Posts for adelikat

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You rock! Super hyped
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PikachuMan wrote:
I'll have to use SNES9x and Gens for the time being 'cause they have auto-hold.
BizHawk has auto-hold
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Nalonk wrote:
but this IS also forum for Bizhawk specifically right?
Yes, that is correct :) While this is the tasvideos forum, the bizhawk subforum is intended for general BizHawk discussions. For things like prg ram, it is likely it needs to be in a game database as such. Currently we use the NesCarts.xml file in the gamedb folder primarily. Then use gamedb.nes.txt for any additional overrides. It's likely that's how quicknes "just knows" to do PRG RAM. You can add a include gamedb_user.txt with the appropriate information about your homebrew rom (look at the nes one for examples) and it should pick up the PRG RAM. Also, if/when you "release" your homebrew, give us that game db entry and we can officially add it to the bizhawk package.
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Let's not rule out C# until we see how these cores run in .net core
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I'll be interested to see what kind of speed differences you end up with.
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Yeah, it's unforutnate. Likely having subframe input would improve the TAS. However, there's no way I could do the botting that I'm doing using NesHawk. It would take many years longer than using quickNes
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Post subject: I voted yes
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Wow! This movie blew me away. Haven't been this impressed with a TAS in quite some time. The precision usage of the S weapon was particularly beautiful to watch
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It was never the intent to block card games that have no opponent, such as solitaire. I think this is pretty clear in the rules. Blackjack is a somewhat interesting case, because it technically has an opponent. However that opponent must play by set rules and therefore you are playing the rules not the opponent. This should be vaultable. However, this is NOT all that this submission boils down to! The goal is pretty arbitrary for vault rules. And is very much more problematic if you can simply set your money to 9999 from the start. Why wouldn't a movie that simply does this not obsolete this movie? In when situations are problematic and subjective like this, we lean towards them not being in the vault.
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Post subject: Yes, I am a masochist
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Here is a WIP through chapter 2 of an improvement to my previous movie that I've been working on. At the end of chapter 2 I'm 2050 frames ahead. However, some of that will be lost to the fact that the day/night cycle is off at the beginning of chapter 3 (the game doesn't reset the day/night cycle between chapter 2 and 3!) The main motivation for this movie is that I have a much nicer computer than before and could bot increasingly unlikely events with shorter delays. Previously I took the approach of attempting to have generic scripts for things like manipulating a critical hit. This time I made an easier framework for which I could write custom scripts for every situaiton I encounter and the ability to chain unlikely events together. From this I've been able to remove nearly all the delay frames even from insanely unlikely events (such as rnd 1 of the first chapter 2 boss fight). In general, I'm doing more manipulations, and more chains. And the likely hood of success is orders of magnitude more unlikely than the previous movie's maniuplations. In addition I have a few mistakes in the previous movie, some of which I'm even embarrassed by: 1) The day/night cycle is manipulatable! Believe it or not, a step doesn't necessarily increase the cycle. Not catching this in previous movies is sloppy on my part. I had the wrong address for day/night and never noticed lol. It looks completely random that any given step will fail. However, it looks like there are rules. For instance you can't have 2 failed steps in a row. From this I was able to manipulate night in chapter 1 about 60 frames faster. And a much bigger boost from not needing to use the inn in Endor on chapter 2 by making sure it is still day when I get there (however, there may be little to no gain from this, depending on how I deal with the bad cycle in chapter 3). 2) Screen transition lag In the previous movie, I didn't notice that lag is random in screen transitions. Yes, random, as in the rng. Is there anything that isn't random in this game? No. I figured this out somewhere in chapter 5 in the previous movie. Not a lot of time is saved from this but it does add up over the course of such a long movie. 3) Better (worse?) stat manipulation. Ragnar for instance has about a 1/1000 chance of not getting vitality on early levels (up to lv 5). I was able to manipulate 3 levels to be only strength from this, saving a good deal of time. 2 of those manipulations were back to back, which given that the rng has almost no ability to be manipulated through level ups is incredible. I was able to use some of the boss fight (which had its own difficult manipulations) to manipulate essentially a 1 in a million scenario! In addition I was able to minimize Alena's stats too in some 1/1000 situations. 4) Better skeleton fight in chapter 2 This is a mistake I figured out too late in the making of the previous movie. I did realize that the lowest HP for a Skeleton was 42. However, It failed to occur to me that if I manipulated 1 more str (1/1000 chance) then Alena's max critical would be 21 and therefore make the fight only 2 rounds long.
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mz wrote:
Then I replied, telling him why it was a bad idea not to remove a toxic member, even if he may appear valuable. Now we were discussing why Spikestuff is or isn't a toxic member. adelikat is an admin of our community, so I believe it is important to let him know if we agree or not with what he had written.
I agree with this. And do feel like the post after mine was relevant to this thread and I appreciated the input. Having said that, I would prefer if this thread not turn into singling out and bashing a community member.
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Warp wrote:
Even if no action is done, at least respond to people appropriately and express why, rather than deflecting with something about the title of the thread.
