Posts for Dacicus

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despoa wrote:
Famtasia emulates Bubble Bobble with a terribly annoying beeping sound that constantly happens while the music plays.
The problem is with the triangle wave, IIRC. You could potentially disable it when dumping the movie, but you might want to check with publishers if that's an acceptable workaround.
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Samsara wrote:
If you're unfamiliar with MTPO fight patterns, you'd have no idea they were different in Phred's. There's almost no way to find an MTPO hack unique as a casual viewer, and that can and probably already does apply to a lot of other games as well.
Maybe I don't understand what you mean by fight patterns, but most, if not all, of the enemy moves that I saw in this run were already present in the original MTPO. The fights that stood out to me were the King Hippo and Mike Tyson variants, which may have been because Little Mac took damage. For me to find an MTPO hack entertaining, it will probably have to make significant changes to the base game that do not allow you to defeat each enemy in 30 seconds. Possible examples:
  • Get rid of the star mechanic.
  • Give the enemies new moves that the player cannot manipulate away.
  • Allow Little Mac to move around the ring, like people do in actual boxing.
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NxCy wrote:
Hence a(n,p) = (p+1)*F(n-p-1) for p < n-1.
I believe that there are errors in the derivation of this formula. If you take n = 5 and p = 1, for example, it yields a(5, 1) = 2 * F(3) = 4. But that Wikipedia link shows that a(5, 1) should be 5.
NxCy wrote:
Since order matters, there are (p+1) choices for the locations of the 1s.
Is this true if n-p has more than one composition that does NOT contain any 1s?
NxCy wrote:
This does include the rhythm containing only rests (i.e. silence). If you don't count that I get 1256.
Please do include the rhythm that contains only rests.
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Without having played the hack to know what was changed from the original MTPO, the rapidity with which you defeat the opponents makes it seem like this is primarily a graphics hack, which makes me vote no. I assume that it is not just a graphics hack, but it's hard to tell otherwise from what appears in the run.
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NxCy wrote:
Are two rhythms distinct if they're related by a shift/delay in time? For example, if I have quarter notes on beats 1 and 3 (rests on 2 and 4), is that distinct from having quarter notes on beats 2 and 4 (rests on 1 and 3)?
Yes, those are distinct.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Just for clarification: Is a tie between two eighth notes equivalent to a quarter note, or are they distinct? (similarly for other ties of two or more notes)
They are equivalent.
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Here is a counting exercise that requires some basic musical knowledge*: How many distinct rhythms are possible in one measure of 4/4 time if you are limited to using whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes or rests and any number of ties among them? The rhythm must be contained entirely within the measure, so ties across bar lines are not allowed. * There are numerous music theory tutorials online for those who do not know what the terms mean but want to learn.
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I did this via calculus but would like to see the geometric solution. It may be helpful to note that x2+4x+13 = (x+2)2+9 and x2-8x+41 = (x-4)2+25. Take the first derivative of f(x) to get f'(x) = 2(x+2)/sqrt((x+2)2+9) + 2(x-4)/sqrt((x-4)2+25). Now we need to find x such that f'(x) = 0. This is determined by the numerator of the fraction sum, leading to the equation (x+2) sqrt((x-4)2+25) + (x-4) sqrt((x+2)2+9) = 0. Move one of the products to the other side of the equation and square both sides to get (x+2)2 ((x-4)2+25) = (x-4)2 ((x+2)2+9), which simplifies to 25 (x+2)2 = 9 (x-4)2. The solutions to that equation are x = 0.25 and x = -11, but only the former satisfies f'(x) = 0. So the minimum of f(x) is f(0.25) = 10.
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1. Does this happen with all N64 ROMs? 2. Which display settings did you try, specifically? 3. What are your computer's specs? 4. Did the other ROMs (I assume you mean other than N64) work?
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I've made a Windows batch script with similar functionality. It uses the CertUtil command-line program that is included with Windows (at least Win7 and later). The lines containing pause are necessary in order to prevent the window from closing if you're using drag-and-drop. Unfortunately, this means that you'll need to press a key to terminate the script if you run it from the command prompt and redirect the output (e.g., to a file). Download hash_dir.bat
Language: batch

@echo off setlocal enableextensions if [%1]==[] goto synerr if not exist %1 goto nofile call :isdir %~a1 if [%_is_dir%]==[F] call :procfile "%~f1" if [%_is_dir%]==[T] call :procdir "%~f1" goto:eof :synerr echo. echo Calculates MD5 hash for the input file(s) using Windows's CertUtil command. echo. echo USAGE: %~nx0 ^<input^> echo ^<input^> File or directory for which to generate hashes. If directory, echo processes all contained files and subdirectories. echo. goto:eof :nofile echo. echo ERROR: %1 does not exist. goto:eof :isdir set _is_dir= set _attr=%1 if [%_attr:~0,1%]==[d] ( set _is_dir=T ) else ( set _is_dir=F ) goto:eof :procfile set _hash= set _fname="%~f1" set _fname=%_fname:^^=^% for /f "delims=" %%A in ('CertUtil -hashfile %_fname% MD5 ^| find /i /v "md5" ^| find /i /v "certutil"') do set "_hash=%%A" echo %_hash: =% %_fname% if [%_is_dir%]==[F] pause goto:eof :procdir for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /a-d /b /s "%~f1"') do call :procfile "%%~fA" pause goto:eof
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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EZGames69 wrote:
CasualPokePlayer wrote:
Samsara wrote:
Alyosha wrote:
Memory wrote:
C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! I still think that the DOS version makes a better game choice.
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You can store subtitle information in the movie file. See here.
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Don't some codecs have restrictions on the resolution values, such as requiring them to be multiples of two or four? What happens when these calculations produce an odd number?
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Wow, so they deleted all of the "old" nick and channel registrations? With only 2.5 hours of warning?
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Very nice! Yes vote.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
I just couldn't figure out how to not take damage [...] They don't lose time in the end
Got it. Voting yes.
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Looks good. It wasn't obvious to me when lag occurred after landing. Is it faster to take damage rather than avoid it at 3:12 and 4:14?
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What game is it? If there are multiple cores for the system, which core are you using?
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For me, the short length of the run offset the frequent interruptions for death animations, so I'm voting Yes. What happens after the slow level, though? Does it stay slow, or does it speed back up again?
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I'll cancel this due to the sync issues and make a new thread for discussion of a run on a more stable system. I'm not quite sure which forum to put it in, though, since this game has been ported so much. Maybe Other Games as a start and take it from there?
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fsvgm777 wrote:
The TAS desyncs for me, but I'm not quite sure why.
Looking at the screenshot, there must be some difference with the timing. ne and drop rod should be two different commands, but the Enter keypress gets eaten up? Same thing with sw and blast at the end, I assume. This is rather unfortunate. I don't recall ever seeing that mismatch error.
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Nice improvements. Yes vote.
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Which emulator are you using? What exactly do you mean when you say the tas tool and tas window?
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315 seems to be the most common code for 2160p60 when running youtube-dl -F on several recent publications, but there was at least one that also had 401.
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Nice improvements. Yes vote. According to several sources, at least one version of this game was available as a PC booter, which means that it can run from a floppy without need for an operating system. IDK if JPC-RR emulates that, but it might save some of the loading time by eliminating the need for FreeDOS.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.