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Catastrophe wrote:
Finally, I would have loved to finish the game escaping from Tier 1 using Engulf, stop the timer at the fadeout just as we do in the speedrun of the game and loop back to Zone Eater's belly, getting again to Kefka's tower and loop back again and again during tier 1. Unfortunately, we have proved that it is not possible to do so.
Would've been great! haha. So what goes wrong with that plan? Do the credits just start anyways? Or does it hang?
Being Engulfed to the Triangle Island cave can only be done from a fight on the world map. If done during a fight inside a dungeon, it only ends the fight like an escape. BTW, forcing the Engulf flag to 1 with the emulator is very useful for route planing, because you will instantly "escape" every fight by killing yourself (except those of the world map). Very useful against bosses.
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Thanks for providing this tool! There is a slight unimplemented feature: you cannot save inputs on the second GC controller.
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True wrote:
keylie wrote:
When I said "arbitrary", I mean that the developers of BizHawk chose to put values in Save-RAM that are not all 0 but different values in different addresses.
If this is true, this is absurd and is a bug.
Sorry, I made a mistake. What I said applies for WRAM only. For SRAM, values are all 0xFF by default. I think the WRAM initialization is in this file at line 131:
for(int i=0;i<128*1024;i++) wram[i] = random(config.cpu.wram_init_value);
Post subject: Re: Tool Assisted Exploit Search - JP ROM
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Catastrophe wrote:
But if a spreadsheet existed that listed each combination of (weapon id) : (list of addresses changed) then FF6 nerds everywhere could pick through the data and look for exploits.
What I can do at least is, for each weapon, to which address is the game wrongly jumping and which function this address is in (for documented functions at least). It might give a clue if this weapon can lead to an exploit or not.
Catastrophe wrote:
EDIT: RAM map for reference. Check the theoretical spreadsheet against this, then look for exploits related to the description of that RAM address.
Beware, almost all the addresses $2xxx are wrong. The author confused $2xxx (RAM address, $7E2xxx) and $002xxx which holds PPU and other stuff.
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oxydoreduction wrote:
I've watched the video and, if I'm understanding correctly, using this method to change tier would only give us access to a very limited amount of encounter formations, right? Because if the aiming of the command is single-target, I guess the aiming value can only be 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0100 or 0x0200 (since targetting foe3, foe4, foe5 or foe6 would result in an unexisting formation). I guess that's what you do in your video when char3 targets himself, you get the id 4 encounter formation (Lobo*2 + Marshal). But you seem to say that it's possible to load any encounter formation, maybe by changing the targetting of the command... but I don't get how you would do that without sketch glitching again.
Well, in this case, I don't think it is possible to change the aiming, so yes, the choices are more limited that I'm indicating. I didn't check, but there might be other setups giving command 32 with a multi-target aiming.
oxydoreduction wrote:
Your alternative route for the Engulf was to flag a Partisan and Goggles glitch with it to trigger a mold 7 formation, but I don't get it: wouldn't 0x20 get you the id 32 formation, aka Brawler*2 (mold 0)? EDIT: I think I'm confusing between the id of the item (corresponding to the tier changing command) and its aiming value... I get it now, id 32 is the id of the tier change command, like you said. EDIT2: OK, I checked again in the spreadsheet and target value of the Partisan in sketch glitch 41FF is A0, meaning id 160 encounter formation, aka Baskervor (mold 0). Yep, I don't get it, how do you mould 7?
Glitching the command window with the Goggles and using the item Partisan (id 0x20) should execute the command 0x20 which is the tier change. The aiming byte of the item Partisan will determine which target(s) can I choose. The actual targets I choose will determine which formation will be loaded after the tier change. To be able to have a multiple target, I need to have in the aiming byte of the Partisan either 0x04 (Affects all allies and enemies), 0x08 (Affects all allies or all enemies) or 0x20 (Multiple selection possible).
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True wrote:
The latter is dependent on an uninitialised value in the RAM, which is set arbitrary by the emulator.
What? Since when? And even if this information were true, why would this not be manipulable?
Maybe I wasn't clear. I will add a paragraph in the submission regarding this. For example, during the game, address $1FA1 stores the index in the random array regarding encounters triggering. When you power-on the console, the game loads the address $307FF1 (which is in the Save-RAM), add 0x0D to that value, stores again in $307FF1 and also in $1FA1. If you have never played the game before and the cartridge is brand new, the game will still load address $307FF1 even if the Save-RAM memory has never written to. When I said "arbitrary", I mean that the developers of BizHawk chose to put values in Save-RAM that are not all 0 but different values in different addresses.
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This TAS is actually quite obsolete, the fastest speedrun is currently 44:56 using at least a new sequence break and a lot more clippings. Someone is already working on it.
