Posts for Truncated

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I loved the part where the guy shouts "bantilla!" three times in a row, that was pretty great. The space invader clone was too messy though, too much going on at the same time. Still, I think overall it was a nice TAS. I vote Yes.
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Mormon mission? :( I have been interested in this game too, but the autoscrollers and length put me off. It's so stupid... the game has everything, nice graphics, good controls, pumping soundtrack... and absolutely horribly bland and repetitive level design. It was a very nice teaser in any case. :)
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Is nice. Please continue.
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Could one get some pointers on how to get this to synch? All movies posted so far desynch in the first level for me.
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So there was talk about deaths per energy unit produced for different energy production methods. Here are some numbers: As you can see nuclear power is at the very bottom. If I should try to say any reason to be against it, it would be: 1) Possible proliferation of nuclear weapon technology to states that really should not have it, for example Iran. 2) Long-term storage problems. Humans seem to forget the locations of thing very rapidly in history. One example is sunken ships, I am sure there are others. (Perhaps this is alleviated by modern technology.) Also, there is a risk of leakage. It's hard to realistically test containers that are supposed to hold for 100,000 years. A lot of things can happen geologically during this time. I would also like to say that the Italian cold fusion experiment mentioned earlier is almost certain to be a fraud, so don't get your hopes up. All warning lights are blinking: no external tests allowed, no patent, no peer reviewed articles, no funding, etc.
Post subject: Chuck Rock 2 - Son of Chuck
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Could not find a topic for this game, even though there is a published movie for it by maTO. Just wanted to say I am improving his run as we speak. Five levels done, and I am about 700 frames ahead. Most of it came from the first boss. If you know of any improvements, now is the time to speak up!
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Master of Pigs: Thanks! There are more than one glitch at work in the skyscraper level, but I guess you mean either the infinite flying or that the targets explode as we pass them? The infinite flying is possible because the game sets your jetpack to overheat if you press up on the frame it is already at max heat. By releasing up on this frame, we get a small sliver of jetpack heat back, which we use on the next frame to get to max heat again, and so on. The mean upspeed is slightly lower, 7.875 instead of 8.0, but the difference is small enough that it doesn't pay off to land and cool down the jetpack. The targets exploding if get damage from a bomb of theirs while inside them is probably not a glitch, but intended by the designer. Getting all of them to release a bomb just as we pass though, requires a very specific setup. The timer for all targets is initialized when the level starts. Hope it was this you were wondering about.
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Jungon wrote:
Isn't that '16 HP modules instead of 32 HP bosses on 5-1' from me? I said something like that on the WIP topic ... but anyway.. =P
You did point that out in the Ranger-X topic, but it was already used in the dream team competition movies then, so it wasn't news. Thanks for the support in any case! On request from Aqfaq, I have added the three main scripts used in the making of this movie.
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For everyone interested, the finished run is now in the workbench: Thread #11130: #3127: Truncated & TheRandomPie_IV's Genesis Ranger X in 09:32.50
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Thanks Lex, for the info. I guess it works the other way around then if it is a french-speaking child. Also, I'm a bit surprised it starts as early as 4-5 years (2 years earlier than Sweden), but I guess that's just what I'm used to. Thank you also Warp, for your views on Finnish politics. I am well aware of the non-success of Swedish immigration. As you can tell from nfq's post, (where he links to a speech by Hitler and says it's Sverigedemokraterna) Swedes lose all their senses when trying to discuss immigration. There is only one view which is allowed: more immigration. Anyone who thinks there should be less immigration is automatically a racist, regardless of the current level of immigration. I think Swedish in Finland cannot really be compared to Sami or Russian, for two reasons: 1) Size, Swedish is the first language of 6%, Sami is the first language of 0.1%, Russian of 0.8%. 2) Geographic spread, Swedish is the only language spoken in some areas of Finland, such as Åland. That doesn't mean it should be compulsory though, as you say. I am unsure of what I should think, which I guess is part of the reason for this topic. Kuwaga: If you cannot compete with low wages in other countries, doesn't it make sense to import cheap labor? I think the problem, rather, is that immigrants in general have a lower rate of employment and thus cost money for the state (depending on how welfare-heavy it is). Work immigration for a targeted work sector has been successful in Sweden in the past, at least.
