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Last Updated by Unknown on 1/1/2022 6:13 PM
These are charts for the amount of damage that the player does to bosses. Most of it was discovered by testing on an emulator. Note that these also apply to the PSX installments of the series.

There are also [|damage charts] for many other Mega Man games, but for some games, data is missing or inaccurate.


!! Mega Man X2 (MMX2) damage chart

XB: X-Buster a.b:c:d::e%%%
a: uncharged not dashing, b: uncharged dashing, c: blue charge, d: yellow charge, e: spiral shot%%%
Damage for spiral shot is center + side shots when boss not flashing. When boss is flashing, damage is 3.

SC: Strike Chain%%%
SW: Spin Wheel%%%
BS: Bubble Splash%%%
SB: Speed Burner%%%
SSh: Silk Shot normal%%%
MM: Magnet Mine%%%
CH: Crystal Hunter%%%
SSl: Sonic Slicer%%%
SSW: Silk Shot Wire Sponge stage%%%
SSB: Silk Shot Bubble Crab stage%%%
SSC: Silk Shot Crystal Snail stage%%%
Except for Crystal Hunter, first is uncharged, second is charged. 0 means both uncharged and charged do no damage.

SRK: Shoryuken%%%
Continuous damage. First is initial damage when boss is not flashing, second is damage when boss is flashing.

||		||XB		||SC	||SW	||BS	||SB	||SSh	||MM	||CH	||SSl	||	||SSW	||SSB	||SSC	||	||SRK
|Mecha		|3.5:5:8::-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|-
|Wire Sponge	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|2:1	|1:2	|1:2	|0	|2:5	|	|1:1	|-	|-	|	|16:8
|Wheel Gator	|1.2:1:2::4	|3:5	|1:1	|2:1	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|1:1	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|16:8
|Bubble Crab	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|3:4	|1:1	|1:1*	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|1:1	|	|-	|1:1	|-	|	|16:8
|Flame Stag	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:1	|2:2	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|2:2	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|8:8
|Morph Moth	|1.1:1:2::3	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|3:6	|1:1	|1:2	|0	|1:1	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|16:8**
|Magna Centipede|1.2:1:2::4	|2:2	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|2:4	|1:1	|0	|1:1	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|16:8
|Crystal Snail	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:2	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|3:4	|0	|1:1	|	|-	|-	|1:1	|	|16:8
|O. Ostrich	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|1:2	|1:1	|3	|1:1	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|16:8
||		||XB		||SC	||SW	||BS	||SB	||SSh	||MM	||CH	||SSl	||	||SSW	||SSB	||SSC	||	||SRK
|Violen 1	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:1	|2:2	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|2:2	|	|3:5	|1:1	|1:1	|	|-
|Serges 1	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|2:1	|1:2	|1:2	|0	|2:5	|	|1:1	|1:2	|3:5	|	|-
|Agile 1	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:2	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|3:4	|0	|1:1	|	|1:1	|3:5	|1:1	|	|-
|		|		|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|Violen 2	|1.1:1:2::3	|0	|0	|2:4	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|-
|Serges 2	|1.2:1:2::4	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|2:1	|1:2	|1:2	|0	|2:5	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|-
|Agile 2	|1.1:1:2::3	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|2:2	|0	|0	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|1:8
|Zero/31	|0.0:1:1::3	|0	|0	|0	|2:1	|0	|0	|0	|0	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|16:8
|Sigma		|1.1:2:2::4	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|2:4	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|16:8
|Sigma Virus/64	|0.0:0:1::3	|2:1	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|	|-	|-	|-	|	|2:8
||		||XB		||SC	||SW	||BS	||SB	||SSh	||MM	||CH	||SSl	||	||SSW	||SSB	||SSC	||	||SRK

.* For charged damage, must be instant hit, or done out of water.%%%
.** Morph Moth's first form cannot die; once it reaches 11 or less, even if it reaches 0, it is automatically set back to 12.

!! Mega Man X3 (MMX3) damage chart

XB: X-Buster a:b:c::d::e%%%
a: uncharged, b: blue charge, c: yellow charge, d: cross shot (pink or red/green), e: combine shot (red/green)%%%
If a number is in brackets, it represents uncharged dashing damage.

