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It's working now, Bisqwit. Thanks. Unfortunately, the issue I raised in this thread is still occurring.
Previous Name: boct1584
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On the assumption somebody still cares, I finished my revised run. Unfortunately, the ZMV check-script is still broken.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Okay, I've redone the movie with recording beginning from power with SRAM clear, and I tried to submit it again just now. It's still giving me a "begins from snapshot" error. At this point, I figure it must be because of ZMV differences between 1.42 and 1.51.
Previous Name: boct1584
Post subject: Submission text problem
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I'm trying to do a submission again, and the preview text for the submission is coming out rather badly formatted, even though I'm following all the text guidelines. As an example, this in the text panel...
Run Saber (SNES) beaten in 56087 frames, 15min 34.783sec Run Saber is a pretty blatant ripoff of Strider by Horisoft. It's a fun game, though, and rather more stylistic than Strider, I think. It has one of those dime-a-dozen plots, though; aliens are invading (or have conquered the planet already, the game's opening is not clear on this point,) and the two Run Sabers (genetically enhanced soldiers) are the world's only hope. This TAS uses the male Run Saber, Alow, and beats the game in 15min 34.783sec, delivering the final hit to the final boss at exactly frame 56067. In order of priority, my goals were: *Aims for fastest time **Contains speed/entertainment tradeoffs (boss fights) *Takes no damage *Plays at hardest level *Manipulates luck (enemy positions) Recorded with ZSNES 1.51, primarily at 20% and 25% speed, no special options enabled. All of the stages are the same concept (Get from point A to B, kill or dodge everything in your way,) so I don't see any need to discuss them. Possible future optimizations: *Two players? IMO, this would only help at the last few bosses because of the long invulnerability timer. *Use bombs? Not likely; they take a full five seconds to go off, and you can't do anything during the animation. *Go for pure speed on bosses instead of trying to be entertaining? *Jump from ledges instead of running/sliding off more often? Thanks to: *Dromiceius, for telling me about dashing. *Dyce, for his Run Saber FAQ on GameFAQs
...turns into this in the preview window.
Run Saber (SNES) beaten in 56087 frames, 15min 34.783sec Run Saber is a pretty blatant ripoff of Strider by Horisoft. It's a fun game, though, and rather more stylistic than Strider, I think. It has one of those dime-a-dozen plots, though; aliens are invading (or have conquered the planet already, the game's opening is not clear on this point,) and the two Run Sabers (genetically enhanced soldiers) are the world's only hope. This TAS uses the male Run Saber, Alow, and beats the game in 15min 34.783sec, delivering the final hit to the final boss at exactly frame 56067. In order of priority, my goals were:
  • Aims for fastest time**Contains speed/entertainment tradeoffs (boss fights)
  • Takes no damage *Plays at hardest level *Manipulates luck (enemy positions)
Recorded with ZSNES 1.51, primarily at 20% and 25% speed, no special options enabled. All of the stages are the same concept (Get from point A to B, kill or dodge everything in your way,) so I don't see any need to discuss them. Possible future optimizations:
  • Two players? IMO, this would only help at the last few bosses because of the long invulnerability timer.
  • Use bombs? Not likely; they take a full five seconds to go off, and you can't do anything during the animation.
  • Go for pure speed on bosses instead of trying to be entertaining?
  • Jump from ledges instead of running/sliding off more often?Thanks to:
  • Dromiceius, for telling me about dashing.
  • Dyce, for his Run Saber FAQ on GameFAQs
Is the preview window broken and there's no note of it, or am I doing something wrong?
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A thought I had while I looked over the thread...are there any Game Genie codes to manipulate critical hit chances? If there are, it might be worth asking for special permission to use one, since the purpose would be to redress a bug in the game rather than to cheat.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Okay, while I wait for someone to fix the problem with the ZMV submitting script, I'm re-doing the run; I looked it over and decided that there were too many mistakes. I'm not sure how much time I've saved so far, but I know I've saved some. Right now, I'm in Stage 2 and have just beaten Red Saber.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Okay, I've done some looking around using XVI32, but all I managed to find out for certain was that the start type is NOT stored at hex 24 anymore; it was value 04 every time. I did have a brainstorm, though; I did two 1000-frame, no-input ZMVs of Run Saber, one from power, one from power with SRAM clear, in case someone wants to take a look. I also made a list of where the hex values differ in each of them; there weren't many spots.
Hex 9


