Final Fantasy Legend II

  • Final Fantasy,Legend II,Legend 2
  • RPG


Final Fantasy Legend II (Sa・Ga2 秘宝伝説, Sa・Ga2 - The Treasure Legend) is a role-playing game developed by Square and is the second game in the SaGa series. You take on the role of one of eight different characters of varying race and gender who leaves on a journey to find his or her lost father and recover the Magi, pieces of a magical statue of the goddess Isis.
In this run, knbnitkr abuses several glitches (including one which can only be performed on the initial Japanese release) to beat the game far quicker than intended. For more information, see the author's comments.
Final Fantasy Legend II (Sa・Ga2 秘宝伝説, Sa・Ga2 - The Treasure Legend) is a role-playing game developed by Square and is the second game in the SaGa series. You take on the role of one of eight different characters of varying race and gender who leaves on a journey to find his or her lost father and recover the Magi, pieces of a magical statue of the goddess Isis.
Unlike the standard run, Darkman425 opts to skip over half the game through careful usage of the poison bug and a well-timed game reset to overwrite the desired RAM values and get the desired ending quicker than intended.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Sa-Ga 2 - Hihou Densetsu (Japan).gb J Rev 0 GB SHA1: F1DB92D8076237489AA1528141FE240843111A54
MD5: 10C1170D5B5416A217EB66821060421D