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I just saw this...fantastic job! I'd been keeping tabs on some of your impressive single-track TAS's, especially using the new AGG technique, but seeing it deployed on an entire cup, especially on the tracks I know so well, was mind blowing. The backward DTDs are just too insane! I'd seen backwards driving once or twice but had no notion it could ever be faster. There's too much to like on a track-by-track basis to even go into it, but I was very pleased to see the new strat for the end of the Big Blue laps. DTD'ing further down onto the end of the lap after the loop was something I tried for a fair amount, but never succeeded. I'm going to be re-watching this a bunch in the coming days, for sure. Congrats!
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FractalFusion wrote:
Now that I got around to watching, this TAS was merely "OK" for me. I wish it wasn't possible to skip so much.
The various ways the skips are accomplished were a big part of the fun for me, but I can see the appeal of a 'no game-breaking glitches' type run for this title. If there were enough interest, I might do something like that.
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I've considered a few, but "each character retrieves his/her own crown" is the only one I think adds much. The others are: 1. no trespassing: not only the crown, but all the treasures in each character's area (apart from the son getting the dragon slayer) must be retrieved by that character 2. uses all items: in addition to being acquired, each unique item type must be used at least once For #1, there's just not much it adds because for the most part the detour of taking a character into another's area to do something besides get the crown won't be worth it time-wise. It would prevent using the son to get the deepest treasures in Pochi's area by warping there using the painting above the dragon-slayer -- but I think that's actually a downside as it's a cool/useful shortcut and prevents a lot of backtracking (as Pochi would have to go back to get the crown after retrieving the 2nd money bag in his area and 2 breads). For #2, there's really not much to say in its favor. The shield is useless for TAS play; the rod (doubles spell distances but halves damage) is useless period. The magic boots & knuckles will probably save some time, not sure about high jump boots, the armor may but probably not.
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This was my first TAS and almost 10 years later I've found some energy to work on this game again. I disassembled the item generation code and other key areas and am tweaking some Lua scripts to help me find the perfect drops. It's always bugged me a bit that the published run isn't really as fast as possible due to using Xemn (the father) and his need to get the glove, as well as adding a character change. So I'm thinking I'd like to do 2 runs; an any% (that will only use daughter, mother an son to be as fast as possible) and a 100% which gets each crown with its intended character, collects every chest, and gets at least one of every item (practical effect of this is to require buying the shield, as all other items are available in chests). I'll be doing the any% first, so in the meantime let me know if you have thoughts on this 100% definition or anything else.
Post subject: Re: Kaizo Mario 3
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Catastrophe wrote:
Something about the way the big '?' blocks are placed makes me think that Obitus (RIP) knew about the glitch with them. They're staggered vertically, and rooms often have several of them. Obviously you're intended to die a whole lot, right? And if you do, then no problem. But if you're using savestates then they'll never replenish. Trapped! And if you're reckless and hit more boxes than you need then you'll run out of them sooner. I wonder if Obitus ever knew there was a deathless solution to his puzzle? Probably. There were times in this TAS when you gave up the ability to fly to save time. Seems like there must be a more reasonable deathless route (that takes longer) where you fly more and switch suits less.
I think he was aware of the issue, but I don't think he made a deathless run a priority or he could have tweaked the level layout pretty easily to avoid the issue. As you note, people die all the time in this game, and as it stands even for the best players a deathless run doesn't seem likely anytime soon even without this issue. Here's which slots are available for each big ?:
         80 40 20 10 08 04 02 01
L2 Leaf:                       X 
L7 Frog:  X
F2 Hmmr:  X  X
F2 Frog:           X
11 Tnki:  X  X  X  X  X  X
18 Leaf:                 X
C  Frog:  X
C  Hmmr:  X  X
C  Tnki:           X 

So a deathless run has to only use 1 X for each column. Notably, the Frog suit in the castle burns one of the two possible Hammer slots for later in the same level. You can also see what I ran into when my original WIP hit the F2 frog block (10) going by, without collecting the suit, and reached the castle with no Tanooki possible. As to another, slower, possibility for a deathless run, I don't think flying is the key. To make it through the castle unassisted, you essentially MUST have both the hammer and tanooki suits available. Tanooki is no problem -- but freeing up the hammer suit in the castle would require skipping either the L7 frog suit or the F2 hammer suit. Of the two, skipping the F2 hammer suit by finding a way to finish both L8 and L9 big seems more likely any rate more likely unassisted than wall-scaling in the castle!
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Bisqwit wrote:
The submission text speaks of closed captions, but the video does not have any.
Anyone else having this problem? They're published for English, and I see them when I'm not logged into my YT account as long as I press the button to enable cc...
