Submission #3527: FuzZerd's Genesis S3K: The Challenges in 46:49.22

Sega Genesis
(Submitted: S3K - The Challenges)
(Submitted: S3K - The Challenges.bin unknown)
Submitted by FuzZerd on 4/1/2012 4:43 AM
Submission Comments
s3k - the challenges is a hack of Sonic 3 and Knuckles that lets you select a challenge to complete similar to the level select of Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
  • Gets S ranks in all levels.
  • Aims for fastest time.
  • Abuses programming errors
  • takes damage and loses score to save time, and just for no purpose.
  • One player controls two characters.
This was originally going to be part of an april fools sonic the hedgehog mega pack, but it took me a lot longer to complete then I had planned.
Last Edited by Ilari on 4/9/2012 9:55 PM
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