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Well I found a little bit of time to work on this, and I finished up through 2-5. As of this point it is 778 frames faster than my previous "fixed" version and 1622 frames faster than the published version. A lot of the improvement comes from 2-3 (Keys Open Doors), specifically from the last cloud platforming section. This will truly (probably) be the last WIP, as the rest of it won't be much different than the other fixed version I posted. Edit (9/18/2011): Saved 27 additional frames in 2-5 by messing around with the end section. Updated the above file with this improvement. Edit (9/22/11): Finished up through 4-1 and saved frame count is 1091 over the fixed version and 2623 over the published movie. I need to save 3013 by the end for sub 30 minute run, but I think it's very possible. I'm not going to upload the new WIP cause I want it to be somewhat of a surprise :p.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Haha, I forgot about that, nice one.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Vykan12 wrote:
A sequel idea: "Tale of the Missing Funnel"
What does a funnel have to do with Spongebob? :p
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Why is it that someone always votes no/meh no matter how good the TAS, yet doesn't have the decency to reply in the thread as to why?
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Shazam! Act 5 is now complete and it's a good one; It brings my total frame saved count up to 330 over the "fixed" version I was working on (that's ~5.5s)! Also, it is 658 frames saved over the published movie. I probably won't have that much time to work on it for a while, but when I do post again, it will probably be my submission. Thanks again TheRandomPie_IV for your encouragement and for supplying me with those RAM addresses, they are coming in handy and I'll be sure to add you in the credits! Here's my new file, trust me it looks better ;) Edit: Replaced the file with one that kills all the small clowns near the end rather than wasting a star.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Okay so I've started over again because I didn't decide to look at the RAM until later on in the run (the fixed version). I rerecorded from about 12300 or so (little more than half-way into Act 3) and finished Act 4 with 114 frames saved over the fixed version and 242 saved over the published movie in total so far. Dehacked seems to be down at the moment, so I'll upload it to 4shared temporarily, and replace it when dehacked comes back on. Tell me how it looks now: Edit: Replaced the above file with the microstorage one. Edit 2: Replaced the above file with one that is 8 frames faster. Reasons for it being faster: The drills off the hoop over the water pool with the clowns were not the fastest.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Awesome improvement, I love the spring boots glitch! I voted yes of course.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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I seem to have hit a snag on 4-3 (The Tower). In my video the ghost on the left was jumping at the wall, allowing me to run straight into the ladder. I've retried the level several times, but since I do the beginning faster in my new version, he seems to want to be walking away from the wall. Any ideas how I can recreate this, while still being faster at the beginning? The file that ends where the problem occurs: Edit (8/24/11): I "solved" the last problem by jumping into the ledge above and now I'm getting ready to start the final boss. However, 2-5 was great until the last part which I'm not very happy about.
I have a feeling if I change anything in the previous parts of the level, those walking spikes on the floor at the end might prevent me from cleanly jumping over it.
Turns out I was right, and these walking spikes are in a terrible position. My only solution was to get hurt by them and drill out of it, as I can't think of any way to get around this. Edit again: Woops I forgot to add the GMV:
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Awesome, another game from my childhood, I enjoyed the WIP so far. I also thought the same thing at the end of the vid. I thought the run desynced at first, but I realized it didn't. I won't comment on improvements as you said it was a rough draft of sorts, but I will say I'm happy to see this game being TASed!
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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I'm pretty sure those cloud platforms are always on the same cycle, as I can't find any way to alter it. I have gone on and finished world 2 (Funpark), and I have to say I saved wayyy more frames on Act 5 than I thought I would. The total frame count is now up to 873 at the end of the 2nd boss. Here's the file:
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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It's awesome that you're doing a real-time speedrun, I didn't have the stamina myself, because the game was so difficult (I have beaten it but always with a few deaths). Good luck with that! I've completed up to 2-3 so far and I've saved quite a few frames (around 586). I was actually up to 676 frames on 2-3 until I met the last cloud platforming section which cost me about 100 frames >:(. If you have any suggestions to prevent that, my ears are open. Anyway, here's the new file:
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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bahamete wrote:
I think a more suitable analogy would be going to see a band you like and them only playing half of a song.
I think you go to see a band to see them play the whole song, while you go watch a TAS in order to see it beaten as fast as possible. I don't see your argument here, but that's my opinion. Anyways nice glitches and I'm voting yes.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Woah, what's with the multiple submissions?
