Posts for TheAxeMan

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Ok, went a little further it's at the same URL. I will probably start almost all over and get two alarm flutes and also figure out what experience I need. It doesn't seem possible to do the Stom duel at level 3 even with perfect playing. Does anyone know about this? Not sure what level it is but I will figure it out. But after that I can pick up fire sword and kill bigger stuff. I'll also have to look at what level I need for the big insect, hopefully nothing more than Stom. After that I'll need level 7 for Kelbesque and I'll probably do that on the first mountain. After that I don't think there are any level requirements past that until Sabera, and there will be plenty of good leveling spots. I'm thinking of the sea cave, right outside there is an octopus. The teleport cheat looks less and less useful...I will probably just forget about it. Yeah, I think I might want to try charging the sword more. However, it takes time to charge-about as much time as 2-3 slashes--so it is generally faster to just keep hacking unless I have time to charge. Yes, the person I talked to in town was just in the way, it is fairly quick if you cancel it fast and definitely faster than going around. Couldn't manipulate them out of the way either.
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Location: The FLOATING CASTLE Ok, worked my way into the first cave in pretty short time. Did about 40 secs of running one enemy to get the first level up in addition to killing stuff on the way. Looks like killing stuff is going to be a bigger help than taking hits as I need lots of experience to get levels up. The spot where the video ends is where I'll pick up level 3. Yeah, I think I could have optimized some of the battles more by using the charge shot but so far this is a good first run-through, I think I've shown it will be possible. Levels will take time but I only need to get to 15 through the course of the game.
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Haven't planned out too far ahead, however alarm flute is needed early, so buying it with the starting money is a no-brainer. You need another one at some point, but it's a while. Lime flutes are never bought, you must be thinking of lime fruit which only unpetrifies yourself. I believe you do need a medical herb at some point, so might be worth getting that in the beginning as well. Still, forward planning might suggest buying 2 alarm flutes with the initial money and buying or finding a medical herb later. Yes, hits in the right direction will speed things up but armor will take money which I will probably not get. Picking up money may add to level-building time, I'll only do if it's free. Leveling will up defense and hp. I'll point out that Walker never bought armor in his Faxanadu run, and I think the impact is similar here.
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Yes, my plan is to find spots where I can go in and out of doors quickly and an enemy is nearby. Doing this is very fast when each iteration is perfect. I just have to find out where to do this for each level. The plan so far: level 1->2: outside cave to windmill, slime appears. 1 xp each, need 30. level 2->3: wind cave, in the middle there is a spot where you can leave a door and a dragon is nearby. For a fast kill you need to run halfway around and trap him against the wall. Takes several slashes but gives 3 xp. Not sure if this is faster than the slime which only takes one hit. On the way I can hack a few green slimes for 2 xp each. Ok, so maybe it won't work out, but I'm gonna try. This game is so sweet that it's worth a try.
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I'm gonna say it just like Goldberg: Crystalis, you're next!! First, I'd like to request Bisqwit or someone fix the spelling on this thread. Ok, so I think this is possible, but I need to do some research first, probably on my console version. The big problem is that not just bosses, but each enemy has a minimum level to hit them. So I need to figure out what level is needed to hit each enemy and power up accordingly. Then I know where to level up. I messed around some, running through the first valley and got to the wizard boss in about 3 min, it looks pretty fast. However, I was stuck on level 1. It seems the only enemies you can hit on lvl 1 are the slimes and tigers in the valley. At 1 exp each it will take 30 kills. I hope after that I can kill bigger enemies in the first cave and get to 3. On level 3 I can kill the first boss and go on to pick up the fire sword which will expand what enemies I can hit. At this point I will probably start warping around and build my level up. The ideal goal would be to kill the green crossbow guards outside Goa. Wind sword will hit them when I can get the level. I'll power up on them until I am high enough level to hit everything up to getting thunder sword, level 11 according to this faq. Of course I'll be getting experience along the way, so the optimal process isn't simple. The last few levels I'll kill those scorpions in the cave by sahara, this will level me up quickly. There are 2 big timesavers I've found so far: First, you can attack while moving. You can also move diagonally, and your guy moves fast, making a timeattack look pretty cool. Furthermore, the signature sword-charging can be done while moving at full speed by using turbo on the attack button! This will be very handy. There is a warp cheat you can use to go to 16 different spots in the game. I'll use this to level up quickly but it seems poor spirited to abuse it for convenient travel. Teleport magic is obtained fairly early. Any comments, questions, etc, I'll need all the help I can get!!
