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To all the people asking for AVIs: The latest one was on page 42. I'll make them based on the segments on mwl's wiki, unless there's some reason not to, so the next one will be after the child portion is complete.
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AKA wrote:
I'm a little bit embassed to say this but how do you resume recording
Did you check the FAQ? In most cases, you make a savestate and then load it after you pass the point while playing back the movie. Make sure it's not on read-only playback, though. So, if I make any more AVIs, should I force it to encode at some other FPS? I mean, if the game runs at 20 FPS, but the menu at 60, wouldn't it still be wrong for one or the other regardless what settings I used?
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nitsuja wrote:
I hope the codec figured out that the game actually runs at 20 fps nearly all of the time, and doesn't give media players the impression that they need to update at 60 fps to keep up.
I'm not sure if it did. Here's a small part of the output when I load the movie in mplayer (emphasis added): VIDEO: [h264] 640x480 24bpp 60.000 fps 301.4 kbps (36.8 kbyte/s) Yet another problem :(. I should stop making the AVIs.
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The ground jump is only used in the Sacred Forest Meadow, like in that video mwl linked. At least, that's the only place I can see in the Wiki route.
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Post subject: Updated segment 1 AVI is now here!!!
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Okay, here's the AVI of the updated first segment. BTW, what's the point of getting bombs? Aren't bombchu(s) faster?
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Tub wrote:
The Publisher Guidelines mention that the TAS-disclaimer should be positioned during gameplay, so it'll stay in the video even if someone cuts the intro off.
Foiled again :(. Anyway, I'll upload the video in about half an hour, after I finish watching it.
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Do you have ffdshow or some other version of the codecs mentioned here?
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Can you post the exact message from MPC?
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Well, I've found out how to add the disclaimer. Thanks to everyone who helped with that. If anyone wants to download a 30-second clip and tell me if the disclaimer should say anything else, feel free to do so here. I'm planning to encode the full "segment 1" overnight and upload it tomorrow morning, if it's done by then.
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Tub wrote:
I don't know either, but you might find some hints on this page:
There aren't any instructions for making AVIs from Mupen64 there. While I assume they would be similar to the other instructions, it appears that I'm missing subfont.ttf and that the fps of the logo seems to be emulator-specific. Does anyone know anything about those? I'll probably be able to do the encoding overnight tonight at the earliest, assuming I find/get info about making the disclaimer by then, so it looks like the AVI won't be up until tomorrow morning.
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mwl wrote:
Someone should make an AVI of segment 1. To make it easy for whoever's converting, segment 1 will be defined as everything between frame 1 (0'00.0") and frame 124110 (34'28.5"), inclusive.
I'll work on this. It'll be uploaded somewhere by tomorrow afternoon (Eastern time) at the earliest. BTW, there was a bit of trouble last time since I didn't put some sort of disclaimer in the video saying it was done with emulator assistance, etc. Unfortunately, I still have no idea how to do this...
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Wow, the US somehow tied Italy. Looks like it's up to Ghana to get the job done.
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I'm glad that Ecuador won, but I'm sad that T&T lost, since I want them to advance. Guess I'll have to go against all of you guys from Sweden and hope England and T&T both win their next games by a large enough margin so that T&T can still advance. The only game I care much about tomorrow is Netherlands - Côte d'Ivoire. I've already commented on that, though.
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Tunisia tied, so not all of the African teams lost.
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Ersatz wrote:
Can we get an AVI of the WIP so far?
I'll make one this weekend if no one else does, assuming I have time.
Kyrsimys wrote:
I also agree that it's good to have a first version published on the site so others will get a stronger motivation to improve it.
But aren't the published movies supposed to be as near-perfect as possible (depending on the individual goals, of course).
