Posts for Truncated

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You got it right mazzic, I got it wrong. Sorry. (Men jag är tveksam till om han verkligen är mänsklig :P)
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It's a measly four frames. Pilif erroneously wrote 4 seconds. It's more like 0.07 seconds. There is no need to redo for that, unless the hexedit works.
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Aw, dangit. :/ And I wanted to feel important...
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>.jp (Japan) has raised to the fourth most frequently seen domain in the access logs, dropping .se (Sweden) to the fifth place. It's probably my fault. :P
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I've studied 1000, that is, halfway trough the jouyou kanji. I know there are lots more but that's about what I need to be able to read standard texts. You are less than three kanji? :P
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>Tone of voice changes throughout a word. Japanese isn't majorly tonal like a lot of Eastern languages but you can still have two words that are written the same way in hiragana but pronounced differently and with different meanings. So if you went to a kana-only system you'd need to add tonal markings. I assert that you wouldn't need to add them. I've never cared about them and people still understand what I say, and I still understand what people say. It's highly obvious from context if you mean peach or thighs. (I'm eating a thigh? My peach hurts?) Almost all european languages have stress on one syllable of the word, and that's close to never written in the script, yet remains perfectly readable. Actually, Swedish has both stress and tone, and neither is marked in script. And in any case, if you actually needed to add them, how much trouble would that be, really? Compared to say, learning kanji for several years? >Niwano niwaniwa niwa niwatoriwa niwakani wanio tabeta. That's a well known tongue twister, which is made to be difficult on purpose. (And as such not a very good example, no?) How often do people say or write contrieved sentences like this in real life? "Sorry, what you say is too ambigous to understand, please write it down in kanji for me, it's much easier to understand that way" - does that happen to you a lot while talking Japanese? No? Didn't think so either.
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>To understand written Japanese like you understand spoken Japanese you'd need to add inflection markings and spacing between words, neither of which exist in the written langauge. I already said that you'd need spacing between words. (which would be the simplest thing ever to add.) I'm not sure what you mean by inflexion markings. For example, do you understand japanese when it's written in romaji with spacing between words? Probably yes. That's what Japanese could have been like, but with kana instead. >but I don't see why kanji is so bad..? I think you do but feel like showing off, but anyway. I learned the Russian script in two days. Now I can read/pronounce any text I like, and look up any word I don't know in about five seconds. I have studied the Japanese script for more than one year, and I'm still only halfway, and I've probably forgot a lot of the characters I should know too. Because of this, I cannot read a japanese text out loud. (Even Japanese people have trouble with that sometimes because of the inconsistent yomikata, but that's a separate point to whine about). If I don't know a kanjiword, it takes forever to look up in a dictionary. I cannot ask a Japanese person what a word means unless I know how it's pronuonced. Japanese kids spend years studying kanji in school. That's time that could be seriously better spent on something else. The Japanese script is horribly, horribly bad and that's that.
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>japanese IS hard to learn unless you're a language genius. Depends on what part of the language you mean. The grammar is extremely simple compared to say, Russian, or English. But the writing system is probably one of the worst ever. I mean, people understand Japanese when spoken, without kanji, only pronunciation. So why not write it like it's spoken? I don't see how it could be less intelligible. Using spaces between words would probably help too. Anyway, I can moan as much as I want about that because it's not like it's going to change anyway. (the word you're probably thinking of is "syllables". I don't agree that fewer syllables is a bad idea though.)
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I hate it when that happens. We need better hexediting.
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>It's not as hard as people say it is, especially if you're eager to learn. Grammar and pronunciation are so simple that it's almost not funny. On the other hand kanji have brought many a student of Japanese to giving up (unless they are chinese or korean, they learn kanji so fast I feel like punching them sometimes. It's not fair.) Okay, end rant. (Perhaps you can tell my Japanese studies aren't going very well from this post.)
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I think Jyzero wrote that advance frame option will be available in the next Gens movie test.
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You love me, of course. :) Everybody loves me. Just think if you had continued doing a few more levels and then accidentally found out that you could have done all of your flying 32 frames faster. Meh, that can kill your enthusiasm pretty easily. Good luck with the rest of the levels.
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If you have two different routes to choose from, you only need to test two versions of the ones that differ in if you have jet or not. If you have jet in both (snake) or neither (needle) routes it obviously doesn't matter. The question really seems to be: is improvement by having jet in top and shadow levels greater than improvement by killing gemini w/optimal and top w/default instead of gemini w/default and top w/optimal? Estimate/test both time differences, if the difference is big just go for it, if it's close do shadow and top levels with and without jet, and battle gemini and top bosses once with both weapons so you can compare exactly. (sorry if that was messy to read, if you want I can just write up some equations.) That is, unless there are other routes you are considering, or unless jet saves time somewhere else than those levels. Then stuff probably gets a lot more complicated.