FS: Frost Shield%%%
AB: Acid Burst%%%
TF: Tornado Fang%%%
TT: Triad Thunder%%%
SB: Spinning Blade%%%
RS: Ray Splasher%%%
GW: Gravity Well%%%
PB: Parasitic Bomb%%%
Except for Ray Splasher, first is uncharged, second is charged. Ray Splasher does the same damage charged or uncharged. 0 means both uncharged and charged do no damage.%%%
[TODO]: Fix Triad Thunder. Currently the second number refers to the "earthquake punch" damage and the third refers to the large electric ball that is emitted. Some values are missing. Also, the uncharged Triad Thunder shoots electric beams that may do different damage.

Beam Saber always does 16 damage if it hits with the blade, or 12+4+4+4 if it hits with the projectile.

||		||XB		||FS	||AB	||TF	||TT	||SB	||RS	||GW	||PB	||
|Maoh		|2(3):3:4::-::-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|
|B. Buffalo	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|1:2.1	|1:1	|0	|0	|3:3	|
|Toxic Seahorse	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|3:5	|1:1	|0	|1:1.2	|1:1	|1	|0	|1:1	|
|Tunnel Rhino	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|3:5	|0	|0:2.0	|1:1	|1	|0	|0:1	|
|Volt Catfish	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:2	|2:3	|0:1.0	|1:2	|1	|0	|1:1	|
|Crush Crawfish	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:2	|1:1	|0	|3:3.3	|0	|1	|0	|0	|
|Neon Tiger	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:2	|1:1	|0	|1:1.1	|2:4	|0	|0	|1:1	|
|Gravity Beetle	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|1:1	|1:1	|3	|0	|2:2	|
|Blast Hornet	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:2	|0	|1:1	|2:3	|1	|4:6	|1:1	|
||		||XB		||FS	||AB	||TF	||TT	||SB	||RS	||GW	||PB	||
|Bit		|1:1:2::2::2.3	|3:5	|1:1	|0	|3:1	|1:1	|1	|0	|1:1	|
|Byte		|1:1:2::2::2.3	|0	|1:1	|2:5	|1:1.1	|1:1	|2	|0	|1:1	|
|Vile/ Mecha 1	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|0:1	|2:5	|2	|0	|1:1	|
|		|		|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|Bit/Byte M.	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|1:0	|1:1	|3	|0	|2:2	|
|Press Disposer	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:1	|2:5	|1:1	|1:1	|2	|0	|1:1	|
|Vile Mecha 2	|1:2:3::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:1	|2:3	|1:2	|1:1	|1	|0	|2:3	|
|Vile 2		|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|1:1	|0	|0:1	|2:5	|2	|0	|1:1	|
|Volt Kurageil	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|3:5*	|1*:1*	|0	|3:0	|1:1	|1	|0	|1:1	|
|Dr. Doppler	|1:1:2::2::2.3	|1:1	|3:5	|1:1	|1:2.1	|1:1	|1	|0	|1:1	|
|Sigma		|1:1:2::2::2.3	|2:4	|1:1	|0	|1:1	|3:5	|1	|0	|1:0	|
|Kaiser	Sigma	|0:1:2::2::2.3	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|
||		||XB		||FS	||AB	||TF	||TT	||SB	||RS	||GW	||PB	||

.* Must be done above water.

!! Mega Man X4 (MMX4) damage chart

In MMX4, all bosses have 48 HP.

! X

XB: X-Buster a:b:c%%%
a: uncharged, b: partially charged, c: fully charged (upgrades don't matter)

LW: Lightning Web%%%
SB: Soul Body%%%
AL: Aiming Laser%%%
DC: Double Cyclone%%%
RF: Rising Fire%%%
FT: Frost Tower%%%
GH: Ground Hunter%%%
TS: Twin Slasher%%%
Except for Soul Body, first is uncharged, second is charged. 0 means both uncharged and charged do no damage. The bracket for Twin Slasher against Web Spider is the damage when his line is cut.

