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Definitely Dooty. Taking two of the largest projects among the nominees, and not being a one-trick pony counts for a lot.
Warp wrote:
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Ilari, there's really no contest imo. Well, at least he did more than two games, even if those were all for the same platform.
Warp wrote:
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I feel compelled to add to Dada's words about North Korea et al., that the apparent lack of flawless realizations doesn't make the idea inherently flawed by itself.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Hahaha, this is awesome. Lee, you're one unstoppable dude! Also, your English is pretty much impeccable by this point. You really try hard at things, don't you?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Neophos wrote:
And while story has started taking up more and more space in games (probably more due to Final Fantasy than Planescape), they sadly don't copy the most important aspect of Torment: the superb writing.
Exactly. I feel somewhat sad there aren't that many thinker's games out there (and I don't mean board games and puzzles here obviously), it's almost as if there is no market for them. But, looking at the cult following games like Deus Ex and Torment have, this can't be true, can it?
Warp wrote:
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Yeah, the plot twists don't start until about 2/5 in the game, so you likely haven't reached them. But if you ever get to replaying it, I suggest paying attention to the characters, their stance on the in-game events, and everything that's happening there. Talk to them at different points in the game and see how their reaction changes. The game is pretty rich in details. In terms of actual gameplay there is a lot of freedom as to how you do things, similar to, say, Fallout 2. In many instances you can either talk your way through, or hide and sabotage, or just barge in and shoot. If you put enough points into handgun-related augmentations you can cruise through the whole game with the pistol you receive from the start. Or you can level up the low-tech weapon skill and use the energy blade you can find later in the game to kill everybody at close range in 1-2 hits.
Warp wrote:
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Neophos wrote:
Also, replaying Planescape: Torment and exploring the various dialogue options is a huge part of the games quality. I would advise you to replay it with a different mindset when it comes to choices - It makes a big difference in that game.
I actually did go through (nearly?) the entire dialogue trees via saving/reloading when I played it the first time. I'm kind of pedantic when it comes to that, mostly so that I don't have to spend a lot more play time for comparatively little change. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, though, but my time is not infinite. But yeah, if you reread what I said earlier you'd see that was pretty much what I was talking about. Narrowing the scope down to dialogues exclusively, the game is a gem yet to be matched. Everything aside from the dialogues, however, ranges from painfully mediocre to "why do I even bother with this". It all averages out to it being a great game still, but it does feel like the actual gameplay is a filler for the narrative rather than a vessel. I found myself spending most of the play time that wasn't spent in dialogue menus traveling from one location to another, changing discs and looking at the loading screens. Coming to think of it, a good part of the modern gaming has taken a page from Torment's book by fostering the prevalence of writing and artistry over the elements of play, leading to abundance of filler and/or lack of challenge. A good example of a game with a strong narrative element and adequately strong gameplay is Deus Ex. That's why it's fondly remembered over 10 years since its release, and rightfully so.
Warp wrote:
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By the way, Osmos is a very neat little game that becomes pretty challenging on later stages (especially those with attractors, oh how I loathe attractors!). Nearly impossible to speedrun due to randomness and control complexity, though. :D
Warp wrote:
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Oh wow, an unexpected pleasure seeing you here years after the 30uv1402 release, Rambo. :)
Warp wrote:
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Got this one together with the previous one. Spent around 10 hours yesterday playing Aquaria. Fun times!
Warp wrote:
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andymac wrote:
The "we have too many categories" problem is not a problem because we have a bad site layout, it's a problem because of movie redundancy. The site's main goal is entertainment, and several redundant goals for a single movie creates too many similarities. The problem isn't that we don't have enough page space, the problem is that we have too many movies that are exactly the same.
Oh? That's interesting. More so the fact that so far nobody has ever made a successful case that additional categories make anything less entertaining, yet every single time this point is brought up it's seen as some kind of a problem. The issue of movies being the same is no more a redundant category problem than it is a much broader issue everybody who talks about it ignores selectively to avoid accidentally treating their own preferences the same way. Most Megaman games (those that aren't glitched into oblivion) are effectively "categories" (or hacks, if you want) of each other. Many GameBoy and NES platformers are painfully similar. SMB and SMB2j not only have the same engine, but same graphics and music as well. RPGs are the same and are also too long. Everything that is autoscrolling is essentially the same. But thankfully we don't have many people who don't realize they aren't forced to watch everything and freedom of choice only exists when there are several different options. Site layout in regards to content presentation, however, doesn't keep up to standards of ergonomics, and that much was apparent back in 2006. Notably, user front-end hasn't changed too much since then.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Sadly Cave doesn't care much about their Arrange modes. Except DFK Arrange B, which has a major scoring bug to begin with, not a single one of them was patched and/or rebalanced upon expert players breaking them wide open. The only recent arranged mode that hasn't suffered such a fate is Ketsui X, which is actually brilliant (like the main game). Mushihimesama Futari Arrange was a severely dumbed-down version of GigaWing with a continuously active shield, DOJ BL is "get hyper, cancel all bullets, repeat", Espgaluda II is "enter Overdrive mode, milk bosses for 15 minutes each", DeathSmiles II makes no challenge because you can cancel pretty much everything, same with Guwange. I'm hoping the DFK BL Arrange ("Ketsupachi") will be worth it. At least this time I'm definitely going to wait until the price drops a bit. I'm betting the final boss is Doom, though, not Hibachi. And yes, more bullets. :)
Warp wrote:
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Haha, that's amazing! Same player I guess? Somewhat disturbing that he barely needs to dodge anything at all.
