Posts for Dacicus

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MUGG wrote:
As said, I'm checking if lines of A exist anywhere in file B. I tried with string.find(s, pattern) but pattern misbehaves if I want to search for characters like - * % $ [ ] etc.
Have you tried the additional arguments to string.find from the official documentation? I think that the plain argument might do what you want: string.find(s, pattern, 1, true)
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Probably not the most elegant solution, but this works with some test files I made:
Language: lua

local file_name_A = "C:\\path\\to\\A.txt" local file_name_B = "C:\\path\\to\\B.txt" local file_A, file_B, line_A, line_B local matched_lines = {} file_A =, "r") file_B =, "r") if (file_A ~= nil) and (file_B ~= nil) then file_A:close() file_B:close() for line_A in io.lines(file_name_A) do for line_B in io.lines(file_name_B) do if line_A == line_B then table.insert(matched_lines, line_A) end end end file_A =, "w") for i = 1, #matched_lines do file_A:write(matched_lines[i]) file_A:write("\n") end file_A:close() end
Also, please be aware of this issue regarding file reading.
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MUGG wrote:
I need a script that reads lines in text file A.txt, and checks if they are present in text file B.txt. If not, the lines are deleted from A.txt.
Does the order of the lines matter, or are you looking just for individual line matches between the files?
MUGG wrote:
I figured someone good can come up with a solution in 1 min so I don't have to spend 30 mins working on it. :P
You don't get better if you don't practice. :P
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In case you don't get many replies here, you might find more information at or in the SNES subforum at
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The enthusiasm in your submission text inspired me to watch this, and I definitely found it entertaining. The banter among the players was hilarious in the context of what was happening, and it made up for the repetitive plays. LOL at those fumbles immediately followed by touchdowns. The CPU defenders made some really weird tackle attempts against you, like jumping straight ahead when your player was to the side. Obviously starting play so close to the end zone after a touchdown was not a good idea. Yes vote.
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The current record completes 1-1 with 370 on the timer, so your movie does have room for improvement. I don't know enough about SMB to tell you where you're losing time, but have you read through the game's resource page?
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I'll pre-claim this for publication.
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It's OK as far as "mario jumping backwards." A submission to the site, however, would need to complete the game and beat the current record, which is probably either this or this, depending on what branch you're going for. Please review these rules before submitting a movie.
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Post subject: Experimental PCem setup
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There may be some progress toward TASing Java games via PCem. Similar to the Flash situation, I have been able to run games in Tiny Core 7.0, this time by using the OpenJDK 8 JRE. Both FreeJ2ME and MicroEmulator work to various degrees. Sound may not work, likely due to an error in how PCem emulates the ES1371 / Sound Blaster PCI 128 card. You can get the hard disk image for experimentation here (size approximately 67.5 MiB). See the readme file for a possible workaround for the sound issue. This is the process I've used to get games running:
  • After reaching the boot prompt, mount the device that contains the emulator and the game files. For example, sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom.
  • Create a file to run the emulator after the X server starts. For example, echo /usr/local/openjdk-8/jre/bin/java -jar /path/to/freej2me.jar > .X.d/java (tab completion is your friend)
  • Run xsetup to set up graphics and mouse options.
  • Run startx to actually start the X server.
  • Open the game's JAR file from within the emulator.
FreeJ2ME does take command-line arguments for loading games. It seems to expect an URI pointing to the JAR file, followed by optional numbers for the width and height of the display. Something along the lines of file://localhost/path/to/game.jar 100 200 should work to load game.jar with a width of 100 pixels and height of 200 pixels. So that echo line from above would become
echo /usr/local/openjdk-8/jre/bin/java -jar /path/to/freej2me.jar file://localhost/path/to/game.jar 100 200 > .X.d/java
The notes from this post still apply.
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In case anyone is interested, I made another hard disk image with Tiny Core 7.0 here. This one has a few boot choices to load different sets of dependencies, which should make it easier to test things. Readme.txt has more details. As before, you need to provide the FP executable and SWF files.
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For the encode, what was your method for editing in the music?
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The hard disk image is available here. It's actually closer to 36.5 MiB; the previous version did not include Xorg. The disk geometry is indicated in its name. The archive includes a Readme.txt explaining how I made the image. In order to get FP working, you need to enter this in the command line in the home directory:
echo /path/to/flashplayer /path/to/game > .X.d/fp
You can change fp to some other file name. You should set your screen resolution and mouse details by running xsetup. Then just type startx and have fun. A few notes:
  • Tiny Core works in RAM and does not save many things to the hard disk when powering off. This means that most graphics settings, game settings, files created, etc. will be gone the next time you boot. Read the documentation at to learn how to save things between sessions.
  • The CD drive is usually /dev/sr0 in PCem.
  • You need to use sudo to mount and unmount.
  • Shift+Alt+Q quits dwm.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Backspace exits the X server and gets you back to the command line.
  • Remember that FP11 probably needs a more advanced processor than any currently emulated by PCem.
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The premise seems interesting. Graphics department could have used some pointers from the guys who did that new Pikachu movie, though.
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A correction: I got FP9 working in PCem. FP11 requires a CPU with SSE2 capabilities, and I don't believe PCem emulates any of those yet. FP10 also seems to require something more than PCem can handle. I did get FP11 working in QEMU using a hard disk image that I set up in PCem. This required the -cpu pentium3 argument to QEMU. FP10 required -cpu pentium2. EDIT: I've made a hard disk image with Tiny Core 7.0 installed and that includes the dependencies for both FP9 and FP11. It's about 30 MiB when archived with 7-Zip and expands to 200 MiB. By default, it loads the gtk2, Xprogs, Xvesa, and oss extensions that allow FP9 to work, including sound. The extensions and their dependencies are all available from the Tiny Core repository here. You'll need to provide FP itself and the game/movie. The image also loads a custom build of dwm 6.1 that defaults to the monocle layout so that FP (or whatever program) starts in a maximized window. The only change to dwm's source code was moving this line:
{ "[M]",      monocle },
before this one:
{ "[]=",      tile },    /* first entry is default */
in config.h. I also changed dwm's to say
FREETYPEINC = /usr/local/include/freetype2
as per the instructions available in this file, then commented out the OpenBSD FREETYPEINC line. I'll link the hard disk image unless someone has concerns about the legality of doing so. There will be a few steps necessary to set the screen resolution and actually start FP, but this should otherwise be ready for experimentation.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
Post subject: Re: Slowness Issue
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Does this happen with any other full-screen programs, or just those versions of those emulators?
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For the publication, can I get a movie file that gets to the last post-credits screen, please?
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Post subject: Re: #6356: c-square's DOS ??? ???? "Fastest Loss" in 00:00.01
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c-square wrote:
As the rom is universal across all emulators
Nice word choice, but can you really compare the DOS version of the game to the C64 version?
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Nice find. Yes vote.
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How will this affect the encoding workflow?
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What settings did you use to dump the AVI from FCEUX? How did you encode the file that you uploaded to YouTube?
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Geesk wrote:
Sorry,I have no intention of concealing the discoverer of BUG.
Unfortunately, I don't know the language in the link. Does the discoverer know how the bug works?
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Geesk wrote:
This bug is not what I found,I saw it in another video,I don't know who the author is. The author of the video is not the discoverer of bugs.
Can you link the video, please? EDIT: I've looked into this a bit. First, some useful RAM addresses:
$006A = P1 lives
$006B = P2 lives

