Posts for SwordlessLink

Post subject: Re: I await your trolling reply (or do I?)
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JXQ wrote:
Thanks for posting such a detailed submission text explaining this TAS - I think it helps a lot of the people who don't follow this game very well to understand it and perhaps enjoy it better. Seriously - even though I dislike your attitude and think you make TASes of boring games, I think this submission text is extremely good and helpful for those who want to watch this but are otherwise a casual fan of this game. Anyway, you told me to vote no on this, so I am delighted to honor that request.
I did. However, I forgot to mention that the stipulation in you voting no was that you had to commentate the run afterwards. :)
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jlun2 wrote:
Swordless Link wrote:
I'll probably still do one without it. I think the game has a lot of potential.
[joke] In some language other than english? [/joke] Good luck! What's the route?
[serious] Yes. [/serious] We only have a general idea of what the route should be for the first part of it so far. I haven't given it too much though, to be honest. It's just something I'm very interested in maybe doing right now.
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All North American versions of the game contain the same ROM, so the Player's Choice version will be fine.
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AngerFist wrote:
Slowking, I think you are a prime example of why men should use condoms.
You're a piece of shit. Please stop posting in my run's thread.
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Timing it out down to the second/frame is a massive waste of time since there's pretty much no chance of another OoT TAS being done on the U ROM. Everyone (except for some people on this site) has accepted that the J ROM is just better for the game. I'd be shocked if somebody made a full TAS on the U ROM now. Even the upcoming any% is being done on the J ROM.
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Fantastic run. Highly optimised and still somehow entertaining even though I think this game is incredibly boring, as you know. Great job on your first TAS, this is an easy yes vote.
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Tub wrote:
Is it feasible to hexedit the run to sync on the US version prior to publishing? Padding input for the cutscenes would be easy, but I don't know how much luck manipulation is going on. Are there any further version differences that could cause desyncs, like different amounts of lag, slight variations in level geometry or different bugs?
Even if that worked (it never would because of manipulation), I'd sooner cancel my submission than do it. I did it on the Japanese ROM for a reason. If the site doesn't want the run, they can reject it, but I'm not changing it.
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I should clarify: in the OoT community, we refer to the Fire -> Forest warp as just "cutscene skipping". Wrong warping specifically uses Farore's Wind (on B, so it can be used anywhere), which we get through BA. Only the latter of those is banned in MST.
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It was decided back when he was making the run. It was probably said in the OoT thread at some point but he definitely outlined his rules to me over AIM or something at the time. I guess he forgot to mention it in the description because the idea of using RBA in a run like this is stupid.
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I am seriously considering taking this game up if the tuner does work. Even if it doesn't (and we get a definitive answer from the devs that it won't anytime soon), I'll probably still do one without it. I think the game has a lot of potential.
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IDK man, maybe you should build a time machine and go back to 2008 and ask it then when Bloob submitted his run of this category here. Just accept it, it's an accepted category at TASVideos.
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Twelvepack wrote:
Was this faster than it would have been if the bottle glitch (RBA? I don't recall the name offhand) was used to get access to the warping songs and other equipment? The movie makes no claims as being glitchless, so I would have to assume that the use of that glitch would be fair game. Did it turn out not to be helpful?
BA and RBA are banned in this category (as is wrong warping as that involves BA). That's just how we define it. The reasoning behind it is that RBA can be used to skip basically everything shown in this run, so it would be arbitrary if we allowed RBA in it.
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Dooty wrote:
nfq wrote:
Dooty wrote:
this sentence made ​​me change my mind.
Why? I don't understand.
If the site is of no importance to him, nor the rules I do not see why his run should be accepted here. I may have misunderstood what he said, and if so, my apologies. (okay, sorry, I'll keep running away from those kind of topics...)
I never said the site is of no importance to me. I like this site a lot. I'm saying that it's not important enough to me that I'd waste month of my life optimising a run just to spite it. I was simply countering AngerFist's paranoid point.
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I was just being an ass in that thread cause I was annoyed at the time, though. I don't think I was even working on the run at that point, I had dropped out and let AKA and Bloob do it themselves (and later on, AKA dropped out too). I'm really not interested in "annoying the site" as a goal, that's asinine. I won't complain if submitting a run on the J ROM brings about some comedy, as it has in regards to you, though. The OoT speedrunning community only fully switched to the Japanese ROM in (I think) March 2011. Up until about May, I wasn't even working on any OoT projects. My only real goal for using the J ROM was faster text because it's incredibly boring to wait through. Please try to calm down. My run is likely going to be published because it has had a very positive viewer response. I hope you don't flip out if this happens.
