Posts for TheAxeMan

Post subject: Alphagrip keyboard/controller
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Location: The FLOATING CASTLE It's shaped like a current-generation game controller, but has an entire keyboard, plus a trackball. I bet I could get used to it, but is it really better than a keyboard/mouse? I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to crank out some code in gvim while holding a game controller. I wonder if it really would be any better for gaming. They say it's easier for people with smaller hands, but smaller hands are usually better for everything anyway.
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Oh yeah, I did decide to do minimum turns, but I'll cut real-time if it's all the same. Extra levels are nice, but I think it's overkill, so I'll go for a no-kill finish on battle five. Looking ahead to battle six, it may be possible to finish in just two turns, it would end on the enemy's turn. Edit: After looking at this pretty closely I don't think it's possible. Theoretically, it would be if I could manipulate the enemy's actions better, but the AI is pretty ruthless in this game. Another possibility is for Erk to get back-to-back critical hits as enemies attack him, but he's not strong enough at this point (3% chance, I could only get one.) I'll go for a three-turn fight and take advantage of the shop to buy javelins. Oh yeah, for anyone who likes to poke into memory, the first six bytes of RAM hold some sort of value for the random number generator. If anyone can figure out how these numbers get set, then it might be possible to create a list of the random numbers used. Of course this would make a timeattack on this game much easier, and would reveal exactly how much luck can be manipulated. If combined with levelup stat chances for each character, we could see which characters are most likely to have good levelups.
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Same file, one more level. Also, I fixed the third battle to finish on the earliest turn possible. In battle four I finish on my fourth turn, which is as fast as possible, and I also visit the town to pick up some money. Here it was starting to get tougher to make things go my way, but you can also start to see the effectiveness of my levelups. The next battle is a defend the temple fight, and there doesn't seem to be any way to end it before six turns. So the big decision is whether to kill no enemies or kill all enemies. Both would look pretty impressive if done well, but killing no enemies is of course much faster in realtime. Killing all enemies will pump my levels sky-high, making the rest of the campaign even easier. With the stats I've manipulated, this was easy to do even without savestates.
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Thanks FreshFeeling, I had wondered whether or not that would help. It's never silly to suggest a few frames of improvement in a TAS so don't worry about it. Let's see, about 20 frames to do the move, so yeah, I think it does work out as an improvement. However, my next run won't get the silver sword and won't sell the short sword. If I go straight from short to flame, then I would probably do that move. But if I pick up coral or dragon then the bane sword would come in at the bottom of the list and I could move the cursor up one to use it. The menus work out so that it's just as fast to use the first item as it is to move one space and use an item.
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nitsuja wrote:
the reason he misses so much in the 2nd battle is because it's scripted that that has to happen, it's basically part of the tutorial that there's no way to avoid.
Thanks nitsuja, I forgot about that part. The battle outcomes are all set in stone for the entire first stage and in the second up until Sain uses the vulnary. Lyn's first levelup is random, but I didn't do anything to get that. In the third stage the characters all have to visit the houses, but after that I'm free to do as I want. Hadn't thought about whether I save the game or not, I'll check that. Edit: Duh, looks like I remembered after the first battle, but not the second. Of course there's no reason to save so I shouldn't.
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Tombad wrote:
Was there a reason why you had Sain miss repeteadly or was it because the random number chain needed altering?
You shouldn't see Sain missing. The luck manipulation is done by moving the cursor around before settling on the spot where I move to, but I have to move it in certain ways. Boco is right, the animation shouldn't affect the outcome of anything. But hexing the difference would be annoying as you would have to hex out the differences for all the animations. As far as counting turns vs real time or some other goal, this is what I meant when I wasn't sure how this run should look. A minimum turn run could be much longer than a fastest real time movie on some levels. My current thinking is a minimum turn run which is reasonably efficient in real time, and the animations will be on the whole time. The other alternative is an all-out real-time timeattack with no animations. Also, a timeattack has to start from nothing, so Lyn's story has to be done. I was thinking that a published run on this game would have encoded clips for each story line. But there could be one long vba to prove that it is real. Of course right now I'm still just messing around, I might give this up if someone who knows the game better is interested. Oh yeah, I hope I didn't offend you daniayaw. I just think that anyone who has enough time to post on this forum probably has enough time to spell words out and use complete sentences. It's always better to have more people interested in a game, so I hope you keep watching this thread.
