Posts for EZGames69

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Yo this unlocked many memories to me
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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lexikiq wrote:
Changing the resolution of the game is not an insignificant change my friend :P Running it at the resolution listed in the submission synced fine for me and I didn't even need to disable audio like suggested.
That part was added after I talked to the author in DMs about the run not syncing for me
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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So it turns out the run needs to be in 4:3 to sync. I can now safely confirm sync:
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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I’ve encountered a desync trying to run this game. I followed everything listed in the submission text, the only thing that was done differently is I ran this on native resolution. Here’s roughly where it happened: I’m gonna try this again and hopefully it’ll work. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Unity’s annoying sync stability in libTAS is to blame.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
Post subject: Reviews: Mario Movie, Fantastic Mr Fox, Isle of Dogs.
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Over the past week I saw a few movies, more than I usually would see in a week. So I’d figured I write out some thoughts on them here: 1. The Super Mario Bros. Movie. (2023) When I first saw the trailers and teasers for this movie, I was feeling very conflicted. I knew this movie was going to have a rough time due to how polarizing it’s been with the casting choices as well as illumination being the one to take up the movie. Unfortunately many of the things I was dreading about what this movie would be ended up being the case. The things I did enjoy about this movie was the visuals. I think this movie does a fantastic job at capturing the look of a 3D animated Mario world. It’s certainly a standout for Illumination, as many of their movies have never been super complicated visually. Unfortunately what really hurts this movie is the pacing and the writing. I know Mario games have never been known for great storytelling, but the games aren’t aiming to tell a narrative, it’s made to showcase level design and gameplay. In a feature length film, I can’t care about the journey the characters go through if they all feel one dimensional and never feel fleshed out, the movie just kinda expects the audience to fill in the blanks based on the games. The soundtrack was fine for the most part, they were mainly orchestrated renditions of Mario music which was nice. But because this is also an Illumination movie, they couldn’t help themselves and there are a few licensed songs used in some scenes, and none of these choices fit the movie. The worst offender of this was Take On Me by Aha in the scene introducing the Kong Kingdom. It does not fit with the scene at all, and what makes it more bizarre is they originally had a rendition of the Donkey Kong theme but replaced it for the official release: I don’t understand this decision at all and it’s just an example of how gratuitous Illumination is with their music choices. The movie at the very least is about as basic as you can get for a 3D animated Mario Movie, you could certainly do much worse than this, but you can also do a whole lot better. 3/10 2. Fantastic Mr Fox (2009) I haven’t seen this movie since I was 10, and the child in me preferred to watch the recent Pixar movie that year, UP. I don’t blame myself for not liking it back then as it’s not exactly as accessible for kids compared to Pixar movies. I got way more out of this 2nd viewing as an adult and can appreciate better what the movie is going for. Now I will say I’m not familiar with Wes Anderson’s films, as I’ve heard both this movie and Isle of Dogs are his signature style of filmmaking. Which is interesting considering these are the only animated movies he’s made, and I wonder how the style works in the context of live action. I loved how much detail and thought was put into the animation, especially since this movie contains banter between the characters which not only helps makes the characters feel real, but also gives them more subtle movements that add to their emotions. It really feels like a ton of care was made to bring as much life to the world as possible. The only main issue I had with this film is I wish they had shown a bit more of the world these characters and anthropomorphic animals lived in. Like we don’t know how much damage the hole digging on the tree caused to the rest of the animal society. As far as the movie is concerned the only ones that were chased out of their homes was the Fox family. Like how did it affect the Beaver Lawyer if their office or home was in the forest with the dam? It just felt like it came out of nowhere and I just wish we could have seen how much damage was done outside of the tree. Still, I have a ton of appreciation for what this movie set out to do and I think it’s a beautiful looking stop motion film. 8/10 3. Isle of Dogs (2018) I wasn’t expecting to love this movie as much as I did, but wow. This is the another stop motion movie directed by Wes Anderson, and it really feels like this movie had improved on some of the issues that were in Fantastic Mr Fox. The setting was really interesting. Even though this film takes place in Japan, I liked how the film didn’t use subtitles for the Japanese speaking scenes, as it makes the audience relate to the dog characters not understanding what the humans are communicating. Even for some scenes that did heavily feature a ton of Japanese speaking, they were mostly done in a way that you could tell how they were feeling based on their body language, or if someone was translating the news broadcasts or when the mayor was speaking to the public. I also liked how mature the themes in this movie were. Tacking topics such as Authoritarianism and Conspiracy, as the current Mayor clearly doesn’t want to compromise on his decision to banish dogs to trash island, as it’s what garnished his support in the election, even going as far as to prevent the truth of the matter from reaching the public. Another huge improvement is the animation. I did love the animation in Fantastic Mr Fox was impressive, but Isle of Dogs is on a whole different level. There are many scenes in this movie that make me wonder how they were able to pull it off, such as the Sushi scene, but also scenes where a dog would be moving inside a cage, which on an animation perspective you’d think the cage has to be removed for each frame and a side effect would be the cage would be slightly shifted every time, but surprisingly the cage stayed dormant the entire scene, which goes to show how much thought and detail they put in the look and feel of this world, where instead of feeling like a stop motion movie, it feels like the characters are actually moving in real time. The soundtrack is also incredible. There’s a constant sound of a steady drum beat in many of the tracks that is difficult to get out of your head, further putting this impending doom in your mind of what the characters are about to face. There’s very few things I can really complain about with this film that wouldn’t change my overall experience. It is a rare once in a blue-moon film that not only tells and engaging story, but is also gives an incredible amount of visual details to pick up on with every watch. I hope Wes Anderson continues to make more amazing stop motion films like this. 10/10
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
I think it would be more appropriate to name it "My QLDC Level (QLDC 2023)". We use this kind of naming when there are homonym game titles. See this example: [4178] NES Angry Birds (Nice Code) by ThunderAxe31 in 07:51.21
I agree with this suggestion. I think the ordering is important as well. If we had written it like “QLDC 2023 - My QLDC Level”, people might be confused about what the name of the hack is called, they might think it’s called QLDC 2023. However, using “My QLDC Level (QLDC 2023)” makes it clear what the name is, and they can assume the Parentheses is the contest name (especially when they read the description explaining where the hack comes from).
