Posts for Truncated

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I should mention that I haven't watched this movie yet. I don't know if I will. It's just that having seen the other submissions of this game, I've come to the conclusion that it's a monumetally bad choice for a speedrun, for the reasons listed above. This one is probably better than the previous version as you said, but that isn't saying a lot.
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Honestly, I don't see the charm with running this game. I really don't. I'd prefer the movie of it being deleted and all submissions automatically rejected. Watching it isn't fun, there are no tricks or anything, it can be reproduced within seconds by regular playing, any new run is bound to look exactly the same... I'm withholding voting, I think. Voting no as I would have done otherwise seems pointless until the version which is up now is removed.
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Another short trick; if possible you could keep throwing away Roo between the rounds of flurrying Bruce. He always lands on his feet, that could look kind of funny. Will you have Blaze do the flurrying? Zan has stronger flurry but perhaps that is negated by Blaze being able to attack more frequent.
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>if both characters try to punch Shiva at the same time, Zan will hit Blaze, and no amount of distance between the two seems to stop that from happening. I haven't tried with Zan and Blaze but with some other characters in real-time playing, and it's possible for both to hit someone without hitting each other. It's very efficient against some bosses, especially with Shiva. :) But okay, since you're saying the gain would be zero anyway that doesn't matter. >I personally thought that it had something to do with the special bar being filled up, since the characters can seem to hit each other then and not lose visible HP. My hypothesis was something like the automatic 8HP refill you get between scenes fills a non-visible portion of the health bar, because I usually noticed it by being hit by a weak attack just at the start of a scene and it not showing up on the health bar. I haven't tested it at all, so I have no idea if that's correct. Good luck with Roo and Bruce. I know I always used one character to hold Roo (he never breaks loose even though he has a special attack), and the other to wail on Bruce. Will you save Roo or kill him? Killing is probably faster, no running away animation and all that, but less styleful. Oh and Bruce is the biggest cheater in all of the SoR series. Seriously. He's even worse than Mr.X. He has magical "punches go trough me except when I'm jumping which makes me fall and take minimal damage" properties.
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OK, the only real non-minor thing I can think of is Shiva, can't you throw in some Zan punches there more often while Blaze is running toward him, like you do on the final set? If you're going for no damage, you should know that the actual life bars are sometimes bigger than what's printed under some circumstances that I don't fully know. Also being hit by a parter really does lose some life, but sometimes it's not displayed - rounding error? In any case, I would keep it the way it's now, because it looks cool and people won't notice any difference anyway. Edit: Stupid mistake; now is not know.
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For us, from a movie-making perspective, I can see this as perhaps being useful when noticing you have quicksaved at a too late point to undo something. This is salvageable by replaying the movie of course, but that can be bothersome. Then a frame reverse button would surely come in handy. Probably the biggest gain would be in movie reviewing. I don't know how many times I wanted a go-back-10 seconds button (by just a simple auto-savestate at regular intervals really) when I saw something interesting or improvable in a movie. I remember some SNES emulator having that function, but I don't remember which one.
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>if it helps, i played frame by frame and took the first available one where they enemy could be damaged. Yeah, that's exactly what I was hoping you had done, thanks for confirming it. Since the bosses get hit out of sync with their pattern it's easy to be fooled into thinking that the time between hits is different.
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Heheh, thanks Omnipotenczy. If I had known about it I would have written something more festive. But I guess it represents what I do here pretty well. :) I will now celebrate my thousandicity with a bowl of milk and cereals.
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>I actually waited about three frames after I had input the names, just so I could manipulate the first battle for me to be able to run from it with the first move. Final Fantasy III can't be hex edited, unfortunately, because if you alter one thing in the entire movie, all the battles fought from that point will have become invalidated due to luck manipulation. What I meant was, since the real name can be inputted in shorter time than the one you are using now, you could easily hex-edit it to use your real name, and put in some blanks to make it have the exact same length as the movie now. Then random should be the same. You wont gain time, but you will gain your real name. >I'll just add it to the to-do list for version 2, if I'm not just going to go gibberish on the name for that version to save time. Don't. In a movie like this which will likely end up being over an hour (what's your estimate, anyway?), it's better to put 30 frames on having a something resembling real unique names for the characters.