Post subject: Another WIP
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Here is a WIP through the second fortress I don't know if the streak will hold but I've been pleased so far to find TAS-only skips of various types in every level so far, including showing some glitches known but not used in prior TASs. The time is currently over 2.5 minutes ahead of the unassisted WR pace. L1: Finish as big Mario (speed/entertainment trade-off; also 9 extra lag frames bouncing off enemy after clearing big pipe rather than staying above enemies); thrown shell is stomped by bonus block L2: Shell kept throughout level L3: Having leaf necessitates ditching Kuribo's shoe and taking high route L4: Huge skip possible due to having leaf F1: Keeping P speed through moving platform section allows jumping directly from moving platform to the pipes L6: Faster big first jump by initial wall jump (makes bullet bill fire right insteady of left), bouncing off flying koopa; also air jump off P-switch extends airtime L7: Cheep Cheep bounce to get frog suit faster; wall jumps and lakitu bouncing shortens swimming sections L8: Small Mario's ability to scale a vertical wall used for a huge skip L9: "Shell Ninja" strat of throwing a shell and stomping it for a boost without shell hitting a wall is used twice; first time to prevent beetle from waking up, second time to increase jump height and a decent size skip including the need to get the star F2: Hammer suit kept throughout, frog suit skipped; possible to swim against downward bubbles by hammering A
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WIP with 1st 4 levels There's a couple seconds speed-entertainment tradeoff in Level 1 to show a glitch where throwing a shell at a block can hit the block and stomp the shell along with an elaborate shell/wall jump sequence which enables finishing L1 as big Mario (which the level design intended to be impossible). Alas, the shell strat for L2, while MUCH faster, means I just have to lose the mushroom again but I wanted to give the game engine a beating right at the start.
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I'm working on this currently as well. So far TASing it reminds me more of Lemmings than prior SMB3 runs...
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SmashManiac wrote:
Is there a simple way to enable/disable these new game modes and play through the entire game casually using them?
Not *yet*...
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Masterjun wrote:
This is an incredible movie! This reminded me of my first days getting into crazy glitch stuff (the smw run with the fishes), as this is exactly the way how I got into assembly language and low-level shenanigans. I'm really happy to see another person that seems to have a lot of fun (and the abilities) to utterly destroy games and rebuild them solely to entertain other people, which was done exceptionally well.
I think we do see things the same way, thanks for the great tribute. :) It's been great seeing the positive response to this, including Mitch "what?!" FlowerPower at AGDQ. Thanks everyone!
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ais523 wrote:
Would it be possible to write the payload faster using subframe input?
It'd be easy enough to have my routine poll the controllers multiple times per frame; the question I don't know the answer to is whether there's a way to specify subframe input in a movie file without hacking the emulator...and whether the result would sync on console.
Post subject: Re: Mario Bros 3 NES
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alberich2k5 wrote:
Hi! I'm quite newbie to nesdev forum and in development in general. I'm trying to understand how super mario bros 3 collision works. Right now I'm using fceux hexedit to see RAM and ROM. My previous thoughts was collision map was embedded in the map info starting at 0x6000. But this seems not to be correct or something is missing. In world 1-1, one of the first boxes you can jump (address 0x6303) has the hex value 0xE3. In world 1-castle (not the ship one), the solid silver tiles are 0xE4. If I change it to 0XE3 if mario touches it, is killed. So obviously, the values does not mean the same thing. Is there any other table/address I should look at? thank you very much!
Check out This guy did a completely commented (and mostly accurate) disassembly of the game. It's been invaluable for a lot of my recent work on this game. The link above has a section on Tiles, TileSets etc that seems to give tons of the sort of detail you're looking for.
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andrewg wrote:
One thought/idea: In 5-4, would it be possible to get a speed boost from the spinning bars at the very start of the stage? The reason I mention it is because in Ultimate NES Remix, this can be used to save time (but as Mario 2's princess), which means I have no idea whether this actually would work in any successful way here. Just my 2 cents. Awesome run guys!
Glad you liked it! I tested that 5-4 strat for the published run; you can finish the first screen faster, but then you go into the tube without P-speed and it ended up being slower due to losing time on the 2nd screen.
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Great find! Why is 2nd quest that needed or is it just because the flute is much more quickly accessible?
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No, actually I believe (Tompa will know for sure) that 4-4 would be slower with the frog suit even if no time was spent getting it. The reason is while the Frog suit swims "fast" compared to other Mario suits, the fastest Frog swimming speed (2 px/frame) is quite slow compared to max running speed (3.5 px/frame), and is even slower than non-P-speed running (2.5 px/frame). And although acceleration is very slow, regular Mario's max swim speed isn't all that much slower at 1.5 px/frame. With the variety of tricks available to minimize the time spent regular swimming, it's almost always faster to use a non-Frog suit and stick near the surface. The exception is the 2nd fortress in World 3, the lone level where significant deep-underwater swimming seems to be unavoidable. Even in that case, however, it saves less than the time required to get and equip a frog suit, which is about 10 seconds.
