Posts for Mitjitsu

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To cap it off now I've thought about it, Streets of Rage 2 is probally the most underated, looking at the thread it recieved almost no attention and with a bit of negativity as well. a rating of 6 is also a little low.
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Now I think of it the duo Mega Man run is vastly overated.
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I'M not sure if hex editing will work, because of the Spirit temple, leevers shouldn't cause a desync since Link is moving so fast. The green bubble and spiners come to mind. EDIT: I watched the recent WIP and it desynced in the same way as it did for bkDJ. If you want to redo HF, then I'd advise you do it now, and then I can attempt to hex edit in the rest.
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The Simpsons theme tune works pretty well as it doesn't require any sharp or flat notes Simpsons theme: Cd, Cr, Cl, Cu, D-Cu, D-Cl, Cd, A, 3-Z-D-A, D-A-Z-D-A, D-A
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I've asked about backwards emulation before and it aparently it has many complication, but it would be possible if a savestate was automatically created for every frame, but savestates aren't small enough and computers aren't powerful enough for that yet.
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Its a nice strategy although I seriously doubt if it even come near to the usual strategy. I tried the cage star from earlier, and it saved about 5 frames which is approximatley 0.167 secs faster, but I couldn't for the life of me get the rest of the game to run in sync even when I sacrificed frames because of the electric balls in Bowser #1, I also tried screwing with the camera and that didn't work either.
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One generic mistake I've noticed from the movie is when you go into new areas often there is a slow rising door, normally you're hugging it until you can go through, but what I've only learned to do until just recently is to go as far away as possible and do a full charge at the obstacles like this and so pass under them at the optimal time and speed, it saves little time but I'm willing to bet that it'll add up in the end.
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Could everyone stop bringing up the 100% topic, no one has ever remotley shown any interest and I beleve that the current runner has enough frustration playing the game at any% level due to the desync level. If people were having a hard enough time tcoming to an agreement over B+K then why should we expect even remotley any agreement, personally I think link should touch every pixel in every area and then we can all go home happy.
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FODA wrote:
Most runs are underated on the technical aspect. Especially if the game is boring, people will just say it's not technically perfect...
I think this because people think that the runner didn't try to be entertaining, when of course they were trying to do it in the most optimal way possible, then again many of the fast paced games have high technical rating, but of course becuase of the speed of the game its hard too see the possible imprecisions and improvements unless you're watching in frame advance.
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Overated: How about most Mega Man runs in general.
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asteron wrote:
The star collected is the chain chomp star and the previous run was just a zip and a hop. Though the hop was somehow avoided, its hard for me to see how this could be faster...
Its only fractionally faster, because I'm able to initaite the turning earlier, through doing less BLJ's.
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So how is that death avoided in GH2, is it because no input is pressed for the first half of the trick. I don't see the point in dropping it if it indeed saves roughly 4 seconds as opposed to saving 2 seconds in Marble 1. As far as I remember the only random thing in the game is the bats.
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Dammit, when I watched it from the start it desynced before the bomb before the bomb shop on the second cycle, I wonder if it would be fixed if I move the A button press till a frame later. I've seen the superslide video in Termina and that was quite impressive so thumbs up for that. I think its best to get the chest in CCT and and buy 20 bombchus and deposit the rest in the bar 20 ruppees since it useful for the Zora game bomerang game (or however much it costs), bomb drops can be manipulated in the grasslands. I think its also worth trying to see if the Zora flying glitch allows Link to be able to play the beaver race game and get a bottle.
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Instead of pointlessly starting my own topic I thought I might as well celebrate [URL=][/URL] Although I've found great difficulty in getting the C-stick to work or to respond correctly. Can anyone help, since I've been trying it on various emulators and PC games. I've been trying to get the C stick to behave like a mouse look but as I said earlier the input doesn't register in the configuration or doesn't move at the right speed and often becomes becomes locked once its pressed, I've also had difficulty with both the analougue because often once I put them back to neutruel the player or character on screen keeps on slowly moving. Help would be much appreaciated.
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I've played the GB demo of OoT where you play up to Gohma, certain locations in Kokiri were wrong which confused for quite a long time at the start of the game, It is harder than the 3D version, as some of the puzzles needed to be adapted for the 2D version and so many have evil twists to them. I personally think the project has died and the chances of even seeing a remotley completed project are next to nil.
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I'm confused by this thread then isn't it a greatest run ever to be rejected thread, which was mainly caused by a bad game, I think the run I did a couple of months ago might contend that and perhaps win hands down. EDIT: I fogot Streets of Rage 3 might strongly contend for that as well
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Having watched JRB, despite the fact its significantly faster than FODA's mainly due to more accurate play I still think there is many errors. From what I remember about swimming the timing is hold for A for 18 frames pause one and then repeat endlessly, although at times its faster to hit A on every other frame if Mario is swimming a very short distance or is about to leave the water without the need to dive such as exiting the water on a sloped area. It would be great if there was a macro to do the swimming bit, as its anoyingly hard to do accurate swimming although its a little easier than B+K. As FODA mentioned the stylistic choices are too simalar and 120 star allows you to do different things as opposed to a 16 star. I think putting the camera in freecam may be of benifit because I'm sure time will more than be saved because of the lag that can be reduced, unless you specifically want to hex edit in previous stuff which is perfectly fine, providing its the fastest input available. On a later note I have a few hassle free days ahead of me and I hope to get the new 16 star run finished by the weekend, there is a few noticable bits that are faster but the majority of the time saved comes from frame shaving throughout the game. The hardest part is having a enough new stuff to justify watching over the previous versions. I personally think there is just about enough new stuff. Here is a mini trailer if anyones interested;6415240;;/fileinfo.html
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Anything which would normally hurt Link or cause him to flash red will make him hover, while hovering hold Z+R.
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Is this gonna be some kind of generic glitch or improvement.
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Supersliding in MM is easy compared to OoT, since in OoT its frame specific, but in MM there is a little be more leway. Just hold Z+R while standing and from a relativity even distance, keep holding Z+R and hit A and then hit A again (at different timings) in order to go from a rolling to a stance. Once the superslide is activated you can simply hold R. EDIT: Don't touch the analougue after its properly setup.
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I'll give my nod to the run mainly because I don't know what it'll involve, but I wouldn't be too surprised if people start say "pointless, because its slower or less defined".
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I think Goron punches will be used to clear the boulders as we'll have dwindling supplies at that point.
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Here is a good example of what Snowhead might look like during a run, apart from it will pretty much all will have to be done with bombs, so it will be slower than this.
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I thought my Sonic run was contriversal, but this run blows that right into orbit.
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JXQ wrote:
AKA, still wondering what your point was with this statement: "JXQ, N64 runs are generally more time consuming to make becuase greater thought is required between savestates." Reply requested, thanks.
My point is there is a greater variation of movement, button presses and genrerally more longer complex games, you can't just brute force you're way through every obstacle in the game. EDIT: Moozooh, just because its near impossible to do in real time doesn't make it entertaining, since there was bits in the run that are near impossble to do in real time since the reactions the oponents have can radically differ on each frame, I mean this is near impossible but it didn't make the run very entertaining did it.