Against Magma Dragoon, Ride Armor does 1 damage for normal attack and 2 damage for slash or charged attack.

||		||XB		||LW	||SB	||AL	||DC	||RF	||FT	||GH	||TS	||
|Eregion	|1:2:5		|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|
|Web Spider	|1:2:3		|0	|1	|0	|1:2	|1:2	|1:2	|1:2	|2:4(8)	|
|Split Mushroom	|1:2:3		|4:2	|0	|0	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|1:1	|
|Cyber Peacock	|1:2:3		|0	|4	|0	|2:2	|1:2	|0	|0	|0	|
|Storm Owl	|1:2:3		|2:2	|1	|9*:11*	|0	|1:2	|2:2	|0	|1:2	|
|Magma Dragoon	|1:2:3		|2:2	|0	|0	|4	|0	|0	|0	|0	|
|Frost Walrus	|1:2:3		|1:1	|0	|0	|0	|4:5	|0	|1:1	|1:0	|
|Jet Stingray	|1:2:3		|0	|2	|0	|1:2	|0	|4:5	|0	|1:2	|
|Slash Beast	|1:2:3		|1:1	|0	|0	|0	|1:0	|1:0	|4:5	|0	|
||		||XB		||LW	||SB	||AL	||DC	||RF	||FT	||GH	||TS	||
|Colonel	|1:1:2		|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|3:4	|0	|0	|
|Double		|0:0:2		|0	|0	|0	|5:5	|0	|0	|0	|0	|
|General	|1:1:2		|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|3:5	|
|Grim Reaper	|0		|0	|0	|0	|0	|6:4**	|0	|0	|0	|
|Sigma		|1:2:3		|4:4	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|
|Ground Sigma	|0:0:2		|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|2:3	|0	|
|Wall Sigma	|0:1:2		|0	|3	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|0	|

.* Does damage in continuous 1-damage increments%%%
.** Continuous damage

! Zero

ZSG: Z-Saber Ground a:b:c%%%
a: first slash, b: second slash, c: third slash%%%
Unless otherwise specified, first and second slashes do not trigger invincibility.

ZSA: Z-Saber Air a:b%%%
a: without Kuuenzan, b: with Kuuenzan

ZSW: Z-Saber Wall%%%
REJ: Ryuenjin%%%
HRZ: Hyouretsuzan%%%
RJG: Raijingeki%%%
SPG: Shippuuga%%%
RHH: Rakuhouha%%%

Against Magma Dragoon, Ride Armor does 1 damage for normal attack and 2 damage for slash or charged attack.

||		||ZSG		||ZSA	||ZSW	||REJ	||HRZ	||RJG	||SPG	||RHH	||
|Eregion	|-		|5:-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|-	|
|Web Spider	|1:1@:2	|2:3	|2	|3	|2	|0	|4@	|1	|
|Split Mushroom	|1*:1*:2		|3:2	|1	|2	|2	|4	|1	|0	|
|Cyber Peacock	|1:1:3	|3:2	|1	|4	|0	|2	|1	|0	|
|Storm Owl	|1*:1:2**	|2:2**	|2	|1**	|1	|2	|1	|2!	|
|Magma Dragoon	|1*:1*:1		|1:2	|1	|0	|0	|4	|1	|1	|
|Frost Walrus	|2:2:3	|2:3	|2	|5	|0	|1	|1	|1	|
|Jet Stingray	|1*:1*:2		|2:2	|2	|0	|4	|0	|1	|1	|
|Slash Beast 	|1*:1*:2		|1:2	|2	|2	|2	|4	|0	|1	|
||		||ZSG		||ZSA	||ZSW	||REJ	||HRZ	||RJG	||SPG	||RHH	||
|Colonel	|1:1:1	|-:2	|2	|2	|4	|0	|2	|1	|
|Iris		|2:2:3	|-:2	|3	|4	|2	|1	|2	|1	|
|General	|2*:2:4		|-:4	|3	|2	|2	|3	|3	|1	|
|Grim Reaper	|-		|-:0	|0	|6	|0	|-	|-	|0	|
|Sigma		|1*:1:3		|-:3	|1	|0	|2	|3	|1	|4	|
|Ground Sigma	|1*:2*:2		|-:2	|2	|0	|3	|0	|2	|0	|
|Wall Sigma	|-		|-:3	|2	|4	|2	|-	|-	|1	|

