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I've been slowly working on the z1a1 100% TAS. Here's what I've got of it so far:
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Posts: 405 Another TAS from deeperjungle. This time he's doing z1a5, where he uses the grenade launcher to boost himself over the gate at the end and skip the boss fight. He also shoots the grenades at the walls so they blow up behind him, pushing him forward.
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Mapster32 really sucks. It's a wonder anybody's able to do anything complex in it. I haven't used Doom Builder before, but I've seen people use it and it looks a thousand times easier than Mapster32. I think the main reason for it is because everybody that's capable of improving Mapster32 is already comfortable enough with it that they just keep using it as is. Maybe one day we'll see improvements to it but I think they're all busy with Ion Fury development.
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Posts: 405 Deeperjungle has also started TASing this game, and here he's made a really impressive TAS of the first level. There's a lot going on here despite the level being so short and simple, so I'll do my best to explain it. The big skip you'll see at the beginning is done by jumping on Heskel's plane and getting across the gap. There's a pretty small window to get over there and the jump itself is really weird. I've done the skip before but I don't really know all that goes into it, unfortunately. There are things you can do to make the jump easier but that doesn't really matter for a TAS. There is some time to kill in the beginning so deeperjungle uses this opportunity to get some food and water before making the jump. This is important because your top speed increases for every point of health you have over 100. He also shoots all the trash cans in the long straightaway which he manipulates to drop a bunch of syringes, which gets him even more bonus health. He enters the tunnel with 135 health, which gives him roughly a 5% speed boost. It's not much, but it makes a difference in a stage like this. Deeperjungle is already working on improving this, and I imagine he'll do more levels over the coming weeks. I'll post the videos as he finishes them.
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Pretty cool! I thought about doing an E1M1 any% TAS on PC just to see what sort of crazy time is possible. I'll have to let the Duke 3D speedrunners know about the TAS tools now. Maybe they'll start working on one sometime. I've never seen Duke Nukem 3D 100% runs. That's pretty interesting. One of the things I remember hating about Duke 3D was how long most of the enemies take to kill. Your basic weapons become obsolete really quickly. It makes sense that they give you access to the rocket launcher and mines and stuff like that in the first level. It's about the only way you can kill enemies quickly in that game. I asked Ion Fury's developers about weapon balancing and they lean more on the side of "glass cannon" with their game. Enemies can die with one magnum headshot but you can also get killed really quickly if you're not careful. I think it makes the game a lot more fun. Anyway, I still think TAS runs of Duke Nukem 3D would be great fun to watch. Your run there was awesome because you still manage take out the enemies quickly.
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Posts: 405 I'm not done with the level yet but I wanted to show my progress on it today. You can see what I mean with the smoother turns once I kill the enemies in the bathroom. The two turns coming out of there are pretty smooth without losing any time. The rest of the video doesn't have turns quite as smooth as that but it's mostly because I don't want to waste time when I turn away from my line to shoot enemies. I'll write more detailed notes about what's going on in the video when the full level is done.
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Well, I've been working with the guy I mentioned earlier, and he successfully built a Linux version of VoidSW and has the game running. However, it doesn't work for me in WSL 2 because the startup window is blank. Normally, the startup window lets you select your resolution and screen settings, but I can't get past it because it comes up blank with no start button on it. I've also tried disabling the startup stuff through the config files but it isn't working for me. My guess is that for now, Shadow Warrior should be TASable on a native Linux machine but I can't get it working in WSL2 on Windows 10. I'll post again if I get it working but I don't expect that to happen for a while.