Hex D

SRAM :00

Hex 11

SRAM :00

Hex 12

SRAM :00

Hex 27

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I can't see the "dirty SRAM" being any sort of problem, because Run Saber doesn't even use it (SRAM) as far as I'm aware. I'll take a look after work and see what I can do. As for differences in .ZMV format between v1.42 and v1.51, no idea. I'll try playing my Run Saber run in 1.42; if I'm thinking this through right, it working would prove there aren't any.
Previous Name: boct1584
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JXQ wrote:
Is it possible that the ZMV that's trying to be submitted starts from power-on without SRAM clear? That gives 10 instead of 11 at 024x byte 0 and 1, which would fail in this source code, but might still say "starts from power-on" when loading the ZMV file.
That's it exactly. I wasn't aware that Power + SRAM Clear was necessary. Any way I can fix this without redoing the entire movie?
Previous Name: boct1584
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...and everything has not gone as planned. I tried to submit it just now, but the upload script rejected it, saying it begins from a snapshot. My guess is that the script hasn't been updated for ZSNES 1.51. Anyway, I went back and re-fought the last two bosses to try and up the entertainment value, and I also managed to save 800 or so frames. New file: New ending frame is 57516.
Previous Name: boct1584
Post subject: ZMV Submitting Problem
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I've just attempted to submit a ZMV for a TAS submission (Run Saber) but the upload script is rejecting it, saying the movie begins from a snapshot. I know for a fact that it does not ("Record from power-on" has always been checked in my movie options) and I was wondering if perhaps this issue is due to the movie being made with ZSNES 1.51 instead of the 1.42 that the site suggests. Anyway, just wanted to get this out there. (And if ZMVs aren't actually accepted, I haven't seen any indication of that.)
Previous Name: boct1584
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And barring anything major coming up, I'm finished. I'll be submitting it sometime tommorrow if everything goes as planned.
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Mlandry wrote:
Pretty good run up to date... some parts could be a bit more optimized it looks like though such as in stage 3 the wall plants, they stop flashing and you're still in the air... overall since I don't know the game I can't say much about improvements except that some parts look like you could hit the enemies faster or that you could probably save time by taking damage (unless damage sends you flying backwards far or stuns you).
The wall-plants are first on my to-do list if I decide to start over again (or if someone comes up with a suggestion for the Stage 3 boss, I'll just start over from them.) And yes, damage causes some pretty nasty hit-stun (haven't checked on length) and causes you to fall if you're hanging from something.
There is this one part as well in the 1st stage where you are killing enemies that spawn from the wall, the last one takes a few hits and you let her leave and come back to deal the last hit... could it be possible to kill her before letting her go back in the wall? It seemed like you could of had another hit in there if you didn't play it safe and took damage.
The last one takes five hits, and I could only manage to get two each time she popped out. Might be fewer if I could get a sword power-up to spawn before her; I'll look into it.
upthorn wrote:
ZSNES movies aren't accepted by the site, tend to desync for the viewer and even the player, and I think have a few other bugs I can't recall at the moment.
Where does it say the site doesn't accept ZMVs? I looked pretty hard and saw nothing saying so. As for desyncing, it's much less common in v1.51, but it seems to be on a game-by-game basis. Run Saber has given me minimal trouble (I check it after every stage,) while Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers has been a nightmare, mostly during boss fights. ZSNES also has the advantage of not having five or ten different custom versions in addition to the official ones. Also, because I forgot to mention, the bomb attack (X) takes a full five seconds (or 300 frames) to finish going off, and since you can't do anything during, it's just about worthless for TAS purposes.
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Stage 3 finished. This is going rather well. If anyone has suggestions for making the Stage 3 boss a bit more interesting without sacrificing too much speed, I'm all ears.
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Thanks for the heads-up; Filespace is a pretty small site, and it can be kinda wonky. I'll post links too from now on.
