Posts for Mitjitsu

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I don't see how discussing the state of the video game industry is somehow "disrespectful" to Iwata's memory. Currently, I don't own any of the next gen consoles, and that's saying something given that I've owned a console in every generation since the 16-bit era. That doesn't mean to say I'm not buying or playing games anymore. I've simply went back to playing retro games and obtaining rare, overlooked and obscure games. I'm put off by current gen consoles on the basis of having multi gigabyte patches, downloadable content, pay to play and having to be connected to the internet. It worries me if I buy a game then it might be worthless 10 years down the line. However, the biggest problems game wise is the spiraling budgets and the polarization of the games being released. Either you get shovelware or a AAA game. There is no happy medium. Games companies are being run by accountants. Instead of by people who're actually gamer's.
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Nintendo definitely have the will and resources to bring out another console. Sony however is a different kettle of fish. Given that all their divisions bar the PlayStation and movie division are taking a financial killing. I think Sony could very well end up bankrupt within the next 3-4 years, with their PlayStation division being bought out by someone like Apple or Amazon. As for Microsoft, it's 50/50 whether they'll bring out another console.
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TAG wrote:
Hi can someone please give me an exact amount of frames each press i need? I want zo do a inverse camera angle and all it does is not cooperate, link just stutters and moves backwards and it is starting to REALLY PIß ME OFF 2 frames on Z the 1 off Z and move the control stick in the desired direction for 2 frames and then hold down Z (this does not work.) sorry
Press Z for 9 frames, then let go and hold a direction for 3 frames, then hold Z again.
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jlun2 wrote:
Why does it crash when the camera goes far? I wonder if this crash might one day lead to something bigger.
If you're talking about some kind of memory hack to skip to the end of the game, then it's most likely going to involve doing something with those Bomb Ombs in BoB. However, even if something were possible using that method. It's probably going to take a lot longer than 5 minutes.
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Is that glitch even legal? It looked to me you broke the 4th wall and entered the textureless world, which can only be done by reaching insane blj speed (65536 speed IIRC). However, that glitch crashes the game on an N64. Yes, you could try and use the reasoning that it works on VC, but that is an emulator, the name Virtual Console kind of gives it away.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
One game I'm trying to find is on the Genesis. Its like Mega Man buts its not. Each level you complete gives you a new character with different abilties and attributes generally they get stronger but sometimes the earlier ones are more suited to certain levels. The levels are relativley short and linear and have a big boss at the end of each one.
I know this was 7 years ago, but I eventually found this game a couple of months back. It was a game called Valis SD, and it was most definitely an obscure game.
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Scepheo wrote:
To be frank, if we're taking the Yu-Gi-Oh! episode as the setting, it's "because he had a hunch". For those who haven't seen it (or looked up a summary): he thinks the brothers don't play fair, and can switch the doors after you've made your decision. By concealing his "decision" (a coin) he manages to trick them into revealing the door they think he chose as dangerous (and the other as safe), while actually choosing the other door. Very little to do with any actual sort of logic riddle, really.
The only way I can deduce it is. Since they both said that one will only speak the truth, and the other will only speak lies. Then they must both be lying. If you point to a door and say "Which door am I pointing at?", and they both point to the same door, then one or both of them lie and only tell the truth when it's convenient.
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I thought black holes originate from an imploded star. Stars far bigger than our own sun. There is a limit to a black holes density, as you can only pack atoms together so tightly that there is no spaces between them. However, the center of a black hole cannot have an infinite pull. Otherwise the entire cosmos would have been sucked in by now.
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I was recently watching an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! S01E21 Double Trouble Duel (Part 3). After Yugi and Joey defeat Para & Dox in a duel. They get a truth liar teller riddle where there is two choices. One door leads to freedom; the other leads to being lost forever. Joey asks what most people would ask i.e. Show me your door? That way the liar would have to point to the truth tellers door. However, what I find hard to figure out is how Yugi is able to determine that both of them are lying, and that both doors a lead to the same terrible fate.
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Fog wrote:
For those interested, there has been a memorial fund to help pay for the funeral.