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I'm talking with someone on the 3D Realms discord about VoidSW (he's a huge Build Engine game collector and a Linux user) and he says it should be possible to build a Linux version of VoidSW from the code on Duke4 the same way you can with eDuke32. So there may be hope that VoidSW works on Linux. I'd honestly expect it to since it's based on eDuke32 in the first place. Same with nBlood if that's not already on Linux. If VoidSW doesn't pan out, I'll check BuildGDX and see if that works. Oh, one more thing. I've been experimenting with smoother turns and they look way better without losing any time. It's still incredibly fast, but I think it's a lot easier to tell what's going on now. I won't go back and re-do everything since what I'm working on now is essentially a practice TAS, but a full-game TAS in the future should look really smooth all around. As I mentioned earlier, there will probably still be some one-frame camera flicks here and there but general movement is going to look really smooth. I uploaded a video on the TASVideos discord (in the #tas-production channel) that shows it. When I get more work done on this, I'll upload what I have so far and post it here. Edit: I also wanted to say that the TAS I've done so far is 16 seconds ahead of the 100% IL record 11 seconds into the run. It's safe to say a full 100% TAS is going to be pretty crazy.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Looks like a real aimbot! I don't know if visitors would like this style of turning. If I were making that, I would at least try to imitate fast turning, like I do in Doom. 100% will really be insane. You'll need to take everything into account. Backtracking is not that common in this game, but I'm sure you'll have to leave some enemies behind and hope they won't run too far away trying to follow you. A wallhack or a map with enemies shown on it would really insure you won't have to redo a piece of work because you had forgotten something. BTW, how did you build that TAS? I'm not aware of libTAS interface. Can you set mouse coordinates for each frame?
other Build Engine games can also be TASed if they run in eDuke32 (or its forks). This includes Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood, among others.
Shadow Warrior is not really on the list. VoidSW doesn't have a Linux build yet (as far as I know) and I don't see much progress for the engine to get into a release.
The turning style is one of my biggest concerns. Personally, I love it because it's hilarious to see. But I'm trying to think of what somebody would think if they've never played the game before. There aren't many FPS TASes that can aim like this so it's sort of uncharted territory for me. Flicking the camera to kill an enemy quickly is something I did a lot in my GoldenEye Wii TAS, but the controller sensitivity is nothing compared to this. There are so many enemies to shoot and so many places they can be that I don't see a good way to make a full TAS without this "aimbot" style of aiming, but I could try to make the turns around corners look a little smoother. The only problem with smooth turning is that you can't SR-50 while you're turning. It only makes a 5 or 6% speed difference in this game so it might be worth it for the entertainment value, especially when I'll only be turning for maybe half a second, and I lose speed when I turn anyway. I'll have to look into it. Regardless, there is still going to be some instant camera motion just because of the nature of TASing this kind of game. Also, libTAS has full mouse support. There are two ways to go about it. You can have absolute position, or relative position. Absolute position is just telling the game where you want the mouse cursor to be at on the screen. Relative position is what I'm using most often because it means I can tell the game "move the mouse +200 to the right" and it'll do it, regardless of where the mouse currently is. This is great for games where you control the camera with the mouse. Ah, I wasn't aware that VoidSW doesn't support Linux. That sucks. I know one of the guys working on it so I think it's slowly being developed, but right now their priority is on Ion Fury because of its expansion pack that's coming out soon. I imagine VoidSW will get more work done on it in the months after Ion Fury's expansion pack is released. Speaking of the expansion, I'm absolutely psyched for it. From what I've seen of it in the trailers so far, it's gonna be insane. I'm still kind of blown away that I'm TASing a modern game that's still getting updates and expansions released for it. The game is also fully open source and all the developers are on discord. They're really open about anything you'd want to know about how the game works. Anyway, I'm going to wait to start any serious projects because updates don't happen all that often and this new expansion is really gonna shake things up for 100%. In the meantime, I'm going to keep TASing the current version of the game and practice stuff for 100% and any% too. I'll keep posting in this thread as I get new videos up. Edit: I forgot to mention anywhere so far, but I plan to TAS the full game at 120 fps or maybe even 240 fps if I can handle it, so a lot of the one-frame aimbot stuff probably won't be visible for most people watching on YouTube. I'll still try to make the turns look smoother without losing any time.
