Posts for Nahoc

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exileut wrote:
Now idea how to embed or crop.
Here, I did it for you. Just use img=600 or whatever height you wanna use. ex: img=640x480
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Je lock le topic avant que ça dégénère trop. gamerretro, tu tombes sur les nerfs de beaucoup d'utilisateurs. Tes posts sont frustrants à lire, ton formatage est nul (utilise des lettres majuscules en début de phrase pour l'amour de Dieu) et tu n'amènes que très rarement quelque chose de constructif à la discussion. Penses-y à deux fois avant de poster sinon je me verrai dans l'obligation de te bannir (ce qui, j'en suis sûr, ferait plaisir à tous).
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Are you using Glide64 plugin? If so, are you setting it on "automatic" (using the backspace key)?
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gamerretro2 wrote:
your level one is unoptimised i won 4 frames
Post the files of your improvement, then! (.gmv)
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Please try the Banjo-Kazooie one! (or THPS3)
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Looking REALLY good! I'm impressed. Keep it up! <3
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The SM64 snapshots (IIRC) were reduced using Lanczos4Resize through AVIsynth from the original resolution of 1440p. The video plugin used was Glide64 "final". This is a good read (assuming you didn't check that page).
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Je croyais que le titre de cette thread était "tas super mario world" et non "mon laptop est pas assez puissant help pls".
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Ok, suffit. Je lock la thread.
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gamerretro2 wrote:
oui mais souvent je gagne 1 frame ou 2 a chaque fois donc c'est un peut long je trouve
Félicitations, tu comprends maintenant ce qu'est le TASing! Refaire un niveau des centaines de fois, ne serait-ce que pour sauver une seule frame.
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gamerretro2 wrote:
oui le passage a duré 5350 frames je vais essayer de faire 5300 ou moins max 5250 si j'arrive a faire sa je pense que se sera inoptimisable je vais y passer au moins 1 mois dessus
C'est normal de passer 1 mois sur un niveau. Arrête de te presser... Le TASing c'est un hobby, pas un travail. J'ai travaillé sur SM64 on and off pendant plus de 5 ans... et je ne faisais pas un niveau par jour, crois-moi! Prend ton temps et optimise le tout au meilleur de tes capacités. Par la suite, quand tout sera fini, soumet ta run sur tasvideos. C'est tout.
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Gamer Maiden Sonia wrote:'re not being serious on this, are you? Can't tell if it's sarcasm or not.
Ever heard of Poe's law? If this was posted before in this thread (which would be likely, reading a few lines of it) I apologize.
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Maybe you can try asking for help here: As far as SSB64 goes, I don't think there are game ressources regarding it. You'd have to ask people that TASed the game before or try to TAS it yourself.
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What is your native language? Have you tried browsing the sub-forums (French, Japanese, etc.)?
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Bonne chance, tu peux arrêter de flooder les forums maintenant.
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Warp wrote:
Zeroing the rerecord count for runs that have a clearly wrong number is an ok solution. Perhaps in the submission procedure the submitter could be asked if the rerecord count is accurate (number of manual rerecords) or whether the actual number has been lost or inflated by a bot. (It could be noted that this is just for statistical purposes only and has no relevance on whether the submission will be published or not.)
Not that I care that much, but the SM64 submission countains both bot-generated (lua scripts to manipulate RNG) and human-generated re-records. I wouldn't know exactly how many were "real" re-records though.
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Gamerretro2, désolé, mais je dois te donner un avertissement. Essaie de ne pas "flooder" les forums en écrivant un nouveau post tout les 5 minutes. Ce n'est pas un chatroom ici. (J'ai supprimé plusieurs de tes posts qui étaient inutiles.)
Post subject: Re: tas rayman advance
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gamerretro2 wrote:
bonjour je suis un jeune tasseur et je voudrait savoir qui serait daccord de m'aider dans le tas de rayman advance
Essaie de te familiariser avec les outils et de faire un premier TAS complet (un niveau complet, par exemple) avant de demander de l'aide. Ça me ferait plaisir de commenter tes TAS et de te donner des conseils, mais tu dois d'abord poster des WIPs (work-in progress) via fichier .bkm ou YouTube, etc.
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jlun2 wrote:
July 10
oh shit nigga, same as you :)
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TheYogWog wrote:
What about a TASVideos DVD? With the permission of any authors of the runs included, it could be organized by console, game franchise, and the site's movie tiers. Maybe we could get it sold by online retailers like Amazon, or simply through TASVideos, or better yet, it could be offered as a donation incentive at next year's AGDQ if it could be ready in time. Proceeds could go towards helping the site, helping emulator development as others have said, and maybe some portion of it could be distributed to any authors whose work was used. It should be fairly simple to make and I think there's a lot of living room appeal in having a collection of fine TASes on a single, tangible piece of media that you can easily watch with others in your home. It could even include extras like commentary on the various runs, or interviews with the authors, or perhaps a built-in frame advance functionality so viewers can slow down their favorite parts and analyze them much like TASers themselves would do when studying other TASes.
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So, any feedback about using Zeupar's icon? I really like it.
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Plush wrote:
You guys have to explain me how in the 120 stars TAS submission you timed "Mystery Of The Monkey Cage". With "you guys" I, ofc, mean Nahoc/MKDasher.
My guess is from first visible non-totally-white frame to first totally-black frame, but I could be wrong. Why do you ask?
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Good luck guys! Looking forward to this new any% TAS! Hopefully I'll be the one to judge it.
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Bobmario511 wrote:
Here are the differences between versions I have found so far: (J) vs (U) -slide ground-pound: ground pound trick where if you ground-pound on the last frame of yoshi's eating animation(while he's in the air or sliding), it counts as a dustless ground-pound (because you have to wait for the last frame to do this trick, it only saves time if you can eat something well before the ground-pound spot). -first level loads 2 frames faster. -If yoshi's tongue is out when he lands he cant jump, speed is lost. -sliding: if landing while swallowing, yoshi's speed is held constant which can make optimizing some things a lot easier. -The trick where you eat something, do a dust ground pound, and jump out of the dust early is not possible. -No melon animation after collecting all the melons in a stage. -Some coins and fruit are changed.
tl;dr which version do you think should be faster? I guess (J) since the melon animation seems quite long.
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Looks like he finally reached his goal! Can't wait to see the progress on this project, now.