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Thanks for the heads up. Those were my first 10-bit 4:4:4 encodes, and I've updated x264 and my batch file since then. I'll re-encode them.
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Saethori wrote:
As unfortunate as it may be, the mere acceptance of this run proves that rules don't actually matter when a high-profile run is involved.
Sadly, the site has a long history of giving preferential treatment to popular games. This run was claimed for judging within 30 hours of submission, while these other four runs, all submitted earlier, are still unclaimed after 1-3 weeks. Also note that the total combined length of those four is shorter than this one.
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Posts: 1043 wrote:
The WonderSwan are playable both vertically and horizontally
Are there any plans for a hotkey or some other way to rotate the screen and mimic this behavior for games that require it? EDIT: I checked the official Mednafen docs, and this function actually is supported. The default key combo in the rr branch appears to be shift + j.
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Does this not support all of the mappers supported by FCEUX, then?
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Post subject: Re: Top 100 Movies
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Warp wrote:
At least personal top movie lists are not like best guitarists lists, which in all cases consist of Jimi Hendrix at place #1
And which clearly show a lack of historical knowledge, since many Baroque and Classical guitarists were much better than Mr. Hendrix.
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Posts: 1043 collection download 10-bit YUV444 download Here are some potential screenshots for your voting pleasure while I work on the encodes. As always, feel free to suggest your own. EDIT: Expired image link removed.
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creaothceann wrote:
What if none of your plugins are hardware-accurate?
Reject the run due to bad emulation. See the "Play games that are emulated well" section in the rules. Also, this precedent.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Additionally, as I've said before, I believe this to be a special case, because most of the speedrunning community has switched to the (J) ROM. Thus, future improvements are most likely also going to be done on this ROM.
This should have been discussed/debated/fought over before submitting, though, like others have pointed out. As it is, it seems like flagrant rule violation. I'd vote no just because of that, but I'll abstain because I haven't seen the run.
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I've never played this game, but I found your explanation very easy to follow, and the run looks good. I also found it somewhat funny how your friend Rowena hobbles along behind you on what looks like crutches after she dies. Yes vote. I did notice that sometimes you bought the item that costs 5 money pieces from the shop and sometimes the one that costs 200. Were those specific items necessary for the memory manipulation you did?
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No. The number sign (#) at the beginning indicates that it's a comment, so the programs will just ignore those lines.
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I see. You're actually supposed to copy the provided text for those scripts and paste them into text files that you save as script1.avs and script2.avs, or any other names you want to use. Change movie.avi, logo.png, and the subtitle lines as needed for the files you're working with. Then you open those avs files with VirtualDub or pass them as parameters to x264 for the different parts of the encoding process.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Ready for your mind to be blown? Higher stats and character levels aren't there so much for the sake of making your character stronger, they're there to make parts of the map more boring, giving you the inkling feeling that it's time to move on from your starting point and press into new areas of the game.
Can you back this up with evidence? I have always thought they were implemented to slow you down so that you don't rush through the game "too quickly."
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FionordeQuester wrote:
Well, I downloaded all the plugins it told me to download for AVISynth (DeDup-0.17 and msvc_dlls, right?), opened up the Command Prompt window, and tried to execute the first command in the sample script, which I assumed was "DeDup.dll"
What exactly did you type into the Command Prompt? Just "DeDup.dll"?
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It's generated during the Pre-encoding step.
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Post subject: Re: Encoding Tools
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natt wrote:
nanogyth wrote:
Avisynth can't usually open that many files at once
Could you elaborate a bit on this? Is there actually an open files limit for the scripting environment?
The Avisynth wiki points to this thread for more information. It appears to be an OS limit due to how Avisynth uses DLLs.
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You would actually have to calculate what that number comes out to based on the contents of times.txt. It would be easier to write a little program that does the calculation for you. If you make a batch file with this code, it should work for Windows:
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set currdir=%cd%\
for /f %%a in ('find /v /c "" ^<%currdir%%1') do set /a lines=%%a - 1
for /f "skip=%lines%" %%b in (%currdir%%1) do set lasttc=%%b
for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%c in ("%lasttc%") do set /a lasttc=%%c + 1
set /a keyint=10000 * %lines% / %lasttc%
echo %keyint%
To use the batch file, put it into the same directory as times.txt, and run it with times.txt as the only argument:
batchname.bat times.txt
There are some limitations to what this code can do. They arise from the fact that cmd.exe only works with 32-bit signed integers for calculations. First, this means that the times.txt file can have a maximum of 2,147,483,647 lines, which wouldn't be a problem if not for the multiplication by 10,000 later. That multiplication effectively limits the file to 214,748 lines. At 60 fps, this allows a total encode time of at least 59:39.13, with the time increasing as the number of duplicated frames increases. Most of the movies on our site aren't that long, but this is a rough time limit to keep in mind if the code doesn't work. Second, this means that the maximum value of the last timecode is 2,147,483,647. Since the timecodes are in milliseconds, you are limited to a total encode time of just over 596.5 hours. I think that should cover anything on the site except Desert Bus. Sorry, Desert Bus. Third, this means that the denominator does not correspond to the exact last timecode. The third for loop in the code takes the integral part of the last timecode and adds 1. I added that 1 ms to the denominator in order to guarantee that the keyint value calculated by the code will always be less than the exact value. Since we're dealing with the total encode time, and the logo itself should be around 2 seconds long, this is an error of less than 0.05%, and it gets smaller as the movie gets longer.