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Current Ion Fury TAS Videos Any% z1a1 any% (v1.1): z1a1 any% (v1.02): z1a5 any% (old video with grenade launcher): z1a5 any% (new video without grenade launcher): Zone 1 any%: z2a1 any%: 100% z1a1 100%: z2a3 100% (WIP): I've wanted to TAS this game since it came out, and now it's finally possible. Well, it's been possible for a while apparently but I only got it working recently. I'm running this through WSL 2 on Windows 10. Ion Fury is a modern game running on a Build Engine source port called eDuke32. The great thing about this is that it means other Build Engine games can also be TASed if they run in eDuke32 (or its forks). This includes Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood, among others. There's plenty more to this game, but this is just a basic overview of Ion Fury speedrunning. I'm confident that you'll see an Ion Fury TAS on this site at some point in the future. Like other Build Engine games, Ion Fury has a huge amount of speed tech and it's got a very high skill ceiling. Here are some of the techniques Build Engine speedrunners take advantage of: SR-50 This is a movement technique that carries over from Doom. Typically, you'll see speedrunners move by strafing diagonally. They use a combination of the forward + left/right movement key to do this. This is sometimes called "SR-40" but I've never heard Ion Fury speedrunners say that. SR-50 is when you take that to the next level and also hold down the "strafe" key while turning the camera in the direction you're moving. This makes you go quite a bit faster in Doom but it only makes a small difference in Build Engine games. It's about 6% faster in this game if I recall correctly. So SR-50 movement inputs go like this: W + D + <strafe> + turn right In case you don't know, the "strafe" key is a key people would use back in the day when a lot of people played first-person shooters with only the keyboard. The arrow keys would move you forward or backward and let you turn left and right. But if you held the strafe key, the left and right arrows would make you strafe sideways instead of turn. If you combine W + A or D and Strafe + left or right, you can think of it like you're moving twice, which makes you go a little faster. At least, that's the way I visualize it. Usually, the strafe key is Left Alt but I bind it to Left Shift because libTAS doesn't seem to let me use the Alt key. Turning right can be done with the right arrow key so you don't have to be moving the mouse constantly. Speedrunners will bind these keys to something more comfortable to use but that doesn't matter for a TAS. Clipping through walls Like other build engine games, Ion Fury has plenty of wall clips to go around. It's not quite as broken as the older games (actually, nowhere near as broken) but it still has its fair share. Here are a few examples: Melee techniques In the 2nd video in the previous paragraph, you'll notice that deeperjungle is using the melee weapon a lot. This is because swinging the baton while you're in a tight space actually makes you move faster. I don't know why it happens, but it does. So he'll use the baton any time he's crouching under a sliding door or in a vent. Using the melee weapon underwater also makes you swim faster. Grenade Jumping When you read "grenade jumping", you might think it means we'll blow ourselves up with a grenade to boost off the explosion somewhere. Well, it doesn't work like that here. Sure, getting shot in the back or blowing yourself up can make you move forward a little faster, grenade jumping in this game works differently. Here's what I mean: In this game, you shoot a grenade then jump off it while it's in the air. The explosion doesn't help you, the actual grenade does. Pretty cool, huh? Lots of things can be skipped with grenade jumping, including entire boss fights. Categories There are several speedrun categories for this game, but the two I care most about are any% and 100%. Any% is pretty self-explanatory if you've watched speedruns. Just run through the game as fast as possible. 100% is where it gets interesting, though. In 100%, the goal is to beat every level, find all the secrets, and kill all the enemies. With over a hundred secrets and thousands of enemies on the highest difficulty, it's a really insane category and it's so much fun to play and watch. The game also has a built-in 100% counter which tells you if you got everything, which is nice.[/b]
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I've got two more videos to show off here. This first one is a demonstration of the elevator glitch, which allows for some out of bounds exploits. This technique is done by crouching then standing up in a very precise spot where your head can get stuck inside the edge of a ceiling. In this example, I crouch underneath a small hut then stand up in a very precise spot so the game lets me stand up even though there is a ceiling in the way. Actually, I jump, crouch in the air, then stand up in the air so my head can go through the ceiling more, which makes this specific elevator glitch possible. I won't go into detail about the different type of elevator glitches now, but maybe one day I'll talk about it more. This next video is a really important one to me. It's the same as the strafe jumping video I uploaded yesterday, except it's also a comparison to the strafe jumps the PC speedrun world record holder can do in the same spot. The first half of the video compares my inputs to klooger's PC attempt with an uncapped framerate, while the 2nd half is comparing against him playing at 30 frames per second, which is how fast the Wii version runs. The framerate has a lot of interesting effects on gameplay, most notably the speed you accelerate at. The Wii version is disadvantaged in a lot of ways, but that keeps it interesting. I'm sure klooger's strafes aren't perfect, but I'm really surprised that I could make a short TAS that goes faster than a PC player with an uncapped framerate. One thing I should also mention, there are a lot of differences between this version of the game and the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC versions. This game was ported by Treyarch in 2009, two years after the release dates for the other versions. As far as I can tell, it uses Treyarch's engine from their Wii port of Call of Duty: World at War, not the original engine Infinity Ward made for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions. As a result, the gameplay and movement feels pretty different to those versions, and those differences will surely be highlighted in a full-game TAS. The biggest difference is with the movement, which I'll go into more detail about later when I have an example to show.
