with A having one duck on the screen and B having two. Mode C has you shooting clay pigeons for points.
For this run, DrD2k9 opts to play Mode A and score the maximum number of points the score counter can display, manipulating the RNG to ensure the desired birds are shot.

Game Versions

Type Name Title Override Region Version Platform Hashes
Good Duck Hunt (World).nes W NES
Sha1: 8E18068823635A115E2FC0925FF3BDA209EC6A42
Md5: D802E9D7B8BFD586F878E0922F62BF46