Posts for Truncated

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>Is 'turnout' incorrect or confusing, because 'turn out' already has other meanings, such as 'to shut off' or 'to be found to be?' Yeah, it would be very very confusing if the other meaning was "a large number of people gathered for no particular event or purpose" or some other close meaning which you were actually trying to differentiate the original word from.
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>Logically speaking, an appeal to popularity is a fallacy. In science and other types of facts, yes. No matter how many people think the world poofed into existence 6000 years ago, there would still be huge amounts of evidence for million-year evolution. But languages are different. Words actually have no meaning other than what people assign to them. The word gay is an excellent (if tired) example. A hundred years ago everyone would have agreed that gay meant happy or glad. If I remember correctly Winnie the Pooh is described as walking gayly (spelling?) down the road in one of the books. If you ask people now everyone would agree it means homosexual. So that's what it means. Happy isn't the "real" meaning of the word. Words have no real meaning other than the one currently agreed upon.
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He didn't get the flower. After a lot of testing it turned out not to be worth it, because you can jump trough the stairs in the ghost house with the feather too, and the double switch consumes a lot of extra frames. The time gained on first boss doesn't make up for it.
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Will the mindless abuse of Rygar ever stop? This poor game has been whacked hard over the head so many times now. You should leave it be. I almost feel sorry for it. Hmm... or not. :)
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Damn the bosses are a snooze... is there really no way to speed them up? Did you consider not using the "kill everything on screen" on the stone bosses things (the ones like the first enemy you meet), and saving them for the big guys? The stone men are probably faster to kill with the regular weapons than the real bosses. The other werewolf stopped blinking in the air, but maybe that's just visual and you can't really hurt him before he lands. What does the anger icons do?
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There are runs both for Genesis and NES versions. And SprintGod is making one for SNES, I think, even though I think that's a waste of time. Does it have to be SNES? There are a lot of Genesis games I'd like to see someone take a stab at.
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You're missing one part: timeattack was used to describe another phenomenon before what we do started appearing. So a better comparison would be: 1a. Today I saw a bird of prey of the genus Falco that has a short, curved beak and long, pointed, powerful wings adapted for swift flight. 1b. Today I saw a raccoondog. There is already something called a raccoon dog, which is also a form of animal. But I removed the space and decided that it is a completely new word which actually means the same thing as 1a. See where the problem is in this? It just confuses things even further. My money is on TAS, because it is already an accepted term. The runner-up would be savestate run (or save state run, if you think that it is different). Another thing: when it comes to facts, scientific or other, appealing to popular opinion does not help. With languages that doesn't work, because language is defined by nothing but popular opinion. If the dictionary says e.g "default" means "flaw", but everyone uses it to mean "standard settings", the dictionary is out of luck. Words only mean what people agree they mean.
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Heh. Sorry to kill your motivation like that. But it would probably be worse if you made a run not knowing about that video, and your work would have very slim chances of being accepted because of it. Good luck on finding another game. We will be here to help you out when you decide on one. For starters, have you read the rules, guidelines, using emulator tools, and tips pages? They are all linked trough the FAQ.
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That's awesome. :) Have you checked if MB trough walls is helpful in any of the earlier levels? I checked the bombman png again. (It doesn't include the new route yet though.) I'm pretty sure you didn't do route P because of low gain/ammo, but I don't remember further. Another thing I thought of while looking at that thing again is that just before the boss door, maybe a cross between route G and H is possible, if you're just one MB short. Can you save one by placing the first beam while jumping from the small ledge? You'll lose forward movement for a while but if the difference between G and H is several seconds that doesn't matter.
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Since this run has been done on Genesis already (see ), with an interesting bug that is not in the SNES version, I'd suggest trying some other game. It would just be a copy of that run, but without the glitchy walking trough walls.
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>Figured I'd add I also get the desync where Mario is crushed in the World 3 doom ship. It also desyncs in the world 2 brick pyramid level when I use turbo; gets killed by the shell. I have the exact same desynch problem. No turbo and the brick pyramid is fine, but he always gets crushed on the level 3 airship. Some elite programmer who would like to look into this?