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I've gotten back into TASing lately and here's what I've been working on for the past few days. The first video is the type of movement you can expect to see all over the place. It's called Strafe Jumping, and it's a technique that is a carryover from the Quake engine. I won't go into detail but the idea is that when you input a direction that's perpendicular to the direction you're moving in, you gain speed. A video explaining this technique can be seen here. It's not quite that simple because there are other variables you have to worry about, but that's the basic idea. This video demonstrates a huge skip that's been found in one of the campaign levels, Charlie Don't Surf. If you get out of bounds and on top of this building, you can take advantage of a physics quirk and bounce off the car in the parking lot, then land on the window seal and get inside. It's a really precise trick, and I'm not entirely sure if it's possible without the RPG boost, but I think it should be. There's still a lot to learn.
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I don't know if it's relevant here, but I've noticed that running a later version of Dolphin causes TASes I've made on older versions to no longer sync. I don't know what causes it, but I have an unfinished TAS I started on Dolphin 5.0 that will sync as long as I don't start a different version of Dolphin and mess with settings. The only reason I can come up with is that all versions of dolphin share the same config files. Deleting them and starting over doesn't solve the problem for me, though. I've accepted that my TAS will sync whenever it wants to and I can't change that. Right now it syncs up just fine but I'm sure in a couple of weeks, it'll go back to desyncing from just after power on. Then later it may start syncing again even though I didn't change anything. Like I said, it works for me whenever it feels like it. Maybe it's different depending on the game, but what you're describing sounds pretty similar to what I go through sometimes.
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I really like the look of the first encode that Selicre posted ( ) with the HUD being in the corner of the screen. r57shell's encode ( ) looks decent but I don't like the game's HUD being so close to Sonic instead of in the corner of the screen. The background moving with Sonic is also weird but I assume that would be fixed in the final encode. In my opinion, Selicre's encode is nearly perfect except for the lack of a background. I actually like the look of the solid color background since it gives everything a good contrast but I think most people would prefer it to have the backgrounds, assuming they don't scroll along with Sonic's movement. The way the camera smoothly keeps Sonic and Tails on-screen (especially at this part ) looks really nice, too.
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Posts: 405 This level, Night Shift, offers a nice change of pace from the previous level because the gameplay revolves around stealth. There are plenty of glitches to save some travel time, but this level is still pretty straightforward.