Post subject: Dragon Quest 5
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Done in 50:12, with japanese audio commentary. I wonder if adding audio commentary over subtitles using vocal synthesis would be appreciated by viewers. Link to video Link to video Link to video
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zoboner wrote:
moi ce que j'ai du mal a comprendre c'est pourquoi les personnes qui ont des connaissances autres que les notres ce sentent obligées d'etre agressif dans leurs reponces
Désolé si j'ai été perçu comme agressif, ce n'était pas mon intention.
zoboner wrote:
mais par contre si quelqun a une configuration custom(1000€max) sure pour mon soucis saturn(si ça regle le probleme puisqu'apparement la puissance PC n'a rien a voir!!) il est le bien venue en priver ou alors je referais un sujet sur le forum en temps voulu!!
Je n'avais pas bien compris si tu souhaitais jouer aux jeux Saturn en émulation, ou alors simplement vouloir les TASer. Dans le premier cas, c'est sûr que l'émulation est encore mauvaise et demande beaucoup de ressources. Tu peux tester de passer directement par l'émulateur Yabause et non par Bizhawk, ce qui pourrait améliorer la vitesse d'émulation. Si en revanche tu souhaites uniquement TASer des jeux Saturn, la vitesse de ton pc n'a rien à voir avec les desyncs, donc pas nécessaire de racheter un PC. La vitesse des savestates peut être améliorée par l'utilisation d'un disque SSD (notamment sur Dolphin, pour la Saturn je ne sais pas), mais c'est uniquement une question de confort. Essaie de faire attention à toujours utiliser la dernière version de Bizhawk.
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zoboner wrote:
non pc portable hors de question (les bateries sont instablent!!et le format ne m'interressent pas!!);je suis pluto en mode bureau trkl aux pence que je vais attendre d'avoir dans les 1000€ quite a patienter 2,3 mois de plus et me monter une configue custom!...mon but serrait de faire tourné emu saturn ...nikel-chrome!!!!j'utilise enormément BIZhawk qui desync hardu des qu'il y a trop d'action a l'ecrant...bref merci pour tte ces info mais je redonne la main a ce sujet qui n'est pas le miens...
Je ne comprends pas. En quoi la puissance du PC a à voir avec le fait de pouvoir TASer ou non ? J'ai toujours utilisé des portables sans carte graphique dédiée, je n'ai pas de soucis pour faire tourner Bizhawk ou Dolphin. Certes, le jeu tourne lentement, mais cela n'a pas d'importance. Je ne vois pas pourquoi ça provoquerait des desyncs.
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Voting Meh. I liked the mine cart and the underwater sections. The two-minutes autoscroller at the end was boring, I'm surprised the developers of this game chose that kind of gameplay to end the game... except if there are more sections on hard difficulty.
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Non, Bizhawk ne desynchronisera pas. Je te recommande cette lecture :
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Je te recommande de ne pas prendre snes9x 1.43 qui n'est plus accepté par le site car pas assez fidèle. Prends Bizhawk, lsnes ou à la limite snes9x 1.53.
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It's almost worth designing a bot. It reminds me of the IT Crowd. Link to video
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Last part: Link to video I will work on the submission text and subtitles for the YT video. It may take a while.
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Final time is 3:11:39. Video will come.
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Here is WIP 8: Link to video
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I tested all the ways to get Moogle Charms. Only mold 1 and 7 give them without any long freeze. Here is the old route:
Battle 1: setup 41BF mold 1 -> Flame Shield
Battle 2: setup 417F mold 1 -> Gem Box
          setup 4126 mold 1 -> Moogle Charm
Battle 3: setup 417F mold 1 -> flag Black Belt
          setup 41BF mold 1 -> flag Goggles
          setup 41BF mold 1 -> flag Moogle Charm
          setup 41EF mold 1 -> make ennemies targetable
          Goggles glitch to get Engulfed
(EDIT: It should be possible to make the two 41BF into one by using the swap trick) Here is the current considered route:
Battle 1: setup 41BF mold 1 -> Flame Shield
Battle 2: setup 417F mold 1 -> Gem Box
Battle 3: setup 417F mold 1 -> flag Black Belt
          Goggles glitch to get Engulfed
Battle 4: setup 4183 mold 7 (against Zone Eater) -> Goggles (already flagged) + Moggle Charm (already flagged)
Here is an alternative route:
Battle 1: setup 41BF mold 1 -> Flame Shield
Battle 2: setup 417F mold 1 -> Gem Box
Battle 3: setup 41FF mold 1 -> Partisan (already flagged)
          Goggles glitch to trigger the tier change (command 0x20) using the Partisan (item 0x20), to load a mold 7 formation
          setup 4183 mold 7 -> Goggles (already flagged) + Moogle Charm (already flagged) + flag Black Belt
          Goggles glitch to get Engulfed
(EDIT: triggering the 0x20 command that way is crashing the game. I guess I will give up this route.)
