Posts for Patashu

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Another way to do GIM in the Deku Tree on N64 is to do double GIM (do it with nuts, then with seeds). This requires getting the Slingshot first ofc. Apparently this isn't common knowledge, I was talking with nathanisbored and he brought it up.
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Maybe the old any% run should be added to Obsoletely Fabulous?
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Sure. Well, the wikipedia article for it is pretty good: It notes that women are both less likely to negotiate for pay rises AND more likely to be penalized if they do, that the wage gap doesn't disappear if you control for education level, and that if you control for things like hours worked/years experience/marital status and so on, the wage gap STILL doesn't disappear. Studies like this support the wage gap being a real thing, and not just an artifact of how we measure it. Besides management of companies (which tend to be male dominated) institutionally or unconsciously discriminating against women, another problem that might lead to the wage gap existing is the 'Leaky STEM pipeline', where at all levels of education and training women are discouraged from continuing via a variety of factors:
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Mitjitsu wrote:
When a resume is submitted for a job application, if the resume is otherwise identical but the name is male, they are more likely to be accepted and offered a higher starting salary
The reason for that is because of all these laws which make it risky to hire women. You have all these anti-discrimination laws which make it risky to employ women. On the basis she may try to sue you in the event she gets fired or doesn't get promoted. On top of that you have these paternity laws to deal with. This is why a business owner will always favour employing a man over a women. Unless that women is so much better that she's worth the risk.
1) How would you explain ? This isn't a matter of employment, it's literally 'agents don't think chicks can write books'. 2) I assume you're referring to laws in the US specifically. How about countries besides the US? Do the same laws and legal problems exist? If they don't, does the same problem (of equally qualified women being less likely to be hired than men) exist?
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The problem is that just 'seeking equality of opportunity' is not going to bring it about. So many aspects of society and culture and institutions are biased against women, against people of colour, against transgender people, etc. either explicitly or via an aggregation of unconscious biases. For example: When men and women are in a group together, men tend to talk 70% of the time but think they are talking just as much as women. In addition, when a women is perceived to be 'overly talkative' via this metric, perception of their competence drops ( , links many sources) When a woman submits her cover letter and opening pages of a novel to agents, she found that if she used a male pen name instead of her real name, agents were 8x as likely to be interested ( ) When a resume is submitted for a job application, if the resume is otherwise identical but the name is male, they are more likely to be accepted and offered a higher starting salary ( ) Congressional groups, CEOs, managers, and many other groups are disproportionately white males. (I don't know if this is true for women vs men or not, but) black people are far more likely to be sentenced and given harsher sentences for identical crimes as white people, especially for things like drug possession. (This is not an exhaustive list by any means!) For reasons like this, just seeking equality of opportunity will not cause true equality. This is why it is important to identify as a feminist not as an egalitarian, which makes it sound like you think not contributing to the problem will cause it to eventually sort itself out. Until such time as these institutional and unconscious biases no longer exist, we have to have systems that counterbalance them and explicitly favour the minority group, due to the additional obstacles that stand in their way to achieve the same outcome as the non-minority group. And as I've hinted at, it's not exclusive to women vs men - it's people of color vs white people, transgender people vs cisgender people, homosexual/bisexual/asexual people vs heterosexual people and so on, all in different sectors, to different extents and for different reasons. BTW, John Oliver (of Last Week Tonight) has a great video on the wage gap here: It should also be noted that there is a wage gap for black people vs white people, a wage gap for black women, etc. Again, it is not exclusive to women vs men. ---
Warp wrote:
andypanther wrote:
Do you really want reduce all differences between men and women to something purely biological? Don't you think society has an influence? When people tell me "almost all great inventions were done by men", I ask them if women really ever got the same chance to make those inventions. Because I don't think that's the case.
Is it possible that, on average, men and women have different interests and different psychology? It may have a biological reason behind it. Men are, on average, more stoic, more propense to taking risks, more competitive, and more aggressive. This is not a cultural thing, but a biological one. Innate instincts and hormones, and probably has an evolutionary cause behind it.
Women were also discouraged to become educated and even if they did get accomplishments, they were downplayed by their male peers, erased and taken credit for by men. So no, it's not just because men and women are physically different, it's because men forged the culture and the rules. Good examples at ---
nfq wrote:
Warp wrote:
In most countries men are more likely to commit suicide than women. The vast majority of people aren't even aware of this statistic, nor care about it even if they are. AFAIK no social movement or funding is done to find the cause and try to fix it.
That's just a natural difference between being a man and being a woman. Men generally have a little harder lives, which is why men commit more suicides, but this "hardness" of life is also what makes men hard/men. That's also why the IQ of men varies more than it does between women, because of hardships and risks that men have to take. Women have more balanced lives, and men have more imbalanced lives, but that imbalance is the reason why almost all great inventions for example were done by men.