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I've redone Stage 1 and gotten through Stage 2; knowing I could dash made a massive difference. Still using the male character (found out from GameFAQs that his name is Alow.) or And since I figure someone's gonna ask, the reason for the high jumps right after minibosses is to avoid doing the pose thing you see at the end of the stages. Last for now, I'm just about convinced that bombs are not worth using; even if they hit hard, they take a LONG time (didn't think to do a framecount; on my to-do list for tonight,) and you can't move until the animation finishes.
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When I started emulating the SNES about eight or nine years ago, I used SNES9X for a while, and (in my opinion) it was not good. ZSNES was, so I switched to that, and I've never had a reason to consider switching back. And if I may ask back, what features and customizations are you talking about? ZSNES seems as full-featured as any emulator I've ever used.
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1. There's a dash? 2. Two players wouldn't speed the game up significantly (if at all) due to considerable inuvlnerability time on the bosses so far, plus coordinating two sets of controls would be a nightmare. 3. I tried bunnyhopping up the wall in your screenshot, and it didn't seem as fast as regular climbing. I'll check it again later. 4. It just didn't occur to me to change the difficulty. I'll have a redone Stage 1 tommorrow.
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Run Saber is a fairly blantant rip-off of Strider by Atlus, but still pretty good for that. It's a pretty stylistic game. I'm working on a TAS of it now, and here's what I've got. (This goes to the end of Stage 1, on normal difficulty, using the male character.) or Recorded using ZSNES 1.51. I'll probably end up redoing Stage 1 at some point due to my discovery that higher jumps result in a momentary pause upon landing, but I think what I've got is pretty good, that notwithstandanding.
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I never thought I'd see a run that was both "Takes no damage" and "Uses death as shortcut" but you pulled it off somehow. Definite yes vote from me.
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Yes, I think so. I timed runs with her and Jason through Stage 1 and I'm sure Deadstick's right about her having better speed, and since everyone's damage is roughly the same, that's a pretty big advantage for a tool-assisted timeattack. She also has the bow in Ranger form, though there haven't been many places I felt it'd be more effective than a jumpkick-to-backflip.
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Another update: I stuck with "Takes no damage" and managed to get that segment of Stage 3 pretty close to optimal. Stage 3 is now finished, with Kimberly posing for beam-out at exactly frame 55784, which translates to 15.495--- minutes, I believe. Here's what I have so far. or Zipped this time, so you don't have to deal with renaming the movie file to match your ROM name. Still using ZSNES 1.51.
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Haven't worked on this in a few weeks (power converter just got fixed), but I made some good progress last night. 1. Kimberly run through Stage 2 is finished without desyncing; she poses for the beam-out at 34,000 frames exactly. It seems as if running back and forth through the boss arena helps keep him from appearing in different spots on playback. 2. Run is currently at Stage 3 Part 2 (new area right after the morph point), and I've hit a bit of a dilemma; specifically, to keep the run as a "Takes no damage" run, or to make it "Takes damage to save time" due to the toxic fume pipes found throughout the remainder of Stage 3. Leaning toward the former, because IIRC this'd be the only place I'd be doing it, plus there are only a few pipes I can brute-force my way past.
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I actually haven't even played it; it's one of those games I heard of, made a mental note to try, and forgot about. Heck, the only reason I remembered it was that I saw this topic. I'll give it a play through myself (after I'm done going through Front Mission 3 again) and see.
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The run is very entertaining, but there's really nothing about it that strikes me as needing to have been tool-assisted, aside from the 2-player sync. (Or did you guys do it via netplay?) I'll vote yes, but I agree with DarkKobold that there's no way this should obsolete the current run.
Previous Name: boct1584