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Thanks, both to cpadolf and the rest of the community here. I did not expect to be nominated for the overall award this year, much less win, so this was a big surprise.
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Thanks, all, for the support in a close race. Sometimes it's hard to carve out time to TAS, so it's great to know people enjoy my work. Even my wife said "oh hey cool," and that's saying something. I didn't think it was possible to beat HappyLee, but I'm sure he means it when he says he'll make his best movies in the coming year. :)
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Ah, thanks, Samauri; that's unfortunate. I guess I'll do my best on the MrFixIt site...
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Does anyone here have n64 movie files for some of these runs/tracks? I started trying to TAS this game a while back, but couldn't even duplicate the speed achieved on a rail slide at the start of one of the unassisted WR's on YouTube. I gather this mrfixitonline site may be a fruitful place if noone here has them...
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A few factors for me... 1. personal interest/familiarity with the game 2. some sort of technical richness -- i.e. non-trivial route planning, wacky physics or resource management that will make the game interesting to TAS 3. some sort of audio/visual richness -- i.e. something that will make a TAS fun to watch 4. at least a suspicion that an interesting improvement exists - i.e. something that will be noticeable, save time, and be entertaining 5. expressions of interest from the TASing community is always good - it gives some confidence that a run will be well received
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That door can be shot with a missile, which in the short term would save about 5 frames. However, the enemy placement on the next screen makes it necessary for Samus to morph to bounce over the crawler, so I take the morph delay while waiting for the door to open; I don't actually otherwise slow down there. Unfortunately, there's not much Samus can do to manipulate the enemy placement without losing time or using more missiles. Apart from this, using a missile on the door would require another missile refill, and I REALLY squeezed the last half of the run for missile refills to get exactly enough to avoid losing time in Tourian.
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andrewg wrote:
I'm curious... can't 1 block gaps be walked over with samus and save time by not jumping? I thought I remembered this being the case.
Hmm, no. Maybe you're thinking of SMB? ;)
Solon wrote:
I laughed like a maniac at the fourth wall break in the subtitles.
Anyone know what this refers to? I'm stumped... Thanks for the feedback, all! Given that people seem to like the subtitles, I might try retroactively doing them for some of my older runs.
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sgrunt wrote:
I'll admit it - part of the reason the predecessor to this exists was in anticipation of seeing this run made. I'm glad it had the intended effect.
I've been used!!! ;)
sgrunt wrote:
I had wondered if this route might end up being faster overall, but ended up dismissing it on account of the larger distance involved; it never occurred to me (even after the post-Kraid sequence) that having missiles would save so much time. Seeing the Multiviola room trashed is definitely worth it.
Actually, the Kraid-1st route is overall shorter in terms of distance traveled. If you ignore Kraid's area, they're identical. Both do exactly these steps in Brinstar: 1. Start --> Kraid's 2. Kraid's --> middle Brinstar (mine then goes to Norfair; sgrunt's to Tourian) 3. Start --> middle Brinstar (mine then goes to Tourian, sgrunt's to Norfair)
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I think I recall reading that Thunder cannot be cast at Magic level less than this false?
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My vote goes to adelikat for tremendous production both in TASing and emulator development.
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Please beat all bosses...not like those are long fights and they add entertainment. In contrast, I can't really see the joy in maxing out experience levels...I guess it'd be ok as long as it was worked into the rest of run rather than finding someplace to exp up and adding minutes to the run...
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Knowing just a bit about the game, I think Galaga could be an ok - not great - TAS. As I recall, the game gives differential points depending on how enemies are killed. For normal bugs, twice as much if they're attacking vs in formation. For Galaga's, I think, 800 if they're attacking with 1 escort, 1600 if they have 2. Doubtlessly, one could make use of this, along with never missing a shot/having one shot hit multiple bugs to do things that make it clear it's not a human playing.
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I would fold "foregoes taking damage" into Time/Entertainment tradeoffs and call it a day. In the end, the tactic of having a slower overall time while preserving life. The "takes no damage" class could still be used for damage free runs regardless of whether time is lost to do so. As a rule, I think the classes should serve to make the user aware of a feature that might make them want to watch the movie. "Foregoes..." falls short in this measure; it's strangely worded and does not sound exciting.
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Ah, thx Arflech. I'm blocked from YouTube at work (proxy filter, rrrg). As for the bomb jumping, it would be cool, but unfortunately not useful in any of the runs on this site. This is because for the any % it's much faster to get the ice beam than bombs, and the low % and 100% beat both bosses, negating the need to glitch past the statues...
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Any chance you can summarize since I'm blocked from YouTube at my current location? BTW, have improvements to the low % and any % underway; any % is a small improvement (1.1s ahead as of gold corridor en route to ice beam) but I figured I'd redo it since I was already doing the low %. My est is the low % improvement will be in the 10-15s range, but that's real preliminary since our runs are not directly comparable.
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Unfortunately, I cannot watch this right now. I'm glad to see the attempt made, though, especially as a first submission! As I've said before, I feel the no-mini-bosses run should also be obsoleted by an improvement to the 1-item run. Will have more to say once I watch it! Work sucks! EDIT: This run does an impressive job executing many new techniques, but loses frames in many places due to unoptimized platforming (e.g. jumping across gaps 1 block wide instead of morph-unmorphing). I also feel that many more energy containers could have been manipulated to avoid delays, especially in Ridley's lair. Still a good overall run, still an improvement, but regretfully, a meh from me. Oh, and it looks like the reason the Tourian escape is slow is that Samus is caught standing when she goes through the door. Entering while spinning preserves momentum. Sgrunt, definitely feel free to PM me (and this probably goes for most players with published runs) or post on the forums if you're having trouble matching the performance of an existing run. Often it's something obscure, but simple, that the previous author will be more than happy to share! ;)
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Truly awesome to see this run fully realized! I really had my doubts that it would be possible to BOTH get up to the area 3 door AND the area 8 boss door, but you did it and that makes things so much neater (vs my test run). Congrats! Also glad to see this being accepted as a new category.
