Shadow of the Ninja
  • Kage,Blue Shadow
  • Action
  • Platformer


In the year 2029, evil Emperor Garuda somehow establishes a dictatorial government in the United States. After many lives are lost, two ninjas attempt to overthrow him.
Shadow of the Ninja is one of the rare games in which constantly jumping and slashing is faster than regular running. The author makes sure to use this move extensively both to travel and to deal damage to enemies, and so it may seem that the ninja has a severe case of ADHD.
This game was released in Europe as Blue Shadow and in Japan as Kage.
dragonxyk improves the previous run by 1:05.11 minutes by using 2 player mode and intentional deaths to speed up gameplay.

Game Versions

Type Name Title Override Region Version Platform Hashes
Good Shadow of the Ninja (U) [!].nes Shadow of the Ninja (USA) U NES
Sha1: C35EA6624D37D57953E4C06197BE5C54931A7139
Md5: D459BAE7337C21CE0D380EFA86CBBDE9
Good Kage (J) [!].nes Shadow of the Ninja (Japan) J NES
Sha1: 02469509DDDC10DFF4E452DD4037020F353D228D
Good Blue Shadow (E) [!].nes Shadow of the Ninja (Europe) E NES
Sha1: 9D8F02DDD6CA574C0F0F8D6C77693C24E26B907D