Posts for Mitjitsu

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For basic movements, if you want to efficiently find the optimal way to hold the analogue stick. You should be able find it within 6-7 attempts. Firstly, you need to estimate within 45 degrees which direction to move in. I'll give you a working example, we'll assume the optimal angle is 6 degrees, but we've yet to figure this out. First try zero degrees Second try 23 degrees Third try 12 degrees fourth try 6 degrees After going through that process, you're going to want to test 5 and 7 degrees. Before concluding 6 degrees is optimal. Hopefully, you'll see by using a mixture of approximation and division you can figure out any angle fairly quickly. Admittedly, that advice is pretty basic. In reality you're going to want obtain memory addresses which provide you with both the speed and direction you're character is facing.
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Wow, that WIP is a huge improvement over the one I did back in early 08.
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When a resume is submitted for a job application, if the resume is otherwise identical but the name is male, they are more likely to be accepted and offered a higher starting salary
The reason for that is because of all these laws which make it risky to hire women. You have all these anti-discrimination laws which make it risky to employ women. On the basis she may try to sue you in the event she gets fired or doesn't get promoted. On top of that you have these paternity laws to deal with. This is why a business owner will always favour employing a man over a women. Unless that women is so much better that she's worth the risk.
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Even if there was an efficient way of doing the glitch. You'd still need the Command Melody.
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andypanther wrote:
Men and women have different strengths, it's not just that women are weaker and therefore useless. You mentioned firefighters, would you only want that job to be done by men? Women can be just as useful in any job, they have their own strengths that should be used effectively, just like you said.
Whenever you're talking about issues concerning groups of people. It's important to make the distinction between a group and an individual. Yes, you can make collective judgement about a group based on a correlation. For example black people are more prone to committing violent crime compared to other groups. However, it doesn't mean you should label an individual a criminal based on the colour of their skin. Likewise, if I see a black person whose really good at basketball. It doesn't mean I believe all black people are good at or even into basketball. When you said women can be just as useful in any job. The key words were "can be". Most women are not as good firefighters as men are. Only about 5% of them are good enough to do such a job, because of the strength, endurance and mental capacity to do the job. Having someone whose only doing the job purely as the result of some form of affirmative action is putting other peoples lives in danger. Put it this way, if you're floundering in the sea. Would you rather have Pamela Anderson or David Hasselhoff come and save you? I think from a practical standpoint most people would want the latter.
Interestingly enough, men are arguably discriminated more on a legal basis (military service, parental leave), aside from countries like Saudi Arabia. Women have the problem that their equal rights are not enforced enough.
Interesting you bring up Saudi Arabia. What people forget in these kind of deeply conservative societies is that men are equally oppressed too, but in much less obvious ways. This mainly relates to the fact that men are financially obligated to take care of their wife and children. Whereas if a women is earning money its considered entirely hers to do with as she pleases. So any money a women makes is considered to be hers and any money a man makes is considers to be theirs. This can cause problems if a women doesn't pay her taxes or runs up debts, because the responsibility and consequences ultimately fall on the man.
I know why many aspects of feminism are criticized and rightfully so, I could give you many examples of things I disagree with. But there are way too many different approaches to feminism to just oppose it as a whole. And not all critics argue in a civilized manner with actual arguments, there are many people on the internet, as well as the real world, that are nothing but misogynists or trolls. As usual, those are the loudest.
Eighty percent of women don't identify with modern feminists. Yet, these so called modern feminists are the ones who have the platform and the loudest voice. They tend to be the unattractive, undesirable types, or the heavily career driven types, but it's mostly the latter. However, I'll give a quick run down of my fundamental issues I have with it... 1. It's about man hating. 2. It's about telling women how to think and feel. 3. It claims to speak on the behalf of all women. 4. It tells women that they need to be more masculine. 5. It's about gaining handouts and special privileges via the violence of the state, without taking on any additional responsibilities. 6. It denies the differences between men and women. 7. It's Marxism with boobs.
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If the wage gap was really true. Don't you think some company would fire all men and hire all women by paying them 79c on the dollar? That way you would undercut your competition and put all your competitors out of business. The wage gap myth has been discredited for over 40 years now, but there is still people pushing this who either don't know any better or are praying on people who don't know any better.
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I liked the 7/10 split at the end.