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Posts: 405 Here is the next level of the Nightfire All Tokens TAS. I really like this level because the gameplay here is so unique. The first section of this stage revolves entirely around a civilian named Mayhew who will give us information about Operation Nightfire. Before he does that, though, we need to escort him to his secret bunker where he will be safe from the Yakuza. The gameplay in this part of Double Cross is essentially guiding Mayhew along while killing enemies up ahead. What makes this interesting, though, is that Mayhew runs faster when he is being rendered. So I make an effort to keep him on-screen as much as possible to save precious frames. There are also two tokens in this section. The first is in the starting area in the far corner (relative to the starting point), and the second is on the second floor in the last room before the bunker. When the level begins, there are three enemies trying to kill Mayhew. In times like this, Mayhew curls up like a baby while I do all the hard work. Not only do I kill these enemies as quickly as possible, I also get them to have fast death animations. Mayhew won't start moving until the enemies are dead and their death animations are completely done playing. To get Mayhew to start moving even sooner, I jump into the garden area up ahead. For whatever reason, Mayhew starts moving sooner when you go into certain areas, and the garden is the closest one to my starting point. This is convenient because there is also a token near the garden. So I hang out there for a while, being sure to keep Mayhew on-screen. He'll stop moving for a second when I jump out of the garden toward the token, but that's unavoidable as far as I'm aware. As a result, I grab the token and get back in the garden as quickly as possible. Next, I go up ahead to kill a few enemies that will eventually stop Mayhew from moving. From there, I keep him on-screen while he's being shot at by multiple assassins. It's at this point where I have to run ahead to dispatch some enemies and collect another token, since I won't have time to do that while escorting Mayhew. In the last room, I throw some stun grenades and do a few precise jumps to reach the second floor sooner. When I grab the token, I immediately jump back down and start looking toward Mayhew again. From here on, the rest of the second is just walking Mayhew to his bunker. Sections 2 and 3 revolve around rescuing four of Mayhew's servants. These ladies are being held hostage by some assassins which I'll have to take care of. Of course, there are also some tokens to collect, so they'll have to wait. There are three tokens in section 2. The first is at the other side of the first outdoor area, the second is just across the water after rescuing the first hostage, and the last one is a room near the second hostage. When I leave the bunker and head toward the first token in section 2, I narrowly avoid jumping into the water when I go under the bridge. Getting into the water causes a small speed loss, so you won't see me do that. Once I get this token that is really far out of the way, I head toward the first hostage. Fortunately, I only have to shoot the hostage taker to rescue the lady. The rest of the enemies in the room don't matter. After getting the next token, I hug the wall so I can jump from the small ledge there into the next building. There are several ways to jump into that building from the opposite side you're intended to, but this is the fastest one I'm aware of in this category. The next hostage is in the final room just beyond the next sliding door. Instead of shooting the hostage taker in the head, I shoot a fire extinguisher near him to kill him while I'm turning toward the next token. This means I can kill him and rescue the hostage without losing any time at all. This isn't possible in any% as far as I know because the enemy's death animation when the fire extinguisher kills him is really long and drawn out. However, I have plenty of time since I need to deviate to get the token anyway, so his death animation is complete long before I'm able to finish that part of the level. In section 3, there are a few objectives I need to complete and two more tokens I need to collect. While I'm waiting for the dragon safe key to slowly go through its animation, I use a submachine gun to destroy some bottles of hard liquor which Mayhew won't be needing anymore. After that, I pick up the key card and tilt a painting on the wall to open a secret passageway. The hostage in the next room is a real pain to deal with. She's standing in the worst possible spot, assuming she wants to live. Once you kill the hostage taker, two more guards right behind her start shooting toward Bond. One of these guards has a shotgun, and the spread from that gun kills the civilian way too often. I had to do some weird movement to prevent that from happening, but I think I did a good job of making it look normal. After that, I do some really tough jumps up the stairs before doing the first out-of-bounds glitch in this level. Side note, aleckermit TASed this part in the any% TAS and I don't know how he didn't pull his hair out during it. The jumps up the stairs look easy, but you can't jump while moving up a sloped surface. I have to come at the stairs from a weird angle, stop slightly before hitting the ground, then jump again after that. It sounds easy, but trying to keep as much speed as possible while getting the jump at a good angle was harder than I expected it to be. After the jumps, I go to the left instead of going out the window because I'm going to do the first glitch in this level. I've explained how clipping works in previous posts, so I won't go into great detail here, but essentially I crouch, then pull out a weapon or gadget while standing up again. During this time, you can move underneath objects you can't normally stand under, which causes Bond to clip out of bounds when the standing animation finishes. This clip is really convenient here because I can collect the token that is just behind that wall and save some time along with it. Next, I kill the sniper on the other rooftop then shoot through a window to rescue the final hostage. The level is almost over, but there is one token remaining. I'll pick up the sniper rifle since it's on my path and because it'll be useful for the upcoming boss fight. To get the final token, you're intended to go inside the building I'm standing on top of and navigate through a short series of rooms. Instead, I can take advantage of another newly-discovered out of bounds clip to clip down from the rooftop straight into the room the token is in. There is one problem with clipping into a room, however. The door is shut. That doesn't sound like a problem, and to be honest, it's not. But doors in this game never open toward the player. When I open the door from the inside of the room, the door will open outward, which means I have to take a few extra steps to go around it. I can avoid this by looking at the wall toward the other side of the door and then pressing A to open it. The game thinks I'm opening it from the other side and therefor pushes the door into the room. Now the door is out of my way and I can save a handful of frames as a result. The fourth and final section of Double Cross is a relatively straightforward boss fight with a ninja. He can be quickly and easily killed with one sniper headshot on Operative difficulty, which is pretty hilarious. There is one difficult part about this boss fight, and it's that I need the ninja to do a cartwheel to the side. Enemies in this game are invincible during scripted animations, and the cartwheel is the shortest possible animation the ninja can start with. I make an effort to jazz up the boss fight a little by jumping off Bond's car and quickscoping the ninja in the face. The ninja also has a quick death animation, which ends the level much sooner than expected. I believe that's the fastest death animation possible.
