Posts for Mitjitsu

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He didn't even take any damage but jumping followed by pressing B is certainly a useful strategy. 2P run is the only run I would even consider doing. EDIT: I trying out the first coulple of levels to see what they look like in a 2P run, but its hard to find a good configuration as sometimes the certain button combinations don't work or I end of activating GENS deviced such as GG patch feature or dump to WAV EDIT_2: I've found a very interesting 2P glitch is saves about 10 seconds in the first level.
Post subject: World of Illusion (Complete Come on In)
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Does anyone remember this game? I remember completing this a lot as a kid, it was espeacially fun doing it in 2P mode, its easily the best Disney game ever made, but I don't know what the bugs and glitches are. Here's a screenshot just to remind you of what game I'm talking about. Anyone interested in a 2P run, since it requires teamwork to do a lot of the sections. [URL=][/URL] OK here's the finished run. I'm unsure if I should submit this.
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I had to alter the movie at times so I could avoid desyncs. I think under the circumstances, I'll wait till the appropiate updates come along and start again, knowing some of the improvements that could be made, I think the central clock tower can be shot so that you can get some green ruppes, that'll save two transitional cutscenes, the inperfections after the scarecrow didn't really matter, because I'd still need to wait, so all in all I think maybe the movie could improved by 10-20 seconds. I also don't see any possible logic in going to snowhead and warping out after getting the fire arrows, just to save maybe 30-40 seconds in the first temple simply doesn't add up, I mean you'd have to perform snowhead early twice, and knowing full well how long and hard that trick actually is. Anyway can't you get the glided sword while on the first visit to snowhead via spring water, and then hovering into the Goron race and getting the bottle at the same time.
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Jweb Guru wrote:
AKA, could you please provide a savestate after the initial cutscene (specifically after the log jumping in the first ten seconds or so) so that maybe people won't have to download all these AVIs? I'm making the perhaps wildly hopeful assumption that it won't desynch after that.
I tried that but the run keeps desyncing in the middle of Clock Town so no luck there, I may have to go deep into the run before I can get a savestate that works.
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Heres the AVI Hopefully no complaints this time round.
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Here's the movie of the the first cycle Now put yourself in my position if you faced 28 desyncs within the first 21 mins of a game would you want to continuw knowing full well the game will get much tougher. Unless in the likely event someone wants to continue it themselves or most likely update Mupen and other various stuff then it'll be the end of the road for me. AVI on the way in the next hour or so. FF this time as it exceeds 100Mb. EDIT: Why would you have the fire arrows, you don't get them until you're deep inside Snowhead Temple. The route seems pretty solid and will last more or less 5 mins. Although how does not having fire arrows affect the route. The funny thing about this game is despite all the tricks and possiblties all the main dungeons will be done in the inteneded order. EDIT_2: I also beleve that quickspins cause desyncs. Timed horizontal slashes will be used instead.
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Looks like you're onto a winner although I think some of your jumps could have been calculated better, so that your not forced to radically alter important jumps e.g jumping onto or crossing platforms. Maybe skewing your jumps sligtly might be of benifit if you want to position yourself correctly for the jumps where a lot of re-records need to be appiled to.
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It wouldn't make any difference because you can set the stick out of position before the power is switched on and then pull in the oposite dirction. It just netrulises the movement. EDIT: When I'm recording on MM I can get something to work and run it correctly from a savestate hasn't been recorded from, but when I check it from the start it just desyncs some time after that savestate has been used. I'm gonna continue till I can get into the clock tower, but the desync rate is phenomial (27 in 17 mins), I guess its because its an expansion pack game. I can imagine DK64 and PD being a lot worse. I'm just wondering is it more to do with the rom or emulator and why has no one been able to run it correctly apart from me. I actually think Petrie managed it though, then again could it be because of the TAS 0.6 pluggin.
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If you're going back to the first owl then you would be as well redoing the deku tree with improvents. A potential trick would be to see if its possible to get hit by the gold skulltula into the uber water and swim in the deku shrub room using the vine glitch, unlikely but worth a shot.
