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Saturn wrote:
If you make a mockball move first and then beginn to springball, you can avoid this jumping-bug and controll the jump-high. Also the mockball speed will slightly (in this case) increase Samus' speed which is twice as good. Here the demo of it, which is 140 frames faster after coming out of the pipe right above the Spike-Super Missile.
Awesome. Really really really awesome! Can't wait for getting the HJ. :D And yeah, since Drewseph and I decided to join our forces and work on the improvement together aiming for sub-hour time, I went ahead and improved the first part of Ceres station by 54 frames (which is also 24 frames faster than Saturn's WIP, yay). I promise that the new run will pwn everything badly. :) Stay tuned. EDIT: Updated the URL above, now the smv completes all the escape except for the last room, because I don't want to spend another two hours figuring out how to save myself from losing more frames in it right now. By the way, it's still 27 frames faster than Saturn, though I think I'll have to waste 1-2 more frames on a better starting jump, or something like that. Moreover, I believe this WIP will only be useful for Saturn himself, and I'm somehow certain he'll miss the fact of its existence unless I post it separately, which I don't want to do now, etc., it's 9 AM, I want to sleep, bye.
Warp wrote:
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It's not your English that is in question. It is the fact that you are familiar with the TAS runs for a year, and ask a question about one of the most generic tricks known, well, since the invention of a turbocontroller. Either that, or you just don't understand how does the shotgun work in this game.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Wow. The guy hugs a bunch of massive, almost naked males with mysterious enthusiasm and a strange look on his face. The sight for a real man.
Warp wrote:
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Hmm, this run was kinda beyond my expectations. There was nothing really boring or repetative about it, plus it featured one of my favourite endings ("Dry as a Bone"… Man, I remember laughing about it with my friends when we were, like, 10 years old), morphing into Spinal in Spinal's fight vs. Spinal and a lot of very awesomely looking combos. Yes vote. Also, I always thought the announcer said "Fight Off", which is kinda ridiculous yet it has something to it.
Warp wrote:
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Recent BenQ models (DW1640, which I happily use, and DW1655) generally are superb. But yeah, the differences really are rather subtle, and heavily dependant on the firmwares and disc burning software. The drive you chose seems okay to me, but I don't know a thing about it (recent LG models are good, though). You may want to check some reviews on it if you're unsure.
Warp wrote:
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That's right. Since it is a pain in the… everything to try to comprehend all of the games at once (especially since the movements are different all of the time), there's no other choice than to look at one of them at the time. Input display will help to understand what's going on.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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AngerFist wrote:
Didnt you say you were going to improve this run after when you had submitted your Castlevania run? The improvement is in the queue. :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Twelvepack wrote:
That is exactly why we leave this sort of decision in the hands of the site moderators. They "obsolete" old runs where there are ones faster, they leave up things like lttp unglitched because it is a fun one to watch. They know what they are doing, they have done a nice job so far. Using the "other" category as they have been is approapriate.
People you mean by "site moderators" are judges and publishers, and there is exactly one of them who has the last word for some critical decisions, that's Bisqwit. Perhaps, if you'd been more in the context of various events, it'd be easier for you to understand my and others' point. I've been through that kind of discussions at least three or four times in the last six months or so. The principles of obsoletion can be quite dim at times, and people argue about that. Sometimes, people have a demand for a certain type/amount of movies, and come to understanding that it's either impossible, or require a lot of hassle. Sometimes, having one run of a certain game already published means that another one similar to the former would not be accepted, and people argue about that as well. Then, there's a whole great deal with the hacks. A lot of things remain unclear even now, but there are some ways to make everything better. I really think Bisqwit needs a good assistant at his site management, because I don't want to (and don't think I have a right to) blame him for general reluctance to accept certain changes or improve some aspects of the site that somewhat hinder its progress. Because I can assure you that if I had a per-game movie listing system, I'd gladly help maintaining its content.
Warp wrote:
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Warp wrote:
In fact, I don't actually really understand what is the problem being discussed here.
Obviously so, since the rest of your post was really irrelevant in regards to the discussion. :) The problems we were discussing here were: 1) the ambiguity of "concept demos" as a category (especially when it comes to voting: "I vote yes, but this should be published as a concept demo", etc.); 2) the necessity of publishing some of the runs in a separate category; and, to lesser extent, 3) the arbitrary restriction on the number of the movies made for each game to prevent the movie list clutter — a problem that was successfully solved (at least ideologically) by Tub.