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Posts: 405 I've been making some insanely good progress lately. After only a week, I've finished the next level, Enemies Vanquished. I love the way this mission turned out in this TAS. It's got just the right mix of perfect gameplay and crazy shortcuts. As usual, see the YouTube description for a detailed explanation of everything I did here.
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Weirwindle wrote:
FitterSpace wrote:
What you want to do is move the right control stick to compensate for the direction the bullet goes on that frame. So if you shoot at an enemy and the bullet goes too far to the right, you need to aim a little to the left on that frame to get the bullet to kill the enemy. Alternatively, you could shoot on a different frame, which may require less c-stick movement. In general, you want to try shooting on different frames and pick the one that would require the least amount of movement to fix. You can even take advantage of this sometimes. If you need to turn to the right to shoot an enemy, you could turn to the right only a little bit and shoot on a frame where the bullet goes toward the right side of the screen. That means you wouldn't have to turn as much since the gun's inaccuracy does some of the work for you. Sniper Rifles as especially good for this since they are extremely inaccurate, so you could shoot an enemy that is standing far away from the center of the screen with very little cursor movement.
Thanks for the explanation Fitter. It turn out in this game that the unscoped sniper is the only rifle with perfect accuracy/no spread. All the bullets go to the center of screen. Also, the improvements you have made to Nightfire are great. I posted some hiscore TASes on my youtube channel 3 years ago. It is crazy that you could save 6 seconds on Alpine Escape.
Thanks! I saw your Nightfire high score TASes the other day when you posted this. A little over 4 seconds was saved over the current published TAS with a new strategy, while the rest of it comes from better optimization and some other creative things. By any chance, are you on the TASVideos discord? I post about Nightfire a lot on there as well as other games I TAS. You should post on there too if you don't already. I'd like to see what other games you TAS in the future.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Weirwindle wrote:
Dimon12321 wrote:
Wow, that was really incredible. The game's shooting system suits perfectly for TAS because the 1st bullet always flies into the center, no spread because of walking.
There is spread from walking and every bullet flies in a random direction (base on the frame when the bullet is shot). I just had to compensate for the random spread when aiming. The bullets also have travel time, so I had to compensate for enemy movement on top of that.
If it's not difficult, could you explain it? Did you stop for 1 frame before shooting or you picked a lucky frame where a bullet flies into the center?
What you want to do is move the right control stick to compensate for the direction the bullet goes on that frame. So if you shoot at an enemy and the bullet goes too far to the right, you need to aim a little to the left on that frame to get the bullet to kill the enemy. Alternatively, you could shoot on a different frame, which may require less c-stick movement. In general, you want to try shooting on different frames and pick the one that would require the least amount of movement to fix. You can even take advantage of this sometimes. If you need to turn to the right to shoot an enemy, you could turn to the right only a little bit and shoot on a frame where the bullet goes toward the right side of the screen. That means you wouldn't have to turn as much since the gun's inaccuracy does some of the work for you. Sniper Rifles as especially good for this since they are extremely inaccurate, so you could shoot an enemy that is standing far away from the center of the screen with very little cursor movement.