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>the secret doctrine by helena blavatsky. From reading a short summary of that book, it seems it's about things that are not testable and cannot be disproven, such as personal revelation, that planets and stars are conscious etc., in other words: not science, and not the point of this topic. Okay, another suggestion, to add something to the discussion: Freakonomics - Levitt & Dubner. Actually mostly about statistics and not that much about economics. How can we tell from match results that sumo wrestlers cheat? How does laws on abortion affect crime rate? The book is a bit uneven, if found the two chapters about the questions I mentioned the most interesting.
Post subject: Finnish election 2011
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Hello everyone and especially our Finnish members. Tomorrow, April 17, there is a general election to Finnish parliament. I am a bit curious on your views about this. In the Swedish media at least, there has been a focus on Perussuomalaiset/Sannfinländarna/True Finns, and their success. This is partly because they have a critical view of immigration (which is a very sensitive issue in Sweden) and because they want to get rid of compulsory education of Swedish. I am not that familiar with other countries which have compulsory education in minority languages. Switzerland and Canada come to mind, but I'm not sure the situation is comparable. In Switzerland people get education in the majority language where they live and then study one of the other national languages. In Canada I'm not sure how it works, feel free to teach me. 1) Which party will you vote for, and why? If you don't feel like telling people which party you are voting for, just mentioning some questions which are important to you could be interesting. 2) What is your view of compulsory teaching on Swedish? How do/did you feel about being taught Swedish yourself?
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Kuwaga: Thanks for a very interesting video.
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ところで・・・このフォーラムの叙述・・・ 「日本語でTAS話しをするの場所。」 ってちょっと変じゃない? 「日本語でTASについて話せる場所。」とか「日本語でTASを相談できる場所」のほうがいいかな。
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Eu caipirinha amo! Abraços, /Truncated
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Guns, germs, and steel - Jared Diamond. Why didn't the native americans build ships, invent gunpowder and invade Europe in 1492, give us deadly diseases and enslave everybody who was left? The blank slate - Steven Pinker. What is nature and what is nurture? Trick or treatment - Singh & Ernst. What is the scientific backing of various alternative medicines? Very informative and good to have read if you dislike mumbo-jumbo nonscientific woo-woo. I am currently reading The greatest show on earth by Richard Dawkins and enjoying it.
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Thanks for the heads up. I visited their site some years ago when there was a beta, i thought they would never get it done. Nice to be proved wrong for once! The game is pretty sweet.
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It looks extremely good, but I am interested in what Upthorn has to show. I suggest somewhere around frame 47750 for screenshot, with Sonic standing on the crusher looking at the ceiling.
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I think it was pretty silly to lock the other Ask X threads, they weren't hurting anyone. If it's fun, people will post. If not, it will die down.
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Dear Brushy, 1) do you think that USA and the Soviet Union would have gone to real war instead of cold war if none of them had nukes? 2) what is your best pickup line?
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>I've been looking to expand my nes collection, so any suggestions? :D Excitebike!
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>The lasers I have to wait for in level 5 are insta-kill in the arcade. Otherwise, I preferred a cleaner version, with no damage. Just a clarification: those lasers are instant kill in the Genesis version too. The current movie uses the temporary invincibility from the m-bombs to pass through. A previous version took a bullet hit from an enemy to achieve the same thing. Though I like multiplayer movies a lot, in this game it just means you are overstocked on m-bombs and there are no real bossfights. I think I like the version we have better.
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Letting everyone know that we have not given up. Stage 5 including the boss was just finished, so now there is only 1 stage + 2 bosses left, and the last boss is expected to be trivial. We're getting there, slowly!
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dunnius wrote:
In Soviet Russia SNES Lamborghini - American Challenge, speeding tickets pay you!
I vote yes for this line being in the description of this movie. I also vote yes in general. This was pretty decent for a TAS and above average for a racing TAS.
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