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I like the name Nesvideos, even though it has gone incorrect. We could standardize wether to call it NESVideos or Nesvideos in print though, but it's not that important. To add some more fuel to the flames: Arc's homepage, has the completely opposite opinion; that Timeattack should be considered the correct definition and that Tool-assisted is a bad and non-descriptive term.
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I think you have the wrong ROM. It does that with PRG 0.
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I had (have, actually) a device which allowed me to play MS games on MD. Just lock-on and put in the MS cart, and it played just fine. It should be possible to dump Genesis-compatible roms through this device. Or to implement the same functionality as this device had in an emulator - I suppose this is what Gens is up to, if the previous poster was right. I remember some zelda-clone which had a name with Golden Axe in it, I think. That could be fun. Or Wonderboy dragon's trap, but that probably requires a lot of money hoarding for all the swords. Sometimes you cannot buy a better sword before you have bought the previous worse ones.
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Nintendulator does record Zapper input, or so I've heard. But it is not accepted at this site at the moment. In any case, even though I have fond memories of this game, I think it's a very bad choice for a timeattack. Mostly it would consist of shooting things that are barely or not at all visible and a flashfest at the bosses. I cannot see it being as fun to watch as to play.
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Easy explanation for Any: These movies are made with savestates. That means that you can redo any part, for example a level (or half a level, or 5 seconds), for as many times as you want. People here just redo it until it is perfect. You don't have to do it in one sitting. Moreover, slowdown is used. This makes our reflexes better. Everything performed in the videos is still possible under the game's logic. It is just extemely hard. More info:
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There are faqs for this kind of stuff. But basically you either 1) just throw your coplayer with a non-slamming throw (away-B for Axel Blaze and Zan) 2) grab your partner and press C to jump over them.
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Stupid trivia: I watched this video again and thought of something. Have you tried getting the Phalanx Magneto? Then you'll know that there appears some sort of smiley -_- with a ring around it. Now, when you win the game, there are some other explosions in patterns. I looks a lot like one of them is giving you the finger.
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The fighting stages were the redeeming parts. I liked the boss juggle. But overall there's just too many long outdrawn parts. The speedbike section, and the clanger level or whatever it's called, and the long slow pointed pole section, and the bowling pins (twice) and the rat race level... the snakes also got boring after a while. To be honest I fast-forwarded the speedbikes and clingers in the NES version too. But that one had many other fun levels and more bugs and more crazy stuff possible. Don't take it personally because it's not. I know you two worked hard on this but that doesn't make it a good game to timeattack.
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I ended up fastforwarding all the autoscrolling parts, which were 80-90% of the game, and some of the other ones too. I'm sorry to say that this is a no even though it's well played. There just doesn't happen a lot and I find it very uninteresting to watch.
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Very nice that you went ahead and did this. I like it. Some corrections and suggestions: - Perfectness: the use of default in this sense is archaic. Probably "flaw" or just "fault" would be better. - Marble Madness was played by Inzult. - For SMW, the video by Viper has a much better Bowser fight. There are a lot of better flying scenes in that one too (the one on the autoscrolling bridge comes to mind. and the rex dinosaur stomping scene). Actually everything is better in that video. - The Metroid video bombjumping section has been done much faster by MF, see his thread in the Snes section. The other Metroid clips are still good. Not that important though. The credits are long, yeah. I'd only include the videos that weren't credited before. I might sound negative (I've been told I do that a lot) but actually I really liked it. The effects and mixing and clips were very well chosen.
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It's not a glitch. It seems to be hardcoded to switch to Super Skate if you lose a life with zero points. You can move around if you want to as long as you don't get any points. The menu thing should be very minimal, and doesn't detract from the entertainment. So never mind unless you for some reason start over.
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I think enought people would object to the Tokushin video for it to not be accepted as a candidate. Or we could have it but noone would vote for it.
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There's some hesitation in the start. You don't start moving as fast as possible. This could be for enemy movement manipulation of course but it looks strange. I really liked how you combined regular attacks with team attacks though. It could turn out very good. Did you frame advance the menu in the beginning now? Did you keep in mind that both players can input menu commands?
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