Warp wrote:
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I didn't say that much time is going to be saved in red Brinstar exclusively. Look, if we take Drewseph's route, there are only two points when taking the HJ boots wouldn't result in a huge and ugly detour. Those two points are: 1) right after bombs, before heading to Norfair (as seen in the demo); 2) after coming back from Norfair, on the way to the Dachora gate. In the second case, the detour is alot shorter, but the time saved in red Brinstar and Norfair with HJ would make up for it. Plus, even if it isn't really faster, it looks much, MUCH better like that. And I think that sacrificing ~20 minutes of a lot more creative way of travelling for just a few seconds on the timer isn't really the best choice.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: a couple o' vids…
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Thanks, Tub. On the detour: Saturn has made a demo (at about the same time I made mine, the "Springball!") showing that the detour itself is slightly more than two minutes long, and with all the opportunities the HJ gives, this amount of time will most certainly be saved even before coming back to Brinstar (not to mention that the Charge beam and Spore Spawn's supers are to be taken in any case). Springball has amazing mobility even without mockballing, so it's going to save tons of time in pipes and tunnels, and all the rooms without too much room for straight running. We're aiming for sub-hour now.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: a couple o' vids…
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Here are some short videos I produced in the last month, some while helping Drew with his run, some while trying to do something new, or just while fooling around. Several new timesavers made possible with the early HJ: one, two. Some short charge opportunities not featured in Drew's beta-TAS: uno, dos. Yes, it is possible to cut off up to 113 pixels (7 full tiles) from the usual distance by not pressing dash on frames 1—24, 26, 51, 71 and 72. Yes, that's strange. Yes, I thoroughly tested it myself, and it was the best combination I managed to get. Yes, the 4th sentence starting with a "yes". Speed booster inertia cancelling trick, similar in its idea to Super Metroid's stop-on-a-dime: eins, zwei. Both smvs start from the same spot, the difference is to be compared only with frame advance. A funny graphic glitch. Entirely useless.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
I second that. Nitsuja, you're one of the few people able to maintain spezzafer's level of quality, how about giving this run a shot?
Warp wrote:
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Oh, that I already forgot about, unsurprisingly.
Warp wrote:
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And what's the point of ripping the audio from non-camhack version, since the audio tracks are 100% identical? BTW, could someone please encode the run? I take it no-one has interest in porting the camera hack for Linux, so could anyone on a Windows machine (Maza?) just encode it?
Warp wrote:
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Sub-30? Haha, man, together with the rerecord per frame ratio, this IS 1337! Of course, it's a yes.
Warp wrote:
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mike89 wrote:
I feel obliged to point out that there was a recent run on SDA which you should probably use as reference.
I feel obliged to point out that the topic about the aforementioned speedrun is already 3 pages long. ;)
Warp wrote:
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It can't be counted as "0% items", simply because they're not items. For Super Metroid, it's the same as missile/power bomb/energy refills. And yeah, I think both that run and the RBO are concept demos by their nature: we're proving that it is possible to complete the game without taking any powerups (your run), or doing it in the reverse boss order without suits (Saturn's). Both of those clearly are concepts not demonstrated before.
Warp wrote:
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Wow, not bad at all. I didn't even know it was impossible to save that much. Good luck on Ridley… again.
Warp wrote:
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Personally, I have no doubts it is real. Moreover, I think 00:31 is possible single-segmently, and sub-30 is possible in a low-segmented run. Some day we will see such runs, I hope.
Warp wrote:
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A Concept Demo, of course! Seriously, that'd be still too ambiguous to call that type of run minimalistic. On an unrelated note, such a run bears a bit more entertainment (to my personal taste) than a full-powered one, because of the lack of the damn cape.
Warp wrote:
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Cool, 15:49 already? Now it looks much more like it! :D
Warp wrote:
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Hmm, I second the idea of CotM's star. The movie is very impressive, I think I'll give it 9 for entertainment once it gets published. Hail the almighty JXQ!
Warp wrote:
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Nah, this run is too old, nothing to catch here.
Warp wrote:
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Actually, I'd recommend keeping only the Ceres part of Saturn's TAS. The rest is improvable.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.