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Even if it is long, I'd love to see a full run of this game. I actually own this game and at some point I practiced enough to finish it on the actual console. The level of difficulty near the end is unbelievable. Since there are probably only a handful of people who made it this far, there will really only be a small audience, but whatever. A couple questions: Have you considered doing any bonus levels? Riding the platform and jumping off right away definitely saves time some places and you can sometimes do it with the skateboard. In the first level it might be faster to lose skateboard and do the bonus level, then pick it up again at the start of 1-2. I think you can do level 3 bonus on the skateboard if you slow down early enough. Also, do you plan on sticking with the axes or getting fireballs at some point? The angle can be annoying but it might be helpful to shoot rocks. I think it also kills bosses faster, but it looks like with turbo fire this is less of an issue. Good luck!
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I was wondering about that no vote too, probably one of those guys from Bad Dudes who thinks ninjas are all evil. But whoever you are, you're wrong, ninjas are cool and smooth and if you don't get a life right now they will chop your head off and not even think twice about it: But really, would the nay voter care to elaborate? I'm calling you out!
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You don't start hitting the bosses immediately after they get up.
Actually, the reason for this is that several of the bosses have a jumping stomp attack which they always do when they get up--but apparently only if you are in range. It looks like mazzeneko avoids this by being out of range when they get up. Very smart, I think this is the right thing to do.
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That made the game look too easy!
Hehe, it does kinda seem that way. But don't be fooled, it's certainly not as easy as it looks. Don't try this at home, kids!!
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At the very first wall, just before the first door, you seem to climb slower than in the other places. What gives?
Sometimes I save a few frames by doing 2 or 3 wall jumps that take more than 4 frames so that I end up at the top at just the right time.
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Oh wow, invincibility worked out much better than I had guessed. At least another 3 seconds better, with no waiting at all on the spikes. I was even able to get super sword and full ninja power in 7-2B and not wait for the moving platforms. It's very close, but this saves me 2 secs of waiting. Just need to refine 7-3 and whup the bosses and this will be done, looks like it will be right about 41-42 sec faster than before.
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Nice job Josh, I had thought the current NG2 video was a little slow in the first stage. That left+right is a pretty nice glitch, too bad I can't use in NG3. Closest I found was using A button on autofire while jumping or falling backward, but you still don't get as fast as a forward jump. Not sure if this works in any other NGs but you shouldn't need it with your left+right one.
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Well I've made it to the end in this run but there are some improvements to make in act 7, I need to at least get the final final boss a little faster. However, as it stands I am already 38 sec faster than my published run. On the first form I considered going behind him but I couldn't finish him as fast as head-on. The second form was actually a little faster with upwards fire wheel, but not by much. Looking at the spikes in 7-3, I gained a lot of time, but I still spend about 2 sec waiting. Overall, having vacuum wave on the final bosses saves about 50 frames. So I should try the invincible fire wheel out, but this will require rethinking all of act 7. Don't know if I can go as fast through the beginning part, but I'll have to find out. Ok, here's what I got...
Post subject: good memories
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Wow, this brought back some good memories, I really liked it and agree with the tactics used. Whip really is the killer. Driving was well done, one level with almost 0% kills (very tough) and one with 100%. You even hit a car with a grenade, I was hoping this low-probability manuever would be included. One idea, you did well on the gator fights, but is it possible to manipulate them to attack more often? A yes vote from me anyway.
Post subject: FCEU crashes
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I've noticed that FCEU crashes when I try to slow the speed below 25% without disabling sound. Disable sound and it's fine, but of course you don't get sound, and the real speed doesn't seem to go lower than about 25% with sound disabled. So I run at 25% with no sound and step through frames when I need precision. With a good key setup this works pretty well.
