Posts for Dacicus

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GuanoBowl must still be very busy.
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hippo wrote:
everytime I try to input a colon it makes a semi-colon
The same thing happened to me. It should work if you press Shift one frame earlier than the colon, instead of at the same time.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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I started making a movie of the PC Mega Man, and I've discovered a possible bug. The game goes way too quickly at the default 3000 cycles, but I think it goes at a reasonable speed at 750 cycles (I only tried multiples of 250). Unfortunately, the playback seems to be at 3000 cycles, even though I recorded it at 750. Is this due to some configuration settings? I can post my dosbox.conf, if necessary. Oh, yeah, this happened with the alpha3 version. EDIT: Here's the config file.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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Keyboard layout (for systems used on this site): Up = Up Left = Left Right = Right Down = Down A = B S = A D = Select F = Start Q = C-up/Y(/autofire B, but I don't generally use it) W = C-left/X(/autofire A, but I don't generally use it) E = C-right R = C-down Z = Z X = Left trigger C = Right trigger Hotkeys: Shift + F# = Save to slot # (or # - 1 for some emulators) F# = Load slot # (or # - 1 for some emulators) Enter = Pause Space = Frame advance . and , = Show input and frame number. I'm not sure if I have these consistently mapped, but I generally have them both on or both off, so it doesn't really matter. + = Increase speed - = Decrease speed Tab = Fast forward My save state use is horrible. I don't really have designated states for certain spots. Instead, I sort of cycle through states 1-5 as I progress in a level, usually in places that require frame advance. It would probably help if I wrote down important frame numbers, but I don't.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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AKA wrote:
Don't you actually need the original disks/CD's to be able to play stuff on DOSbox.
You need to have the game installed on your computer. Not all DOS games had the requirement of the disk/CD being in the drive to play them. The installation process could be quite sensitive to settings, though.
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Those "edutainment" games were actually pretty interesting. IDK if they'd make good TASes, though :(. Another idea: Oxyd series
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Mega Man Mega Man 3 Jetpack Jetpack: Christmas Edition
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
But you haven't even seen the trailers yet! Trailer 1 Trailer 2 Trailer 3
The first one was interesting, but the other two seemed to be compilations of scenes from different movies. Maybe I just didn't recognize the source material of the first one...
AKA wrote:
In terms on Game to Movie I'd have to go with Resident Evil, even though it didn't have to much resemblece to the original game
Doesn't it take place in some other facility than the house in the first game? At least, that's what I've read. Or were you talking about other departures from the game(s)?
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Chamale wrote:
Level 5 is an exception, where it is possible to abuse temporary invincibility to go through a door.
That's easily dealt with: Don't have any temporary invincibility, even when the player gets hurt. For example, Wizards & Warriors X has the enemies "drain" you of life whenever they contact you. You can literally get killed by one enemy if it touches you for maybe one second continuously. You don't get knocked back or anything like that when you get hurt, either. Sure, this is horribly annoying for normal play, but it would prevent the damage boosts that are in quite a few TASes.
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My favorite for TASing and playing is FCEU, mostly due to the simple menus. The tools available in VBA are probably great, but I don't use them very much; the only thing I really have against it is that the movie recording and playback options aren't in the File menu. I guess that's an effect of using FCEU first. I've used Mupen64 and Project64 quite a bit, mostly for playing OoT and MM. I don't really have a preference between them at this point, but N64 emulation still has some ways to go.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
You probably wrote it wrong, like I did. I believe the correct form is "Ghosts'n Goblins", not "Ghosts 'n Goblins".
I wrote it "Ghosts n Goblins," and it accepted that. There are clearly some parsing issues with that quiz.
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1325 points. Yes, I used quite a few hints. I'm apparently a Nintendo Noob. I found it weird that it had Ninja Gaiden on the last level. Isn't it more well-known?
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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Wizards & Warriors III in about 44:43 I mess up quite a bit, forgetting how many keys I need or where to go next. Nonetheless, I manage to pull off almost all the sequence breaks used in the TAS. I'm not sure why I got the first-level wizard costume before getting the knight one, since making that bee hive thing disappear is one of the easier glitches. What surprised me was that I actually got the trick to work that allowed me to get to the third thieves' guild early; I usually give up due to repeated failures in a normal playthrough. I also found my variety of "deaths" in the third thief test quite funny. I just about exhausted every way to "die" due to those knives and arrows at the beginning.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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The bios file needs to be named disksys.rom.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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I think you just need to put it in the same directory as the FCEU executable.