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The description and screenshot look good to me. However, I don't know if "uses death as a shortcut" is proper, since my party is never completely defeated. Letting my characters die saves time, but doesn't move me anywhere, so it's not a shortcut. Also, I think it might be worthwhile to add an item like "uses an emulated power cycle." This might help people realize what is going on, though it still looks strange when I do it.
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daniayaw: Watch the posted movie to see how much control I have. So what about you, can you manipulate better spelling and grammar? Unfortunately, there are limits to how much I can do this, which is why I've only gotten one critical hit so far. My main focus has been on levelups. Right now, I'm really still messing around, and only thinking of Lyn's story. It was a good suggestion to check out SDA, I hadn't thought of that yet. However, there will be no comparison between my TAS and the SDA run (though the SDA run is quite good, giving me some ideas.) While my powers of luck manipulation aren't infinite, they are significant enough to turn the strategy of almost every battle upside down. For example, I could go to the field with only a small cavalry force and quickly invade the enemy. Also, stat pumping and crit manipulation will change the balance of power in the party. Because the combat will be much more focused, I don't think I necessarily need to turn the animation off, at least for Lyn's quest. If I do Eliwood's I may consider it though. That mine glitch is amazing, it might actually be preferable to manipulation in some battles. Any other glitches I should know about?
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The above link now finishes the third fight as well. I took some extra time to get levelups before finishing the level, though it may not be necessary.
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I think it's DW2 that has the Dragon Potion. I guess they decided it was pointless and took it out of the series after that. yay, it's time to do a little dance for my 400th post...
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adelikat wrote:
Perhaps a power cycle or reset could help in manipulating enemy encounters in the game as well?
This works in Final Fantasy because I can use a tent in the middle of the field and get back exactly where I was. The entire process takes about three seconds. In Dragon Warrior you normally need a house of healing, which takes a long time even if you had to go to town anyway. If you acquire a Dragon Potion, you can save anywhere. However, when you reload you'll start from the last house of healing you saved at, regardless of where you use the Dragon Potion. This might be useful, but it's not really that convenient.
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Yes, you can record a reset or power cycle if you have to. I actually do this in my Final Fantasy run.
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Thanks Inzult, I have been looking for a treasure map like that. But you also pointed out most of what I would consider. After thinking a little more, I don't think heal potions are a good deal anymore, the extra inventory trip is pretty fast. I'll most likely go for the house in Earth Cave B3, getting rid of some of the pacing at the end of Earth Cave. Then I can get the tent that's right on the way in Ice Cave. Another treasure pickup that's not out of the question is the Coral Sword and the cabin right next to it. This is probably how I'll go if Short Sword doesn't cut it against Lich. I wouldn't get the house in that case, but it shouldn't be a problem. Edit: Scouted Blue Dragon fight a little. It's definitely possible to kill the Blue D in 3 turns without getting hit. However, due to how the randomization works out with the extremely slim odds, it may be faster to heal and take some damage. If I take a hit at all I'm looking at about 140 damage, which means a house and something else if I go all items. It seems more likely that I'll use a cabin or tent for the power cycle, then visit the inn in Melmond. The inn takes about 6 seconds, which is actually less time than it takes me to buy three items. Full hp will greatly expand my options for the fight.