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All the better setups producing Moogle Charm end up in a crash (417F mold 11, 4167 mold 4). I will stick with 4126 mold 1 for now. There is another very useful trick: as the rewriting by the sketch glitch is very laggy and takes time, it is possible to swap items in the middle of an inventory rewriting. For example, setup 41BF mold 1 produces 0 Flame Shield in slot 55. This is bad because we want at least 2 Flame Shields for Leo against Kefka. However, the sketch glitch rewrites the quantity of the 254th slot but not the type of item. By swapping slots 55 and 254 at a very specific frame, you will move the newly produced Flame Shield to slot 254 before that slot gets rewrote, resulting in 160 Flame Shields! Other ideas that will probably not be useful: we can merge the item list with the command list by swapping characters during the Goggles glitch. This can be helpful to: - use the command Possess, which is an instant kill, as a replacement to Bababreath. However, the corresponding item is not useable in battle - use the command Mimic to mimic the Engulf - use the battle script to move to the next tier, which allows us to access to other formation molds while still being in the Triangle Island. The formation loaded depends on the aiming of the command. We can flag the corresponding item to have the aiming byte we want, so we have a bit of freedom on the target formation. The binary representation of the aiming value is the following two-bytes integer:
0 0 foe6 foe5 foe4 foe3 foe2 foe1 0 0 0 0 char4 char3 char2 char1
By aiming our party, we can have access to formations [1;15] By aiming the ennemies, based on the fact that formations 6, 7 and 8 are available on the Triangle Island, we have access to formations 1024 * [1;15]. All those formations are glitched because there are 576 formations. Unfortunately, the two Zone Eater formations (335 and 501) are not accessible.
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Yes, this is most probably TAS only. Here is the updated spreadsheet Edit: mold 11 with setup 417F (the easiest one) produces Moogle Charm! But I don't know if this mold is accessible or safe.
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I realised that the sketch glitch erases multiple times the inventory. You can use or move items from the first rewritings if done on the exact frame. This allows to access to a new set of items (and magics and commands). I will update the spreadsheet soon.
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Another small time saver (about 6 seconds): Link to video
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Starting again from Figaro Castle. Here is the list of changes/improvments: - I waited 1 second less in Figaro Castle during the manipulation of Lete River, to get a better NPC placement in the Returners Hideout and to keep getting the best Magitek fight (Battle RNG has a periodicity of 60 frames). - I didn't place Edgar on the last slot for the three battles in the cave to South Figaro. I lose less time by having to switch characters during the three fights rather than entering and exiting the menu (also this menuing was looking bad). - I now have enough money for the South Figaro shop without having to sell stuff. Buying 3 Sprint Shoes and 1 Goggles. Even with selling stuff, I wouldn't be able to buy a fourth Sprint Shoes :( - Vargas fight was a bit different. I used Fire only once instead of twice, and replaced it with two criticals. It should save time as entering in the magic menu makes the battle counter on pause (this counter determines when DAs are unlocked) - Returners Hideout went well. I didn't have time to go to the save point (not a problem). Edgar was a bit far when talking to him, but still ok. - As I didn't have to clip through a NPC, my menuing was just before the River so that I could equip the Genji Glove. I equipped it on Edgar. I lost a bit less than 1s by equipping it and later unequipping it (damn you, automatic optimal) - Ultros fight with Genji Glove went better. I replaced Sabin's Aurabolt with a critical. Originally, I thought I would do one double attack (critical-normal) with Edgar, and a simple critical on his second turn, because I didn't need the extra damage from the second weapon. However, I realized that when you have the Genji Glove but only one weapon, damage of that weapon is halfed!! The damage wasn't enough, so I kept the double attack :( I used that extra damage to replace Banon's second turn with a normal attack. I started using extensively 1-frame escaping to speed up the battle RNG increasing. This saves frames here and there, and can be useful to chain criticals. Overall, I saved 1.5s on this fight. When considering the time to equip/unequip the Genji Glove, I still saved more than half a second. I spent more than 4 hours on this fight, but it's now faster and flowing.
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Found a little skip which saves 8 seconds. Link to video
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A little heads-up on the current situation. We discovered that getting a Sleeping Bag can save us about 500 frames. I won't tell you why :) The thing is that we get 2 Sleeping Bags at the beginning of the game and we happen to sell them at South Figaro. So starting over from there, about 1h45 to do again... :((. We may improve a bit other things in the meantime, but not much (a Genji Glove strat for Ultros 1 maybe) We are also working on the farming for the sketch glitch, which will be only 3 fights (including an Intangir). We have different magic routes available, as well as many different formations we ran into, so we are still working on the fastest route. Basically, excluding the Intangir, we need 2800 XP for Terra and either 4 AP for Terra or 2 AP for Locke. Also, we are carefully placing save/reset so that we save fights and get the Intangir and sketch fights as early as possible (a 1-step fight into an Intangir when landing on Crescend Island for example). This takes a lot of time, and I've already seen the Opera and the Esper world cutscenes too much!
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