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HappyLee wrote:
And another thing, I still don't understand why are we delaying the audio while we are encoding to AAC audio. Is it due to bugs of Nero AAC Encoder or something else?
The Nero AAC Encoder is actually delaying the audio. We're removing the delay.
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rasengan0: We have an Encoding Guide that you should look over if you want to produce movies that adhere to site standards. What you described is covered in the Video Dumping section. You might be able to cut down the size if you complete the entire encoding process. The Encoders' corner is a good place to get help with any encoding questions.
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Like the Encoding Guide explains, you want a PAR of 7:6 for NTSC or 5:4 for PAL. It also tells you how to calculate the keyint value in the section about x264 command-line options.
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rasengan0: How did you encode that file?
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Post subject: Re: How do I use scripts used for encoding?
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FionordeQuester wrote:
x264 --sar <PAR> --crf 20 --keyint <keyint> --ref 16 --no-fast-pskip --bframes 16 --b-adapt 2 --direct auto --me umh --merange 64 --subme 10 --trellis 2 --partitions all --input-range pc --range pc --rc-lookahead 250 --no-dct-decimate --tcfile-in times.txt -o video.mp4 in.avi
Assuming you're using Windows, you need to run that in a Command Prompt window. To bring up the Command Prompt, go to Start -> Run and enter cmd.exe. Alternately, press WinKey + R and enter cmd.exe. BTW, those <PAR> and <keyint> arguments that you entered are wrong. Which system are you trying to encode?
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Warp wrote:
Dacicus wrote:
Actually, only the editors of said publications need to censor differing opinions in order to provide the impression that everyone in a field believes whatever theory they personally uphold.
Yeah, and these editors have a secret society where they hold secret meetings to decide what is and isn't currently accepted as the truth, and no person shall ever get an editorial position without being inducted to this secret society. They also employ contract killers to silence any scientists who would publicly complain about editorial bias, so that the dissenting scientists will never form an independent peer-reviewed publication of their own.
They do not need secret societies or contract killers when they can use employment interviews to screen out applicants. There is also the widespread ridicule, like calling dissenting theories
Warp wrote:
pseudoscientific crap[.]
Do you expect that someone with a similar attitude would publish a dissenting article regardless of how methodologically sound it is? Would you? Furthermore, independent peer-reviewed publications do exist, like the Answers Research Journal and CRS Quarterly.
Warp wrote:
Individual scientists can believe whatever they like. That doesn't make it true.
I agree, but I don't limit it to individuals. Even if every scientist in the world agrees about something, that doesn't make it true. Truth isn't defined by popular opinion, scientific opinion, religious opinion, or any other kind of opinion one may invoke.
Warp wrote:
The age and rate of expansion of the universe can be estimated, and it's quite likely that the universe is larger than the observable part of it. There's no reason to believe that all the matter in the universe was confined to the part of the universe that is visible to us. If stars and galaxies have formed here, why shouldn't they form everywhere? The Earth is not in any kind of special position.
Other than those estimates and assumptions, are there any measurements to support the existence of these stars?
Warp wrote:
AFAIK there are over 30000 denominations of Christianity. No two of them interpret the Bible 100% the same. Many of them have wildly different interpretations, even in the most basic core tenets, not just unimportant minutia.
Where did you get that 30,000, and how do you know how "wildly different" the interpretations are? In other words, please provide references for those claims.
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Bisqwit: What do you think is a reasonable approach to copyright law? You've made posts about examples that you think are excessive, but not what you think is appropriate?
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Warp (emphasis added) wrote:
And the hundreds of thousands of astrophysicists around the world, from different countries, cultures and religious backgrounds, are all in a huge world-wide conspiracy to keep quiet about this, and have all decided on the exact same lies, and have all agreed to not to publish research result indicating a young universe, and have successfully pulled off this stunt for over a hundred years.
Actually, only the editors of said publications need to censor differing opinions in order to provide the impression that everyone in a field believes whatever theory they personally uphold. There are astrophysicists who believe in creation, like Dr. Lisle.
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Then how would you explain the order of creation presented in Genesis 2 as compared to Genesis 1?
If you want, you can read this for an in-depth treatment of the topic. I would summarize it, but it's quite technical.
Warp wrote:
And yes, there are other possible explanations, both natural and supernatural, even when assuming it was a true "miracle".
Only one of them is correct, however. BTW, have you guys even agreed on what you mean by species? It's difficult to argue about something if each party is using a different meaning.
Warp wrote:
The most distant stars in our universe are moving away from us faster than c. However, we cannot see them (for that very reason). However, that's an entirely different subject.
Not meaning to get further off topic, but how do we know these stars exist if we can't see them?
Warp wrote:
Nothing forces the exact same changes to happen to the duplicated chromosomes. Different changes can happen to each one. They will start differing more and more until they are effectively not duplicates of each other anylonger. It's very similar to what happens to two species that are separated and isolated, but on the chromosome level instead of a species level.
That explanation doesn't account for why each subsequent generation would acquire the duplicated chromosomes. What type of reproduction are you envisioning?
Warp wrote:
The creationist will, of course, immediately argue that it's a fatal condition and that it's impossible for chromosome duplication to be beneficial.
Do you have any examples of beneficial chromosomal duplication? Something not generated in a lab, ideally, since even cancer can be "beneficial" in a laboratory environment.
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