Posts for Dacicus

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Bisqwit wrote:
Using "y" in a form that gets pronounced "i" (ee) could be considered cheating in the no-vowels challenge.
Why? The challenge was to create a paragraph that doesn't contain vowels, not one that doesn't contain vowel sounds.
mmbossman wrote:
On another note, in the novel The Davinci Code (spare me the lectures on authenticity, please), one of the characters states that English is the perfect language because it is such a conglomeration of other languages, due to it's lack of ties to any church or religion. Interesting.
Wouldn't English actually be the worst language by that reasoning since it has ties to all churches/religions of the languages it incorporates?
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HHS wrote:
Or: Can a nonempty region of physical space be shaped like a two-sided polygon?
Is it even possible to have a two-sided polygon? I thought a polygon needs to be closed.
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This site contains a lot of "word trivia" for people interested.
jimsfriend wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
TESA: A system commonly used in hotels for electronic key cards. (Not that most people would know that.)
Wikipedia redirects 'Tesa' to 'Semen analysis.' What kind of hotels do you stay in?
It's interesting (unusual?) that it redirects to the least relevant page that appears when you actually search for Tesa. Should this be taken to indicate anything about the people who run Wikipedia? ;)
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Post subject: Re: A Public Message to Deign
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GashouseGorilla wrote:
Because it's basically saying that they're in fact really sucky
I seem to be the only one who agrees with this to some degree. Sure, games can be fun even if they have glitches, as long as the glitches don't destroy the gameplay, and glitch abuse can allow the creation of some entertaining movies. However, if I start thinking about the oversights the programmers/designers/whoever made that allow the glitches to happen, the game does lose some respect from me.
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Boco wrote:
The Mosaic code defines four sexes
Boco wrote:
The ressurection will occur on this Earth
It's not this earth, it's a new one, as the passage you posted says.
Boco wrote:
No. Animals do not possess the correct kind of soul.
Since you're using that passage from Isaiah to indicate what will happen after the Resurrection, and it largely consists of changed animal behaviors, aren't you contradicting yourself?
Boco wrote:
Lesbianism has never been restricted and this is intentional.
What leads you to say this? The Genesis passage that I posted above shows that God made men and women specifically for each other. This is reinforced by what Jesus said:
Mark 10:6 wrote:
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
Any other combinations are contrary to God's will.
nfq wrote:
A soul does not have a gender
When I said "male and female souls," I meant the souls of males and females.
nfq wrote:
Do you think you are a man just because you're currently wearing a man's body?
I never said that. By the way, this seems to contradict your previous sentence. If it's not the soul or the body that differentiates between men and women, what is it?
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Baxter wrote:
How about if you were married, will you still be married in afterlife, or be together?
According to Matthew 22:23-30, people will not still be married in Heaven.
Baxter wrote:
If heaven means complete happyness, then wouldn't that for some people also mean being able to meet their pets again?
It seems like you're assuming that "complete happiness" in Heaven would be whatever people living now on earth would consider "complete happiness," which I do not necessarily think is the case. I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that the defining characteristic of Heaven is being in the presence of God:
Revelation 21:3-4 wrote:
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
As those verses indicate, being in the presence of God will more than offset any possible sorrow due to family members, friends, or pets who will not be there. As far as animals going to heaven, I'm not sure about that. I'll look into it some more.
Baxter wrote:
If you answer yes to this last question, then do you eat meat, and can you justify that for yourself?
God gave Noah and his sons permission to eat meat after the Flood (Genesis 9:1-4).
Baxter wrote:
Also, in most religions, being gay is considered a sin. But if the souls of men and women are the same, then wouldn't it be the same for two men or two women to fall in love, just like a man and a women? In afterlife you wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway, if the quote from Bisqwit is true.
God defined marriage as between one man and one woman in Genesis 2:18-24. Furthermore, God made it clear that homosexuality is a sin through passages such as Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, and Romans 1:26-27. Since people won't be married in the afterlife, I don't think an "equality of souls" argument is appropriate. I'd actually like to know what passage Bisqwit was referring to when he answered that question about the souls. The closest I can find is Galatians 3:26-28. I wouldn't be too comfortable using just that passage to prove that male and female souls are completely the same, since the point of it is that Jesus' sacrifice applies to all types of people, even those who might be seen as inferior by others. What is clear, however, is that both male and female souls are alike in that they can be saved.
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erokky wrote:
"Do you believe in god?" is a loaded question, because it asserts the existence of a god regardless of the answer.