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Well the flaws I mentioned in my previous post got to me, so I'm working on this again. So far I've redone a little bit in Act 2 and the whole Act 3. I've saved 8 frames in Act 2 (it was 11 at one point, but the level end sequence cost me 3 unknown frames) and 61 in Act 3 for a total of 69 frames saved. If it weren't for the trapezes being on strict cycles it would have been quite a bit more. Tell me what you think, as Act 3 looks pretty different in some areas: Edit 1: Finished Act 4 fixes, and there were actually more fixable areas than I had thought originally. Frames saved count is up to 130 by the end, and the WIP is here: Edit 2: I finished Act 5 and even though the trapezes got me as I thought they would, I was able to save a whopping 200 or so frames, making the frame saved count now 330 (~5.5s or so). I'm quite proud of this one:
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Anyone plan to do this any time soon? I would love to start this game but I'm not sure I'm ready to hop over to N64 being so inexperienced. However it's one of my favorite 64 games and I'd love to see it TAS'ed. Any thoughts? Edit: This game is definitely not glitch proof, as this youtube video I found shows. It is definitely a neat glitch and can apparetly be used in several locations if done right. It seems like it would be fun to experiment with, but I'm not sure if it can actually make the game faster or not.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Jumping is a fast and interesting way to maintain speed in this game, yes vote here.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Well, after watching my movie for about the 50th time some things are starting to become clear. I'll post those here for a time when and if I (or anyone) wants to improve the run. Here's what I found: In 1-2, the last trampoline could have been jumped off of better because the drill clips the ledge. I believe if I moved to the left a bit before drilling I could catch the ledge without clipping it and be a few frames faster. In 1-3, I'm sure the drills on some of these platforms can be better. Also, when falling off the last star platform I could have ran to the right when landing so as to avoid the landing animation which takes up a few frames before allowing Aero to push the cannon. In 1-4, some of the ledges can possibly be drilled to earlier in the seesaw section. In 1-5, (untested) sometimes it is probably faster to drill to the right when coming off a ladder. In 1-B, I'm sure the last drill could have been drilled into the bottom of the stilt brother allowing me to instantly drill to the right. However, the stars often times don't let you enter them until a certain frame anyway so it might not be any different. In 2-1, it might be faster to drill up onto the second star platform. Also, if buttons could be manipulated to be out of the way of the very next ladder sequence, Aero could drill downwards off the ladder instead of going down it a few frames and drilling up. That stupid flying helicopter man in this level seems to always want to swoop down as I'm passing, maybe that can be manipulated as well. In 2-3, I could gain momentum from the fall on the part preceding the cannon by moving left and right. I seem to have continually pressed right against the wall the entire time. Also, I want to experiment more with the cannon shot, as I think it would be faster to shoot at max power and then drill onto the ledge. Another annoyance with the little dude later on where I have to drill down to avoid him, perhaps he's manipulable. This next part has been bugging me for quite some time: I realized I have 3 unused stars at the end of the level that I could have shot at something. In 2-5, the first spiked post in the trampoline section can probably be drilled over quicker. Maybe if I dont clip the ledge after the two-part ferris wheel section, I can keep my momentum up. The little dude on top of the hut later in the level was also at a bad position where I couldn't jump up to the platform above and into the ladder sooner. In 3-1, the part coming out from the tree (when the direction of the level turns to the left) I believe I could have jumped on the little floating land with the flagpole to avoid such a slow uphill run. Thanks to ShadowJacky for pointing this out: It is possible to skip the seesaw in this level by jumping from the tightrope straight over to the ledge. In 3-2, there's no real improvement here but something I wanna try: I wonder if you could jump between the spikes on the second one where there is a small gap between them and then back out again. I tried the first one, the gap wasn't big enough. However, the next gap seems to be a bit wider. In 4-1, I may have stayed on the spiral platform too long before jumping off, as it seems to stop a few frames before I actually jump. Some of the drilling in the trampoline section with the spiked posts can probably be done sooner. Also, I just want to do some overall retesting of that last section with the fireballs. In 4-3, I'm not sure if landing on the buttons statues is faster in some places, as you can only accelerate on the ground, this prolongs time spent in the air. In 4-4, the first electric tightrope could probably be faster by drilling off every jump which seems to be faster than just jumping. I do it for the second one but not the first for whatever reason. I really wish there wasn't a reason to slow down for this stupid ghost, but he is very annoying. In 4-5, I wish there was a way to catch these rotating spikes so that I don't have to drill and lose momentum on two of them. I have a feeling if I change anything in the previous parts of the level, those walking spikes on the floor at the end might prevent me from cleanly jumping over it. I think the final boss can be improved overall, perhaps he can be manipulated at the end to not shoot water in the way of hitting him (the direction of the water seems to depend on the position of Aero). Again this is all just for future reference as I probably won't pick this game up again for a while, or maybe who knows.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Ahh, yet another Sunsoft game! The pausing trick is a nice find and I don't think it detracts from the TAS as there are other ways to hear the music. Good job, voting yes.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Awesome, I love seeing good rare or unpopular games getting attention. Even if the gameplay is a subpar ripoff of sonic, I rather enjoy the music and I'll await any updates if you decide to pick this back up!
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Woah, I can't believe there is a topic for this, let alone a well-progressed WIP. Any plans on finishing this? I would love to see it finished. Even if it is a sonic ripoff, it's still got a few tracks I like from the options menu (06 and 12).
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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I've never played this game, but that doesn't stop me from seeing this movie's brilliance.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Wow, you seem to have it figured out TRP_4, perhaps you should obsolete my run! I'm no good at reading RAM yet, so I doubt I got the drilling correct in most places. I would love to see how it would look with the fastest drilling and being nearly perfectly optimal! (I got a feeling you don't want to though)
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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ShadowJacky wrote:
how do you get the maximum drill whenever you want?
I find the drilling to be very weird and random in this game. At certain frames the drill moves you faster and at certain speeds it will slow you down. Also the overall right-drill is faster than the left-drill. I'm sure I have not gotten all of the drilling correct.
ShadowJacky wrote:
in Act 3-1, near the end, there's a tightrope with the path to the end across from it. why not just jump to the other side instead of using the see-saw at the bottom?
Good point! After experimenting with this I found out that you can jump that far. Originally I didn't think so but with precise movement on the tightropes it is possible, and saves quite a few frames! I might just perfect this game instead of moving on to others for the time being. Thanks!
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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is it an emulation bug that the ferris wheels dont spin?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, they always spin for me.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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Hello arkiandruski, I noticed this post is about 2 years old but I still have to ask: any plans on finishing this? Your WIP looks good, and I would start on this but the boarding zone really puts me off. Three of the same autoscrolling levels right in a row seems like it gets kinda boring. Anyways let me know as I'm just messing around trying to beat the game once right now to get a feel for it, but I probably won't do this one. Also your last link seems to not work. Edit: I've found that in one of the Fort Redstar's levels you can glitch through the slides, I'm not sure if this will have any uses though, how to reproduce it, or if it has already been discovered. Here are some images I took (going through it from the bottom):
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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