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ais523 wrote:
Publish it; allow it to be obsoleted by a (J) run that's faster or a (U) run that's faster allowing for the difference in cutscene length. (In other words, only gameplay time should count towards completion time for determining obsoletion.) I think (J) is quite probably the better ROM for this (on the basis that the cutscenes are so long that not being able to understand them is a less bad problem than them being longer), but I think either should be fine.
I 100% agree with this. Fastest gameplay is the real goal here, but less cutscene/text time should be encouraged too. However, I would never be against a run on the U ROM being published if it beat the previous run that was done on the J ROM. I just think it's unlikely that that will ever happen as pretty much everyone TASes on the J ROM now for OoT.
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AngerFist wrote:
The discussion about the author's motives has been good so far. Lets keep it that way. This is what I know and remember. When Abeshi submitted his run, Mr. Swordless was very reluctant and opposed the idea of having Abeshi's run accepted. One of the major reasons that Mr. Swordless brought up were the usage of the J rom. And now, Swordless has used it (note: I am now aware of the things AKA said). Do you gentlemen see where I am going with this? A person with heart and soul opposed the notion of acception a J rom run. Now he is using it! :) A funny thing: This run is over 2 hours run and the author picked the J rom just to cut off 12 minutes of cutscenes. Am I really the only one who doesn't care of the extra 12 minutes of cutscenes in a 2 hours run?
I was against that run being published because it was a bad run. I just cited it being on the Japanese ROM at the time because that IS a site rule. However, the acceptance of that run was evidence enough to me that the Japanese ROM is acceptable, and on top of that (this reason is far more important), the OoT speedrunning community has preferred the Japanese version for a long time now. Believe me when I say that submitting it here is secondary to getting it on YouTube and posting it at ZeldaSpeedRuns.
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Here's a funny quote about this thread from the IRC channel for ZSR: <maxx> i'm imagining Swordless at his computer, advancing frames and doing a-slides. gigggling to himself "he he he this is gonna be so funny when tasvideos has to argue about if it should be accepted or not. gonna be so worth it he he he he" <maxx> that's what he's been doing <maxx> for months <maxx> you nailed it angerfist I thought the thread could use some comedy in the midst of the drama, haha. :)
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Thanks for the kind words so far, everybody. I'm happy to see that almost everyone is enjoying the run. Brian: Thanks for that long post, I appreciate you taking the time to catalogue your thoughts on the run Satyrium: You are very welcome for the shoutout and it's good to see you again. I get PMs about Green Hill Zone frequently as well, haha. :)
DarkKobold wrote:
I'm excited to watch this. Great job finishing this SL. One quick question - you changed the branch name from all quests to something far more verbose. Is there a specific reason "All Quests" isn't sufficient?
"All Quests" is actually only what TASVideos called Bloob's run, after it was published. I think that term is too vague, and could be taken to mean sidequests and stuff too. The OoT speedrunning community never really called it that, instead opting for other names like "all dungeons", "all temples", or "MST (medallions/stones/trials)". However, I think even those aren't particularly newb-friendly so I simply expanded on the MST title a bit. I think it's the best full name for the category.
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LOL Holy shit, AngerFist, that's probably the most ridiculous and paranoid post I've seen in years. I went with the Japanese ROM because it's faster and it's what the OoT speedrunning community prefers. In case you're unaware, I put this on YouTube days before I submitted here. Don't think that this site is so important to me that I'd intentionally make a 2 hour run on a "questionable ROM" just to mess with it. That's asinine and insulting. If people seriously think that's the reason I used the J ROM, I might just cancel this submission cause I don't really want it to be associated with the site. Oh, and upthorn, it's not arbitrary at all. There's already a run published under this category (2:51 by Bloobiebla) and it's been an accepted category in the OoT community since 2008. So I dunno what you're getting at with that.
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Solid improvement, and the camera angles were nice. Voted yes.
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I thought pulling out the stick on B on the GC version / Master Quest still froze the game if it was done on Mupen. I'm pretty sure it does. By the way, in case anyone hasn't checked the bench yet, my new MST run is submitted at the site now:
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I could never get the video to work on VLC or WMP or anything so I just waited til it was on YouTube (Glide64 never works for me so watching it on Mupen wasn't an option). I loved the run, though. Really entertaining even though the game itself isn't really that great. Makes me miss the days when I TASed it for a while back in 2007. Voted yes, obviously.
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The new Ocarina of Time TAS is live:
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I watched all of the WIPs as you released them. Fantastic run and I can't believe how such a simple game could be so entertaining. Obvious yes vote.
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Synx wrote:
I fear for the people of Hyrule if you guys leave Ganondorf free to terrorize the land! Anyways... I am looking forward to the all temples TAS. Is that still being released?
Probably this weekend.