Posts for Truncated

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The wild warp is activated how exactly? ... It's not a secret button code, is it?
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I wanted to try to give some more input on this, but my connection at home is fried for some reason, so I can't. :( I am currently at my lab, but I can't watch the movie here. Sorry.
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MAKE BACKUPS damnit. Constantly and always. It is SO easy to mess up your movie by loading the wrong savestate.
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>- using Truncated's idea (route Q), the first zipping is left rather short (the buildup takes too much time) - cost-effeciency for the 4 magnet beams is bad You could use only the second part, if it's faster than recharging a second time. But I doubt it, see below. >- route A has quite much delay in it Why not switch to F directly when you fall down from the beam at 23320, shoot the cannon to the right and pick up the refill as you walk past it at 23410? Is it because the magnet beam is still on screen? If this works you can put the next beam in place as you walk to the refill on the right, without turning around. Also you seem to hit the corner at 23313. Turn backwards to just miss the corner or incorporate the switch to F-weapon in the fall, since you only need the vertical motion anyway. (Again, perhaps not possible since the magnet beam is still on screen.) Are you already at max falling speed since you're walking off a magnet beam? If all this is impossible for some reason, why not just recharge twice at the cannons + flying bombs later? You have enough ammo to last until then. Two extra weapon switches, but it looks faster than what you are doing in route A at the moment. - 26030, why don't you go trough the wall here as your plan suggested (route N)? Is it undoable? - In Bombmans lair, why don't you miss the corner as close as possible when going down? Is it because you will hit the enemies? If so, how about taking them out with the F-shield?
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>no, you are incorrect. I'm incorrect for expressing surprise at finding out the correct way to do it, or what? We must not be understanding each other here somehow. What if I change my duh to a doh?
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I'm interested in seeing/hearing what errors you made. The Blaster Master video has 4 deaths. Previous versions of Rygar had some deaths. 4-5 maybe, I can't remember exactly. The current ones have none though. Other than that I cannot really think of any.
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>Ice palace, you use it to trip the final switch instead of using a block from the floor above. Duh, is that how you are *supposed* to do it? I always thought it was an evil gamedesigner's plot to force you to do the dungeons in an order other than the expected. Especially since you don't need the item in the Ice palace to beat the next one.
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>Really ? I had seen Linnom's publish page. There was a word "The hero of Gotham City goes against the villain of Gotham City. His fists are more powerful than any weapon in the world, but he rarely kills anyone" I just thought everyone like this play style. Well that let me confused. I like the style of your movie very much, just as I liked Linnom's. Going trough the enemies is cool when it doesn't waste any time.
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>i dont know how to play it in Genesis Emulator :S so thats why >I DONT WANT TO HAVE IT ON GENS FORMAT First you say it's because you don't know how to use it, and when we explain you suddenly don't want it in Gens format? I officially give up with you.
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There's a FAQ for how to play the movies. In short: Download the modified Gens Start Gens File, Open, select Altered Beast ROM CPU, Play movie, select Altered Beast movie All in all it shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes to figure out, which is a lot less than the time to download the AVI. Good luck. If you have questions see the FAQ first.
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So where and how are they gained?
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Didn't see anything immediately wrong, it looked very good actually. One thought I had: did you time the difference in taking a hit in the shortcut VS killing one of the monsters before the level ends? You said they were stronger, but you have to wait for some time to enter the shortcut too. Have you planned where to lose your lives and get new ones? Dying seems so good that you'll want to be sure you are doing it in the most beneficial places. How about collecting money and what and when to buy from the mercant, do you have a plan?
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Very short description there... is it the language barrier again? For the interested: - As fast as possible - Abuses glitches (goes trough a flame twice without getting hurt) - Takes no damage (as opposed to the published version) This is 46 seconds faster than the currently published version. Now for some ideas: - Around 16030, could you jump from the upper ledge to avoid landing an extra time when you go down? Perhaps this means you will turn to the right slower. - Around 22000 there's a lot of slowdown. Kill more enemies. - Beginning of level 4-3, can you jump into the hole in the start instead? As before, maybe this gives you problems with turning.
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I was just trying to bring some humor into this pc/mac jihad topic.
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Maybe he's just stupid and doesn't understand what we are saying. This particular movie doesn't seem to be mirrored at Is there a rule to it?
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MovieWatcher>the ONLY reason not to buy a Mac is if you are a hardcore gamer Or want right-click.
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If you killed the final boss and got the outro demo I'd say you're home free. That you get the wrong text is not a good reason to skip a cool glitch. How about letting us see what you have recorded so far?
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I noticed I completely forgot to post my suggestions. namflow, if you're stilll around, make an appearance and I'll get right to it.
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This one would probably have a star if there wasn't an even cooler video (in my opinion) of Rygal already. I saw that this movie got a new picture now. Very nice.
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I've been studying the Bombman planning picture. Idea: switch the places of the 4 and 4/8 beam constructions in the very beginning and you'll save one, possibly two shots by landing on the high pillar in the beginning. I don't understand most of the written comments and numbers. If I did maybe I could help more - I'll look at it some more and maybe ask for help if I suck too much. The green binoculars which say "Recharge TWICE?!" you can explain at once because I'm totally clueless there. Do you have framecounts of how much time you save for every extra letter, or how do you decide which ones to do?
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I tested it again just to see how it was. It's better than I remembered it. Most of the unsanitizing "features" seems to have been removed. So does the only thing I remember liking about the original game too, though - the intro music. Tip for Aqfaq - remember that everybody's first movie is bad. Do a first version to learn how it works and don't submit it. Use it as reference for your next version.
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"Shinesparking metroids doesn't work; I tried it and the only thing that happened was Samus ended up with a brand new hat." I laughed at this sentence, which was exceptionally bad since I'm sitting in my deadly silent lab at the moment. I will get you for this.
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Soft resets are usually mentioned in the manual and as such part of intended normal play. Extra lives codes and level selects are not mentioned in manuals, but in a way intended for playing. Anyway, anything and everything NOT intended by the makers of the game (bugs, glitches, imbalances, oversights in level design etc.) are always OK in my book.
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That sort of depends on what triggers it, and how far it can be taken. It's not much fun if you could skip everything but the first and last level. I have a hunch it might be a variable that's not wiped when resetting the system, like the experience in Swordmaster or the settings in Tetris Attack (? or whatever that game was called). Anything else is just... too weird.
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>Bag of Magic Food: My bad. My English auto-corrected the dialogue a little. I think you rather remember the spoken voices from the AYB video which mixed it up in the same way.