Posts for SwordlessLink

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Excellent run. Although the time improvement is very miniscule, there's a clear difference in the level of optimisation between this and the previous run, clearest in DDD and BitFS. The lag-reducing camera angles also made it more intense. Yes vote.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (492)
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That was considerably better, both in terms of speed, and entertainment. Good job.
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Just finished watching. It was fantastic. In particular, Caverns was really fast and fun to watch. Obvious yes vote.
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Another thing which may be useful which I noticed is that while rolling as a Goron (while you have magic), if you let him get close to the spike stage, then pull back on the analogue for a few frames, then push forward again, he resets the roll without stopping, so he goes back to having a normal roll without rully stopping or without every entering the spike stage.
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It's good to hear that you're already planning a second version. :) One thing which is faster (and I tested this myself) is to use side hops instead of backwalking in the initial area. It may be worthwhile to try combinations of side hops and backwalking, though (like backwalk into the tree, then side hop in this area), but when I tried it, I just side hopped for the whole area, and it ended up being about two seconds faster than just backwalking/backflipping.
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Congratulations on finishing this! The run was fantastic, and is now, without a doubt, my favourite run on the site. There was only one part which I thought was a bit strage... And that was when, at the ranch, you walked into the area which triggered the "Isn't that your horse?" scene. Was that really necessary? I'm probably overlooking something, and it only lasted a few seconds anyway, but I felt that I should bring it up. Anyway, definite yes vote, and it deserves a star, too. I have a good screenshot in mind, so I'll go and get a shot of it and post it once I have it. EDIT: Here are some screenshots which I think would be good for the movie.
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I appreciate all of the WIPs, I just don't post much. <_< It looked great.
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Great improvement over the last run. This was a lot more fun to watch, too. I can't really see anything that could be improved. :) Yes vote.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (492)
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I tested that ages ago, there's no way to even get out of the room using it.
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I am. The reason I haven't been posting WIPs lately is mainly due to stuff happening outside the internet, so I haven't really had time to work on the run that much. Fortunately, I have some free time now, so I'll be working on it a lot within the next few weeks.
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Great improvement, voting yes, of course.
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... I didn't say that was the reason for my vote. I simply stated that Guano had already been working on one for quite some time. When did I even imply that Guano's run would be better because he was more "well-known"?
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Voting no. This movie is far too sub-optimal. And besides, Guano is already working on one, and his progress is very optimal. And yes, there's an option to take screen shots in mupen. "Run > Generate Bitmap".
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I actually forgot to point this out earlier, but why did you stun the dinoflos with a nut before getting the bow? You can hit him with a stick without doing this.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (492)
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It was as entertaining as it was optimal. And it was very optimal. Definite yes vote.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (492)
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Excellent WIP. I eagerly await the completion of this run, it's definitely my most anticipated at the moment. I particularly liked how you killed several aliens with one arrow, I didn't actually know that was possible.
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>_< No! I wanted to see this done... *cries* <_<
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Especially since it's august.
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I uploaded one yesterday right after me and AKA put this on the site. Within a few hours, it had about 120 comments and had been favourited nearly 100 times. I removed it today to replace it with DeHackEd's considerably-better-quality AVI.
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I have a suggestion for Dam: Shoot the padlock on the door earlier. I'm sure it's possible to shoot it, and just open the door and breeze through in one non-stop movement.
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AKA: Those look good. I would also suggest these. It's strange and funny to see that message after DDD. <_<
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Chamale: You can't just take something that's incredibly obvious, and pass it off as your "discovery" just because you mentioned it before we made this. I don't think anyone can honestly say that they've never thought about BLJing on that lift.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (492)
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That looked fantastic.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (492)
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Okay then. OoA it is.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (492)
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Okay. If I'm on IRC later I'll ask them...Unitil then, I won't continue with the run in case the hex causes a desynch.