Post subject: Most re-records spent on paticular bit in a movie.
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Just wondering whats the most anyone's spent on optimizating one small bit in the movie or pulling off a certain move i.e. a certain jump, turn, glitch or luck manipulation or maybe all of them combined. Personally the most I've spent is 2000+ on the collywobble jump at the start of B+K and thats only 10 seconds into the main action.
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I managed to bypass a navi text in MM using a very simalar method to what Pirate did. Unfortunatley the movie desynced and I'm now on desync number 25. I'm confident that a slightly better superslide in DM and a superslide past the second owl and the cancel trick in HC will get you to the moat early enough. I'm also sure that during the cancel switch that Link will be able to roll instead of running forward slightly.
GuanoBowl wrote:
Can you get past the 1st owl text with the deku stick/slingshot swap?
You should be able to. Since that owl is a ground trigger. I take it your going all the way back to the first owl conversation. That must be painful, but then again you've done it before you should be able to do it again. Try and take damage from the leevers on the way to the Spirit Temple.
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Man I suck bad when it comes to faking screenshots, its difficult to do it without the zoom feature. [URL=][/URL]
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here's an IQ test. This is eaiser than the ones I've previously done and I got 108, I usually get between 100-110. If anyone gets an exceptionally highscore then a screen shot is required as evidence. In the past I know a lot of people who lie about there IQ with quotes like 180,160 and 210. I'm pretty sure the maximum score is 150 while the minimum is 50 with 100 being the defined average. IQ TEST
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I found a weird glitch the other day and haven't been able to replicate since I mysteriously pulled it off, and couldn't do it even after 2 hours of trying, but in the basement I was screwing up the camera in Mario Cam so the camera was directly above mario allowing you to see through all the walls where the key door is. I did a double jump backwards and a mid air kick and appeared underneath the platform with the two coins in the main lobby, from there it might be possible to get to a useful spot. Although probally unlikely. The key door would be probally be useless since it would say "this door is locked bwa bwa bwa", I don't know if glitching through the 8 star door would have any use either apart from avoiding the open door sequence. The best possible use would be to long jump into the second bowser room although it probally doesn't even phisically exist at that point in time. The other possible use in the main lobby is the seam near the eight star door, there is a specific spot where mario can get stuck and do all sorts of stuff such as continous unassisted head bashing and hyper jumping. I've tried to glitch through that spot but there is a very strong repellent force which pushes mario away, however if it was somehow possible to get a backwards longjump in there then who know what might be possible, you would be able to build up enough speed and do a mini double jump and effectivley warp to location.
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Would a pre-defined savestate at the start make any difference. Anyway I only have 1:45 left so I'll get the silver rupee and back flip to the clock tower.
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Zurreco wrote:
AKA wrote:
Here's a AVI I made
Any chance you can host it somewhere where they don't require you to register/log in?
They only ask for 2 mins of your solitary life, which is far less than it would take me to upload elsewhere.
mwl wrote:
There is a minigame on the (inner) Great Bay Coast (offshore Zora Hall) which involves breaking five pots. If you can break all of them with a single boomerang toss as Mikau, you win 90 rupees. The Scarecrow's Song has the same functionality as that in Ocarina of Time. You set your own tune, and there are certain spots in the dungeons where you could call the scarecrow and hookshot to it. This saves time in Snowhead Temple. As BoMF said, you have to redefine the song in every three-day cycle, so only do it in the third cycle (the long one).
Oh I remember that now, that'll be hard as hell to optimize and will easily run into 1000's of re-records. I could do that game twice, first time entering GB and obtaining the Zora mask and second time while on the way to the GBT. So I learn it after getting the Goron Mask, I take it you say yes when the scarecrow starts mentioning a song that he knows of. There is a few locations so wheres the best place to learn the song.
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Here's a AVI I made Its much better quality than the last one. Anyone have any luck running the m64 file.