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Cool, will check this out when I get home. Were you able to zip straight to the area 3 door? I haven't done anything further on this yet as I got ensnared playing a new version of a childhood game (Angband,, soooooooo good). If we are able to zip straight to 3 AND can then zip straight to the level 8 boss door, this run will be truly ridiculous, with possibly only 1 screen (the opener) traversed normally!
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Can't watch now (at work, movie sites blocked, grr) but would like to voice the following theory: HappyLee is actually a bot running the following pseudo-code indefinitely on faster and faster hardware:
foreach PUBLISHED_MOVIES where ROM_NAME like "Super Mario Bros."
  if PLAYER_NAME is not "HappyLee"
    while isNotImproved(MOVIE) tryCrapNoOneCouldEverThinkOf(MOVIE);
    submit(MOVIE, "HappyLee");
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The big q here, as I see it, is whether the Crusher is needed, i.e. does the World 2 boss need to be defeated. The answer is YES, unless: 1. IVZ can be used to get into the little room with the door from Area 2-->3 AND 2. IVZ can be used to get to the final boss room in Area 8 For 1: Looking at the map UA posted, you can see the door to Area 3 is just above that to Area 7. I've tried IVZ from several different spots in Area 2, and have zipped all around to various parts. However, the problem is when zipping up to the Area 3 door, one tends to get stuck at the Area 7 door just below it. I spent about 2 hours trying...perhaps a more organized/thorough effort could find success. For 2: I didn't try this (lack of success with #1 meant it wouldn't help) but it's worth a try. The final door is right next to the edge of its room, which makes it more likely possible to IVZ there. I'll give this another decent shot before giving up. As to using IVZ in World 3 to get to the World 8 door, or in World 2 to get to the boss room faster...both are likely possible, but for my unoptimized wip it was easier just to walk...;)
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Heh, very flattering! Luckily, the hospital DOES let me out occasionally. I'm a 2nd year resident now, so my typical week is down to about 65 hrs, vs 80 last year...much more reasonable. At this point, having a toddler is probably a more significant challenge to finding time to TAS, but it's my favorite hobby, so I try to jump on the laptop and crank away whenever there's a spare hour.
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Very sad not to have time to participate (in this one!) but watching with interest and looking forward to future such contests! Let's have a clean fight!
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Oh yeah! I humbly suggest, based on the above WIP, consideration of the usage of the European ROM for a "glitched" version of Blaster Master. BM Europe has 3 Jason-only glitches of devastating significance: 1. Pause-unpause resets vertical velocity -- Jason can fall forever without taking damage (noted by Walker Boh in another thread waaaaaaay back in 2004). 2. Experience from Legacy of the Wizard led me to try this -- after a pause-unpause, there is 1 frame on which Jason can jump out of midair! This removes any sort of vertical hurdle to Jason-only travel and -- most importantly -- allows Jason to air jump past the World 3 obstacle leading to World 8, which would normally require the tank with Wall1/2!! 3. The insane vertical zipping (IVZ) noted on a YouTube post by Spooky is easily replicated in the Europe version; it occurs when Jason uses the door glitch to get stuck in walls. Once zipping, various maneuvers can be used to, within limits, direct where Jason ends up. The above WIP is totally unoptimized but here's a quick summary: 1. Door glitch in 1st corridor of World 1 followed by IVZ -- skips the wall guardian and gets directly to World 2 door. 2. Uses a continue to get the tank back. Beats world 2 normally. Much IVZ testing succeeded in getting to World 7, but not to the tiny entrance to World 3. It might be possible, but I wanted to post this WIP rather than spend 30 hours testing. Beating crabulous gives the Crusher Beam needed to destroy blocks (may end up being necessary for World 8 also, since the final screen in World 8 has similar blocks surrounding the boss door). 3. Uses a continue out of sheer laziness to get back to the start of World 2, travels to World 3 normally, then uses air-jump to get to World 8 as Jason. 4. Uses a continue to get tank back in World 8. 5. Home free!!! I think an optimized version of the above would result in about an 8-9 minute movie beating the game and would be entertaining enough to justify the ROM switch according to the site rules. Such a run should NOT obsolete the current run, though, or IMO compete against an improvement using only the door glitch to skip World 4.
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I can suggest NES Legacy of the Wizard. The movement mechanics are very simple -- no acceleration to worry about. The challenges are all in route planning and luck manipulation, oh and a teensy bit of boss fighting. I did this game for my 1st 2 publications and it was very instructive; I didn't even use memory watch or any advanced techs. I also know of some further improvements if anyone is interested.
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Awesome video! I thought the MegaMan II and River City Ransom segments were too long, but good good stuff. (Just) An idea for an addition to the intro: Show a small (say 5-10 second) segment of a TAS actually being made, ie with redos. I'd suggest a segment where, say, 3 ridiculous jumps/shots in a row need to be made -- it doesn't matter, just something where the success/failure difference is visually obvious. Show a couple attempts being made at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd phases, each redone until success is achieved. Then, display the whole, perfected segment. I'd suggest total time for this to be about 30-45s, and explain what's going on with subtitles, perhaps with an undo counter. I mainly suggest this because even my (non-TASer) friends who are most aware of the videos I make still, for the most part, don't really understand HOW they're made. Obviously, this could also be a separate video for the FAQs section; I think decent speed platformers like SMBx, SM, or Ninja Gaiden x would work well. But to re-emphasize: great job!
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