Posts for TheAxeMan

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Sorry, but this ended up being a lot less interesting than I thought it would be. You definitely make this tough game look easy, but it's hard to cover up the monotony of the gameplay. It doesn't help that the graphics and sound don't give anything to write home about, pretty bad considering that this game came so late in the 8-bit era. Also, it seems that sometimes you lose time smashing bonus orbs unnecessarily. I liked the multi-hit wrecking ball attacks though. Are there any opportunities to speed things up by taking hits? A two-player run might be more interesting, especially teaming up with one of the Lee brothers. This run was pretty well played overall though, nice job.
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Is the graphical confusion tied to just the warping glitch? If so, I would love to see a run that uses the left+right but doesn't glitch the graphics so you can actually follow what's going on. Overall, this is a cute idea, but really only as a novelty since it's so confusing to watch.
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Well, I've started my for real run and found a few more corners to cut and some more optimizations with the movement which will tweak out that extra little bit. Between better planning on the shopping, better combat while travelling and better planning and execution of the powerup loops, I've already managed to cut out about 30 sec compared to my last test run (which finished in 43:39), and I'm only up to the ball of wind. This was probably the most improvable section, but there's definitely room for more. I am really concentrating on getting the combat as fast possible this time around since I have the route nailed down pretty well. Since I kill everything I see and go back for more, making this run will be tough and time-consuming, but the result is looking impressive so far, it's very fast.
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Yes, great idea, but poorly executed. As others have pointed out, any speedrun should be on the highest difficulty. You've got the current version to see for comparison, there are quite a few things you need to do. There may be potential here, but even though Contra seems simple, it will take a while to produce a high-quality timeattack. It may not be possible to maintain forward movement all the time with no kills, but you should be able to do much better if you work at it some more. Good luck, hope you can stick it out.
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Ah, took a break from this to do Metal Storm. Just finished that, so I will start my final run now. It's taken a while but this one is definitely going to be submitted!
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Interesting, it seems well-played. I've played the game boy game by the same name, which is actually a fighting game, so it's not surprising that the boss fights are the most important part of this game. I love the dance moves, but I have to say the funniest part is when an enemy shoots an arrow or throws a knife and then outruns it himself.
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Glad to see some interest in this, I have to admit that my run makes this game look much more fun than it is to actually play it. Edited my submission to add a link to the old submission, which explains the weapon choices and some other things which still apply. Now to get back to the reason I changed my avatar...
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I wanna join the fan club too! Finally watched this run after seeing M.I.'s attempts, but there's no comparison at all. While M.I. almost had me snoring at times, I can't even follow parts of this. Definitely how a Sonic run should be, keep it up!
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I think this game could make a pretty decent run (but my queue is more than full at the moment). However, I think don't think a full 100% run would be interesting, it would just be annoying to have to kill extra enemies. You would also have to wait in line to get the HP and force upgrades, though you can cut in front of some people. I would say the two runs to consider would be a minimal complete run and a minimal secret level run. Getting all gems may be annoying, for example, backtracking to the water town and warping out and back to the Tower of Babel. Some of the abilities are optional and less helpful, though Aura barrier can take out many enemies very quickly if used properly. But this game is pretty slow anyway, it will be one of those where the action goes by fast and then you have to sit through some long plot sequence. Also, I think that switching forms is largely dependant on getting past barriers which only one can do. There will only be a few sections where the form is optional. Even then, changing takes so long I think you would probably try to work it out so that there are as few changes as possible. Aren't all the characters the same speed, except for Will's tornado spin which isn't picked up until halfway through?
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Tilus got around this limit in his Chrono Trigger run by splitting off the run into a second savestate-start movie file. He seemed to have no problem continuing the run, and it's also possible to hex the two together into one file for viewing. But hey, new strategies are always good so go on with whatever you've got the inspiration for. I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to seeing some cool stuff come out of this!
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<flagrant self-hype>Just thought I would give an unrequested update for all my fans. :) Though it's taking more work than I expected, I keep learning new tricks and I've managed to cut out more time as well. With accurate shooting I become a much more efficient killing machine, and cutting through the crowds of enemies faster reduced slowdown and cut my time on just about every level. Each boss fight is a little faster, some significantly. I have to credit Cheez with some help, including some of the boss strategies and even entering the password faster. This ultimate run will be an improved hybrid between our previous runs, with even more improvements on top. I'm currently over 6 seconds ahead of my previously submitted run with a few bosses left to kill. Ok, back to work on this...</flagrant self-hype>
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Excellent job, the route is very well planned, as well as the item collection, with great balance. Very inspirational to those of us who would pursue more complex projects.
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I watched this and have to say that it was very strange to see adventure island blended with metroid. It's too bad you can't get the skateboard earlier. One question, it seems you miss shots because you throw too many bones too fast. Sometimes it also seems that you switch items too much, but it's hard to tell because you do get in and out of the menu pretty fast. Otherwise a pretty smooth run.
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Wow, amazing teamwork. One question, I think you did the same thing in your other 'toads video: you grab the first downward copters in the terra tubes, but not the others. Was it not possible to avoid those first ones? By far the best spot was the snake level. Even though I knew you were going to throw the other guy into the exit I still busted my gut laughing. ;) Very entertaining.
