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Okay, so I actually have a bit of a problem. It desyncs for me at the reset. Basically, what happens is that the game doesn't actually get saved (and the save is empty after the reset). Same ROM, same BIOS, same version, even. No dice. I'm absolutely clueless right now.
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Looks good enough to me.
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jmosx36, do you plan on re-encoding this TAS so that it meets our publication standards?
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Spikestuff wrote:
I won't write anything about the logo besides the fact the text is not centered as that's a point that a Senior Publisher would have to talk to you about.
I'd like to kindly inform you (jmosx36) that I've sent you a PM regarding your logo.
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When everything just goes wrong: Link to video
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Oh look, it's yet another song from my early childhood. Link to video
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jmosx36 wrote:
Trying to contribute but my estimated render time is 25-30 hours and idk if it will be a good result. :(
Hi jmosx36, any progress on the encodes? Normally, if you keep the encoding settings as is, the results should be of publishable quality, provided the info subtitles don't cover important stuff (and are at a gameplay segment rather than menus or intermission screens) and that the encoder logo is also acceptable.
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CoolHandMike wrote:
Rights also vary by country to country according to their history and cultures. This is by nature political.
Exactly this. I live in a country where for instance, gay marriage is legal and the process of changing one's gender in official documents is just a simple administrative process, which also mentions one does not have to undergo any medical treatment in order to write up the letter. These are ultimately political decisions, as they are laws which first went through the parliament. These rights are virtually non-existent in other countries (in fact, in most countries, you risk getting imprisoned). Regarding Black Lives Matter: I think it is important to note that every country has a racism issue, even if it's not as overt as in the USA. Earlier in June, I came across this article about racism in Luxembourg. The fact a fairly high amount (for my standards, at least) of people of colour are getting or feel discriminated one way or another in this country is honest to god disheartening. Nobody should be or feel discriminated based solely on their skin colour, and that should not just be my opinion, but common sense. Therefore, to quote Memory:
Memory wrote:
Black lives matter, and I do not see why users would need to be shielded from this fact.
I've written this post not as a staff member, but as a person and thus may not be reflective of the staff as a whole.
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Okay, in order to get the older version of the game, you'd normally open the Steam console and type in the following:
download_depot 212680 221002 1265710545481316279
However, that's been broken for quite some time (I get a "Depot download failed : Manifest not available" error). However, there's an alternative named Depot Downloader. The pre-requisite for it is that you need to have .NET Core installed (instructions on how to install it in Ubuntu are contained within). Then, from a terminal, run the following command:
./depotdownloader -app 212680 -depot 221002 -manifest 1265710545481316279 -username <Steam_username>
from within the directory Depot Downloader is located. It will then prompt for your Steam password (of course), then it will proceed to download the depot. The downloaded files will be in the "/path/to/DepotDownloader/depots/221002/4710954" directory. However, the executable files are not set to be executable files (at least it wasn't the case for me). To save yourself the hassle, just run "sudo chmod -R 777 *" from within the root of the depot directory. Run it once to make sure you got the correct version.
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Dacicus has stepped down as a publisher. Thank you for your valuable contributions for the site. Good luck in your future endeavours. We've recently made a call for new encoders, if anyone wishes to aid us in encoding movies that are up to publication standards.
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Oh, by the way, in case you were wondering where to post the encodes: They can be posted in the submission thread.
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Just as a point out: The Japanese version is significantly easier than the US version. The PAL version, even though it runs at 50 FPS, is closer to the difficulty of the US version and also fixed that bug in Clinger-Winger. Here's a list of differences between US, JP and PAL.
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The submission queue is filled with submissions that may be pending acceptance. In order to cut off some labour to the current publishing team, I am calling for new encoders! If you have a lot of CPU power to spare (and you're going to need it), simply choose any submission that you personally feel will be accepted and follow the guidelines and the manual linked below. Upload your YouTube encode to your own YouTube channel and your downloadable encodes to a file sharing service (e.g. MEGA). Should you require any assistance, you can ask me (either via forum PM or Discord DM). It should be noted that if you have some spare time, be aware that there's always something that needs to be re-encoded, whether it's a re-encode of a TAS that has already been published so that it meets current encoding standards or a YouTube encode that needs to be done. For starters, here are the encoder guidelines. And here's a comprehensive publication manual. It also contains links to the current encoding package as well as the required stuff. Don't forget to make your own encoder logo. If your contributions prove to be valuable for the site, you may be promoted to the Encoder rank.