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Now I think of it, it doesn't actually waste any extra time just getting the silver rupee now from Stock Pott Inn, because I'd still need to get a few rupees to get 200 and therefore getting the Adult wallet (and that means getting a few extra rupees I mentioned earlier. Getting 99 rupees in Termina will waste 4 tranisitional scenes overall and could you please tell me what you mean by smashing the pots. I don't nearly posess the knowledge of this game as compared to OoT. I'm only doing this at the moment since everyone else has backed down from doing this although if no one can get it to run then it might not be worth continuing and I hope the next version of Mupen sorts the desync issue out as thats way more important than having soft resets. Even although its way ahead the thing that scares me to death is entering Snowhead without the lullaby. As for the ISoT, I could always play it later if it becomes aparent that I won't have the nessary time left although there is 2 things I would argue for playing it afer getting the Goron Mask. 1. Avoids more cutscenes where Link is told what day and time it is 2. You can hover into the clock tower once all masks are obtained. Final question, what is the scarecrow song and why is it needed.
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mwl wrote:
I haven't watched your new WIP yet (will do later), but why do you deposit only four rupees as opposed to a full wallet? Isn't it a waste of time, since you have to talk to the banker and all? Also, what about the chest containing the silver rupee in the Stock Pot Inn?
Dammit had no idea there was one there. I could always get it next.
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OK I've gone a little further, I've got the magic and deposited 4 rupees in the bank, and now I'm at SCT. I was thinking of leaving CT; getting 99 rupees and re-entering from WCT to deposit some rupees, giving me a grand total of 103 before enter the Central Clock Tower. Try to get this to run, because it runs all the way through for me without desyncs. I've experienced 16 desyncs up till this point, I've spent quite a while on this despite the re-record rate, becuase a lot of the time was wasted having to sit through the entire movie to check for desyncs, this'll probally be to tedious for me to continue.
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When I tested it the other day I was able to bypass the owl conversation with a superslide.
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I have to admit that I agree with BoMF. Just going directly to the tower and waiting for 4 mins will bore the hell out of everyone. I also find it hard to belive that Link will be able to aquire rupees faster than all the transitional scenes during the first cycle. I know the chest in ECT can be got as Link without any items, but the one in SCT can only be got with either a moon tear, bomb hover or most practically a Goron mask. My question is how much money is needed for the entire game? I know bombs won't be that much of a worry because they can be manipulated, but bombchus are needed for Snowhead,Ikana and possibly a few other places. The Adult wallet is definitley needed though. The route I've fought of so far in the second cycle is. 1. Hit owl statue 2. Goto Bank and buy Bomb bag 3. Goto Snowhead and Get Goron Mask (hit owl statue on the way) 4. Play SoT and go back to day 1 5. Play inverted SoT (completing game in 1:30 is impossible) 6. Get 100 rupees in SCT and buy 20 bombchu's 7. Get bombs from Grass and skip skullkid cutscene 8. Hit owl statue, get bottle and get all the way to hitting the owl outside the first dungeon 9. Warp to owl statue in CT 10. Goto Great Bay; get Zora Mask; hit owl statue; get egg from Pinacle Rock; get hookshot from Gerudo (YOU DO NOT NEED ARROWS); warp to GB and deposit egg 11. Warp to Deku swamp and complete first dungeon
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I figured out the trigger for bribing the guard at Hyrule. You need to get the egg from Malon and re-enter the area once its obtained.
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Why should I resort to using a keyboard?
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Thats the desync I mentioned earlier but that didn't happen in the previous movies. Guano, do you know how much time you need to shave off to get in before the guards appear and did the wolf howl before you got in. I think under the circumstances if this doesn't work then I think you should get the egg; wake up Talon so he appears at the Ranch and then boost across the moat with a bomb. Is it possible to bribe the guard 10 ruppee's to open the gate because time doesn't pass during speeches and you can avoid the owl with a ground jump. Try that, and when can the guard be bribed because sometimes he doesn't let you.