Submission #7505: Spikestuff's Linux Six Cats Under in 00:41.83
(Link to video)
libTAS 1.4.3
Submitted by Spikestuff on 5/26/2022 2:47:10 AM
Submission Comments
Six Cats Under is a relatively short point-and-click puzzle game where you play as a ghostly old lady who met their unfortunate demise due to her bookshelf falling ontop of her, "reading is more dangerous than I thought".
As this is a unity game the command line "-force-gfx-direct" is requried to boot into the game.
This was TASed originally at 720p before being converted to 4K.
À la Ghost Trick, the Ghostly Old lady influences certain items to make the most influential cat Geoffrey to basically do her requests. Mr Spock and Fredick also assist in these puzzles from weed and smoke. And another life was also lost, the Goldfish known as Goldie without this fish the cats would never be free thanks to their valiant effort they will not be forgotten.
Anyways to keep a short game with a short submission text I'll outline what's done to save the 14 cats.
As the game starts we hold keyboard left to move the camera along before the dialogue is played out, we click 5 times, and then the clock itself to wake up Geoffrey, as Geoffrey wakes the window is opened to let a fly, a lamp is turned on for the fly to land on, the TV is turned on the fan is flipped to face the opposite direction and switched on to drop the catnip for Mr Spock to rip open the chair, the stove is also ignited and lastly a heart is dropped onto the fish food to split that open.
After Geoffrey gets spooked by Pumpkin the toilet is activated, shortly after by the toilet paper, as Geoffrey goes for the tp the toilet is activated again to get past Pumpkin. Geoffrey would then go for the fly and knock over the ball of wool.
As we wait, the TV station is flicked on Baroness' favourite baking show... cake! The fan is readjusted and turned off (technically this wasn't needed to be done, and it could face a single direction then flick back but what's done also doesn't waste time) to be turned back on for later and the tap water is turned on.
The ball of wool arrives after being knocked over by Geoffrey and we influence him once more by knocking it for him to run and attack it, as he runs the TV station is switch to LION SCARY! The squeaky mouse is hit, then the tea towel which clogs up the sink after it is attacked and then the squeaky toy once more. Geoffrey would get wet, run away but that lion on screen makes them run up to the fish bowl.
Goldie is given fish food and the fan is turned o-- AND WHERE'S THE CAMERA GOING?
So as you guessed, input ends here.
In the extended input we see what happens.
Geoffrey will attack Goldie, making them fly into the pan to which Fredick gets a whiff of it thanks to the fan moving the air along, Fredick gets up from their slumber and would knock over a can and launching Goldie onto the doorhandle, and here's the big effort made by Fredick OPENS THE DOOR AND THE CATS ARE FREE!
And yeah, short game when you know what you're doing, that's practically it.

Info Teddy: Claiming for judging.
Info Teddy: This is a pretty short game, so there's not much to optimize and this beats the RTA world record. I'll note that the mouse only moving to its positions when necessary and immediately going back to 0,0 kind of make it hard to follow what's happening, but that's not really a big deal in my opinion. Accepting to Standard.
EZGames69: Processing, AntyMew will be handling the encodes for this one.
Last Edited by EZGames69 on 6/16/2022 11:18 PM
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