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Last Updated by Ilari on 3/23/2012 1:28 AM

[TODO]: Format these lists better

!!! SDL version
Hint: do <esc>identify-key<enter> and press a key, that identifies what key it is.

!! Modifier names
* ctrl, lctrl, rctrl: Control keys
* alt, lalt, ralt: ALT keys.
* shift, lshift, rshift: Shift keys.
* meta, lmeta, rmeta: Meta keys.
* num: Numlock (sticky)
* caps: Capslock (sticky)
* mode: Mode select.

!!Keyboard keys
backspace, tab, clear, return, pause, space, exclaim, quotedbl, hash, dollar, ampersand, quote, leftparen, rightparen, asterisk, plus, comma, minus, period, slash, 0 - 9, colon, semicolon, less, equals, greater, question, at, leftbracket, backslash, rightbracket, caret, underscore, backquote, a - z, delete, world_0 - world_95, kp0 - kp9, kp_period, kp_divide, kp_multiply, kp_minus, kp_plus, kp_enter, kp_equals, up, down, right, left, insert, home, end, pageup, pagedown, f1 - f15, numlock, capslock, scrollock, rshift, lshift, rctrl, lctrl, ralt, lalt, rmeta, lmeta, lsuper, rsuper, mode, compose, help, print, sysreq, break, menu, power, euro, undo

!!Hardware-specific keys
key0 - key255

!!Joystick pseudo-keys
* joystick{{x}}button{{y}}: {{y}}th button on {{x}}th joystick.
* joystick{{x}}axis{{y}}-: {{y}}th axis on {{x}}th joystick to left / up.
* joystick{{x}}axis{{y}}+: {{y}}th axis on {{x}}th joystick to right / down.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}n: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to up.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}e: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to right.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}s: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to down.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}w: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to left.

!!Default keybindings
* Q: Quit emulator
* Right CTRL + Q: Quit without prompting
* Pause: Pause/unpause
* Scroll lock: Unlock speed
* Page up: Scroll console up
* Page down: Scroll console down
* Home: Scroll console to the beginning of buffer
* End: Scroll console to the end of buffer
* Left: Controller 1 Left.
* Up: Controller 1 Up.
* Right: Controller 1 Right.
* Down: Controller 1 Down.
* Right Control: Controller 1 A
* Right Alt: Controller 1 B
* Right Shift: Controller 1 X
* l: Controller 1 Y
* o: Controller 1 L
* p: Controller 1 R
* Return: Controller 1 start
* 0: Controller 1 select
* a: Controller 2 left
* w: Controller 2 up
* d: Controller 2 right
* s: Controller 2 down
* left ctrl: Controller 2 A.
* left alt: Controller 2 B.
* left shift: Controller 2 X.
* z: Controller 2 Y.
* 1: Controller 2 L
* 3: Controller 2 R.
* Tab: Controller 2 Start
* x: Controller 2 select
* Backspace: Frame advance
* Fx: Save slot x.
* Shift+Fx: Load slot x.

!!! Wxwidgets version

!!Modifier names
* alt
* ctrl
* shift 
* meta
* cmd (Mac OS X only)

!!Keyboard keys
back, tab, return, escape, space, exclaim, quotedbl, hash, dollar, percent, ampersand, quote, leftparen, rightparen, asterisk, plus, comma, minus, period, slash, 0 - 9, colon, semicolon, less, equals, greater, question, at, a - z, leftbracket, backslash, rightbracket, caret, underscore, backquote, leftcurly, pipe, rightcurly, tilde, delete, start, lbutton, rbutton, cancel, mbutton, clear, shift, alt, control, menu, pause, capital, end, home, lefT, up, right, down, select, print, execute, snapshot, insert, help, numpad0 - numpad9, multiply, add, separator, subtract, decimal, divide, f1 - f24, numlock, scroll, pageup, pagedown, numpad_space, numpad_tab, numpad_enter, numpad_f1 - numpad_f4, numpad_home, numpad_left, numpad_up, numpad_right, numpad_down, numpad_pageup, numpad_pagedown, numpad_end, numpad_begin, numpad_insert, numpad_delete, numpad_equal, numpad_multiply, numpad_add, numpad_separator, numpad_subtract, numpad_decimal, numpad_divide, windows_left, windows_right, windows_menu, command, special1 - special20

!!!EVDEV joystick
!!Joystick pseudo-keys
* joystick{{x}}button{{y}}: {{y}}th button on {{x}}th joystick.
* joystick{{x}}axis{{y}}-: {{y}}th axis on {{x}}th joystick to left / up.
* joystick{{x}}axis{{y}}+: {{y}}th axis on {{x}}th joystick to right / down.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}n: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to up.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}e: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to right.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}s: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to down.
* joystick{{x}}hat{{y}}w: {{y}}th hat on {{x}}th joystick to left.