Posts for FractalFusion

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Atma wrote:
FractalFusion wrote:
If you aren't joking...
I meant if you were joking about wondering how it came to that conclusion, not if you were joking that it came to that conclusion. Of course I know that. And you quoted yourself. I fixed it.
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In Virus Purple stage, the second ride armor enemy you hit can be bypassed by jumping over it, then going under the next one. In Final stage, when you reach the second ride armor (which floats where there are no platforms) there is a wall in the next spike pit which has no spikes; it is possible to wall jump off there directly to the top of the other side, without grabbing its wall. Otherwise, it's all good. You beat me in ways I never thought. Especially the second part of Final stage; that part is really hard.
Atma wrote:
According to the ingame timer, this TAS apparently comes in at 5 minutes 50 seconds for completion time. Wonder how the hell it came to that conclusion?
If you aren't joking... well anyway, the in-game timer only counts when you control your character in stages. It ignores cutscenes, stage select, and loss of character control. It's like that as well in Mega Man X6. In before "You are 5 minutes slower than the run at SDA".
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Before Sting Chameleon refight, isn't it better to charge up completely or as much as possible before going in? In any case, very good job. Personally, I didn't think it was worth 120000 rerecords, but you gave up a lot of time for it, so I congratulate you in that regard.
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aznxknight wrote:
Can anybody tell me what's wrong? I seem to be not able to click on File>Movie>Start Playback... Everytime i click on start playback, regardless if an img/iso/game is loaded it will crash.
Check your plugin configuration and try setting the plugin folder. If it results in some blank spaces, the path to the plugin folder is too long. Try placing it on the C: drive. Otherwise, use Linuzappz CD plugin, not TAS CD plugin.
aznxknight wrote:
Some issues i've also run into is trying to Record AVI as well. Does this function work? It crashes everytime i try to name the file to be saved as.
Don't use record AVI. Use kkapture instead (with v0.0.7, not v0.0.7 test 4) Or else use the recording functions in the GPU and SPU plugins.
aznxknight wrote:
Another issue involves running any game and then i press ESC and tinker around with the configurations. I dont remember what I did but i'm sure i didn't hit reset but when i clicked Emulator>run, the game reset back to the playstation loading logo screen.
Sometimes that happens, sometimes not. There's nothing you can really do.
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Atma wrote:
Worse news: turns out that converting it to the pcsx 0.0.6/7 movie format effectively destroys all the progress that we've made.
I found out the problem. When converting to v0.0.7 format, the address 2C (which is the controller data offset) erroneously points to address 76 (the 'D' in "NOMOVIEID") instead of 77, where the controller data is supposed to start. Changing it to 77, I was able to run the optimized intro movie (that Angerfist posted) completely without desync. Try it and see if you can recover your movie.
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dezbeast, how much time does using hadoken on the nose of the boss save as opposed to using Chameleon Sting 4 times?
4matsy wrote:
I imagine the trick would be used on D-Rex (the tank boss) too?
In my run there is a way to do it quickly without resorting to mid-air hadoken. Sigma 3 notes: - Try the mid-air hadoken trick at Sting Chameleon. It is possible to have Sting Chameleon jump up, use his tail 1-3 times, and drop down, but I don't know how reliable it is. - No other comments, really. Sigma 4 notes: - You can knock back Velguader with a yellow charged shot, though I don't know if that saves time. - The final form cannot be defeated with hadoken (though I haven't tried everything). Good luck. PM me if you have any issues (it may take me up to two days to respond however).
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I meant that if you were segmenting and you wanted to reset, reload, retry, you should not jump in right away but play a new game or training (and game over) to change the RNG value. I don't know if this happens for the PC version. Cremator said that reset, reload, retry worked for him eventually but having the cannon work was "unheard of". Maybe unheard of from console players?