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You can make an input file that recreates your save file. That is called a verification movie and it basically provides a save file that can be verified by TASVideos. I'm sure the staff can help you with that.
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Posts: 405 After a long break, I've finally started working on the All Tokens TAS again. This is the third level in the game, Alpine Escape. This is an on-rails mission, but there are some really creative strategies that helped me save 6 seconds over the published any% TAS. Thankfully, this is the only level in the game that is basically the same as an any% run (besides the time saves that weren't known when the any% TAS was made). Later levels will be very different, especially the next one. Check the YouTube description for more info.
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Posts: 405 Here's a Time Trial TAS I did of Archives Agent. It cuts several minutes off the world record and incorporates the newly-discovered elevator skip to save a few minutes of waiting near the end of the level. Check the YouTube description for more detailed notes about this run.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (417)
Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 Here's another Time Trial TAS I've done. This time, it's for Facility. Check the YouTube description for detailed notes on this run. I don't plan to do too many more time trial TASes since a lot of my efforts would be duplicated in a future full-game TAS. Instead, I'm going to TAS a few more interesting Time Trial runs and maybe a few Operative levels before eventually starting on the full-game 007 Classic TAS. Depending on how long that takes and how much I care to do more GoldenEye Wii TASes after that, I may do a TAS on Operative as well, since it's a pretty interesting speedrun with a lot of sequence breaks that aren't possible on higher difficulties. The lack of additional objectives also changes the route significantly.
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Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405 This is a tool-assisted speedrun (TAS) of the first level in GoldenEye: 007 for Wii. It's not a perfect run, but it's a really solid completion of the Dam time trial that I am really proud of. This TAS is 28 seconds faster than the current world record run, mostly because of optimized movement and fast glitch execution. After the intro cutscene, the player is tasked with killing two enemies in the guard tower straight ahead of the starting area. The fastest way I've found to kill these enemies is to shoot them from a distance as early as possible. I get a headshot on the closest one, which makes him take a step backwards. This makes him line up with the enemy beside him, which makes it possible for me to shoot both of them with the same bullets. The next four bullets travel clean through the first guard's body and hit the next guard in the head. A bullet that hits more than one enemy is called a collateral, and those will happen frequently in GoldenEye Wii TASes. With the first headshot and four collateral shots after, I am able to kill the first two enemies with five bullets. They don't die in one headshot each because they are too far away for one bullet to kill them. This damage drop-off is a frequent issue with killing far-away guards in this game. Once the enemies are killed, it's time to run toward the guard tower and kill another enemy by the green truck. This doesn't save any time, but it's entertaining. There are two other enemies walking past the truck that Trevelyan is scripted to kill, which is why I don't shoot them. Once all that is done, I stand in a certain place so the next group of enemies will spawn. Then I run toward them as soon as I'm able to. I have to wait for the five enemies to come through the door before I can kill them, so that gives me time to pick up an AK-47 that a guard drops near the beginning of the level. I quickly headshot the five guards with four bullets then run to the green truck, where the next part of the mission will begin. It doesn't matter how quickly I do any of this since you have to wait for Trevelyan to finish his scripted actions, but quickly killing enemies like that is really entertaining, so I'm willing to spend more time to make the TAS look superhuman without looking robotic. The next part of the stage is autoscroller, so there is not much to say about that. I try to make the gameplay interesting but there is not much to shoot at. There is a pretty interesting glitch near the end of it that makes the lighting act weird, but there isn't anything special about this part. There is no way to speed up the autoscroller as far as I know. During the breach, I shoot the three enemies as quickly as possible, then I shoot a padlock on the door behind them. This opens the door during the breach, which means I don't have to shoot the lock during real gameplay. At this point, I need to briefly talk about two important techniques we use in GoldenEye Wii speedruns and TASes. The first of which is Sprint Cancelling. If you interrupt a sprint half a second before it ends, you can start another sprint almost immediately. This means there is little to no walking time between sprints. You can cancel a sprint by shooting, reloading, switching weapons, falling, slowing down, strafing, etc. Anything that stops you from sprinting can be used to cancel a sprint. The