Posts for moozooh

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mmbossman wrote:
In case you haven't noticed, people continue to be born. Which means that there will always be a younger demographic to cater to.
You didn't fully understand. Aiming for a younger demographic doesn't make a system any more popular. Not aiming for an older demographic, though… A good part of the Genesis's success in US and some parts of the Europe was due to the fact that almost none of its games was censored; there was blood and stuff, while Nintendo opted for toning down the violence in any way possible since the NES days (and only a few years ago realized that it in fact hurt the sales). First/second party 13+ games were practically nonexistent until late into N64 era, IIRC, and even those made by third parties were quite scarce.
Warp wrote:
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Neophos wrote:
Gender? Why does this matter?
For the same reason everything else does.
Warp wrote:
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Tricking iT was awesome as well, indeed. Do you have the link for the Anti-Conformist vid?
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Sega (if we don't count the sucky sideproducts): 1986: Master System; 1991: Megadrive/Genesis; 1995: Saturn; 1999: Dreamcast. Shorter than both Sony and Nintendo, eh?
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Interestingly enough, this video was so dramatically unimpressive compared to what I was feeling watching Tribulation for the first time, I don't even know what to say about it (well, except that "eight guys propelling the ninth up using machineguns", that was rad). It will probably require some decent or custom-made defrag maps to be really interesting, but then again, I haven't seen the full potential of scripted Q3 engine yet. There's very little I know about programming, though, and personally I wouldn't try my hand at it. The tool-assisted frag video idea seems a little more interesting, though, due to the virtually infinite amount of unique gameplay situations possible to arrange there, compared to just moving very fast through a level (which will involve more-or-less the same set of tricks possible to do offhand).
Warp wrote:
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Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
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Gender: M. Age: 22. Play on PC or Console: PC + emulators at this moment. If Console, which one: going to buy a PS2 and a Japanese X360 by the end of the year; had NES, Genesis, and SNES in the past. Do you play: [x] Alone [ ] Online [x] In-home groups Do you take your gaming “seriously”: sometimes, especially with arcade games (almost all shmups I play, I'm doing so mainly for score). Where do you get your information about games: random internet sources, including online acquaintances. I usually don't look for it specifically, it all comes to me eventually. Favorite games: many of them (I mean it). Can't decide on less than a dozen, and most of them are of different genres as well. Where do you buy your games: shops, e-shops. Usually I just don't, though. Where do you buy your consoles: the cheapest reliable place I can find. Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console: sure. Your parents: [ ] Support your gaming [ ] Dislike it [x] Don’t care [ ] Not living with parents
Warp wrote:
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FinalBurn Alpha was deemed a more feasible choice for arcade/NG TASing (MAME's code is huge, many things are not working, many things that can affect sync are constantly updated). There is a rerecording FBA version from 2005, but it kinda sucks alot. There's been an attempt to bring it up to date, but it seems the project is currently on hiatus of some sort. Check around the FBA thread.
Warp wrote:
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Zurreco wrote:
The average person would look at SMB3 and think "its a guy who runs and jumps on stuff a lot. so what?"
Indeed, I still think exactly that about SMB3.
Warp wrote:
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Wow, this game totally ruined its own potential. The character animation is silk smooth — but it makes the entire screen choppy when scrolling. It lags so much and so inappropriately it feels as if it's made of solid slowdownium. The musical themes are good, but they're destroyed by idiotic "let's just repeat this 8-second loop over and over" sense of composition. The TAS itself was fine, but my impressions from it were thoroughly ruined by the game's shortcomings.
Warp wrote:
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What I like about this movie: — Extreme speed. Applied at nonlinear environment, map traversing look great. — Some of the more spectacular boss fights. What I didn't like: — Extreme repetition. Maxim's attacks and characteristics never change, so he's dramatically overpowered compared to every single boss in the game. The bosses are either beaten too fast, or just the same way as others (spinjump-shuriken-sword). — The warping restrictions are at best arbitrary. You don't go through walls, but use other kinds of glitched warps. Go figure.
Warp wrote:
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The first post is getting cluttered, and there are no apparent limits set. I suggest counting top-10 massacre movies and top-10 pacifist (but not "pacifist" as a category!) movies.