This is actually really interesting! Men and women have suicidal thoughts at the same rate, but men are more likely to actually commit suicide successfully. Part of the reason why is because men and women choose different methods to try and commit suicide - men prefer hanging, carbon monoxide poisoning and firearms, women prefer drug overdose. As a result, men are more successful on average. In addition, which gender commits suicide the most seems to have cultural roots. In China it's actually women who commit suicide more. So it's definitely not as cut and dry as 'men are more suicidal and imbalanced'. I'm not sure what it actually means. You can read more here:
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It is now possible to skip Tower of the Gods by causing it to fail to load, by segmenting the actor memory in such a way that no contiguous segment is 500kb. In-depth explanation here:
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I am looking forward to more too, BTW, cool to see some love for this game
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R e t u r n o f HEY HEY HEY
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I assume deathless is required to prevent an infinite scoring loop? Or is it just to keep the run's length manageable?
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Thanks for the reply!
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Patashu wrote:
How do you generate the formulas that create these curves for each value of n? (For normalization purposes, let's say that the domain is x >= 0, x <= 1 and the integral of the curve should be equal to 1.)
The domain restriction is a bit vexing. Normal distributions are necessarily infinite. Is this a strict requirement?
Right, the normal distribution is infinite - but every successive distribution made from combining 1, 2, 3, etc. uniform distributions is not. Basically, imagine creating the distribution that's the result of multiplying two uniform distributions together. It'll look like a triangle shape. Then multiply that with another uniform distribution - it'll look somewhat like the normal distribution, but more basic. If you do this infinitely many times, you get the normal distribution. But I'm curious about what all the previous steps look like. (Thanks for the answer to question 2!)
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Oh, I have two math questions that I thought about aaages ago. I don't know the answer to them and they might be interesting. 1) Think about the central limit theorem - the normal distribution you get from summing infinitely many uniform distributions. Now think about what kind of distribution you get from summing finitely many uniform distributions. For n = 2 you get a triangular shape, for n = 3 you get a shape that looks like parabolic sections stuck together and so on. How do you generate the formulas that create these curves for each value of n? (For normalization purposes, let's say that the domain is x >= 0, x <= 1 and the integral of the curve should be equal to 1.) 2) We know that sin and cos (and all combinations thereof), if differentiated or integrated four times, equal themselves. And we know that e^x, if differentiated or integrated once, equals themselves. Are there any functions that equal themselves after being differentiated or integrated 2, 3, 5, 6, etc times? If so, construct them. If not, prove it's impossible. We also know that it's possible to differentiate/integrate something a non-integer number of times. ( ) So are there any functions that equal themselves after being differentiated/integrated a non-integer number of times?
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I think what is meant is that 'since pi is a normal number, every finite decimal sequence will appear in it'. However, it is not proven that pi is a normal number, so it can't be used yet.
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What's more interesting than games that are deliberately impossible is games where it's not clear if a TAS could beat it or not. The Hyper Princess Pitch "ReallyJoel's Mom difficulty" TAS is a great example of this. It was thought to be impossible even in a TAS, because the move you can do to gain invincibility had a few frames of cooldown between each use, and one of the final boss's attacks had two attacks at different timings, and it seemed impossible to not take damage. Link to video
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Here's my newest and longest (by a LOT) song, Incredible Swing Machine: Link to video
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LOL! Poor game. (Why does GBA get all the best glitches?)
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Here's to BisqBot.
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+1 for dashing to the music during the boss fight~ Did you test the water leaves/water lillipads for zipping potential? Supposedly it's possible to do but wasn't reproduced.
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Hoping for a watchable encode! (or maybe a ttyrec to play back at one's leisure?)
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The default way to time a TAS for tasvideos is from power on to last frame of input, assuming the TAS beats the game and gets through credits. If you have a problem with that, ALAKTORN, take it up with the site itself and not in this thread, it's not Tompa's fault ;)
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Does Stinking Cloud not speed up the plan (as discussed on the previous page)?
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Post subject: [Flash] Garden Gnome Carnage
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Posts: 4026 (and probably many other sites) Garden Gnome Carnage is an arcade-style game produced by Daniel Remar (Iji, Hyper Princess Pitch, Hero Core) where you use garden-gnome-on-a-bungee-cord physics to defend your house on wheels from elves trying to spread Christmas cheer. Just like all those other games I mentioned, It also has a secret impossible difficulty level! Hit up up down down left right left right (think Konami Code) on the main menu to unlock 'ReallyJoel's Dad' mode, which starts at level 999. Elves teleport up the sides of your building instantly. Can TAS still survive, and if so for how long? Luckily for Hourglass/Gnash users, you don't need mouse input to start the game - just press Enter.
My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker: My twitch. I stream mostly shmups & rhythm games My youtube, again shmups and rhythm games and misc stuff: