Posts for Truncated

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Allright. Thanks for trying out the suggestions at least. Unless someone has others, I guess it's green light to record the next level.
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Whoa, you're doing this without frame advance? Why? You should try, it's great. No more guessing if you got the right frame. >The vertical shafts act like ladders. I guess because you can't see where I am, it looks sub-optimal. Ah, okay. So that's why Erik travels jerkier than the others when going up. But sometimes the jumps seem to be longer than others. There should be some optimal height of the jumps. Find it and use it constantly (easy with frame advance). >Okay. Thanks! (I hope this was a compliment! ;) ) It was. I also loved the bouncing from the springs with shifting all three players. >It was a glitch. I've actually used it a few other times before. I guess they weren't so obvious as this one. *shrugs* How and under what circumstances does this glitch work? >I'm going to be gone for a week (I'm leaving today) so I won't be able to continue on this until then, but when I return I'll utilize everything discussed. Thanks for your input! You're welcome. I'm leaving in five days and I'll be gone for almost a month, so I guess you'll be on your own after that. Maybe I can check the forums once or twice, but definately not play any movies. Good luck with everything.
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Okay, so check up on the antlion again, but if it's 1-2 frames or something, never mind. And the lighting of the beacons, or whatever they're called. Unless someone has more suggestions after that, I'd suggest continuing to the next dungeon.
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First things first: I don't understand how the blue tunnels work. Sometimes you are traveling faster than other times. Could you explain? At 16:46, it looks like you grab the ladder early and are forced to make an extra jump. To have Baleog appear ahead of Erik at 17:56-ish was magic. Why do you go into smack-a-wall pose before hitting the enemy projectiles with Erik? For show? Is it possible to get someone down to the elevator earlier before 18:26? Could you leave Olaf down there somehow, or is he needed to block the shots from the robot? At 18:35, it looks like you could have fired your first arrow earlier, but since you did it with frame advance this shouldn't be the case. At 19:05, could you fall directly into the hole by starting to turn earlier? Or would this lead to falldamage? While falling a long distance with Erik afterwards at 19:07, is it possible to do something with the other vikings? Perhaps the scroll time is to long. Possible to go directly into the hole at 20:13? Elevator at 20:19, could you jump off Olaf's shield? Perhaps the enemy negates all improvements so that Olaf is the weakest link here anyway. 20:54, take damage and pick up more bombs. You can then skip getting the bomb next to the elevator at 21:17, and maybe the one before that at 20:57 too. 21:23, another possible shieldjump from elevator, but this elevator moves faster than the previous one so maybe it's like the ones in the desert. 21:36, jump again with Erik after landing on the ledge before switching. Maybe. 22:11 or something, can you open with the blue key later? That way you could keep Erik moving forward, he'll come there later anyway. Perhaps give it to one of the others. 22:49, how did you fall with Erik without taking any damage? He was in the Uh-oh pose. 23:03, why the flying? If you're going to take damage anyway, can't you drop down and do it directly? You have a fruit if you need to take damage twice. Can you drop the bomb before opening the door and still blow up the floor? 23:13, while waiting for the first spike, move Erik. It probably doesn't help overall because of the moving platform later, it just looks nice and gives you one less question to answer for the submission. 23:38, jump down the hole. 24:02, it looks like you jump up with Erik later than you did last time. (This might be an illusion because the elevator starts moving down the other time.) 24:05, jump down to the trampoline unless it gives damage. While going down with the elevator with Erik and Baleog, can you move Olaf forward, or is he already standing at the verge? I noticed you moved him a small bit backwards before. Phew, that was a lot. I realize most of these are probably junk, but some of them are maybe worth testing anyway. Maybe one or two will work out.
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I mentioned somewhere earlier that I would like framecount to be visible even when not recording a movie. I'm just restating it here so it doesn't get lost and forgotten.
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Another thing: in the big chest room, is it really faster to run up the stairs than to walk?
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It's weird, because Trojan really only means someone who lives in / comes from the city of Troy. Judging from what xero said, the Trojans should be on the opposite side of Apollo. Probably just a mess-up from the designers, as usual.
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The only places that look weird to me: - the crab at 13:11, but I know he has an irregular hit area. Landing behind him is probably the fastest way, I just wish there was another. Getting hit? Go over directly with the spring? I'm grasping at straws. - jumping down to the yellow spring instead of going next to the moving platforms, but you already commented on that. There is no way to manipulate the platforms I guess. - possibly jumping before 13:51 to hit the switch earlier, but you'll lose your forward speed. - did you try spindashing directly from 13:57 instead of jumping over the gap first?
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Okay, here's my contribution. As I see it, the only two places where dying could conceivably be profitable are - after getting the key - after getting the big key which one did you try? It is possible, as nitsuja said, that something that is faster in a speedrun (because it's easy) isn't faster with savestates and slowdown. Around 49100 you take a very small detour to pick up arrows. You do not seem to need them, at least not in this dungeon. What are they for? When lighting the beacons, they are placed like this:
A   B

C   D
You do them in the order DCAB, but geometry tells me that DCBA should be faster, because you end up closer to the door. Is it because of the enemy blocking the way, or the dash afterwards? When mixing dashes with walking, you always do it perpendicular. Did you try with stopping the dash earlier and walking diagonally? Is it always slower? It feels counterintuitive, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. It might be related to the previous question too. EDIT: The antlion can be killed with one arrow or one spinattack. Switching to arrows is slow, but did you try to spinattack it?
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>Clearing the zig-zag corners: for the first corner, jumping does not speed it up at all. This should make sense since the real limit to speed at that one is not how fast you fall but rather how early you travel to the right. But falling faster should make you clear the corner earlier, thereby letting you change directions earlier. Unless horizontal speed is somehow affected by jumping.
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This time it didn't desync even though I used the crappy rom. The small stones flying around, can't you dodge them with your sheild? If this had been a first time submission I would have thought this isn't a good choice for a game, but I see no reason why the old run shouldn't be updated with this.
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>*sigh* I wish poor Rock didn't have to take so many hits this time around. I thought about the same thing. But I trusted the authors judgement that there was no other good way. >I noticed he fired the Air Shooter off screen during the Clashman rematch. Was that to lure Clashman over in his direction? Most likely. He turns around the first time around too (but doesn't shoot) and Clashman reacts the same way both times. He didn't jump like that in the previous movie. >Does the flash stopper stop the spawning of those large fishes blocking the way in bubble man's stage? Those that spit out shrimps. If so that could be useful since your falling slower in the water right? I don't know but it doesn't matter. He is never slowed down by them. Walking speed in water is the same as jumping speed in water. You'd just lose time switching weapons. One thing I'm puzzled about is the usage of rocket in Woodman stage at the monkeys. Why doesn't he get off at the front of the rocket?
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You could post the framecount for some specific action, like beating phantoon or refueling, so we'll get an idea of how much ahead you are.
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What I saw, but you commented on most of it already: In 1-1, could you superjump off the vine the first thing you do after getting into the sky part? When picking up a shyguy in 1-3, why don't you get the first one instead of the second? When going down with the key, jump in the zig-zag part to clear the corners faster. Why do you get hit on purpose in the battle against the mouse? I can't see the benefit. It just looks like the animation takes time.
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This submission is not to be "published"
Please ensure your movie is good. Don't waste the judges' time with movies that have obvious mistakes - read the guidelines!
Hm. You said previously that the submission area is not a free file storage for movies not intended to be published. Now it's obviously your own file you are storing, but I feel this probably would have been better as a post in the forums. Nice trick, anyway.
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Wohooo! This was great. I vote yes and all that. The description could use some work. A lot of poeple will probably wonder what the heck is going on a lot of the time. And I too would like this to be encoded from FCEU, famtasia destroys the music of some levels.
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Is this article for real? O_O Anyway, here's a better translation (with my notes in parenthesis): Forshaga (a small swedish town) The couple which loves hard rock. (photo text) PHOTO: LINN MALMÉN The style of music reflects the personality. His mood is even and fits the monotonous death metal. She is more up and down and likes the melodious hard rock. "When she's really down she even listens to pop" says Thord about his wife Barbro. Forshaga is the Mecka of hardrock in Värmland (one of the Swedish provinces). The Olssons are no exception. Even if Barbro, 66 years old, mostly likes Manowar and Sonata arctica, and Thord, 78 years old, likes Sepultura and In Flames, they could agree to go to the Judas Priest concert last Friday. 2005-03-04 Are you playing something? they usually shout to each other over the telephone when the hard rock is roaring in the background. When Barbro is away Thord usually takes the chance to play his genre, the mangling (?) death metal. That's real hard rock, says Thord who has just sneaked behind his wife and changed the CD to Monster Magnet and turned up the volume. Soon she has switched back to Manowar. I keep doing this while he's not looking, says Barbro, moves her body and sings along with 'Violence and bloodshed'. Listen now. It starts with a motor and rises in volume. Do you hear it, the throbbing? I think it's cool. I enjoy it. Look, I get goosebumps, says Barbro and points to her arm. THEY HAVE GOTTEN RID OF all their LPs. That was how Barbro became a regular customer at Knastret (likely the name of some CD store). It was too much troubly trying to find what you wanted. About 200 CDs were left. And they steadily increase. Most of it is bought from Ginza (a swedish online CD store). Unfortunately, they have no friends to share their hobby with. They don't understand why people in their age would rather listen to accordion music (this is a lie but it gets the message across) than hard rock. It's impossible to talk to other people about hard rock. Because of that you tend to feel overaged, says Thord. Their choice of music meets no understanding with their acquaintances. Once they tried to get some visiting friends to listen to heavy electronical music with loud volume and the lights turned off. That didn't go very well. Barbo has also tried to play some chosen elegant parts from hard rock ballads. No, they don't like it. They have preconceived notions, I think. THE HARD ROCK FITS THE OLSSON'S antireligious views well. After a number of motorbikes and cars, engagement in Paris and trips to China, Mongolia, Sahara, Azerbaijan, Georgia and three journeys with the Transsibirian railway, it's been hard rock all the way since 30 years back. I started listening to Iron Maiden in the 70ties. There was a guy at work who recorded them on a cassette for me. I liked it from the first time I heard it, says Barbro, who before retiring worked with apartment grants for Forshaga municipality. Thord was employed as a storehouse worker at Zakrisdalsverken. Because of their dogs they haven't been to large concerts very often, but they go to the local hard rock festival DIST, arrangements in the People's House (might sound communist, but every little town has one of those), and of course the Judas Preist concert at Löfbergs Lila Arena. Everybody was so nice. If you tripped slightly everybody came and asked if everything was allright. When we bought the tickets they asked if it was for our grandchildren. Oh, that's great! they exclaimed when we explained that they were for ourselves, said Thord. Thord likes the In Flames, but I thought they were too loud. That he doesn't know English doesn't matter very much because at concerts they play so loud you can't hear what they sing anyway. You can listen to the lyrics at home instead, says Barbro. What do you think of the lyrics and the symbolism with blood, skulls and violence? They can worship Satan if they want to, says Thord. I don't care. And I don't care how they look. That Rob Halford in Judas Priest is dressed in leather and metal, that's stage clothing. He can't just stand there ordinarily. I only think it's cool that they look dangerous. I just listen, says Barbro. ANNIKA STRÖM. Then there's descriptions of which bands they like. A lot of the funny oldfashioned expressions are lost in translation.
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Looked it though quickly but didn't see anything obvious. I'll give it a better look in a while.
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The silliest "game" ever: Barney's hide and seek (Genesis)
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I had the same problem as feitclub, even though the checksums matched perfectly. I'll try another version later. I thought the checksum was sort of failsafe but I guess it isn't.
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Quietust wrote: "I suppose there's something I should point out - I'm doing this entire run by directly controlling Sonic only. I suppose part of it is just a 'conduct' I'm adhering to, but the last time I tried controlling Tails directly I got a big fat desynch." So that's why. I guess it will be listed under "one player in two-player game" like the chip and dale movies.
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Awesome as usual. I love the glitched super-sonic physics. In Metropolis, I was thinking if it could be faster to keep Tails around somehow instead of making him fly in for all the nuts and screws. Probably not the funniest thing to test though. :/
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Deviance said it was faster to die, so I hope he can come in and clarify how and where he meant. Chests sound good to me.
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Go back to making Sonic 1, you.
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Different kind of crushing ceiling, me thinks. The one used at the end is not solid. I could be wrong. 100 coins gives an 1up. :P