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Ayant utilisé JPC-RR (non pas pour faire des TAS, mais pour en publier), le tuto sur comment importer des images disquette et disques durs est encore d'actualité. S'il y a quelque chose que tu ne comprends pas, il suffit juste de me demander. Concernant le fameux TASScript, en lisant un peu le post d'ouverture, il simplifierait le "comment faire" d'un cran. Par contre, je ne l'ai jamais utilisé, donc si t'as des questions, je te suggère de demander c-square ou peut-être DrD2k9.
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The run starts off a bit boring, but the entertainment value starts rising a bit starting at Level 9, where you start clipping through the wall. My favourite was probably Level 23. However, the entertainment value drops down a notch near the end, with some pretty long levels where you have to collect multiple hearts. I was a bit bothered by the lack of music, but I got used to it after a while. I can see it hurt the entertainment value, however. I personally don't find the sound effects to be really grating on my ears. All in all, this gets a mid-to-high Meh on entertainment for me. I'd say the game is fairly notable with its 1500 views on the page linked in the submission and is of decently high quality. As such, the game is Vaultable, but it has a chance to go to Moons.
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In any case, this has now been fixed.
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Over the past few months, I started questioning whether I was just male, as it was pretty evident to me that I have a side in me that's clearly female. As a matter of fact, I personally stopped minding having longer hair than usual, even if it's just slightly longer. In fact, I actually like that. Likewise, I feel that my overall behaviour is clearly feminine in a way. I used to see myself as some highly effeminate man, but I felt not even that would define me well enough. That is....until April 10th, where I found the identity that defines me perfectly. I am bigender, meaning that I identify as both male and female. I am by extension a non-binary person. Due to my accepting nature, though, I can be referred to as either male, female or the neutral "they". I've personally started using female gender expression to refer to myself. It felt weird, at first....but at the same time, it felt great to just let it out. I could finally embrace my female side....and it feels so great. With that said, I still retain a male side for some specific situations, like at my workplace, and might still use male gender expression to refer to myself. My intentions, however, are to come out to several of my workmates that I can trust and my brother. I, however, am happy that I finally found some peace in my mind, because it was bugging me for a long time.
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Oh look, more 90's eurodance, this time from 1993: Link to video
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Thanks for your valuable contributions to this site, GoddessMaria. I wish you the best of luck.
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Leave Zelda alone, please!
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My Switch FC is: SW-2866-4096-7109 I check my Switch about once per week (mainly to play Mario Maker 2). My Steam profile is in my signature, but here it is just in case. Shoot me a PM if you've added me on either, so that I know who you are.
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About 3 months ago, I went to ESA Winter 2020 in Malmö, Sweden. Naturally, this meant pictures were taken where I do, in fact, appear. This was when I went to register myself at the info desk. I'm the right-most person in the picture (the one wearing a mostly red and blue/black vest with a square pattern). This was during the Celeste True Ending run by Psyched_SR. I'm a tad blurry in the picture, but I'm the one wearing a Celeste t-shirt. Finally, at the beginning of the video of the All D-Sides run by Rubydrag0n, I appear for all of 2 seconds, this time wearing a different Celeste t-shirt:
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AngerFist wrote:
For instance I think its important to tell which version of Dolphin you used.
This is mentioned in the submission page (it's Dolphin 5.0-10833). What's actually more important is which version of the game you used, as there's two different versions of the North American version floating around....and the MD5 hash specified in the DTM is all zeroes. The ISO filename you provided doesn't tell me much, as it's just the game ID (see the page on the Dolphin Wiki).
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Post subject: Re: #6738: Ubercapitalist's Wii Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn in 5:15:51.62
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
Also, unchecked Config/Wii/Use PAL60 Mode.
This shouldn't even affect sync at all, considering you used the North American version, and this setting only applies to PAL games.
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Yeah, I'm a bit on the same ball here. If the game didn't start lagging at every single opportunity, this would probably be a slightly more enjoyable watch....if the bosses and especially the bonus games didn't drag on as well. This gets a low Meh vote on entertainment for me. It's definitely Vaultable, however.
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