Hello, I am adelikat, and I am an admin. But I am not "the staff", or "the administration" as we are not one collective mind. When wanting a response from me, I would much appreciate to specifically ask me instead of vague terms like this. I find this comment a bit vague but what I hear you saying is that you want someone to say specifically why Spikestuff (and only spikestuff) should not be stripped of his publisher role. I thought I said my piece on this, but I will attempt to respond further. But note, I'm uncomfortable doing this. I don't like talking publicly about or for someone. It is my opinion that he should not. His TVC incident lost a lot of respect with me and the community and it wasn't becoming of a staff member. And yes, he doesn't behave well in general. However, he hasn't done an incident like that since. Also, he apologized (and I know how difficult that is for him). More importantly, Spikestuff cares about this community and publishing means a lot to him. He knows he on his "last strike" and his behavior has changed accordingly. I don't think "staffly behavior" comes naturally to him but he is making an honest effort to change that. He will because he cares not from fear of some "punishment". Also another way to look at "if you do a lot of work for the site you get away with stuff" is to say "This community means a lot to someone, and it drives them to do an insane amount of work FOR the site and people". Encoding and publishing is hard, takes a lot of technical expertise and isn't glamorous. It means a lot to me how much our publishers, especially Spikestuff do this for the community year after year.
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Sorry I didn't post this sooner, but I just wanted to say that this years TASblock was one of the best all time. In fact, I'm surprised by all the negative comments in this thread. Mashbot was awesome, hilarious, and impressive all at the same time. Funkmastermp was amazing. He was so into what was going on and I think everyone fed off his energy. Marathon blocks are at their best when someone has that kind of energy and passion for what they are doing. I hope to see him again in future GDQ events :)
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I moved this and your other topic to the BizHawk forum. Please use this forum for BizHawk specific questions.
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EZGames69 wrote:
I would really appreciate it if a statement was made IN LIGHT of the new information, not old threads prior to this new information.
The new light, regarding the "TVC incident" doesn't' really change much, I think. It looked pretty obvious what the intent was back then. It was handled in a way Nach and I feel was appropriate. Except, that I think we now realize it was a mistake to only handle it in private, when this was such a public incident. My official statement is that any kind of sabotage to a publication is not okay coming from a staff member and I'm highly disappointed in the behavior. I expect better. To Spikestuff: I hope you see that you are viewed as a representative of tasvideos. Your behavior reflects upon the rest of the staff and community. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard than this kind of petty behavior. You are a workhorse who's consistently putting out A+ work. It's time for your behavior to be the same.
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EZGames69 wrote:
there is one thing I am taking issue with.
Nach wrote:
Regarding some encoders/publishers allegedly trying to bury publications
I take issue with this because it’s already clear that he did flood the channel for the purpose of burying the publication.
So you are taking issue with him saying allegedly back when it when it was unclear if it was or not?
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That's a fair point, it's in the rules, But you did conveniently leave out the last part:
If you think someone has made a nomination which is truly undeserving, please point it out so there can be a proper discussion. However, arguments which are a matter of opinion and personal taste are uncalled for.
If you think the movie is undeserving, that's fair. But let's keep the tone positive here. Bad: "How can anyone not like my movie better!!" Better: "I think x was nominated in bad taste, the current movie is faster and has a lot of hard work put into maximizing entertainment" Best: Just let it go, they are both nominated, and let people choose. Remember you can't please everyone, and the majority of people like the published movie more than the obsoleted one. Your hard work has been appreciated.
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Alyosha wrote:
A lot of the core pages only have one or 2 lines of info, maybe everything can be combined into one 'Core Information' page?
I suppose that works. The idea was to have lots of information about each core but I guess there really isn't much info to provide.
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Post subject: Re: Updating the BizHawk Wiki
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Alyosha wrote:
NES accuracy tests: Most of the emulators listed in the table there are irrelevant for TAS (or now even for general use.) I'm thinking of simple removing them and leaving only NESHawk, PuNES, FCEUX, and adding Mesen. Also there are some relatively new tests to add. Any thoughts on this?
Quicknes is still relevant as it is in the BizHawk core. Maybe a few other popular ones are still relevant as a point of reference.
TODO page: It's a mess, mostly years old outdated stuff. What should be there now? Is it even needed?
I think the github issue tracker is the better place for this stuff anyway. Scrap it
Core road map: I guess it's not even really a road map, just a list of ideas. Are there any concrete plans for any of them?
There are no concrete plans at this point. I agree it is really just a list of ideas.
Known Desyncs: last updated in 2014, is it still relevant?
I personally don't really care what happens to this info
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I voted yes. I found this entertaining but I’d also like to see a lowest score run.
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Wow, exciting news! I look forward to what develops from this
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Also, as far as a performance hit, is basically nothing, unless you had all the ram tools open at once, but then you already have a much more huge hit anyway
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Yeah, I recently fixed that. You can use the latest dev build and it will allow you to record with snes9x. But with the latest release, it will simply block you. (That was never intended, just a bug) However, if you are doing a serious TAS with the intent of submitting it to TASVideos, it is highly recommended you use bsnes
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Agreed! We need more VB love!
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Post subject: I voted meh
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This was oddly interesting but got old well before the 15 minutes was up. I voted meh.
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