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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I like this idea. I don’t mind if you wanna rename it to that.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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I am pretty sure the final level is a joke, as it feels like the type of level you'd play if you sort by new in Mario Maker.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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Fox wears shades in expert mode
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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Spyro actively rejects capitalism.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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Good luck encoding this movie !!!
How could you do this to us?????
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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SL, do you have any screenshot suggestions?
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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I think both examples work.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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“Birth of a Wish” Link to video
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
Sounds like an easy fix to implement in the Lua script. We just need to figure out a good RAM address that tells when the loading starts and ends. Anyway, I'll be busy for at least a week from now, so I can't do it myself for now.
It’s just a workaround I was able to find. Plus the script, as it’s currently written, will cause the mGBA core to stop working entirely if it’s disabled after being toggled, rebooting the core does nothing. Someone with better reverse engineering skills with knowledge of this game in particular would be required if we wanna deal with less bugs such as this.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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So I'm happy to say I was able to get footage from the camhack lua in bizhawk for every level, but not without a few cuts and bruises along the way. This post is to document how I did this just in case someone in the future might have to do this. So first off I made no changes to the lua script. Unlike the Genesis camhacks, the game does not like it if you leave the camhack on in certain parts of the game. What ends up happening is if you leave the camhack running prior to a new level starting, there's a chance that you'll cause the game to think you beat the level earlier than expected. Here are the following examples of when that happens: Neo Green Hill Zone Act 2: Ice Mountain Zone Act 2: I also ran into a different issue in Angel Island Zone Act 2 where the game crashed at this spot: Now the way you can get around these is if you wait to load the lua script AFTER the lag frames that occur before each level transition. For example, it should generally be loaded one frame before the blue spikey things show up on the left side of each zone splash screen: And one final thing to note, is any time you load the lua script then disable it, the game will not run anymore unless you completely close bizhawk and start over. Rebooting the core does nothing. Edit: ACTUALLY ONE OTHER FINAL THING, do not rely on the audio from the camhack dumps you make, especially if you used savestates at any point. mGBA seems to have audio issues whenever states are loaded for this game, which cause some audio channels to be very quiet (examples include sonic's jumping sound being super quiet). It's best to just rip the audio from the non camhack dumps to avoid this issue. Either way I hope this will be helpful for anyone in the future.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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There are a few notes to mention about this lua, the first one is don't expect the audio to be perfect during the moments the camhack has to work. They end up getting crusty, so it would be best to replace the audio using the audio from the non camhack dump, they would be identical. The other thing to note is this lua doesn't have the ability to put sprites on top of other graphical layers, so that players can see here sonic is if he's ever behind walls. However there's an easy way to cheat this by dumping the camhack footage with every layer disabled except for sprites, which the steps look like this (the color code for the pink is $ff00ff): final output: here is the avisynth code I used to layer these:
Language: avisynth

main = avisource("blah camhack.avi").ConvertToRGB32 sprites = avisource("blah sprites.avi").ConvertToRGB32 maskclip = ColorKeyMask(sprites, $ff00ff, 1) final = Overlay(main, sprites, mask=maskclip.ShowAlpha, mode="blend", opacity=1)
In the future this might become obsolete once there's a way to force the sprite layer on top, but in the case where that's not possible, this should work as an alternative.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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DJ Incendration wrote:
What do you mean by BizHawk err I mean Dolphin? I can't find the err I mean version of BizHawk or Dolphin.
That's called a joke. The joke is this run was made with this unofficial fork of bizahwk which allows me to TAS with the dolphin emulator with BizHawk. Most notably it allows me to convert my movie file into a submittable DTM which is what I did here. I also make mention of it in the submission notes here:
The speedgame however is pretty cool and definitively underrated. I've wanted to TAS this game for the longest time but was not willing to work with Dolphin's tools. However, CasualPokePlayer was able to make a fork of dolphin into Bizhawk, with the ability to work with TAStudio. I finally decided to pick this game up.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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Do you know if this run has sync issues on higher resolutions such as 2160p or 480p? OoT and MM seem to have weird issues with different internal resolutions desyncing runs, in my experience at least.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing