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Whoa, that video really was chaotic. You had some goals that weren't in my video, but that I thought about doing, such as the one in which one of your players or an opposing player tackles the person with the ball, only to unintentionally score a goal. I might allow some of my players to take some hits in the second half in order to get that to work, since it seems nearly impossible to get an opposing player other than the goalkeeper in the proper position for that to work when I slide. I also like how you just ran the ball past everyone and into the goal a few times. Unfortunately, running any length of distance with the ball but without getting tackled in the final match is pretty hard, so I had to settle for a short run (goal #4 in my video).
Dromiceius wrote:
Goalies have trouble passing short-range when they're outside of their net. If you tell your goalie to pass to you when you're standing right behind him, he may very well hit himself in the face with the ball.
I think goalkeepers have some bonus strength to their kicks just because of their positions, so the passes will sometimes hurt people (including themselves) if they receive them too quickly. I used that property to get one of the opposing players hurt during the play leading up to the last goal. Actually, the player would have intercepted that pass without any trouble had I not pressed the pass button multiple times, so that might affect the strength of the goalkeeper's kick.
Dromiceius wrote:
On the options screen, setting your teammates to "pass" instead of "dribble" puts the control in the hands of the computer, and reduces your own capacity to be random.
I understand what you're trying to say, but I somewhat disagree. If you have it set to "dribble," you have to tell your teammates to pass for every single pass. That's not necessarily bad, but they always pass to you when you tell them to. As far as I know, you can't tell them to pass to each other. I see this as more of a limiting factor in the types of goals I can score, since automatic passes between my teammates could allow me to get into position without having to worry about them getting tackled.
Dromiceius wrote:
If you have the ball, and your characte is at full HP ... only to hurt themselves.
That probably results from the fact that the first teams have less total HP than your team does. I haven't ever had that happen on the final match, which is the only one I'm recording in this movie. If it is because of the total HP, then it probably won't work, since the final team has more HP than you do.
Dromiceius wrote:
There's one trick I never managed to reproduce: ...
That's very weird. I'm not sure how useful it would be in my video, though, unless it allows some really unusual goal to be scored. Did you by any chance look on the map to see where the computer thought your player was? Or did you try to have one of your teammates pass to you when you were gone?
Dromiceius wrote:
When your own goalie is out of the net, you can hit him with a superkick. This will cause the enemy goalie to FLY INTO THE AIR as if he had been on the receiving end.
That it could lead up to an interesting goal. It doesn't always work, though. I've had cases in which I did a super kick and hurt my own goalkeeper who was out of the net at the time.
Dromiceius wrote:
Passes where the ball is airborne.
Why are these bad?
Dromiceius wrote:
Catching the ball with your chest. It's a vulnerability ...
That's true, but it's not really an issue in a TAS situation. You can always re-record if you get tackled. Somewhat related to this is the possibility of doing a super kick off of a standing header. The opposing teams are able to do this later in the game, and I've also tried to get it to work. I'm not sure if it's possible, though, since I failed every time. I think it might be related to what the computer considers a "step" leading up to a super kick. If a standing header cancels out whatever step count you had, then it wouldn't work. That seems to be the case so far, but I'll keep trying to get this to work.
Dromiceius wrote:
Don't KO the enemy team.
It would take considerably longer to KO every player in the final match than in the earlier matches. The half could be almost over by the time you managed to accomplish this, depending on your tactics for doing so. I thought about making that a goal for the second half. Scoring the final goal of the game with all of the opposing players (except maybe the goalkeeper) down might be an interesting finish.
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Maza wrote:
One thing that should make it a bit more entertaining is not to use always the lower right corner to do cornerkicks. Use the upper righ also.
I'll try to get that to work in the second half, if I record a second half. It's harder because there's no time to get into position to intercept the ball on the kick-off. I would have to dribble over to the correct location for the kick to stop right on the line, but the other team (which is always faster in the final match) would catch up. The other option would be to get in place and have someone pass me the ball. That would be easier to achieve, after I find the right spot.