Post subject: State of the Current Gaming Industry
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People have been touching on this topic for the past few years, but it's obvious to me that the gaming industry as whole is in a very precarious state. Seems to me that it's heading for a crash that's not too dissimilar to the one in the early 1980's. This is the first generation of consoles in my lifetime where I don't own a cutting edge system. Maybe if the next Zelda game on the Wii U turned out to be the next killer app game. I might have considered buying a Wii U, but the fact they're also bringing it out on the NX means I don't need to bother. However, the fact I was so put off by the current generation of consoles on the market meant I decided to get into retro gaming, and try and get a hold of the games I missed from my early childhood. Here's some fundamental problems I have with what's happening in the current gaming world... 1. Whats the point of CD's anymore? You put the game into the console and you load the contents of it onto the internal memory. Sure, it makes sense from the point of view that the game will run smoother, but if that's the case. Why not just download the game, or put onto some SD card? 2. The whole issue of patches. Yeah, I get that you want some annoying and game breaking bugs and glitches to removed from the game, but this aspect has made developers lazy by rushing unfinished products to market. It makes me wonder what's the point in even getting a game at launch if you know it's going to be unfinished. 3. Micro transactions. I understand it from a money making point of view, and especially for games which you can obtain for free on your Android, but for a game you already spent $50-60 on? 4. Games today seem to treat you like idiots. Some of those FPS games of today are not a whole lot different from an on-rails shooter of the past. I don't mind a lot of back story and tutorials at the start of the game, but having it like that throughout a game is stretching it. 5. Game companies are being run by people who don't know anything about gaming. They tend to be either accountants or marketers who just seem to copy what sold well last year, or what has historically done well. No creativity or risk taking whatsoever. I must admit this situation must be very moral sapping for games developers. 6. Game budgets have gotten ridiculous. Whenever I hear a game costing $100m+ I don't even bat an eyelid anymore. Even when you factor in inflation. Games cost many fold more to make compared to what they did in the late 90's. 7. This relates to my last point, but there is no middle ground when it comes to gaming. Either you get shovelware or an AAA game.
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I understand that future time travel is theoretically possible, because when you start to approach the speed of light. Time speeds up. However, I'm curious if there is anything in the laws of physics which allow time travel into the past.
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Plush wrote:
Yeah pretty much what everyone said. The (very simplified) formula for new LJ speed is simply +-50%, but positive speed has a cap (48), while negative doesn't.
TBF, there isn't a cap on forward speed either. It just resets whether you touch the ground. After all, how's a trick like HSWK possible.
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Is it possible that using the Bomb-Omb method is quicker in the 120 star run?
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I'm for changing the title to a "1 key" run. I think most people outwith the speed running community know a zero star run is already possible. So promoting it as a "1 key" should turn some heads.
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I don't think BLJ->HSW would work, and even if it did. It would probably take an eternity to pull off. I was under the impression that these Japanese TASers found a way into the Vanish Cap without the wing cap.
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I thought the main issue arised from being able to enter the grate to get to the Vanish Cap in an optimal fashion.
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Keep up the good work.
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I look forward to seeing this game being done. I like most other people could never beat the Robot Factory on the hardest setting. So it would be cool, but I imagine extremely difficult to TAS.
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I've finally been able to watch it. While I enjoyed it, I think it's too unoptimized to submit. I must admit I thought it was funny having the iron boots on during the ending.
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I get where you are coming from, but I would have preferred if you revived the old topic in this thread.
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How does this differ from the SNES version?
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Wow, great game. Yes vote. As for the first line in your submission, I would personally say Panzer Dragoon Saga is the best game most people have never played.
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I enjoyed it. If the desyncs are really bugging you guys. You could always TAS the Saturn version. It's an arcade perfect port.
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andypanther wrote:
It's really easy: Don't use GIM when emulating the N64 version. There is no official N64 release for Master Quest anyway.
Then why are MQ roms for the N64 available? It's because the OoT/MQ disc that came with early copies of TWW. Were just N64 roms, with the games themselves being played via an emulator.
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Wow, not only is this movie incredible, but you also took it several levels beyond other total control movies. Thanks for the detailed submission, as it prevented me from bombarding you with highly technical and somewhat boring questions.
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I don't get it, why has this game been vaulted?
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I've been getting into the Ghosts 'n Goblins/Ghouls series via Capcom Generations 2 and this version appears to be greatly different from the one I've been playing. Is there another port of the game, or is this based of some arcade game (a very cruel arcade game if that)?