Warp wrote:
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I completely agree. The whole subject is a huge vanity fair. Know how it sounds? "This vile no-gooder stole my opportunity to impress you, now you won't like me as much as I had hoped! :'<<<<<<<<"
Warp wrote:
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The problem is not that it's stolen, it's in the fact that the information about what is being seen has a much harder way to reach the viewer if subtitles are not present for whatever reason. I normally prefer softsubs wherever possible, but this is one of those cases where the otherwise is better. Those of you who weren't around in 2003–2006 may not know, but TASVideos and TASing in general often suffered ostracism from people who thought TASers don't put enough effort into making clear that runs were not done normally as an unprepared person would expect. "Stealing" a published run (as in reposting it elsewhere without author's explicit consent) was never a huge problem as long as it still had author information, explanation that it was a TAS, and a link to this site.
Warp wrote:
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o_0 Ok, here's a riddle: what's both unexpected and impossibly cool?
Warp wrote:
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Warp wrote:
I still maintain that this run is how Megaman himself views it, after taking LSD.
Watch Altered States when you have time! The guy pretty much glitches himself and surrounding reality after taking lots of Ayahuasca. :D No, seriously, that movie is fun.
Warp wrote:
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While more technically impressive, this is considerably less entertaining than the previous run.
Warp wrote:
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So, somebody finally managed to single-credit Arrange A Hibachi with only one life lost. There's some more awesome stuff at the end of the video. :D
Warp wrote:
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rhebus wrote:
The topic is file compression. Free vs proprietary is a factor in file compression choice. For some people, it's an important one, for others, it's not.
I meant that being free or proprietary doesn't in any way indicate how well does a compressor perform in terms of compression ratio, speed, or efficiency, and I don't remember the OP being concerned with the "problem" of commercialware*. Either way, I used WinRAR to illustrate my post as an example of software I use and know about, not an example of something I particularly recommend to use. * — For the record, UnRAR executable and libraries are free (hence why other free applications can decompress .rar files), and WinRAR itself merely has a nagscreen, otherwise remaining fully functional after the initial 30-day period, so it never was a problem for anybody, and especially not for pirates. Of course, it detracts from my previous statement of it having a better interface if you choose to use it that way. Yet it still remains one of the most feature-complete and ergonomically pleasing archivers/compressors, that much is a fact, and that is what money is asked for here — not being marginally more efficient than 7-Zip. It's not the first time I have to defend RAR here (one of my first posts back in 2005 was about that!), and pretty much the only reason it happens is because people are eager to dismiss it for being commercialware alone, ignoring its good sides as if paying for something useful per se is some kind of a blasphemy. If you wish to discuss this further in private, I don't mind, but it's really not as important (or at all relevant) in this topic as you might think.
Warp wrote:
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Can we please not drag the free vs. not free debate into this? I fail to see how it has any relevance to the topic, and all the fears surrounding proprietary formats are pretty much always based on hypothetical "what if" scenarios that have about as much likelihood (or credibility) to them as your next conspiracy theory.
Warp wrote:
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I recently started using NanoZip (w/self-extracting module) for large archives, the algorithm of choice being "optimum 2" with RAM usage of 1024 MB. Amazingly, it compresses better (in 100% of cases in my experience) and faster than 7-Zip's LZMA. Decompression is a bit on the slower side, but then again so is LZMA. One of the most useful things about heavy-duty compression is a large dictionary. Dictionary size basically indicates how large can a repeated character sequence be to be recognized as a repeated sequence. WinRAR, which is my general purpose archiver of choice (it's largely on par with 7-Zip in terms of compression ratio and speed, yet it still has a better interface), limits its window to 4 MB, which means the archive will be scanned for repeating sequences no longer than 4 MB, thus decreasing the amount of RAM required for compression. Legends says this is a means to ensure no problems with non-tech-savvy users working in corporate environments on computers with small amounts of RAM. I don't know whether this is true, but this is a major reason it falls short of 7-Zip's results in terms of compression ratio. It is better suited for compressing media files, though (PCM files in particular, akin to FLAC).
Warp wrote:
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Derakon wrote:
Now, make a TAS of DoDonpachi that never uses bombs.
Pretty much done, although not by me. :) Use ddonpchj.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.