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I finally figured out what makes the cannon work or not. Using RAM search, it was quite easy to find. I set up the position again (beating Grizzly and Firefly and entering Grizzly's stage), then used RAM search to find the RNG (I know it changes during Grizzly's stage and it doesn't at the stage select screen). The RNG is at memory address 93F70-93F71. But that's not all. While doing a number of tests, I discovered a strong correlation between the 1-byte value of 93F70 and success. The cannon didn't succeed often but on the first occasion it did, the value of 93F70 was 6. This led me to conclude that low numbers cause success. Sure enough 7 worked as well. 8 didn't work, so 7 seemed to be the largest number. But I decided to check 128+ just in case, and sure enough, it worked as well. Further tests revealed 64+ and 192+ worked, but 32+ didn't. So in conclusion, the game takes mod 64 and makes it success if the result is less than 8. Of course, that was for two parts. For no parts, I discovered that instead of 8 it is 4. So the probability of success with no parts is 1/16, a lot higher than expected. Here's the reason why Atma and Angerfist had that problem though: RNG values are thrown whenever the flashes occur in the cutscene of ____ blowing up (I can't fill in the blank). Once it switches to the war room cutscene, it doesn't change anymore. 8 RNG values are thrown at the stage select screen (always), then one value when the success is to be determined. If the probability is 1/16, you may wonder why success "almost never happens". It's because every time you reset, it seeds the RNG with a fixed number. Then when you load your save and launch the cannon, it always comes to the same RNG number, which is fail. So if you are speedrunning this game[Edit: segmented and want to reset, reload, retry for the cannon], you should start a new game or training with Zero on Xtreme, game over, and quit to main menu.
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I persisted. At least playback is deterministic. I actually did a fifth level, and then lost it due to a savestate accident. That's when I stopped. I wouldn't have gone far anyway. I used some plugins (don't remember). Don't know if that had anything to do with sync.
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If I'm not mistaken, the PC WA TASers aimed for lowest total turn time. I did a N64 TAS of the first few levels years ago: The loading time on the PSX version surprises me.
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It seems to occur when your character enters the portal just before being hit by a nightmare virus. In my case, it occurred when the virus was underneath. YouTube video: (may not be ready) But getting the Reploid after entering the portal was when only your character's splitting image collides with it. So I don't know. How does it allow travelling longer distances? You can't do anything until it is done. And is that really your video? I thought 65 was Decremated, because he claimed that video.
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I'm just before High Max in Mijinion's secondary area. Currently 27.5s faster than the last version. Infinity Mijinion's stage on Xtreme looks like monster soup. Oh, while testing, I also pulled off the useless but amusing portal death glitch that 65/Decremated documented over at SDA. It's so awesome that kkapture didn't want to record it.
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CreeDo wrote:
That's encouraging about the PSX stuff at least. I know I can search by system among published movies, but Is there a way to search for just unpublished PSX movies?
Just look around the PSX game forum. :P If you mean submissions, well just search it manually for now.
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nineko wrote:
I spent countless hours on this run, playing everything in frame advance mode trying several times looking for the optimal strategy,
If you are spending "countless hours", yet have only 1200 rerecords, something is not right. Perhaps it is your keyboard controls. I wrote a guide some time ago explaining where keys should be located: . Perhaps it is your knowledge of the game. Remember that knowledge is everything. Persistence is nothing without knowledge. It is highly recommended to know a game before making a TAS of it. This includes watching the existing S3&K runs carefully, and searching for existing records, especially if the game has a timer mode. Some of it will include trial and error by TAS, but as you TAS, you gain experience, and it is so much easier if you know the game.
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Dwedit wrote:
Shouldn't a run of this be done on the non-pirate version of the game? Stick with the authentic Sachen Thunder Blast Man game, not one of the thousands of pirate versions.
While I admit I missed the [!] ROM and used some other, there is no evidence of a Sachen Thunder Blast(er) Man game more authentic than the game which I am using. As far as I know, there is only one game (NES). There are many game packagings, but game packagings have nothing to do with this. Even though there are multiple ROMs, it seems all of them have the pirated title screen.