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TNSe wrote:
Sweden had a period where it was fun to watch, but T/T did their best to keep it a dull fight >_<
Surely you jest. I thought it was entertaining, and I only caught a few minutes of video (mostly read the Matchcast). The fact that no team scored makes the group more interesting. I mean, who seriously expected anything other than a loss for T&T? Maybe they'll be like Senegal was in 2002. /me hopes for T&T > England
Shakespeare wrote:
Guess how many Goals brasil will do. My Guess is 8
I don't think you should underestimate the Croatians. While I don't think it very likely that they will win, they're not newcomers to the tournament. Therefore, I don't have any predictions for the score. My other hopes, though probably unlikely: Côte d'Ivoire > Netherlands (For keeping Romania from reaching the tournament) Ghana > USA (I have a habit of rooting against the team from where I'm living) Ghana > Czech Republic (See Netherlands) Togo > France Togo > Korea Republic Okay, so I guess I'm somewhat biased toward African teams.
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I don't think that was checked for this test run. It supposedly slows down the game a lot. For the final TAS, though, it should be checked.
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There is absolutely no way to correlate the amount of input data with the length of the movie, because the N64 may check input many times in 1 frame or it may not check any input at all for a large number of frames, or anything in-between.
I think this makes it quite hard to hex edit the movies. While you could preserve the button presses by hex editing, you wouldn't necessarily know for sure that the emulator is checking the input at the same time as in the original file, so it could easily desync.
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Sounds like it's night, or you've already triggered the fleeing scene. Hopefully not the latter. EDIT: If you're using the same file as that one you uploaded earlier, I'm guessing it's night. The sun probably went down as you were doing the seam walk and getting to the castle, since you only had a short amount of daytime left on that save state.
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mwl wrote:
Which codec does it use?
H.264 via the x264 library
Acryte wrote:
Has anyone tested to see if the cutscene appears if you drop down from the gauntlets room or if it is soley a cutscene that triggers from exiting through that entrance?
I think I went through the child portion before getting the Requiem when the child early trick was just discovered, and the cutscene did not appear. I'll try it again now, as I have a save state somewhere in the temple. EDIT: Well, I tried it again, and the cutscene didn't roll. You need to go in and out the front entrance to get the Requiem.
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Okay, guys, here's an AVI of the WIP up through getting the Silver Gauntlets (and then desynching :( ). I recommend watching it with VLC, as the audio and video will be horribly out of synch otherwise. I think that the encoding process made them somewhat out of synch even in VLC, but it's nowhere near as bad as what I experienced in WMP.
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I am aware of the direction. Why do you need to go to Goron City at all, though?
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AKA wrote:
The sollution is simple MWL, since this is a TAS you can do bomchu bowling which would be faster than going into the well anyway.
Didn't we determine that you need the bomb bag before bombchu bowling opens? I'm pretty sure that that was the conclusion reached in the SDA topic.
mwl wrote:
5. Lost Woods - Open warp to Goron City
I must be forgetting something, but why do you need to do that? Getting the Silver Gauntlets automatically gives you the ability to pick up bombs, right? EDIT: With DeHackEd's help, I was able to make an AVI file of the WIP on page 14 (gets the silver gauntlets). I hope to be able to upload it late tomorrow or sometime on Friday, since it's about 90 MiB and I'm currently on dial-up.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
It turned out the owl took off in a different direction after the conversation
It's interesting that the owl can take different routes. Did you notice any one of them to be faster than the other?
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
However, after the cutscene where Nabooru got taken away, Link sidejumped off the building, but he didn't die, merely slipping down safely, swinging his sword, inspecting a patch of soil, and playing around on the menu, so that didn't get me much further.
Oh, was he supposed to die at that part? I guess it messed up on my computer, then, since I got the same result as Bag of Magic Food. I'm talking about the previous WIP (page 14), BTW, as I haven't had a chance to play back the latest one. EDIT: I just tested it, and I get the same no-death behavior with the latest WIP.
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AKA wrote:
I loaded the V64 file and it starts off like a speed run until Guamo gets the sword and then he messes about and dies. After that its just him messing about in Kokiri.
I think I had a similar problem when I tried to watch a previous WIP. It might have been caused by enabling "Copy framebuffer to RDRAM," since all of the other settings were correct afaict. The owl talks haven't been a problem for me, though.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.