Maza wrote:
You could also try more of those header tricks which you used before the last score. Like bringing the ball from the other end of the field to the other just by using headers or something like that.
Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
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It desyncs if you don't have controller two set to the Zapper. I guess I'd better bolden that in the original post. The reason for the weird configuration is that I was trying to see if recording Zapper input with the mouse would be possible in a movie, but I forgot to change it back to normal after realizing that it doesn't work.
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Nintendo World Cup is a very fun football/soccer game that I remember playing very much when I was younger. I decided to make a movie of it just for fun, and I thought some of you might be interested in the result. It's not a timeattack, since the half lengths are fixed. In fact, it takes longer than the fastest possible movie would because there are short pauses to display the score every time one of the teams makes a goal. I chose to play as Argentina and used a code (that you get in the game) to skip directly to the final match against West Germany*. My goals for this movie were:
  • Score each goal in a different way
  • Have each player on my team score at least once
  • Allow no player on my team to get tackled
I didn't quite meet the final goal, since the easiest way to get the goalkeeper to score was to let the player I controlled get slide tackled. Some information that might help you understand what's going on at times is that there are three types of kicks. There's the normal kick, the high power kick, and the super kick. Each team has its own super kick, which is performed by either doing a bicycle kick as the ball comes to you or by taking a certain number of steps (this varies with the team) before kicking. You are limited to five of these per half. High power kicks are performed by taking the required number of steps and kicking after you've used up all of the super kicks. One unusual thing about this game is that players can perform real tackles on the opposing players. These are more powerful than slide tackles in that they knock the victim down for a short while. Therefore, Nintendo World Cup doesn't quite follow the real soccer rules regarding fouls. A related idea is that players have some sort of HP. This decreases when they get tackled or slide tackled. If it gets low enough, they'll be knocked out until the next goal. According to a walkthrough on GameFAQs, the HP also determines which of the two players gets injured during a real tackle. This was the reason I tried to prevent any of my team from getting tackled. Here's the link to the FCM that plays the first half of the final match. I'm not sure if I will finish the match, since I've run out of ideas for more goals. Like I said, the original purpose of the movie was just to have some fun playing this great game. To get the movie to play correctly, you must set the second controller to the Zapper (long explanation). I'd like to hear your impressions about the movie and any ideas that you might have for scoring more goals or doing other things in the second half. * The game was first released in 1990, one year after the Berlin Wall fell, so I don't know why it still distinguishes between East and West Germany.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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Very nice tricks with the stars! Moving in time with the music during the boat ride was also entertaining. Does he save the girl at the end? I couldn't really tell, since he just seems to have a thought cloud with her picture.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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That was a weird game, but I like how you got through it. Nice glitch with the bosses, especially. I remember watching the show early in the mornings before school, or sometime like that, but I can't say that I remember much about it. That was in grade school or so, after all.
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Ramzi wrote:
If we can go to the places up/down/left/right of the levels we've beaten, or any underworld shops/warps/secrets, we should mark all of these locations on the overworld map from GameFAQs. There shouldn't be that many.
There aren't that many. The thing is that almost every screen on the map has a cave or level on it. Most of them are hidden, but they are there. Therefore, it's not surprising that you can enter doors even after warping; the odds are in favor of there being something you can enter on the new screen.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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Okay, here's a file with two save states. It also contains a cheat file that you need in order to have the necessary items and a text document of which RAM addresses to modify to get certain items. If you run it without the cheat file, you'll probably have to get the boomerang and flute and some triforce pieces. BTW, I figured out that it will work in the recording versions of FCEU if you open the rom and then load a save state.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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It's a special debugger version of FCEU. I'm using it because the recording versions don't run the rom correctly. Unfortunately, you can't slow down or speed up the emulation in FCEUXD, and there's no frame advance. Do you still want the save state?
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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I'm using FCEUXD for these experiments. Do you want a save state from that?