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>After having met the salesman the second time, and completing "world one", you die once, causing you to backtrack. What is the reason for this? That death (first after salesman) doesn't cause him to backtrack. He starts in the same position as he died. There is a death later around 3:30 which causes trackback, I'm guessing it's just for invulnerability and new health reasons (to not die later in an even worse place). >Also, is the side from which the merchant enters fixed, or is it dependant on the direction you are facing? If it's the latter, I see a second or two of improvement by manipulating from where he enters. It's fixed. Sometimes there are walls and holes in the other direction.
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Ooh, I didn't even notice that. It's only a curl worth of difference after all. ぬ=nu め=me It can probably be fixed with some easy hex editing since the number of moves required to for the O-ME-GA is less than for O-NU-GA. If battle outcome really only depends on which frame battle is entered, I mean. If we want to be really picky it should be in katakana since it's a foreign name, thus オメガ, but who cares.
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I'd like for more people to take a look at this, since I think it's very good. You know a movie where the player dies about once every minute cannot be bad. :) It takes "uses death to save time" to a whole new level. Also, I'd like to ask the reason for the person who voted meh.
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I had some ideas for improvements (jumping up some walls, etc) but trying them out none of them worked, so I will go ahead and vote yes. The boss battles still seem weird at times, for example the length of time passed between hitting the fire guy and the butterfly monster. It doesn't seem constant. But I trust you have looked into it. Otherwise everything looked very slick, and I like how you fool the game, which has most of it's traps appear at the center of the screen, by the scrolling bug.
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Is this game different from RockMan Zero 4? (I'm guessing no.) If not I think we will hear someone's forum ninja avatar shout 'topic combine no jutsu!' very soon.
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I got to level 6-7 something. But I don't have a numerical pad on my laptop, I have to do it with the normal numbers above the letters... that kind of removes the spatial layout element, but you can play with two hands easier.
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Many of the famous games for the Mega Drive was sports (read hockey) games. Those don't fit very well for speedrunning though. Ice Hockey for the NES could be fun maybe, just because it's such a hilarious game from a comedy standpoint. Then there was Road Rash and Cool Spot who I remember being sort of popular. But I'm not so sure any of those would be entertaining.
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Crap, I just realized I downloaded the last version a while ago without actually watching it. (Am I getting old or something?) Will do today as soon as I get home and see if I can add anything useful.
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I've been thinking of adding this to one of the FAQ pages somewhere, because this will most likely go to page 2 again in the future, and the forums is not where people would look for this kind of info anyway. Does pilif and DeHackEd object?
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Yeah, you should get the test9c, it has frame count and frame advance. Very very useful. In old versions there is no frame counter, but Esc (pause) shows the current frame number. It's a lot more bothersome than the the onscreen frame counter, so getting the new version is recommended. I'm in a hurry now so I haven't watched the videos. Will do later.
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If you're talking about FCEU, there are links to download it from the FAQ pages. If you're talking about the ROM, begging for it is not allowed, and it doesn't make you look good.
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You can use the FTP pilif is supplying here for WIP files.
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>Um, so what are you saying? You don't lose speed by hitting the box. You only hit the box if your speed was low to begin with. Or something to that effect. You can get an account at, or use the free FTP space which pilif is supplying here, or if all else fails, email it to me and I'll upload it for you.
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I've been thinking of naming something The The. So that it would be listed under "The, The"
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Every carrot you pick up costs you 2 frames in the score counting screen, so if it costs you 0 or 1 frame to avoid picking them up, do it. Do you only accelerate while on the ground? If so you should try to land as soon as possible in level 3. Also there's the place in the end where you jump to the green bird character instead of running, same thing could apply here (if it's not negated by the upward slope). Is there no way to get around the full stop at the slopes? Can you jump over more of them, jump up the slope, continue going upward and keep your speed, anything? Oh, and welcome to the community. I hope you will like it here.
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It's been discussed before. It seems a lot of people are hoping for someone else to do it. You should use the search function before creating new topics.