Posts for Mitjitsu

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Just because its a bad game doesn't mean its not publishable, just look at Widget. IMO this game is definitly publishable but as others have said its not very optimal espeacially when compared to other simalar genre games on the site. I hope you make a new and better one :-) And yes definitly watch the movie as it has my fave Arnie quote: "You think this is the real Quaig... It is..."
Post subject: Re: Too much stupidity for one thread
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Truncated wrote:
AKA> As Einstein pointed out getting into the past isn't the main problem, its getting back again, as getting back into the future requires exceeding the speed of light. That's a rather idiotic statement and I doubt Einstein made it. Getting to the future is automatic.
In that case you either haven't interpretted what I said correctly. That statement you made suggests your even less qualified to make any theory or judgement on the issue. Just because one thing is achieved i.e. time travelling into the past. Doesn't mean you could automatically arrive back in present time or go into the future.
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mmbossman wrote:
AKA wrote:
So far scientists have managed to teleport light and are currently working on trying to teleport small objects
Have any reputable sources for this? Or is this statement akin to the SMB3/MM claims you're famous for?
There was an article I saw on the news a good few years ago. As for MM I'd like to know what game specifically you're refering to
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Bisqwit wrote:
Raiscan wrote:
...and assuming it is not a continuation? (which was my original intent)
Well, there are plenty of questions I'd like to have an answer for. Most are scientific of nature. Such as -- Assuming teleportation is devised some time in the future, can a live human body be cloned (as an identical copy, with memories and all) without ill consequences? -- If a time machine is devised some time in the future, can it be used to change the history? Can it be used to change the future? Are there parallel universes? -- Will interstellar travel be devised before the current human civilization expires / exhausts its resources?
So far scientists have managed to teleport light and are currently working on trying to teleport small objects, I wouldn't trust it because teleportation requires the subject to be melted and recreated. As for cloning, technically its already been done. Although not with all the same experiences intact. I doubt it could ever happen without side effects. As Einstein pointed out getting into the past isn't the main problem, its getting back again, as getting back into the future requires exceeding the speed of light. I think its realistically possible for humans to experience things in slow motion and react instinctivley to them as well greatly speed things up. Interstellar travel is rather pointless IMHO given the hugely cosmic distances and time it would take to reach destinations. In the short term expect it to be possible to go into space, at least orbiting the earth. By the middle of the century it should also be possible to go to the moon, but there is plenty of things that scare the shit out of me about going there, such as micro metorites and solar flare, such things our lovely atmosphere protects us from. So expect high insurance costs. Also resources on earth don't tecnically expire only take millions of years to naturally restore. Which given the human clock is too long.
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If you plan on beating all dungeons/temples then you're best getting them from the Spirit.
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My race percentage where I get points is 79% while my first place percentage is 40%. I'd be curious as to what some other people have. You can find out by going to your licence setting and then records.
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Can everyone please stop fucking talking about Saturn. We don't need all this claim counter claim shit espeacially when we're talking about narrow frames margins.
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DeHackEd did mention that its on his recent to do list.
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KDR_11k wrote:
Can you do a 100% without pressing B? (I'm aware there was some big hurdle, I wonder if you could cross it)
Fat chance of that happening :P
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World domino toppling record 22,000 cardhouse building (I don't know if this is the WR or not) Personally I think the card house is more impressive given that the more you go one the more likely you are to make a mistake and topple everything. Of course there is a huge failure risk trying domino toppling.
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You can jump through the waterfall from the otherside, also you could probably ignore the cucco altogether and use a couple of superflips in Zora's River. Also why didn't you get Deku Nuts they speed up the boomerang room and Barinade fight quite considerably. Also for the fire temple I think you can use the marathon man to act as a clock stopper glitch
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I like how you place 'entertaining' before tool assisted notice how T-A takes precedence over the S or sometimes E. To prevent this discussion from streching 5 pages long I'll come to a crossroads on this issue This is a website for tool assisted movies that are entertaining. Thats sounds almost like a constitution
Post subject: Re: I am Spartacus
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anonymous wrote:
This is a website of entertaining movies.
Actually its a website for tool assisted movies, entertainment is just a side effect.
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mr_roberts_z wrote:
I have to give this a Meh vote because you didn't take advantage of the Japanese ROM, which, by utilizing it's shorter text lengths, could've saved you countless seconds. Better luck next time =( (Yes vote)
Ditto :-D
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After playing online for a while I have had races where I've led all the way and then got barraged with blue and red shells just before the finishing line and ended up last. This particularly the case for very short tracks. Nintendo did balance things out by giving the 3 banana skins. I just wish Nintendo made the effects of blue shells less punishing or allowed a way to avoid it, you can't win every time but there is skill to winning on a regular basis.
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The text in this run isn't so important and even though I haven't played the game it can be accurately be interpretted "Link, get out of bed someone is causing trouble better equip yourself" "You got a sword" "names of places in pause screen" "Well done Link thank you for saving the kingdom"
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Amazing improvement, I didn't think that much time could be saved.
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Meh vote, I'm not a fan of the stylistic choices used in this movie. Mainly the overuse of backwards jumps. It drove me insane by the time world 4 was reached.
Post subject: Twinkle Tale
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The OoT run is temporarily on hold at the moment, in the mean time I've decided to look for possible gems that no one has thought of. After shifting through countless roms. I came across this game Twinkle Tale. Its basically what you get when you combine Contra top down levels with Kingdom Hearts. I don't know if its a Japanese only game since there was no U rom for it. There appears to be about 9 stages with the last one purely being a boss stage. There is 3 weapons in the game, which you can switch to at any point, One being the stars which a spreader like weapon, the other being lasers and the last one being some kind of lock on orb. You can upgrade them twice making them more powerful but if you get hit you downgrade again. There is also a magic spell type weapon unfortunatley its not seen in the [URL=] WIP [/url] I've yet to determine the effectiveness on it. The bosses and mid bosses have ridiculous amount of hp. I only take them out so quick because of the classic megaman style get close and turbo fire with the stars. Unfourunatley it still very hard to do as evident with the boss at the end. My knowledge is thin on the game so anything anyone knows or can find out would be very useful.
Post subject: Re: I am HappyLee
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Bisqwit wrote:
HappyLee, you don't need to write "I am HappyLee" every time! It is already obvious from the information on the left side of the post. Just a tip in case you didn't know. Thanks for the submission, though.
Hi, AKA here I don't really see how it differs much from putting your user name at the end of each post. It kind of ironic when you think about it. AKA
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Lord Tom wrote:
I, for one, think the site suffers from the loss of the starred movies. Without them, I think the content is flatter and visitors are left perusing giant lists of movies or searching for particular games. My suggestion is a "player's choice" (or member's choice) section with say five categories...Best Overall, Most Innovative, Glitchfest, High Speed, and Nearly Perfect.
Thats already been covered
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bkDJ wrote:
Wouldn't that be pointless at this stage though, since anyone wanting to start a run NOW would want to use okaygo's softhack to have normal pauses.
Thats kind of whats halting progress atm. Hopefully with more realistic pauses it might still hex in, but we don't want to continue just in case it doesn't :-\
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Thats a pretty ancient glitch, I think SL did some testing on the 50 star door stairs to see if there of use for THI or SmL. I can't remember what the outcome was.
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When I try to use 1.6 in Mupen 2 all I get is a black screen :'(