Posts for Truncated

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Filespace is down, so the nitpicking will have to wait for a while. Hope I don't forfeit my chance because of that. :P (Edit: filespace is online again.) Yeah, it sounds like we found the same bug. For anyone interested, here is a GMV: I will add it to the tricks page shortly. As you all can see, the trick works in a nearly identical way to Rygar. Even though it looks incredible, I (like Josh) haven't actually been able to figure out any place where it could be used yet. But I'm pretty sure I will. Oh, and Josh, sorry I couldn't show you the diamond trick more in detail. Hope it didn't took too long to figure out... it turns out the ftp server had crashed.
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I separated the ducking tricks with subheadings, it should be easier to read now. Let me know what the testing gives and I'll update the page with whatever information you find. So... I just found _THE_COOLEST_TRICK_EVER_. Okay, so it's actually an identical bug to another game, but it's still pretty awesome. But my homepage is still having hiccups, so you'll have to wait to see it. I'm not telling, it has to be seen in all it's glory.
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About longest path: I see what you mean, sort of. You are not specifically going for most levels. What if there are two possible paths in a level, which leads to the same goal then... will you take the longer one then too? >See, if you fall off a ledge then float, you maintain the falling speed for a little while. Yep, I know and I did so in my video (USM1, at the slopes before the spikes). Coming to think of it, there might be one place where I missed to use it. (Nightmare Peaks 2). Chalk up another possible improvement for next warping version. >I had thought about bouncing off of a crystal in this level then flying the whole rest of the way, but the boost doesn't last nearly long enough to benefit you over the hit in USM1. What do you mean here: does the extra speed from the bounce wear off after a while, or isn't there enough room to use the boost to make up for taking one less hit in USM1? From what I can see in Nifboy's video, the extra speed didn't wear off by time. Were you spinning when you bounced, or did you start spinning afterwards? Nifboy started spinning exactly as he bounced. (Which also gave a strange graphical bug: he turned into a white cyclone helmet for one frame.) For what I can see, he kept the high speed during the rest of the level. Maybe the fact that he fell onto the enemy from a ledge plays a factor. Hmm... >The other neat trick can be seen in the first closely to see how I cross these one-block gaps while running. Known and used, in the beginning of Diamond Edge. It's also listed on the Kid Chameleon tricks page (very bottom). Have you read it? The Cyclone tricks and anomalies are not listed though, somehow that fell of the radar. I'll go ahead and add them after this message. Also I recorded a GMV of the diamond trick, which my ftp host refuses to upload for some reason. Contact me on icq or via email if you want it. As I expected the delay was 2 frames. Your video exits the level at 44:24, mine with diamond trick at 44:26. Edit: fixed link
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Ugh, tricky translation. Is this text displayed before or after the final boss? Who is saying it? This would help a lot.
オロカナマネハ ヨセ
The stupid MANE (behaviour? imitation?) is over (lit. endgame)
ワタシノ シメイハ。。。 クサリキッタ チキュウジンヲ マッサツスルコト
My mission/fate is... to obliterate the earthlings who cut the chains
ヨセ ヤメロ。。。
Stop the endgame (?) (depending on where you think the previous sentence ends, his mission could conceivably also be to stop YOSE (or endgame) from obliterating the humans etc.)
Do repentance/renewal/voyage/presentation to the public (?) (I'm guessing repentance/regret is correct in this case, but I put up the other possible interpretations too just in case.)
オマエモ、ワタシトトモニ。。。 シヌ。。。ノ。。ダ。。。
You too, together with me... will... die... (lit. are dead) Very mangled... and maybe robotic or near death.
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I'll be sure to watch it the moment I get home. Some of the comments confuse me, but perhaps I'll understand when I've seen the vid. This one, though: >Sorry, no diamond trick. I actually wastes around a second, because it takes awhile for the diamond to drop down to you. =/ It sounds like you ducked as the diamond came down, and not directly when you landed. How long the diamond takes to drop down shouldn't matter as long as it's faster than the time it takes for the teleporter to activate. And that was the case when I tried it at least. But maybe there's some kind of anomaly here, i.e the teleporter takes longer to activate if you are in ducking state. I only thought the countdown was reset every time you ducked and that was it. I will test some more on this. Catch ya later.
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You could (do it already!) but it's always good to have a previous version to compare with. Otherwise you might finish a level quicker than him, but still missing some trick he did which would cut down time even more. A level time doesn't really tell you that much. Should you do it I would be glad to offer you any help I can give.
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Post a screenshot and I'll look into it.
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I'll answer here instead of the new thread. Yes, their order is: bubbleman, flashman, heatman, airman, woodman, crashman, quickman, metalman, wily stages. Luck manipulation is needed to get the weapon refills you want. This is especially important in the Wily stages where weapon energy doesn't refill between levels. I can also disclose that they coded a VB program to calculate the optimal path and weapon switches for the rematch against the 8 bosses. (Not really optimizing since it uses full exhaustion of the search tree, but anyway it works since there are only around (8!) possibilities.) They have narrowed it down to either A(P)H(B)W(A)B(M)Q(P)C(A)F(M)M(M) or H(B)A(W)W(A)B(M)Q(P)C(A)F(M)M(M) Also, the time when pushing start to go to Metalman's stage is 14:28 - can anyone check what the time is in the current video to get an idea of how much faster this is going to be?