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Sounds remotely interesting. I remember playing in this, I did pretty well until they put me up on the big screen. Anyway, even if the rom was available, I don't think it would be that interesting. For one thing, the time is set, so it's a score-attack, not a timeattack. However, due to the scoring, most of the points are earned in Tetris, so the first two sections are time-driven. Here's how it would look: -Mario runs around and gets the necessary coins -The Rad Racer course run through perfectly -Tetris might not be possible to do as well as the run on this site if there is no pause (hence no luck manipulation). But the speed is lower so it would probably be possible to plan it out to only get tetrises.
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Nice job, Neofix, I like it. Did you consider anywhere else you could take beneficial hits at? You seem to shy away from taking damage and even turn around or stop to shoot instead. Also, is it possible to jump up levels and take a hit to get yourself moving forward earlier?
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A GP vid would have the advantage of getting powerups. Feathers and mushrooms can be major boosts in some courses. On the bright side of having poor computer opponents, you would lap everyone multiple times, teasing and tormenting them while doing so.
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I think low G man could be really cool if you could manipulate powerup drops. You need powerups to increase your jumping height. There are also powerups to increase the length of your spear, but I don't know if this is good for a timeattack where you can just turbo speed this anyway. You can also powerup the gun to spread shots. There might be other useful powerups, but they are all too rare when playing normally, making this game very frustrating. In some later stage I think you have to have upgraded jump to get by, so when you continue you are screwed. Special weapons are only from killing certain enemies or rescuing prisoners, I think. Probably worth your time to use them, I think they are much more powerful than the spear. I'll watch your first level when I get home. :)
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This is better, but no one has yet matched the level one time I posted earlier. In fact, you're off by over a second on the first two stages, though you did much better on the boss. But yes, this game is pretty bad, so whatever.
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Ok, like I said, this game is actually pretty simple and would be great for a first-timer. I'll give away some tricks I figured out in my little experiment. ( -try to always attack while jumping -use frame advance to pass the title screen and hit lists as fast as possible. Hit A on the frame the hit list appears. -using frame advance, hit A one frame then B the next while holding down right. You'll shoot almost as low as if you were ducking without having to stop. -it seems jumping slows you down by one frame, but it's necessary to get by enemies one way or another -ducking costs a frame, even if you keep moving, and you can't fire without stopping either. Still might be useful in some situations. -timeattacking 101 here: use your rerecording to anticipate what's ahead. In this game that means jumping early and shooting before the enemy is onscreen. -the big jump up takes so much time that it should be avoided if possible. -I don't even know if it's worthwhile to go out of the way to powerup-my faster first level beat the boss with shurikens. It seems the gun is the highest weapon, so the only disadvantage to only getting powerup babies on your path is that get you there later in the game. This might not be a problem, just consider which babies you will get and what weapon you will have on each boss. -it seems that if you jump again too quickly after hitting the ground you lose forward momentum. The first frame to jump again without this happening is the first frame the ninja is standing again. -taking a hit in the right direction seems to be just as fast as moving normally. Still, it's better to avoid if possible for a smoother look, not to mention being more in control. -after firing you need to wait 8 frames to fire again, unless your shot is still in the air. -timeattacking 102: When improving a run, keep track of your time for each level and compare to a previous run. This is best done with the frame counter and a spreadsheet. Get it down to the frame by using a definite point, like when the ninja disappears after each scene or the boss is dead. Use the spreadsheet to do the math and figure out how much time you've gained or lost on each level. In this case you've got MadHatter's full run and my first episode to compare with.
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Hehe, sorry to ruin this, it's not bad for a first try. I would rather not finish this myself, there's plenty of other projects on my desk. Anyway, this is actually a pretty simple game, great for a first-time timeattacker.
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Watched this because I didn't think it could be as bad as everyone said it was. But it is, sorry Shakespeare. The bonus level is lame the first time, not to mention the 10th time. It doesn't seem like you are using any special powers, so just forget about it. Here, I've demo'd the first level for you, over 40 seconds faster. My boss fight is terrible, but it's still faster than yours. A high-quality run of the game might be ok to watch, and it would probably be at least 3 minutes shorter than what you have now. With a little planning, experimentation, and a few times through you should be able to pull it off. Good luck! I have to say this is pretty lame for a ninja game. I know you're not supposed to mess with a ninja, but this is one pathetic ninja!
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Oh, the text appears on the bottom of the screen while fighting the final boss. It's not really clear who is saying it. Anyway, cancelled my submission. Still some work to do on v2, but it's going to be at least 4 sec faster, and hopefully more entertaining as well.
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Clearly, watching this video is better than actually playing the game as it's just too tough. The boss fights are very well done. However, due to obvious flaws there should be a better-planned second pass before this is publishable. It looks like you have a good idea of what needs to be done, and hopefully there will be some surprise improvements as well. Hope to see it soon!
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There are quite a few SNES RPGs from the 16-bit golden age of RPGs in my opinion. They would all be interesting, if anyone is interested in a big undertaking. Breath of Fire 1 and 2 Well, these would both be very long, but there are some interesting tricks possible. In BOF2, one of the allies has an overworld ability which would allow you to bypass random encounters. Also, to get the best ending or not? Lufia 1 and 2 The first one is a pretty simple game, and there is a cheap item that reduces enemy encounters. The second has no random encounters, battles are entered like Mystic Quest. Paladin's Quest One of my favorites due to the absolutely out-there fantasy of the world. The Japanese version is called Lennus, and there's a sequel which never made it out of Japan. This one would be tough unless you could find some tricks. There is no MP, magic is cast from your HP, and the last boss can only be damaged by magic. Furthermore, you have to use it constantly to build it up. Don't know if a clean timeattack of this can be done, but I can dream... For genesis, has anyone considered doing any of the Phantasy Stars?