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adelikat wrote:
This run has some amazing moments, all of which will also be in a warpless improvement. This movie validates the original reasoning of doing warpless as opposed to 100%. The vast majority of the content added by this category are levels where the authors struggle to provide entertaining content (and give up and order a pizza <_<). This is a cool run, I enjoyed it, and we can publish it. But I think the warpless is more entertaining overall, and a better category choice, obsoleting it would be a bummer.
I think it's a stretch to say all of the amazing moments will also be in the warpless, and disagree that the new content is where we struggled to provide entertainment. Everyone can have their own opinions about what the best parts of a run are, but for me a lot of the best parts of the 100% (1-4, 2-3, World 4 hammer brother triple-team, death-without-dying in World 7 Pirahna level) won't be in the warpless. The biggest struggles to provide entertainment (from my perspective) were the Auto-scrollers that are also in the warpless which have been done many times and aren't very variable; some of the World 1-7 non-airship auto's are better than others, but overall they provide more variety than among the airships and world 8 auto's IMO. The 99-life issue is valid discussion IMO; but for me the thrill about it is getting to 99 in a short run like the any %. In general we tried to be as fast and entertaining as possible everywhere we could, it was a design decision but we just didn't prioritize the lives issue. I agree that this run shouldn't obsolete the warpless, else we'd feel pretty silly separately improving the warpless. :)
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andrewg wrote:
Yes! I was especially impressed with the world 2-fort p-wing trick. I hadn't seen that before. Also, I am curious as to what you are doing to catch the wand above the screen each time. That is, what is done after the initial walljump? Amazing work. I saw you working on this at AGDQ 14. :) Star material for sure!
Thanks! Re: the wand catch...the boss room has single-width pillars that form the left and right walls. The pillar on the right has a top you can stand on just above the screen; you can't get on top on the left. So the offscreen action just involves landing on top of the right-hand wall, pushing as far as possible right, pausing a few frames for timing, then taking a running jump back to the left to catch the wand just as its collision-detection becomes enabled (which is just before it would appear on screen). Of note, the floor in a flat boss room is one block too low to be able to successfully get up there without P-speed; those are the rooms where we arrange to bounce off the boss for extra height.
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Awesome, I've been hoping to see this run for years, thanks for doing it! One totally-unrelated-to-your-TAS-but-that-you-might-know-the-answer-to question; if you use the Skull of Mondain are you permanently barred from avatarhood or do you just have a really long way to build everything up? Back when I was a kid playing this I recall using the skull a bunch of times, realizing that my virtue levels had all been toasted, and then trying to make amends but not getting anywhere. Just curious if you happen to know based on your work with the game.
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Holy crap! I don't know how he maintains so much speed in the floats coming out of those dives!
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Oh man, so great to see this. I wanted to do this game about a year ago but it wouldn't emulate on BizHawk for some reason. Big nostalgia hit. I think as a kid I came one ladder-fall from this score, needless to say I played it endlessly. Looked like some nice moves getting past the various enemies and with the balloon glitch. And, of course, this game has the best ending ever...
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I'd forgotten all about that run. There's no reason the glitch would screw anything up in the other games - there is a huge # of ways to generate the correct values, so this should definitely enable the quad to be done more quickly.
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Ha! I thought this was a great movie and glitch, never having played the game. Gameplay well above average entertainment-wise for A2600. Obviously watching the score count up is boring but seeing it start doing so is a good laugh moment. Yes vote here.
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Cool that this was found, the MM runs have always astounded me. I agree with adelikat, though, that post-credit behavior matters and that this run doesn't really beat the game. I'm no expert in MM1, so I'll use an example from the Legend of Zelda: Suppose a TAS jumped to the end-credits from Level 1, but afterward you reload the savefile and you're still in the first quest, with only 1 piece of the tri-force. In the Zelda case the game offers more obvious/visible feedback that the game was not really registered as beaten, but the same concept would seem to apply in this case.
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GeminiSaint wrote:
My only question is, how do you "enter" a pipe... outside said pipe?
This glitch has been known for a few years. The game does a slightly lazy calculation to make sure Mario is close enough to the center of the pipe to use it. You can trick this calculation if Mario is just getting pushed off the right side of the pipe. You can go down an up pipe because the game just checks that you're on an end-cap tile -- it's not explicit that for an up pipe you're pressing up and a down pipe you're pressing down. In this case, Mario is "standing" on the end-cap for 1 frame by embedding himself in the wall, so the game assumes he's standing in the middle of a down-pipe.
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