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This is offtopic (again), but Josh: >100% unavoidable (i.e. Guile's famed "magic throw" in the original SF2). I've been hearing about this. Could you explain more? Which throw, how is it performed?
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Given that TSA only speedruns games without tool assistance on real consoles, a safe bet would be without that glitch, for it to be accepted as a record in any form.
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Well, it's your run - why don't you just cancel it if you think it shouldn't be published?
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Personally, I'm all for Batman. Never played Kickmaster or Holy diver.
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I agree. I cannot do it at the moment (and probably won't be able in a while) though, so it's likely that you'll have to do it yourself. If you're serious, ask FODA for his wip, or I can send it to you if it's okay with him.
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Too bad none of the earlier things worked. Guess it's just not possible to get to the ghost blocks in time. :( Good thing you got the direct dropdown working though, and (I hope, you didn't write it) the diamond trick on the teleporter. >I'm just testing out a couple different areas to take damage in USM1 and 2 Hmm, this has me wondering: which path are you taking on USM2? Aren't you going straight for the teleporter to Elsewhere? It's probably a lot faster than going trough USM2, and you get one extra level. You shouldn't need to take any damage in this level.
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Yes, just like you would think you do: hold the direction you want to fire in.
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I could write up all things I find suspicious if you want. Most of them are probably bogus though. But I can't do it now. Have you already started your new version in secrecy?
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I was going to ask about red mages... I mean, they can cast both fast and lit2. And have more hitpoints and better armor so they don't die all the time. And can actually fight with decent weapons. (How is that for generally not that great, anyway?) Their downside is mostly later in the game after the class upgrade. But you're not doing that anyway.
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Either he already changed it or you are mistaken, because I got an SMV, that is a Snes9x movie file.
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An easier way to beat the record would probably to stay online during the whole day we change from winter time to summer time. Or if it's the other one, I can never remember. That'll net you a day of 25 hours.
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Well, one frame = x nr of bytes then, where x is a constant number. It saves a big amount of trouble when hexediting the movie files.
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>Although it doesn't look like it, I actually do this as close as possible. I double-checked against my video, and it looks like you're right. My bad. >This really bugs me, but there seems to be nothing you can do about it. Heh, I actually tried just now and succeeded. Didn't record it unfortunately, and I'm not feeling like doing it again (took a lot of tries). I was only using two buttons (meaning had to let go of run during some frames) so it shouldn't be as difficult for you. I used a savestate from your movie just after you jumped, let go of jump for a few frames and started pressing it again. This gives you a lower and wider trajectory. Good luck with it. It's fun to see it progress, even though you're beating my video. ;)
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Please take some more time to think about the movie format and make a good header. There is a lot to be won if that's done correctly, for example if all data and settings which if changed causes desynchs are saved. Examples of better file formats are and Also be sure to reserve a number of bytes in the header since the first version cannot think of everything, and it's nice to have backwards compatibility. I prefer one frame = one byte format, but that's less important than the above issue.
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I would have voted for the teleporter too, that's a nice little secret to show. Also, did you notice that you turned into the samurai when you ducked with the cyclone? - After going trough the two dragons, you don't pass the corner as close as you can when you drop down. Is there a reason for this? More horizontal speed? - After triggering the disappearing blocks, what is the jump aiming for? Lowest height which gets you over? Is is possible to land on top of one of the disappearing blocks momentarily and get falling speed instead of jumping speed afterwards, as well as lower curve (landing and starting to run earlier)? Or maybe timing it so you run trough just as the last block disappears? (probably not beneficial.) Other than that I don't have anything good which could make you pass that ghost block. - Afterwards you spin just before landing on the mushroom block, which loses you some speed. Did you try with having less vertical motion? You will pass the upper corner later, but maybe you can clear this block making it pay off anyway. - At the end there's a glaring one: you land before you enter the hole, losing all vertical speed. Jump higher. The thing about hitting the ceiling might apply here too. - At the ending there's a cool stunt you can pull: assuming you hit the same dimond block, you can duck at the very corner of the teleport to pick up the diamond while you're still standing on the teleporter. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but ducking resets the teleport-countdown for some reason. But if you duck right as you land, this will only cost you 1-2 frames. Yay for one extra diamond. :D
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I tried performing the floor glitch before I played back the video and succeeded on my second try. It wasn't difficult at all. Or at least so I thought until I tried to do it again, and found it absolutely impossible. Anyway, the run: every time Walker Boh posts a new submission I get this "It came from nowhere!" with 50s horror movie voiceover in my head. Did anyone know he was working on this one? There were some spots where it looked like you could have jumped before whipping the first time, and some which looked like sloppy jumping, but I trust Walker Boh enough to vote yes anyway. Besides it's both faster and more entertaining than the last version.
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I was hoping 2 movies could be made, sort of like for Rygar. I remember someone saying that the color version lacked the warp bug.