Warp wrote:
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Just watched it, voting meh. It has a couple interesting moments (the Samus KO in particular), but about 90% of the run's time was best described by the first two bonus stages. There's one thing I don't understand, and let's take it under the scope here.
AKA wrote:
I don't see the game getting published since there is some people who are hell bent on not seeing the game published.
In fact, you're wrong on many levels. The game has tremendous entertainment potential. I don't feel the need to explain it to you because I believe you know this be the case, but still, take a look at the link Raiscan has posted on the first page. Yet, almost every single submission here aimed for faster/more repetitive KOs or other kinds of fuck-arounds instead of being a full-fledged superplay that would show various moves and interesting ways to complete the stages, rather than mashing the same attack several times in a row and considering THAT entertaining. What I don't understand is how people manage to overlook this fundamentally simple thing, especially when every single fighting TAS on the site tries to abide by this guideline. Every Single. This flies completely above my head, and it's no wonder many people don't consider this run entertaining. Because it doesn't show a quarter of what the game is capable of, gameplay-wise. And it will be the reason it will (most likely) get rejected, and not the speculation that those in charge don't like the game.
System Error wrote:
Someone here, I forgot who, once mentioned that Super Metroid runs all basically use the same route, except with slightly different tricks or more optimized movement (usually barely noticeable), which makes them repetitive as an overall whole. Yet, people still go crazy over and improvement there.
"Let's take some ignoramus's words and use them here as an argument, that HAS to work." Should probably put more attention to the veteran's words:
Bob Whoops wrote:
The only reason this movie is semi-enjoyable is because everyone played SSB and it was an awesome game. The run itself, whether or not it is optimized, was not very entertaining to me.
…Because he nailed the issue here spot-on.
Warp wrote:
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Presumably, not using any attacks slower than the optimal one in an as-fast-as-possible run is clever. Now whether it is entertaining is another question.
Warp wrote:
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Twelvepack wrote:
Funny that this comes up now, I was alt tabbed from playing diablo 2 when I read this, I was thinking about having a go at the SDA record for this game. The existing run is sloppy as hell, the maker of the run manages potions very badly.
Keep in mind that the current unofficial record is something around 1:20, and it wasn't submitted because its creator, suga, insisted it was further improvable (and was a test run in the first place, or something along those lines). I'd say you'd have to go under 1:15 to make an acceptable run at this point.
Warp wrote:
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The door won't even open, IIRC.
Warp wrote:
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That's an interesting point about Wine, Tub.
Warp wrote:
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Correct. Overall she requires a far more humble skill/item setup than barbarian, and is overall stronger on the offensive side (since defense is barely relevant in a TAS). Sorceress will likely always be faster, though, thanks to a combination of ranged attacks and Teleport.
Warp wrote:
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I don't think DOSBox will ever emulate a Windows game which uses DirectDraw to display the image. There's no way to emulate it so far, not even close to it. And if anything, there are half a dozen uniques and a few runes that can be manipulated from almost every enemy, so you can do everything like 2x-3x faster from the get-go. Sorceress and Assassin will be the fastest overall, as usual; the latter will actually be more interesting to watch overall.
Warp wrote:
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Meh, you're such a pacifist, Aqfaq. :\
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How about Recca?
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Comicalflop wrote:
Somewhere in that beast of a post Inichi said the J ROM would be 2 minutes faster than the published run, the U version only a few seconds faster than the published version.
Um, I'm not sure inichi wrote exactly that. What I understood was that the major glitching is possible in either version, but the J has more favorable conditions and faster text.
Warp wrote:
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I… don't know what to say. O_O So, what do you think the projected times will be for a run on either version? If the difference (beside the language change) is more than just a few seconds, I guess you could as well make it on the J ROM.
Warp wrote:
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What if you shoot without interrupting your movement?
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Did the two drones at ~146xx fly offscreen unscathed? An idea to consider: instead of flying around [semi-]randomly, try associating your motion patterns with music. Faster movements when the tempo rises, and vice versa; change directions to the rhythm, etc.
Warp wrote:
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Ramzi wrote:
say that shit to my face nigga i got glocks up in this bitch you want a war you little internet gansta roll round my hood we see how it is.
Ramzi, I beg you, don't ever leave the forums!
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.