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They did that for MM2, I think, except that they had to try with a lot of different item combinations. Took forever too. Liberal time estimate: 8 robots * 2 runs = 16 levels, assuming 8 levels is about 15 mins means 30 mins, plus playing at 10% speed means 5 hours at best, add rerecording and you're easily up to more than 10 hours of work. Is it worth it? Perhaps. This kind of discussion came up with which sword to use where in the zelda 1 run too...
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Which leads me to believe that the author of that run didn't know the game very well and probably would have been rejected anyway even if the sound was working...
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>Did you know he's a genius? I think he speaks 4 or 5 languages. That makes you a genius? Didn't know I was one. :D Well, I guess it depends on the definition of "speak". When do you know a language well enough to claim you speak it?
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From the submission text: "Plok! done warpless (there aren't any warps in Plok! :p), " But the page you linked to says there are a lot of warps. Who is right? I'm all for warps if there are any.
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Your route seems good in that case. You can kill the first boss pretty quickly and have rush jet for magnet and snake levels. I don't see the point with doing Gemini first. Is it for using jet in top and shadow levels? Do you gain enough time in that to make up for 11 extra shots? EDIT: miscalculation - 11 was 7. Gemini with default 28 - gemini with optimal weapon 7 = 21 Top with default 14 - top with optimal weapon 4 = 10 You save 21 - 10 = 11 shots by having optimal weapon on gemini instead of top.
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Is rush jet faster than sliding? If so I don't see any reason why you shouldn't take Needle man first. If not (and I guess this is the case), any robot which takes 14 hits by default weapon would do (i.e needle magnet or top) as long as you have jet/marine when you need them. Is it the same number of hits if you charge your weapon? (or maybe that was invented in mm4. it was a long time since I played these games.) Just curious. If any boss is easier to hit more often with charged shots he might be a better first choice. Yeah I know. That wasn't a lot of help. Good luck with this in any case.
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Doh. That didn't occur to me. :/ Thanks feitclub and Bisqwit. Cazlab, Morimoto doesn't speak English (like most Japanese people, unfortunately). Some university students and businessmen know some, but it seems the average person doesn't know how to say much more than "san kyuu".
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A good idea might be to do some testing on that phenomenon first before you continue. Otherwise you could end up redoing a lot of levels later on. Just a tip. Happened to me.
Post subject: Morimoto's site gone?
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I tried accessing the site which is linked from But get a "not found" error. Did it change URL? Bisqwit, I saw that you posted a message from their message board from three weeks ago. Where is it?
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Progress is slow... I only did two levels today, six seconds improvement in total. :) I had no idea my previous run was that bad. :( Thanks for the comments Josh. It's good to get a second opinion. Edit - Progress this weekend: Blizzard mountain -3 sec (better helmet grab, different climbing path) Caves of Ice -3 sec (different climbing route, better climbing) Nightmare Peaks -1 (don't know where this one came from) Nightmare Peaks -1 (jumps to the correct side when getting helmet. stupid mistake in previous version) Bagel Brothers -11! (found a new bug! glitched sword > jumping. it looks ugly though, but I can live with that.) Diamond Edge +-0 (actually faster in the beginning, but then I have to wait for dis/reappearing blocks) Hills Have Eyes -2 (frame precision jumps allowed me to clear the moving boards one cycle earlier) Secrets in the Rocks -3 (new trick in the beginning, only one headbutt needed instead of 3) That's it... six more levels to go, but they'll have to wait until next weekend, when I hopefully will get this done.
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1. Make a back-up. (Actually, make lots and lots of backups all the time). 2. Play back the movie and save a state where you want to continue. (Make sure that the movie hasn't ended yet 3. Stop the movie, and select resume from savestate. Select moviefile and the state that you just saved. 4. Uncheck read only and click resume. You're on. There are other (faster) ways to do it, but this is how I do it - less risk of fudgeup. Works like a clockwork, almost never had any problems. If you still have desynchs, try: 1. Setting sound rate to 44100. 2. Turning off DAC in the sound menu. 3. Verify that your movie is in synch often. (Doesn't really help the desynching problem, but you'll lose less work.) Any other?
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Sounds interesting. Probably there'd be some problems with people messing up their tags now and then but it's a neat possibility. The newly submitted Mario Bros video could use it a lot if we found out who did it. Are the subtitles in 60fps even if the movie happened to be recorded at 50fps (depending on game version)?