Post subject: Fire Emblem
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Ok, making a thread just for this game. I've dipped into this game and produced this run through the first two levels: Note that through a lot of this, I have to follow a script where I move to certain spots and do certain things, so there isn't a whole lot of room to optimize yet. In fact, I'm really only controlling things after Sain uses the vulnary. Obviously this would go much faster without the battle animation, but I think that would be pretty lame. As it is, it seems kinda strange with all plot elements skipped. There is a piece on the random number generation in this game here: Because at this point I only have 4 percent chance to crit at the most, I just make the battles consist of me hitting everytime and the enemies missing--it's pretty easy to do here. The lower probability is getting the stats I want at levelup: there's no reason not to get strength, speed and skill every level, but the others are less important. I finish the battle on the earliest round possible. Perhaps early on the focus can be on stats, then later there can be tons of crits. Later being once the Manni Katti is in hand. :) There's clearly a lot of variables in this, so I'm still trying to decide exactly how a TAS of this game should look. Ideally, it is probably possible to do Lyn's quest, then Eliwood and Hector's in the same vbm, but just Lyn's would be a good start. Edit: After reviewing more of the game's algorithms I think luck needs to be gotten every level too. Here is what I see: Damage = Weapon Damage + Strength/Magic Hit% = Weapon hit + skill*2 + luck/2 Crit% = Weapon crit + skill/2 Evade% = 2*speed + luck (if constitution is less than weapon weight, subtract the difference) Crit evade = Luck So luck figures into hit% and evade%, which I think are about the most important figures in this.
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Was it really necessary to map out the ending as well?? ;)
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I don't know about taking Fighters over Soldiers. If treasure drops can be manipulated to get weapons or gold to buy weapons, then soldiers get better really fast. And don't forget the Poison Needle, which could make a wizard even better. As a bonus, the wizard gets return and outside faster than the hero. The surround spell could be used or simlulated with poison moth powder, that could tip things favorable enough. Other spells could be abused too: upper, sap, damage magic. If criticals can't be manipulated then fighting characters are useless unless they get some levels and weapons. I hope this run is doable, but it may not be possible to manipulate things enough. If something can be figured out, there are many games that seem to have similar problems, my favorites being the Gameboy Final Fantasy Legend series. So a lot of possibilities could open up.
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I totally understand not being able to wait on making a next version. After making my FF test run I thought I would wait longer, but ended up spending a whole night timeattacking after getting an urge to start. Anyway, this final version sounds sweet. You've certainly found quite a more spots for improvement than I thought there would be. Even 20 frames of manipulation time is hardly noticeable, 10 or less will make the battles in this run look absolutely effortless. Nice going, keep it up! Any little trick like getting rid of some levelup stats or reducing wait frames helps, and when it gets repeated a lot, then it will help a lot. In Final Fantasy, one character runs from battle about 150 frames faster than four. Over the whole run, I saved about 8 minutes just because of this. I also like how you demonstrate the oddities in the party member movement with the wagon. It would be nice if you could somehow avoid letting the side members walk on damage squares. You might be able to factor this in when deciding who is in the party when.
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Ok, 1:13:00 was great, but I have a few ideas which will bring this down even more. For part of this I'm going to consult my cabinet of masterminds on this forum: Where can I pick up healing items from treasure chests near the minimal path? Houses, cabins, tents and heal potions could all be useful if they are easily obtained. The shop menus are so clunky that I could save a few seconds by getting my healing items from chests, but only if I don't have to go too far out of the way. There are places where I need to take extra steps anyway, so I could use them to get to the chests. I am considering changing items because I think I might be able to beat the Blue Dragon without taking damage, or maybe just one hit. I'll still need one tent/cabin/house to reset the encounter order. Even if I need more healing for him, it would be preferable to get all houses or maybe get one tent or cabin, then stop at the inn in Melmond. Another option is picking up extra gold in Ice Cave and buying only houses. Another possible change is using heal potions instead of a house to give me the HP I need to beat the Zombie Dragons. I would use the heal potions in the same inventory trip as the Lute, saving time. Need to see exactly how much damage I can take there, since I could reduce it with luck manipulation or maybe even armor. In general, Ice Cave is best because I need to take extra steps to avoid wizards. The treasure rooms in Earth Cave are so far off the path that I don't know if they're feasible. Gurgu is a possibility, as there are some treasure rooms close to the path. Also, this is really an all-or-nothing deal, if I can't easily pick up all the items I need, it will be faster to just buy them all at once in Gaia. As far as items near the path, I am considering the following: --The house in Marsh Cave, which Mookish picks up. At this early of a point I'll have to look hard to see how the steps will impact things. --In the Dwarf Cave treasure room, there's a cabin and a house. If I grab these, then I would also likely get the Dragon Sword and forget about the Silver Sword. Walking through that treasure room would take some time, but it solves the weapon and item problems without adding steps toward encounters. --There are two heal potions in Matoya's Cave, which also doesn't add encounter steps. --There is a very convenient heal potion in Ice Cave, just one step off the path. So are there any other suggestions?