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Checking the edit logs, it appears that there was a timespan of almost 50 minutes where there was only one submission in the queue. Was it ever this empty since the first time there were two submissions in the queue?
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I started version 2. I improved the intro stage by 197 frames. Here is my planned route: - Shield Sheldon secondary area (Zero battle) - Commander Yammark stage as Zero - Infinity Mijinion secondary area as X (High Max battle) - Gate Lab 1 as Zero - Gate Lab 2 as * - Gate Lab 3 as Zero Yeah, I said before that I would go with Gate Lab 2 as Zero. Turned out I changed my mind again. Seeing how promising charged Yammar Option is, and that I didn't do it the first time, I'll try it with X first. If it goes, I'll stick with it.
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I meant that as a joke, not an act of passive aggression. I wouldn't really cancel it; even if I did, I would just uncancel it later. As for the run itself, it has its flaws, and I did it for fun anyway, so I'm not really waiting on it. P.S. Besides, is anyone serious about an infamous "pirate" game? P.P.S. It's not a Mega Man game.
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Bump. Now 2 submissions in the queue. Maybe I should cancel my submission just to see how empty the queue becomes.
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mz wrote:
errror1 wrote:
can the plugins effect the ability for a movie to sync properly.
Only the SPU plugins can. With most games, you won't be able to make a 2-second movie if you're not using the official TAS Sound Plugin.
I haven't had any problems so far with Pete's MIDAS Audio Driver 1.7 on Mega Man X6. The TAS Sound Plugin makes it sound like a broken CD when paused, while the former doesn't (on the occasion that it hangs sound, it sounds smooth).
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Information about possible desyncs in v0.0.7. While making the TAS in v0.0.7 (I use test4, but it might extend to v0.0.7) occasionally after stopping the movie and playing it back later, the movie desyncs for no reason at all. However, when I load the latest savestate, it fixes itself. I suspect that it has something to do with bad implementation of bulletproof rerecording. I do not know if this is the problem or not.
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Just a quick update. I haven't started a new run yet, but through testing, I managed to save about 5 seconds in Shield Sheldon's stage by timing the laser spawns. A partially charged shot also destroys the shield enemies without being blocked, if shot from up close. I found out how to make Yammar Option fireflies have charged damage on contact. Charge up without deploying the fireflies, then use. (You might have noticed this in the test run at High Max 1 where the fireflies did 5 damage instead of 3 even when they weren't in charged shooting mode.) Using charged Yammar Option, I can destroy the Illumina cables in about 20 frames. Note that it is necessary to press left-right-left-right so that the fireflies go in and out of the cable so they hit every 2 frames.
Post subject: Re: so what about...
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CreeDo wrote:
Is this emulator not considered much because it costs money?
I'll reply so that you don't think everyone is ignoring you. Yes, you are absolutely correct. Costing money also means that it is inevitably closed source. I don't believe authors of closed-source programs have rerecording or other TASing tools anywhere other than near the bottom of the priority list.
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I tested Zero in Gate 2: Zero happens to be slightly faster than X (comparing test runs). Zero's major gain was before High Max, and Zero's major loss was in the compactor section. Regardless of which is faster when optimized, I'm going for Zero here. X looks way too messy.
Cremator wrote:
Seeing you found that 2/5 SDC strategy, FractalFusion, are you planning to use that against Nightmare Mother/Dual Cells, since the second slash reaches the core? Or does that trigger invulnerability?
SDC cannot be used on Nightmare Mother. Invincibility is always triggered on any hit. For those who are confused, SDC is an exploit, not a glitch. SDC in general need not rely on a glitch, though the method of SDC I used relied on something that I called a glitch (and Satoryu says it isn't a glitch).
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With kkapture, I achieved a partial success: The speed is all wrong, unfortunately. The run is just as bad.