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The idea was to get lower than 1812 then hex the rest of my 16 star run into that. I don't see what the problem is. We weren't going to put it on YouTube, or make it public in any way. It was essentially a test. There's nothing wrong with two people trying to do something in the same m64. That is NOT the same as two people coauthoring a 10 second star. There's a difference (not that you'll be able to tell that). Just finish the run. You're boring me now.
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I started a m64 with him to see if we could beat 1812 on the castle door. That hardly constitutes a 0 star run.
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...I'm not working on a 0 star. I've lost interest in TASing this game now.
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...he wasn't lying. Altering the approach to the castle DOES change the manipulation. Of the top of my head, maybe for (together with swordless) actually making a 1 and a 0 star run possible... But that's small potatoes compared to a slightly faster BLJ right? Of course. Actually discovering how to rape the game is NOTHING compared to a 3 frame improvement! We've seen this by how proud it makes them to be able to save 2 frames on a BLJ.
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you know, it's one thing when people who aren't a part of an argument pressure for the argument to stop, but when someone who is a part of the argument stops arguing and apologizes, it amazes me that anyone can be so stupid as to keep arguing. it's not even unintentional. you're response to SS's comment is equivalent to saying "i don't wanna." honestly, grow up. this is just stupid. so what if zOMG took SS's lead? in this situation, you should be TRYING to be mature, especially since the ENTIRE opposition is doing that, too. I have a better idea. You stay the hell out of things which don't concern you. Then that wasn't the case, I just felt like I needed to apologize and apparently z0MGe copied me. >_> That's what I was implying.
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Funny. SS tries to sort things out, then zOMGe does exactly the same. What are the odds? Apology not accepted.
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I could care less. You mean "couldn't care less". That one is also really annoying. =P
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Learn, damnit. *dammit <_<
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Also... You're = You are. Your =/= You are. Therefore... Your =/= You're. That annoys me beyond belief, along with people getting there/their/they're confused...seriously... And its/it's. An apostrophe should ONLY be used when you mean "it is". "It's" is NOT the possessive term, and "its" is NOT the same as "it is". "Its" is the possessive term. Basic English, people. Learn it.
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I meant just changing the inputs, like having him slightly more to the right or left during a LJ, or before the door, or something.
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...Jesus H. Christ. He said be CHANGING THE WAY YOU REACH THE CASTLE. You can EASILY make edits to this without costing time. What part of this don't you understand?
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I also wish we were friends so we could help each other and share WIP's and stuff :/ Well, maybe if you hadn't consistently harassed both me and Robert over MSN, you would be. But you've blown any chance of that happening, just like you're other half. (SS) yeah, seriously AKA, stop being a fag Wow, hypocrisy to the max. And he's already explained it. So just do what he says. He has more experience with TASing this game than even me or Robert, so listen to him.
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Okay, forget it. Seriously, talking to this kid is like talking to a brick wall. If he won't accept our help, there's no point in giving it to him.
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How doesn't it? You can change your movements before the castle without wasting any time...
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Your point? We're saying that changing the way you get to the castle is how you manipulate him WITHOUT wasting a frame.
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Yes. you said that it was decided when entering the castle, and it's not. Why are you so sure of this, when three people who have ALL made full runs of this game are telling you that it's the case?
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Very nice run, smooth, entertaining, optimal. Yes vote.
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He goes "through" the barrels. That trick is already known (I did it in my old Snowhead Temple TAS before the boss door), but it's never been done in this location before.
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okaygo's privately given the patched exe to me, AKA and Bloob, for use in our runs. By the time these runs are done, the full version will be available, I'd imagine.
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Brilliant as usual. The only thing which struck me as odd was how you waited for a bit after going down the chimney before moving. I can't remember if it doesn't let you move before then, so if it doesn't, ignore this. <_<
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What? Dude, that was not a question that RuleZ. I don't think you can manipulate anything out of Navi, but your question is of poor English and is not understood. At all. Wow, what a dick. I understand perfectly what he asked. To answer your question, Brian, I'm pretty sure it happens after a certain time, and can't be manipulated.
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That video doesn't show how to escape the forest from the initial doesn't show how to get into the "circle" with the other kokiri...still waiting on a video/description of how to actually do it...
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I said wow. This is even cooler than the B&W version's glitched run. And no lag in the boss battle = instant win. ;-) Looks very smooth and optimal, and thanks for the thanks. I knew one of these runs would come along eventually, ever since Tompa first explained to me that the dog house glitch could potentially be used to beat the game quickly, and I'm happy to see that the first attempt at it is an optimal one. Good job, both of you. Obvious yes vote, but I'm not sure if it should replace the published LADX run...I suppose if it didn't, it would only make sense to allow a non-screenwarp B&W run...which is pointless, really...hmm...I suppose it just justifies a 100% run even more.
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Then make an arbitrary definition/category that the majority agrees on, with clear reasoning. 'Simple'. I already made one. I believe I stated it in an earlier post. "No step BLJ".
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Because 16 stars is not only the current console minimum, but was also the minimum in this game for so long that most people are more familiar with 16 star completion than 1 or 0 star completion?
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