From reading the article I suspect if she was on anti-depressants, then it may have been an overriding factor. Getting bullied online because of her sexuality is a red herring IMO. All too often drug issues are overlooked, due to media outlets not wanting to hurt their advertising revenue, and the reputational damage to the pharmaceuticals companies.
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Enterim wrote:
sorry if this isn't the right time to say it but goddammit we have to take some sort of responsibility for each other's well-being if we're going to be any sort of community. this isn't the first time I've felt helpless and like an idiot and a shitty person for not doing more to help a friend before they committed suicide, and I imagine the feeling might be common right now. it's a terrible mix of anger and guilt and helplessness. it felt as if my world had fallen apart when one of my best friends killed himself last year but the only way I could have gotten through it was with the help of friends, other people to mourn his passing and celebrate his life with. this is who we need right now, and this is whom we need to be for each other. I realize most of you probably did not sign up for thinking it'd be a pillar of emotional support for a time of crisis, but what's the point of having a community if we let ourselves fall apart with silent abandon? I'll be on irc probably most of the day if someone's itching for someone to talk to.
I don't see what could have been done in this instance, and it's pointless to play the "I wish I" or "I could have done more" card. I already experienced a similar situation when my uncle committed suicide several years. In my instance the warning signs were there and I did all that could have been reasonably expected of me. It's not my duty to intrude on other people's lives online. Just so I can detect that 1/1000 instance. Rachel Bryk was responsible for the decision she took, and it's her fault for not trying to seek help. Whether it be counselling face to face or online.
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Kurabupengin wrote:
Patashu wrote:
Mitjitsu wrote:
Is anyone going to take over from Rachel? It was a shame, because I was looking forward to this run for such a long time.
I don't know if anyone else even CAN do this TAS.
Anyone CAN, It's just matter of motivation, teamwork and effort.
It is an off putting game to do. When you combine the length and difficulty of the game.
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Is anyone going to take over from Rachel? It was a shame, because I was looking forward to this run for such a long time.
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I tried the tech demo and it doesn't even have levels. It's just a play area with Sonic in the Nights engine.
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Why the pause buffering before entering Clock Town?
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No thank you, I've had enough of careerist politicians. I voted yes BTW
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marzojr wrote:
Mitjitsu wrote:
Is that a glitch that causes that, or an emulation error?
Glitch; in a nutshell, the trigger to load the bubble graphics is skipped. It is similar to S1/S2 when you do a level wrap and the signpost ends up all garbled.
The garbled signpost happens on console, but not the glitched tiles. A prime example of this is Marble 2 in Sonic 1.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Is that a glitch that causes that, or an emulation error?
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That jumping noise is really irritating. Is that necessary to go faster like in Super Mario World?
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thommy3 wrote: Down to 7 minutes.
That in no way is a legitimate category, because it uses a glitch to copy the contents of the third files inventory into the Hero mode file. I made a demonstration of it a couple of years ago. I mostly did it as a protest to runs that were being submitted here with pre-made files.
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Wow, incredible :-O
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Hey! my vote got flipped. This election is rigged!
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Techokami wrote:
Pokota wrote:
Wood Zone, Hidden Palace Zone, and Genocide City Zone - though to be fair Genocide City Zone is only a speculated name as far as I'm aware.
It was the WIP name for Cyber City Zone, which became Metropolis Zone Act 3. The assets for Cyber City Zone got recycled for The Machine in Sonic Spinball. THE MORE YOU KNOW!
That makes sense. After doing a bit of research on Hidden Palace Zone, it's my belief it was going to be a secret level that could be accessed after obtaining all emeralds. You would be transported there, and on completion. Obtain the ability to become Super Sonic. In the end, it was most likely scrapped due to time constraints, lack of memory or difference of opinion.
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Lorenzo_The_Comic wrote:
Mitjitsu wrote:
BTW, I noticed all the music was different compared to the regular stages. Isn't that Mystic Caves tune supposed to be from the Hidden Palace stage?
Yes, the 2-player stages all have different music. In the iOS/Android remake, Hidden Palace Zone uses 2-player Mystic Cave Zone's music.
If that's the case, then it makes me suspect there must have been other stages that were cut from the game.