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My first association would be Greek mythology, probably due to how badly Hollywood mangled the classical material in Clash of the Titans. However, according to Wikipedia, Locke is right, Kraken is from Norse mythology. This is one reason why I love Final Fantasy so much, the wide range of source material for the monsters and mythology really makes things interesting.
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Ok, watched through this to the end. You've got some great ideas, but I don't think it's ready to submit yet. There's a ton of known improvements, probably enough in the first 4 chapters alone to get this under 2 hours. There are also a few obvious mistakes, like picking up the feather hat and throwing it away later. Getting a wizard ring would save the time devoted to visiting inns. You get the treasure map and never use it. As another bonus, you could use expel more in the early part of chapter 5. Overall, I like your route in chapter 5, I think you did pretty well in where to sail, walk and warp. Stuff I noticed: You should kill off Cristo, and maybe Brey after he outlives his usefulness. It's very painful to watch them levelup. You end up staying at the inn in Monbaraba to talk to Panon. However, would it be faster to use the lamp of darkness, letting dawn come as you travel? To avoid cluttering your hero's item list, you could rotate the front character. You end up switching characters a few times anyway. It would be faster to just put the hero and Panon in the party for Stancia. Then before entering Zenithian Castle, set up your final party so you don't have to hear Lucia whine about being glad to be home. By the way, I thought it was neat that you could just jump in the cloud hole, I thought you would have to talk to Master Dragon for some reason. In the Radimvice battle, could you expel the demighouls? I know you said that Balzack was faster with three people because of his breath attack, but what if Taloon incapacitated him every turn? You'd probably have more turns because Taloon won't be fighting, but it will probably be faster overall.
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If random encounters could magically be eliminated, this run would be well under an hour. In my run there are 184 random encounters compared to 200 for Mookish. Five of these are no-run fights I have to fight, and there's also the geist I smash to get the money for the silver sword. Mookish had nine no-run battles and opted to fight two battles early on for some reason. Anyway, even if you don't need to waste time manipulating the run, an encounter wastes about 6 seconds (that's with only one character alive, add 50 frames for each additional.) That goes up by about 4 seconds for each round of actual fighting (again with one character, longer for more.) So that's about 20 minutes right there. Eliminating the pacing would drop even more time. But due to the mechanics this is impossible, the encounter system is designed a little more robustly than Dragon Warrior. So with some rough calculations, I'd say the absolute lower bound for a no-random combat run would be about 50 minutes, while a more realistic estimate is closer to 70 minutes.
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Here's my suggestion for the new screenshot:
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Ok, I added info on the tricks and glitches used in this run to the Super Mario tricks page. There are a few pretty neat tricks which didn't show up in this run. I think everything is there, but I'd like to add some clips. Unfortunately, I don't think Bisqwit is able to make those little animations for VBA. Any suggestions on how to do this, maybe an avi-to-animated gif program?
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An update for my many fans: I've finished the Sea Shrine, with things coming together very well. I'm right around 2 minutes faster than my test. I have a pretty good idea how the rest of this will look and I'd say my 1:14:00 guess is still about right.
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Has no one else played NES Mission Impossible? Also, I don't know of any serious attempts at Dragon Warrior 2 or 3, which are both definitely doable. How about the NES ports of Joust or Bad Dudes? A very interesting run which has been looked at but apparently not very hard is The Lone Ranger. There's also the Mad magazine Spy vs Spy game. This would be terrible as a 1-player run, but a 2-player cooperative one might be interesting (though this isn't technically an available mode.) Each spy would pick up different items, then one would kill the other and finish the level.