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This game rocks and I think a timeattack is actually very entertaining, but voted no because of quality issues. You've done a decent job, but there's too many spots for improvement. I really did enjoy seeing this done with no hits. Guy is really cool here and you've done a good job with his combos. The missed punches really have no purpose. It looks like you got much better at the end, so try it again. Since I started doing these myself, I've found sometimes it takes another iteration for a good timeattack. There are also many times where you knock down an enemy offscreen with very low life where you should have found some way to finish them. Would it be faster to throw enemies into the middle of the screen so you can get more hits on them without pushing them offscreen? Is the special really worth the time it takes? The fireball and beatdown are my favorites, I was happy to see they got at least token usage but I can see how they don't have much place in a timeattack. Also, I'd have to say it would be cool to see a 2-player version, not sure who the second would be. Haggar+Guy kicks ass playing regularly, but don't know if his moves are good for timeattacking. Might be the best option though as Dean is even slower and Lucia is weak. Guy will still probably do most of the work though, so who knows? Well, good luck with whatever you decide.
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Little update--I finished act4 about 10 secs faster than before, I have already gained 19 secs over my first run. This is mostly thanks to using invincible fire wheel, so thanks 4matsy. Unfortunately, enemies tend not to be in helpful locations for hitting them and then going through spikes so I have to jump on the spikes directly when I don't have ifw. Luckily, I only have to take 2 hits to go through without stopping. This is lucky because you only have enough life to take 2 hits. This raises a question about dealing with the spikes in 7-3. The only invincible fire in act 7 is about halfway through 7-1, so I'd have to hold onto it until the end. It may well be worth it though I am sure there are situations there I can use enemy hits to get through. This will make 7-1 a nightmare though. Probably have to take hits, but it will be ok since I'll be invincible for spikes in 7-3. Once I get to 7-2B ninja power is plentiful. Other problem is that I was looking forward to using vacuum wave on the final boss, it's been my key to faster boss fights. Last wave is right in the beginning of 7-3A so I'd end up using upwards fire wheel like before, without much room for improvement on the final two bosses. Invincibility on spikes will definitely give a bigger improvement than having wave for the boss, but I'd like to have it all if I can. Any ideas or input are welcome... I also beat act4 boss much faster by using every trick in the book. The main trick is using the wall to hack faster than normally possible. When watching it at full speed you really can't blink. I believe the only other boss this tactic will work on is final boss first form.
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Watched it and enjoyed it very much though I've never heard of this game before. Mostly because of the absolute hilarity in so many places. I can't believe this was never released in japan.
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Hmm, I should check out the invincible fire for the spikes. I noticed it in your jap run, but I don't know if it works in the american version. Even if it does, ifw is quite a liability as it uses so much ninja power. It could be practical in act 3, I would shoot it down with the shooting fire wheel and pick up wave in 3-2C. However, having in in 7-3 would require picking it up in 7-1 and holding onto it. The last wave is in 7-3A, so if I want to get this then I would have to get rid of it right away anyway. So regardless of whether it protects you from the spikes or not, this might be out of the question anyway for this version. I have been aware of the ice thing, that was a pretty big d'oh. In act 2-2A, climbing is the fastest way to go without getting hit. In my new version I take a hit here, though it's actually a pretty small gain.
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Ah yes, I totally forgot to jump at the beginning of 6-2C, oops. Didn't notice this until I was done. Also, I am working on a takes-damage, as fast as possible run. I've just reached act 4-2 where damage will really speed things up on the spikes. Unfortunately, it's not easy to take hits that help in this game. Simply running into an enemy on level ground will throw you back a bit, wasting far too much time. Being hit while you have upward momentum is even worse. So the only time you can really take a hit gracefully is falling, you don't get thrown at all but just keep falling and regain control when you hit the ground. That's why so far I've only taken 3 hits which have probably bought about 20 frames of improvement total. Interestingly, I've found quite a few other improvements which really dwarf the damage shortcuts. For example jump down cliffs instead of falling, even if I have to wait a few frames. I've also cut off about 100 frames (~min and a half) on each of the first three bosses. Used correctly, vacuum wave can make boss kills much faster, so thanks again to devindotcom for that tip. This means I hold onto vacuum wave all through acts 1 and 3. It's not available in act 2, but I beat the 2nd boss much faster anyway by taking him head-on and balls-out. So not as much variety with the specials but I pull some nice tricks with the wave. Also, my wall-climbing jumps are even faster. So the results are that I have cut about 9 seconds off of just the first three acts. There's certainly room for much more in the rest of the game. We'll see how it goes with the spikes, I need to hit enemies and use the invincibility on the spikes as the spikes take off too much damage. The problem is the invincibility wears out pretty fast once you regain control. But anyway, it's gonna be pretty sweet so keep checking. I'll give you a peek at what I have so far:
Post subject: fire whirl
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I assume you're talking about the upwards fire wheel? You're right, everything takes one hit, so this has no advantage. On bosses, every ninja art does exactly one damage except for vacuum wave, and even that is tough to get 2 hits from. I do take advantage of this on 5th boss though. On the final bosses you might notice that I use fire wheel when on the ground and interrupt the animation with a jump for extra killing speed. I think it was just Ninja Gaiden 1 where fire wheel did 3. Spikes which I wait for are unavoidable, there are several very close jumps which you just barely can't make. I get maximal distance and cut it as close as possible. Well, I'm glad several people have appreciated this already.