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Saturn wrote:
I picked W. Germany because they have the best tackle power of all teams (you surely noticed that the Italian players got knocked down pretty soon, which weakened their defense and helped me alot to make the last goals during the match).
From the little research I've done into the subject (mostly using the Cheats search), I think all the teams have the same tackling power. Slides do 3 points of damage and tackles usually do 9. Most of the teams have different HP, though, with W. Germany having the most.
Saturn wrote:
The 2 self-goals my cousin did were because he tried to cheat so that they will count as goals against me. There is a chance to do so even by shooting in his own gate, but it is very hard and risky, thats why he failed there.
That's really interesting. I've never seen that happen. Does it only happen in versus matches, or have you had it happen during the tournament? I watched the second match, and it was hilarious with everyone sliding around when tackling or tackled. Too bad you can't choose the field type before normal matches without going through all the trouble of playing a versus match.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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Saturn wrote:
And here the classical Nintendo World Cup: 2 very high quality VS matches on special surfaces
I just finished watching the first one, and it was great. You're really good at getting those super kicks in with W. Germany. I find it hard to do that, so I don't really like playing with them. BTW, why did your cousin do those two own goals?
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
Post subject: My Contribution
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Here's me beating Argentina and W. Germany in Nintendo World Cup (about 30 minutes total). You'll notice that I missed quite a few shots or got tackled near the bottom right corner of the screen. I was trying to get the opposing GK out of the box so that I could tackle him. It's possible to knock out the GK that way, but it would probably take an entire half with re-records for the positioning to work out correctly against those later teams.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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JXQ wrote:
Tub: You play Zelda for its story?
What's wrong with that? Sadly (?), I have become rather disappointed with the series for various reasons, so I'm mostly following it now to find out the timeline. I remember when the OoT2D project was started with Game Maker. There was at least one demo where you could walk around an area, but there weren't any usable items that I can remember. I don't think it's a hoax, but I wouldn't be surprised if it took a while to actually be released.
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Mukki wrote:
Best fist-fights that never were; i'm torn between; Angerfist vs. Phil
Should there really be any doubt about that one? Emphasis added by me, btw.
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I agree with JXQ's points, but it's really not so easy to encode movies. I've tried a few times and failed spectacularly. From reading the documentation of mplayer/mencoder, I get the impression that you should know [a lot] about audio and video formats and compression, which I do not.
asteron wrote:
The aspect that I currently do not know how to accomplish is the inserting of logo/subtitle and the wiki does not address that at all. I know there are many ways but providing a single way would be beneficial.
I ran into the same issue in my many failed encoding attempts, so I finally decided upon probably the most time-consuming method of making a logo. Namely, I made a ROM that gave the necessary info (I hope). It's for the NES, and it just says, "This is a tool-assisted emulator movie. See for more information." The text color is supposed to be yellow, but it shows up as a sickly green for some reason. Anyway, if you want it, I could upload it somewhere.
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It seems like the fire alarm pulling has just started here. There really weren't many problems during the school year, but there have been two alarms in two or three days during this finals period. One of them was at around 2:30 A.M. today, which was very annoying and somewhat confusing when I woke up. Hopefully that'll be the last of them...
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comicalflop wrote:
iron gauntlets
comicalflop wrote:
iron guantlets
Ahem... GANNON-BAN. You should be glad you got off with only one: Not only did you call them the wrong name, but you even misspelled it.
comicalflop wrote:
for skippable stuff in Spirit temple, I vaguely remember at some point on youtube seeing a vid of bomb staircasing and somehow bypassing the huge grey block that needs the iron gauntlets to enter the adult section...
I think I know the video you remember. It was by Acryte, iirc, and he did it as an adult. I'm not sure if it's possible as a child. I'll try to find it, if it's still up. EDIT: Is it this video? The trick was discovered by Kazooie. You apparently need the hover boots, so it's an adult-only trick.
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With ROM hacking tools like Zelda Edit available, I wonder how long it'll be before we see an OoT hack with Arwings in some areas.
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Very nice movie. Yes vote. I had disabled sound the first time I started watching it, so it was going at some ridiculously fast speed. That was surprising, to say the least.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.