Posts for Truncated

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Is the problem encoding power, or judging the submissions, or both? I cannot be a judge since I do not fulfill the "can create AVI files". Perhaps you can create a specific category of privileges for people who can only reject submission, and not accept. (Letting someone who can't encode accept submissions means someone else has to do his/her dirtywork, and I don't think people generally are interested in that.) That would relieve some of the clogging in the queue at the moment. It wouldn't get the good runs encoded, of course, but that tend to happen anyway.
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I think all the campaigns could be interesting for a run. Since they are disjoint and you don't have to play any campaign to unlock another (at least in the PC version, don't know about N64), you could make up to 6 separate AVIs instead. That could be done even if someone decides to do one massive movie file, actually. Which PC version is N64 based on, or at least released after? If any of the terran slides worked that could seriously improve terran economy. Videos, for anyone interested: I haven't checked most of them myself. Will do later. Flag, feel like throwing together a movie of 1 or 2 levels to show everyone your awesomeness?
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It's hard without saving, and the disk system wasn't released overseas. (I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.) But I think the major factor was that it simply wasn't a very good or inventive game.
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I think (completely unsupported) that so far, anything where the consequences follow logically from the actions, humans beat computers by silly margins. Conversly the only place where computers beat humans is when the consequences do not follow logically from the actions, such as in luck manipulation. A computer can try thousands of buttons combinations quickly and evaluate the results. So I think that's where the focus should lie. We can get optimal drops of rupees and bombs and possibly better enemy placement (which would have to be evaluated by the computer trying to run trough the room in predefined paths without getting hurt or some such, or even by a human if all the enemies have to be killed). I'll eat my words when I see a bot play a room faster than a human would. I don't think it's going to happen any time soon.
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There was some topic somewhere a while ago which had speed run videos for all the campaigns. I'll see if I can dig it up. A few of the levels where just bum rushes with the hero and SCVs like you said. While you cannot manipulate all your hits away, you can move your melee zerg or toss to the back all the time to distribute damage and allow them to regenerate while someone else is fighting. The computer doesn't do this. And there's the hydra dance... offensive towering... and like a million other tactics I don't know/understand. I mostly watch, I'm not that good a player.
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Holy... Publish this at once.
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The scroll speed depends on how fast you can kill all the enemies. Unless there's lag, more enemies, or the bosses have more health, 2 players would be faster.
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I remember velo city. But whatever did you do to get banned - twice, no less?
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Unless the cheat code is in-game (press up-start-A or whatever), you need to give it to us, because those things are not stored in the movie file and it is likely to desynch without it. > jump-kick, slash, wall-jump, dashing slash, etc... all performed with a single action button. No, they're not. Actually not a single one of the attacks you listed are executed with the same button command as the others... </forum cop> Sorry, I'm just in a bad mood at the moment.
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@flagitious: Merriam-Websters said: "from Latin flagitiosus, from flagitium shameful thing. No whips, I think. The connection I made when I heard it was that it had to do with flags (the coding variant) and delicious (as people tend to add something in front of it - fragilicious or babelicious for example). Like you liked using flags when coding and thought it was the shit. I never imagined it could be a real word. @Bisqwit> Not drunken-rad? The closest swedish word I can think of is "drunknad" - drowned. I didn't quite understand the rest of the sentence... can you clarify? @Randil> By the way, what's up with all this "tre-runk-i-rad?" :) I know I've never made that connection when I heard the name "Truncated". It's easier to make the connection if you use the Swedish variant Trunkerad and say it quickly.
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Should this game be added to the exceptions mentioned in the Rules page then? Or is the decision not final yet? An aside: it's impure, not inpure. Not that it matters, it's only in the internal coding.
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The people who don't have time for that usually aren't people anymore.
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I'm probably not making another one for submitting. Mostly because I don't think I could make it interesting enough to be submission-worthy. So this was just for fun. I'm already working on another game to be submitted soon... hopefully.
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It's Tab. I should add this to Using Emulator Tools so I can start telling newbies to read the FAQ...
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>The combos are good, but I don't see any Desperation Attack combos... those definitely would have been awesome to see. I thought about including one of those, but it requires you to lose at least half your health, which didn't seem appropriate for my invincible warrior. You get to see all the desperation attacks in the ending demo though. Right, Itsuki. You would think I should know that after all the times I've heard the game say "Shousha: Itsuki!" It must be because the announcer has a lisp or something. ;) I tried to be aggressive, but the CPU is very good at blocking, so sometimes you just have to wait. And in the 1 vs. 3 match, they are strangely passive at times, unwilling to attack. Perhaps to give you a chance. I'm glad someone liked it :)
Post subject: Yuu Yuu Hakusho
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I fell in love with this fighting game from Treasure, so I made a playaround with my favourite character. It plays trought the standard tournament and a 1 vs. 3 match (which is unlocked by winning the tournament). This game has some interesting features, 4 players simultaneously, air combos, and a system where trading hits means no-one gets hurt (think punching each others knuckles in DBZ). It only took a few hours to make, and it's sort of sloppy in places. The menues aren't optimized at all, and I accidentally enter the options before a match which I never bothered to fix. I hope that the combos and the air-throw bug I found makes up for it. :) The movie is located here: ROM filename is Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyoutohissen (J). Hopefully someone finds it interesting. I don't think I'm submitting it, unless someone convinces me otherwise. If you wonder why I punish Ichiki (guy with white robe and green hair who teleports) so hard, it's just because I hate him. :)
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I love the overlap thing. Perhaps you could give the movies a tint of some color so that one is blueish and one is yellow or something, so you can determine which video does what when. I think Dehacked has done a few side-by-side videos for comparisons, for example for Mega Man 3.
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Shinde also works. Gramatically at least. The level of politeness might be a little off for the occasion.
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My nickname is complicated to explain. It originally comes from the same word in Swedish, "Trunkerad". I use the translated variant on most english-speaking sites. The meaning, or why I chose it, has grown dim with time. Common suggestions include: 1) Something that is put inside a trunk. (If you know Swedish, cmp. arkiv-arkiverad, trunk-trunkerad) 2) Something cut off, without really knowing what it was. 3) Portmanteau for tre-runk-i-rad. 4) Something loosely connected to bottlenose dolphins. EDIT: Shinryuu's issue had already been answered 100 billion times the time between I started writing this and finally re-remembered the word portmanteau.
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I use excel too. The only tiresome thing is extracting the frame numbers, the rest is automagic.
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Some thoughts: Several times, you push against the walls when falling next to it. Isn't there any acceleration? If so you should fall a bit away and press forward so that you just miss it. Can you go between the sharp bamboo stick traps instead of waiting for them to move and go on top? The dinosaur boss stops flashing for a while before you hit him again. Perhaps this is unavoidable or perhaps he cannot be hurt directly when he stops flashing. Can you make the last boss do the short attack every time, or is the attack pattern predefined?
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Looking good. The only thing I could think of was in the last level, you barely skip two acorns (I think they give extra health) and you're forced to wait for small periods of time later in the level since you can't take any more hits. Perhaps there's something there to utilize, but that will be for the next video. Voted yes.
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>The coin will come to a stop but ignore collisions with the ground. I don't understand how you can have both at the same time.
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I downloaded the file just fine, but that was yesterday. Let me see if... yep, still working. You have to copy-paste the link, though. Just clicking will refer you back to where you came from. Probably this html-page was about 19,7 kb before you wrote your post. About the music itself, it was okay, but I'd like more variety, or else perhaps loop it half as many times.
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Perfectly elastic probably means e=1, so that kinetic energy is conserved in the collision.