Posts for TheAxeMan

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Thanks gusmancini, I figured that glitch out at act 7 of the test run so I decided to finish it before starting over. Basically, if you take the last hit on the same frame as you enter the door then you get a glitched death. Not only do you get to start your next life at that door instead of the beginning of the level but your extra life count gets reset to 2. So yeah, in my next pass through the game I'll use that to avoid continuing and likely die even more.
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Sure, you can argue that we don't *need* Discord. But as Hetfield pointed out it's a pretty clear winner at this point. Rich messaging apps like Discord are just so much more pleasant to use. It could improve our community engagement quite a bit. IRC and Discord can be linked with a bot. We can keep the IRC channel for any old timers who can't or don't feel like accessing Discord. Many other communities have set this sort of system up, so there should be lots of info available.
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It's a well done run on a cool and colorful beat-em-up game. Yes vote. Now on to the more important discussion. Why is the Kunoichi not only fully clothed but in a ninja gi that covers almost every inch of her skin? Ok, the bright red outfit with long blond hair is definitely a unique and cool look for a ninja. Though come on, I can't be the only one who spent the whole game waiting to see what was under that outfit. Surely a Metroid style reveal is a mandatory part of the ending sequence with a character like that. So of course at end you find out it was a robot! Unexpected for sure but a bit of a let-down. Am I missing something here?
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This was unexpectedly interesting. It might have helped that it was only a minute long. Not sure if it would still be as neat after 8x as many levels. Maybe it's better to go that way but thanks for submitting.
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I knew about this. I at least remember seeing it done in the pacifist run at one of the GDQs. Yeah, it's way too slow for a TAS. Even in a pacifist run it's a lot faster to play through normally. By the way I keep thinking about taking another pass at the pacifist run. Maybe I'll get to it soon.
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Invariel wrote:
Now I know TheAxeMan's secret identity.
:) Very cool glitching. It feels like there should be a faster way to use it. Is there any chance for a more powerful ACE from this?
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This game probably doesn't have much interest because it is so obscure. But it does look pretty neat. Berserk mode is a nice touch.
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Very nice, Le Hulk. One my most anticipated runs in a while. The commentary really makes it stand out.
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Dwedit wrote:
sometimes Metal Slimes are called Metal Babbles.
The submission text mentions fighting Metal Babbles in Chapters 2 and 3 when it was actually a Metal Slime. In Chapter 5 he does actually fight a Metal Babble.
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Epic run and well worth the two hours to watch. Does the time savings from killing off the hero at Radimvice only come from the hero's levelups? I guess you don't have to heal him from damage squares either, but he had plenty of HP. Seems like his magic would be useful to cast outside after the fights. It was probably a close call. Very nice work.
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Oh my God! Yes vote. There is just something so satisfying about the righteous beatdown that is Final Fight.
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It looks pretty good. I can see how going through the tile game could get old fast but the results are nice. When the NPCs get in your way in Pravoka is there any way to avoid it? You didn't have any trouble in Earth Cave where it can be much worse. I only played through this version once. Does the experience concentrate when you have dead guys? I wonder if you might be better off leaving one monk dead. Though maybe the other one is useful for manipulation? The dagger hits in some of the later fights look like they lose time though maybe that is a manipulation too and it is hard to tell if it is much faster than a failed run. I hope someone finishes this.
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Tough decision. Dragon Warrior 2 also used a cursed weapon for more power though there the decision is easier with no crits on the final boss. You could probably figure out how much time it takes to get the weapon and equip it fairly easily. Then you can estimate how many hits you'll need to save to make it worth it. Would you use the defence lowering effect of the sword of Decimation? Infernus Shadow, who needs to be beaten anyway, drops a Sword of Miracles that is almost as strong. The downside would be a short healing message after every attack though. Watching your old run, you beat him first in the four barrier area, probably to get the sword from him. You would still have sword of Malice for Esturk. It wouldn't take long to get the sword in Konenbur but it is completely out of the way. I guess it is a pretty tough call. Good luck!
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Amazing that such a basic movement trick is just discovered now on one of the most competed games. Thanks for the pleasant surprise!
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That's actually pretty good progress. Would you have done anything differently in the first three chapters if you knew Alena and Ragnar were staying down in favor of Taloon? Fewer levelup stats?
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Thanks for finally improving this >10 year old run (oh man, I'm old...) and for the surprise creditment! The new password and start is definitely the way to go. Even if most of the savings came from the new glitch it must have taken a bit of work to cut so much lag. Congrats on another solid improvement!