.* Does not trigger invincibility.%%%
.** Does not trigger invincibility unless a second hit occurs within about 10 frames.%%%
.! Continuous damage.%%%
.@ Can only be hit when in desperate mode.%%%

!! Mega Man 8

MB: Mega Buster a:b:c%%%
a: uncharged, b: partially charged, c: fully charged (upgrade doesn't matter)

Ba: Mega Ball%%%
TH: Tornado Hold%%%
TC: Thunder Claw%%%
FB: Flash Bomb%%%
IW: Ice Wave%%%
WB: Water Balloon%%%
FS: Flame Sword%%%
HS: Homing Sniper%%%
AC: Astro Crush%%%
RC: Rush Cycle shot%%%
RB: Rush Bomber

For Tornado Hold, first number is for spinner, second is for whirlwind.

Against Tengu Man's miniboss, Auto does 6 damage, Rush does 3, Beat does 8, and Eddie does 6.%%%
Against Ship, Auto does 2 damage, Rush does 2, Beat does 1, and Eddie does 2.

||		||MB		||Ba	||TH	||TC	||FB	||IW	||WB	||FS	||HS	||AC	||RC	||RB	||
|Tengu Man	|2:3:4		|1	|2:1	|1	|1	|6	|1	|2	|1	|0	|1	|2	|
|Clown Man	|1:2:3		|1	|1:4	|1	|1	|1	|1	|1	|1	|0	|1	|2	|
|Grenade Man	|1:2:3		|1	|1:1	|4	|2	|1	|1	|1	|1	|0	|1	|2	|
|Frost Man	|1:2:3		|1	|1:1	|1	|3	|0	|0	|3	|0	|0	|1	|2	|
|		|		|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|Duo(/15)	|1:1:2		|1	|1:1	|1	|1	|1	|-	|-	|-	|-	|1	|-	|
|		|		|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|Aqua Man	|1:1:2		|1	|1:1	|1	|1	|1	|0	|1	|1	|4	|1	|2	|
|Sword Man	|1:1:3		|1	|1:1	|1	|1	|2	|4	|1	|1	|0	|1	|2	|
|Search Man	|1:1:3		|1	|1:1	|1	|1	|1	|1	|4	|1	|0	|1	|2	|
|Astro Man	|1:1:3		|1	|1:1	|1	|2	|1	|1	|1	|3	|0	|1	|1	|
||		||MB		||Ba	||TH	||TC	||FB	||IW	||WB	||FS	||HS	||AC	||RC	||RB	||
|SwMini(/40)	|1:2:3		|3	|1:-	|3	|2	|4	|5	|1	|2	|3	|1	|-	|
|AqMini(/40)	|2:3:4		|4	|2:-	|4	|4	|4	|1	|4	|2	|2	|-	|3	|
|GrMini(/32)	|1:2:3		|3	|1:2	|3	|2	|3	|2	|3	|2	|8	|1	|2	|
|ClMini(/32)	|1:2:3		|3	|1:2	|3	|2	|3	|2	|3	|2	|8	|1	|2	|
|Te(18+12*4)	|2:3:6		|8	|2:1	|4	|1	|4	|4	|1	|4	|18	|-	|-	|
|		|		|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
|Box		|1@:1@:2	|6	|1@:0	|1@	|1	|1	|1@	|1@	|0	|0	|-	|2	|
|Ship		|1:2:2		|1.2	|1:-	|2.3	|1.2	|2	|1	|2.3	|1	|6	|-	|-	|
|Bass		|1:1:2		|1	|1:1	|1	|1	|1	|1	|1	|0	|1	|1	|1	|
|Green Devil	|1:2:3		|1	|1:0	|5	|1	|0	|0	|1	|1	|0	|2	|0	|
|Wily 1		|1:1:2		|2	|0	|1	|1	|1	|2	|2	|0	|2	|1	|0	|
|Wily 2		|1:1:2		|0	|1:0	|0	|2	|0	|1	|2	|0	|0	|0	|0	|
||		||MB		||Ba	||TH	||TC	||FB	||IW	||WB	||FS	||HS	||AC	||RC	||RB	||

.@ Cannot be done without boosting upward with Mega Ball.