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Well, I was reading your thread and watched your movie. Quite amazing. I'm working on Ninja Gaiden 3 myself, which is a bit different, but there are some similarities like in the wall jumps. So you are lookin pretty good so far, keep it up.
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Ah yes, there are many tricks so some things do seem strange. As far as pausing horizontally to attack enemies, this is unavoidable at times. Jumping and slashing does not slow you down at all, as long as you only hold B one frame. Jumping and using special weapon loses 1 frame horizontally as you must hold just up and B for that frame, but if you are only looking at vertical then it is free! 1 frame is a pretty good deal, especially if an enemy is coming up behind you. However, every jump is the same, so if you do an extra jump and have to fall in place to land on a platform then it may be better to take a few frames penalty to kill an enemy. The hit detection sometimes makes it hard to jump over enemies. I have to say most annoying are the cannons which are invincible until they fire. Since I am moving fast, they often won't open up until I am past them. It's possible to jump them, but they are often positioned inconveniently for this. Exceptions to this are the ice in 6-1, which lets me slide and slash or special with no movement penalty, and any beam I can hang from, since I can fall under and jump back, getting a slash in each way for only a frame or 2 penalty, I haven't checked this amount exactly. I do this a lot in 7-1. As far as jumping to fall faster through vertical corridors, this will only be a speedup if you can use the horizontal distance of the jump (since all jumps are the same.) Otherwise the faster fall is offset by the height of the jump. I take advantage of this where possible, but sometimes I can't jump from the right spot for some reason. So to address the specifics: 2-2B: It's not possible to jump the gap. It looks like I should fall and fireball the slime down there, not sure if I tried this. It does seem like there's a better option, I'll check next time through. 3-1: I have to wait for those two diagonal platforms with the 1-up, so I thought I would just sneak under that robot instead. 3-2D: I lose a couple frames so I don't come down on top of that first enemy. Because I am stuck with just one jump height and the platforms are spaced out too much to skip any, I am stuck waiting to land, so I picked up that powerup. I was thinking I might try picking up the earlier one that I skipped while invincible so I would have an extra shot of invincibility. Throughout 3-2 I consider the water currents and get a boost if I can. 5-2B: These two armored cannons were a pain. I don't think it was possible to jump the second one and get in the door so I nailed it with the fire wheel. As for the first one, I could jump it and be in an even worse position, and jumping close to it and slashing on the way up didn't put me in a great spot either. I might be wrong, but I think this is the best I can do. 7-2B: Super sword!! Hey, with no jump and slash or shadow doubles, I need to take what I can get. In fact, I make sure to get this every level (except for 3 where it's just too far out of the way.) The vertical and horizontal extension is just too useful, and it sure makes the bosses go way faster. On 7 I was wondering if I should get it in 7-3, but this might force delay in some places in between. Also, I need the ninja power and vacuum wave which are up there too. I had tried picking up fire wheel in 7-1A so I could shoot it down, but the fire wheel was too far out of the way and it also leaves my rear defenseless when that bee thing swoops from behind. You might notice that in act2 I make an extra jump to get super sword and I get and hold onto fire wheel all through 4-1 just so I can shoot it down at the start of 4-2. Other times it's easy to get. Well, other comments are still welcome, particularly while it's fresh on my mind...
Post subject: done, but should I submit?
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Ok, finished the run, final time is about 12:12. It's very fast and quite stylish if I do say so myself, but I have some ideas to make it faster, and I totally forgot to jump at the beginning of 6-1C. The question is, should I submit this before I start working on the next version? In next version I will probably takes damage as well, though it will only buy a few seconds.
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Wow, this game is quite the classic, I'm gonna vote yes. I don't think that luck manipulation will get the shells in one encounter, these things are often based on every nth enemy killed, etc. So go ahead and work on version 2, but this was a nice ride, good job.