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Well, I just tried the candle idea with the red candle. I threw out the fire, then switched to the recorder and blew it. The whirlwind took Link through the fire without any glitch, as far as I could tell. I also tried blowing the recorder first, then using the candle. This also did not work. BTW, I've already tried it with the normal boomerang, and it didn't work. Maybe if you time it correctly so that the boomerang will be around the middle of the screen when you reach it with the whirlwind, it might work, since that's the general area in which it normally drops you.
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What do you mean?
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I also got that to work, with the level 5 entrance and the cave that has the magical sword in the first quest. Just in case this hasn't been answered, I'm pretty sure you need the magical boomerang, since the normal one can't reach the correct distance for the glitch to work.
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Yeah, sorry, to the left. And you're right about the possibility of getting stuck only if you do a screen transition. I guess I should write more clearly.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Were you there immediately, or did you first have to walk left, which would make more sense because being warped left of level 6 + walking a screen left = 2 screens left of level 6?
Oh, yeah, I walked left. So I guess it does take you one screen to the right of a dungeon. One thing to keep in mind while using this trick is the nature of the terrain to the right of whichever dungeon you want to reach. For example, you can get stuck in the trees on the right of the screen with level 8, depending on your vertical position when you leave the screen after teleporting. If you push a directional arrow, however, you'll be able to use the recorder to get out of the trees. For some reason, you can only use items if you face up or down when you're stuck.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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I think that's a pretty good idea about the general result of the glitch. Now that I think about it, Link was teleported one screen to the left of a dungeon most of the times I did it, too. There were a few times in which this wasn't the case, though. For example, I've gotten Link teleported from the starting screen to the upper left graveyard screen. He's also been teleported from the starting screen to the screen left of the fourth dungeon, which happens more frequently iirc.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
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If Famtasia has a Cheat function that allows you to change RAM values like FCEU does, you could just change the value of address 0671 to get triforce pieces. Zero means no triforce pieces, 255 means all of them, and the numbers in between signify different combinations of triforce pieces. It's pretty simple to determine which value will give you which pieces after you've played around with the values a bit.
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I have also gotten it to work in the FDS version, and I think I've figured out some of the conditions. First, note that the screen area in which you can actually walk around is divided into 11 rows and 16 columns of sprites. Link is not snapped to a grid, so he can be positioned so that he's partially in the 2nd and partially in the 3rd column (for example). I've gotten the glitch to work when Link has been positioned almost completely in the third column from the left side of the screen. I've also gotten it to work when the boomerang was partially in the fourth and partially in the fifth columns from the right. The margins might be more loose, but I can't test it better because the FDS disk inject/eject function doesn't seem to work correctly in FCEU versions with recording capabilities. The location to which the glitch teleports you seems to depend upon Link's position on the screen at some given moment or upon some other factor (such as the position of the boomerang when you blow the recorder). In other words, Link can get teleported to multiple locations from any given location on the world map.
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I've tried it with the PRG0 and the Japanese (not FDS) roms, and I couldn't get it to work. I wonder if you need to press something else as the boomerang reaches the whirlwind. We can't tell if the player in the movie presses anything else, but maybe he does.
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Oops. I forgot about that direct linking thing with GameFAQs. Sorry. Just in case anyone else wants the document, it's called "Game Challenges FAQ" by CrazyLaz.
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GameFAQs has a document with tables of how many hits are required to kill each monster at each attack level. The tables are in the "BEATING ZELDA 2 WITH LEVEL 1 ATTACK" section of the document.
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One is not a prime number. If it were, there would be an infinite way to write the prime factorization of each number. Prime numbers can only be >1 in the real set, iirc.
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Sorry, my host deletes files that aren't downloaded for 2 weeks or so. Here's the new link. From your description, I think that Arc's method might be better, since you can get in two hits pretty quickly. I jump in the movie in order to throw off the knight's shield behavior, because I can't hit him if the shield is up.
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The crouching attack in the air is basically what my movie showed, except that I jumped toward the enemy while doing it.
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Yeah, the host I use apparently deletes the files if they aren't downloaded for a while. I think it's like 2 weeks. Anyway, I've put the project on hold indefinitely. I am thinking about working on it again, though.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.