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Nicely done. Yeah, the driving levels are a bit slow but it's still fun. I'll vote yes mostly because of the memories. The emulator entry needs to be changed though. The submission shows an older version of FCEU but the file is an fm2 and it runs fine on FCEUX 2.2.2.
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Very nice luck manipulation. In chapter 2 some actions have noticeable delay but the odds are long and the result is well worth it in comparison to the current run. Even in suicide you are much more efficient. Chapter 3 looks fantastic and clearly meticulously planned to take advantage of the numerous tricks available to the quintessential trickster Taloon. I wondered if eating his lunch might be faster than discarding it but either one is definitely faster than selling it as the current run does.
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Very cool new tricks. Easily enough differences to deserve a separate run.
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vaxherd wrote:
is there a particular format I should use?
Since you are on FCEUX the fm2 subtitles would be best. You can just drop them in with a text editor then update your submission. There is a format spec on the emulators page but it is probably easier to look at an example fm2 with subtitles. The publishers have tools to convert the fm2 subtitles into video and youtube subtitles.
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Derakon wrote:
Speaking as someone who hasn't played DQ3 before, there were some interesting parts to this run
A good commentary makes RPG runs more interesting to watch. Especially since most casual viewers just watch on youtube. Translating the info from the submission text to 40 minutes of short subtitles would take some time but add a lot of entertainment value.
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Very clever. Plus the explanations were great! Is the RNG similar in DQ2? I keep thinking I'll look more deeply into that game again sometime but I probably never will.
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Very good find Rum! Looks like the counter that controls when hit detection happens keeps going during the pause. With this you can easily walk right through enemies. It is pretty slow since each pause costs at least 3 frames and you get 3 or maybe 4 frames in between each pause. In fact it looks like the best scenario would be 5 frame pauses with 3 frames of movement. Seems unlikely to be useful for any%. For pacifist it might be useful as a last resort if it can save a death or maybe a long wait.
Post subject: TASing and cancer
Ambassador, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Experienced player (699)
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I wanted to give a special shoutout for everyone to donate at AGDQ this year. Last year I wrote the irc bot for the Pokemon plays Twitch demo. This year I helped again with some code to help micro500 run some Twitch plays segments in Brain Age. But the reason for this post has to do with my son TheHatchetBoy. For months now he has been going through an intensive regimen of cancer treatment. I have been told that it is harder for the parents in a lot of ways while he won't remember any of it. Maybe it's true, many of the things he has to put up with are really uncomfortable and yet he is still excited about meeting the nice nurses and playing with the waiting room toys on every visit. His overall picture is good now though at times the cancer has trolled us and almost killed him. After finishing treatment, cancer prevention will become very important. As if doing whatever it takes to win isn't enough, surviving cancer is a big risk for getting cancer in the future. Plus the treatments themselves have a small chance to cause a separate cancer to develop. Any habit that affects cancer risk also applies to the risk of it returning. So even if Prevent Cancer doesn't consider cancer survivors specifically, their work will still be helpful in TheHatchetBoy's future. I sometimes think about how TASing has affected my thinking through all this. It probably started early on when the doctors told me his odds. In my runs I manipulate very low probabilities repeatedly so my first thought was along the lines of "Oh that shouldn't be hard at all". Yeah, it's actually quite a bit scarier with no savestates or emulator tools. TASing also involves plotting things out in consideration of a lot of information. That experience has been very useful as TheHatchetBoy's medical history has now become very complicated. Most cancer treatments are actually harmful in some ways. Other treatments are there just to counteract those effects. The hospitals have good computer systems now but it is still helpful to be able to recall all the relevant info and ask the right questions when talking with the doctors and nurses. At times there have also been a lot of medicines to keep track of and I need to know all their names, what they do and when he takes them. I have spent a lot of time sitting in TheHatchetBoy's hospital rooms. Of course we read and play together but there is also a lot of time to pass while he is sleeping or watching his own videos. I played through a few different games and even did some TASing, completing a Ninja Gaiden 3 pacifist test run. I thought about how Ryu's Dragon Sword had healing powers during the ending of Ninja Gaiden 2. So in that run when he crouches during wait times he is saying a prayer for TheHatchetBoy. I also decided it was a good sign when I found a death-cheating glitch. At some point I'll come back to that, there are several spots that need some work. Anyway, with AGDQ going on it just felt like a good time to share a little about this. Does anyone else have experience with cancer? Don't forget to donate, I want to see my Twitch chat bot go live!
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Very nice route improvement. Some clever tricks too, thanks for doing this.