Why do you say that, and how would you phrase it so it doesn't assert that?
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Dear Bisqwit, Do you think that the national football team of Finland will qualify for Euro 2008? Maybe a better question might be: Do you follow football or any other sport?
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Shooting the dog in Duck Hunt
Anon wrote:
Punch-Out: The Movie trailer This is quite possibly one of the greatest things pertaining to video gaming that I have ever seen.
I second that.
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Inzult and xebra: Thanks for the explanation about the textbooks. Too bad there isn't some way to get such good resolution without compromising the readability. That part about being able to erase the ink might provide some fun after I've graduated and don't need the books any longer.
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Post subject: Re: Textbooks
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Blublu wrote:
Do you mean like magazines, or am I misunderstanding?
I mean textbooks that I buy for my classes in school. I don't read magazines much, but the paper is similar to that used for magazines. It might not be quite as reflective as magazine paper, though.
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This may seem like a trivial question, but I've seriously wondered about it many times. The pages and ink used in many of my textbooks have some weird reflective properties that basically make them unreadable if the light source is within a certain distance or at a certain angle to the book. This is quite inconvenient, as you may imagine. Does anyone know why such paper and ink is used? EDIT: BTW, there's already a religion topic.
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Ramzi: My statement was restricted only to this bickering about the definition of what constitutes 100%. Yes, someone who has beaten levels 1-5 has completed more of the game than someone who has just gotten the wooden sword.
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4matsy wrote:
Depends. One rupee is required for the Ganon-killing arrow, but then he could just go back a couple rooms and kill an enemy to get it...<_<
Yeah, I overlooked that, so 254 would suffice.
Phil wrote:
In zelda, it's collecting items. Hearts, rupees etc.. aren't items. Though, heart container is discutable.
The designers of LoZ didn't include any sort of in-game counter to show progress, so we might as well stop arguing about what constitutes 100%. It's clear that we won't convince each other.
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Phil wrote:
The latest one will be definitely boring.
It might be boring for you, but I would be interested to see the fastest route that accomplishes that.
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Don't you mean 255 rupees?
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
I think a sidequest is only truly a sidequest when the result is just some pointless collectible item that doesn't make the main adventure any easier or harder for you, it's only added in to increase the gameplay length.
By that definition, getting all of the heart containers in the Zelda games is not a sidequest. I disagree, since having all of the hearts is not essential to completing the game.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
But why do you want to differentiate between side quests and the main adventure? They all make the game.
I judge linearity by how much freedom the player has in completing the main adventure. Side quests are not essential to beating the game, so I ignore them in that respect.
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I agree with the examples of LoZ and the MM series, and I'm quite sad to see where the Zelda series has been going in this respect. Sure, there was the possibility of not knowing what to do next, but that very thing made it so much more rewarding when you finally did figure it out. Now, it seems like the "helpers" in the Zelda games bug you about going to the next dungeon every five minutes. I find that this interferes considerably with side quests that the games may have, and I don't even consider myself a large fan of side quests.
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Sure it's a good example, but the best one I can think of is: The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask. That game was nonlinear in almost every way possible, and this makes it really interesting for route planning and sequence breaking.
LoZ was more nonlinear than MM. The fact that there are sequence breaks in the latter game attests to this.
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No, no, it would be a general topic, hence the X (like a variable).
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I thought about making a topic called "Ask X" in order to stop the copycats, but there is that problem you mentioned (assuming people would actually stop making individual topics).
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You guys might already know about this, but Megabot is a game quite similar to Mega Man. I find it quite hard.
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upthorn wrote:
No, because there is a place in the rules where it says that a TAS of the game must be entertaining. The OoT run entertained many, while the SC2 one did not.
That's because many people hadn't ever played SC2, so they didn't know the planning behind the movie. If you would ignore the people who shouldn't have voted because they didn't know the game (which I think would be a logical rule to add), there wouldn't have been so many unfavorable votes or comments.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
The general public weren't screaming for a SC2 run were they? Were they screaming for a OOT run? No, they were demanding it.
I don't see anywhere in the site rules where it says popular demand should be a factor in determining whether a movie gets accepted or not. If we would actually have followed the rules, the OoT run should have been rejected and the SC2 one accepted.
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Raiscan wrote:
Has a JXQ voiceover commentary
That shouldn't matter for voting purposes, as it's not a real part of the game.
Raiscan wrote:
Was the first of its kind
By that reasoning, why was Bisqwit's SC2 rejected?
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