later you cancel you sprint, the longer it takes. If you cancel it too early, you become unable to sprint for a short time, which loses about half a second. Each successful frame-perfect sprint cancel saves a little under 0.2 seconds. The next technique I use here is called Hovering. When you sprint down a slope, you temporarily reset your falling speed. It happens for such a short time that you may not even notice it. But if you interrupt your sprint with a reload, you can sprint again the next frame. This means that you can reset your falling speed every other frame for a short time, which allows you to almost hover in place while going down slopes. This is used to cut corners in many places, get out of bounds, and get over short walls if there is a downward slope nearby. It's a surprisingly useful technique. After hovering down the first set of stairs, I turn to the right and reload a checkpoint right as I press the button to open the big sliding door. This saves about two seconds of in-game time, which is what this Time Trial TAS aims for (A future full-game TAS would aim to save real time instead of in-game time, so this wouldn't be done there). From there, I take good lines and sprint cancel everywhere to get to my next objective faster. The next important part of the run is at the chopper, a.k.a. "Holiday Snaps". There are two enemies that run down the stairs, which I completely ignore. They do a lot of damage to me, but I pulled through in the end. The problem with speedruns and TASes of this game is that you do not regenerate health while sprinting. As a result, health management is a crucial part of speedrunning this game on the higher difficulties. The top of the Dam is, without a doubt, the hardest part of a Dam Time Trial run because you will be sprinting constantly, which means you will not regenerate health at all. To make matters worse, there is a really insane sniper on the other side of the dam that was a nightmare to deal with here. The enemies inflicted so much damage that I could not avoid without losing time, so I had to kill more enemies than I would have liked. Killing enemies takes time because you have to turn to shoot them. So theoretically, a few frames could be saved for each enemy I have to kill here. I had to slow down slightly near the end of the dam to prevent the sniper from killing me. Otherwise, this TAS plays the top of the dam really well. After completing the objective in the sniper tower, I head into the elevator toward rendezvous point. There is one final objective I'll complete on the way there. I have to shoot a locked door so I can go in through the other side. I also do what's called a "ladder skip", where I sprint at a good angle and fall down to the floor below insead of climbing down the ladder. Next, I head to the room with the last objective in it. Here, you're expected to complete the objective then turn around and head back down the stairs. Instead, I'll be falling through a small hole in the ground, which is a little bit faster. Normally, you would miss the objective here because Bond puts the phone away while he's falling. But there is a small ledge in the out of bounds space that I can land on. This means I can fall out of bounds, look around for a second, then clip all the way through as early as the game will allow. From there, I do a final few sprints to the finish and hover down another staircase to cut a corner a little tighter. While this TAS was a blast to make, and I'm really proud of the end result, it is certainly improvable. Here is a list of improvements that could be made to this TAS some day: 1) I kill a guard at 6:24. It's possible for that guard to be in a different place, but I was unable to manipulate them. I'm sure a frame or two could be saved here if the guard cooperated a little better. 2) Starting at 7:00, I take a ton of damage that could have possibly been reduced or avoided. Taking this damage early on meant that I had to kill more enemies on top of the dam and slow down a little to avoid the sniper's bullets. There is potential to save a few frames per kill here, plus about 1/4 of a second for slowing down a little. Aside from that, this TAS is really good and I'm proud of the final result. I plan to TAS another time trial mission over the next week or two. and potentiall start another full-game TAS in the near future.
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Joined: 3/30/2012
Posts: 405
Link to video Here is an unfinished TAS of the next level, Midas Casino. The last time I worked on this was exactly 2 years ago, but I thought I may as well upload this since I don't plan to work on this TAS again any time soon. Unfortunately, I believe this TAS will not be publishable here on TASVideos since it relies on a save file I was unable to recreate. I plan to try again whenever I get around to working on this, but that won't be any time soon. Right now, my priority is GoldenEye: 007 for Wii. I'm not sure what I'll do after that. Besides a few out of bounds glitches, this level is pretty straightforward. The newly-acquired shield powerup is really useful because it completely absorbs enemy gunfire. This is great because you lose speed when you take damage, so the shield makes it easier to get through areas without losing time. However, it doesn't last forever and can only absorb so much damage before it has to recharge, so managing eye power from this point on will be crucial.
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