$04EB = P1 status
$04EC = P2 status

$04F1 = P1 health
$04F2 = P2 health
The four lowest bits of the status address seem to be the most important; the highest bits can vary depending on which turtle is selected. Usually when a player gets game over, the status address is set to 0x03 for some time, and then to 0x00. When the glitch occurs, P2 status goes from 0x37 (beginning part of jump) to 0x06 (taking damage while in the air?) to 0x04 (rotating part of jump) to 0x35 (standing in place in the ground). It never reaches 0x03, for some reason; this might be the key to the glitch. The P2 lives address, however, goes to 0xC0, which indicates a "game over" state; this is probably why enemies ignore the player.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
Post subject: Re: Capping off AGDQ 2019, looking to changes for future GDQ's
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dwangoAC wrote:
From here on out, all GDQ content must be in a state ready to show to an audience before submissions open. Period.
I agree that this is a good idea and was thinking about suggesting something similar. I'm open to trying some resynch work in the future, if necessary.
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Post subject: Re: #6192: David Fifield's DOS Mega Man in 01:46.94
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
How easy is it to exit a completed level? Does the E tank reappear on death?
You can't return to levels that you've completed. However, I just verified using DOSBox that the E-tank in Sonic Man's stage respawns after a game over but not after a regular death. You don't even have to return to the level select screen after the game over. Just choose to continue--which actually means to start from the beginning of the level--and you can farm another tank. EDIT: This was already addressed by Sand here and here.
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YushiroGowa wrote:
There were two versions, a "male" and "female" disk
Could this be Alter Ego?
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