Posts for moozooh

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FCEU and FCEUX are already mixed together and there seems to be no problem (also considering it's one of the most actively discussed emulator). Famtasia has only a few threads, all of which can be tagged, and they're all so old they will be buried deep in the topic list without being an eyesore. A subforum might be an interesting idea but I don't know how warranted it is.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Emulator subforum restructuring proposal
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Ok, not as much restructuring per se as it is optimization. After having cleaned up some of the "orphan" topics in "Other games" and "Other emulators" I realized just how messy the board list is. These suggestions will hopefully help parsing it (both there and at the main forum page) at least visually. 1. Rename "<Emulator>" boards to "<System> emulator: <emulator1> (<emulator2>, <emulator3>)" Example: "Gens" becomes "Genesis emulator: Gens". Rationale: uniformity. 2. Merge all emulators of the same system into one board. Example: "Snes9x" and "ZSNES" become "SNES Emulators: Snes9x, ZSNES, bsnes". Rationale: some of these boards are effectively dead, while other might pop up in case we get alternative rerecording emulators for existing platforms. This will, at the very least, reduce the clutter. I can append relevant tags to all threads to help discern them in merged boards, like it is done with hacks in game boards. y/n?
Warp wrote:
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Other blocks are wider than I, though, so they require less moves to the side. Is this wrong?
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I'm with alden. This game has enough to offer for a longer run, but this one is, by far, good enough until then.
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There are many different Tetris engines with different rotation rules, drops, acceleration, wallkicks, latencies, etc.. You'd be surprised how technical a seemingly simple game like this can be.
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Although I've given up on this discussion, "timely" != "promptly".
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Warp wrote:
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Nach wrote:
I think the converse needs to be spoken for. Here we have judges spending their free time really thinking about a movie, and encoders using a lot of time and hard drive space, and effort to encode a movie, sometimes many times. Then they got to upload it and edit and all kinds of stuff, and in the end, we sometimes get "Hey? Why so fast?". It's ungrateful that people here are even fathoming using a term like "rushed publication". There will always be mistakes either way, but people helping out don't need to get their noses rubbed in it, which is what happens every time someone complains about a rush.
Nach, for the record, the "we donate our free time so that you bastards could enjoy it" type of argument is very cheap. The reason is that every single thing about this site, or any hobby in general, is taking our free time. Judging takes free time, but making movies does so as well, and even watching them — perhaps THE integral part of the site — takes free time. Now if you're going to convince everyone your free time is more valuable than anyone else's you just won't go very far with that. As much as we should appreciate what judges do, judges should appreciate the watchers and the movie makers. Not any less. But if you want me to go deeper than that I can also point out that making and watching TASes existed before the institution of submission judgement, so here I unambiguously hint to you that using such an argument here can be seen as self-justification. I hope you won't use that argument in the future. Think for a moment that this site wasn't made for the administration, but for the audience (and its members who come from, and remain, the audience) to enjoy. Naturally its goal should be constant improvement of the environment in accordance with most productive means of going through the "creation -> submission -> appraisal -> discussion -> publication -> improvement" chain. "Rushed publications", while they seem productive in the sense of speedy content delivery, undermine some of the aspects of the comfortable process of going through that chain. They just forcibly break it. It's not productive, and it's not polite. Oh yeah, and certainly it shouldn't be harder for our judges and publishers to do some things slower. Don't you agree? If you don't agree I'll throw feces at you, I swear.
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ARE 0 owns. :D Very fast, very good!
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Flygon wrote:
Excuse me for digging up an old quote, but I care a lot about rendering speed. Why else do I use Chrome? ^_^
Are you going to invalidate my quote by bringing yourself up as an example of majority? That doesn't work. :P
Warp wrote:
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It was definitely worth the wait. Yes vote! Reeeally disappointed by the second Green battle. :(
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I agree under the condition that the Knuckles run is then renamed to "100% Knuckles".
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I'm able to run DoDonPachi DaiOuJou at 60 fps with a few speed optimizations enabled on my ancient single-core Athlon 64 3400+. It seems it really depends on a game.
Warp wrote:
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Nach wrote:
We don't have to cry about something being published within 2 days.
I like how your point went from the original quote's "before anyone else weigh in" to the current "within 2 days". Two days is, as I said above, reasonable, and a lot of people can weigh in during this time, contrary to what you've said. Now you're retroactively changing your statement and use it to ridicule my argument, nice job. :D
Nach wrote:
Newcomers won't have a clue what do with key press files, nor want to bother with the hassle. Nor are preencodes necessarily common or easily accessible.
I also don't understand how, by your words, the newcomers are neither going to bother with key input movies, nor skim the thread for encodes and streaming media links, yet the very same newcomers will be very upset to not find newest submissions published as soon as possible, or even be able to find them in the first place. How much of this is pulled from thin air? On the other hand, I could give at least one example of a rushed publication where the improvements didn't have a chance to be incorporated in time and stayed unimplemented for months because the author didn't want to make another submission. (That's assuming you still remember what particular statement I was challenging.)
Nach wrote:
The point isn't an empty queue, but quick updates to new content.
I was referring to this post.
Warp wrote:
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1. To play it, if I can't do that without having to pay. 2. To play online on official servers (if not possible otherwise). In 2000 I bought Ultima Online for that purpose. >_> 3. Fan gratitude (which is also the only reason I still buy music CDs). As for other purposes… Previously I would buy pirated games in jewel cases (except when a proper release is sold at a similar cost), but since the advent of LAN shares and subsequently BitTorrent I don't need to anymore.
Warp wrote:
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Nach wrote:
<Nach> if a judge watches a movie immediately after submission, and it kicks the old one in every way, and after watching it, he has to scrape his jaw off the floor and find where his eyeballs rolled to, I don't see what the problem is with him accepting it before anyone else weighed in
I remember at least 3 or 4 submissions (some of them by Aqfaq) which had pending or last-minute improvements by the author that couldn't make it in only due to hasty acceptance and publishing. There must always be a window of 2-3 days for at least that purpose. Site visitors are able to watch new submissions instantly via key input movies, and very soon (usually within 24 hours) via pre-publication encodes, so we aren't really holding anybody off or preventing an access to the content by not doing everything as fast as possible. In my opinion, the only purpose that serves is a feeling of satisfaction with achieving an arbitrary goal of seeing no submissions in queue or something else like that. Which is rather bogus (since the site lives by its submissions), but not really any productive.
Warp wrote:
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Bablo wrote:
In the Chip 'n Dale runs all lives are used since the squirrels can be suicided to save time.
We're chipmunks, not squirrels!
Warp wrote:
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You know, I actually agree with you very much. Beside the fact that I often advocate the usage of SRAM for secondary categories.
Warp wrote:
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There's no reason for it to beat either of them because Chrome is neither bundled with highly popular operating systems nor is particularly more useful than Mozilla. Its main advantage is rendering speed, something majority of people evidently don't even care about.
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RT-55J wrote:
So uh... what's with the people (moozooh, DarkKobold) who have faster upload speeds than download speeds? It just doesn't make any sense.
I noted that both my upload and download speeds were above the limits determined by my tariff, so it must be due to connection to a local server that, uh, serves more than it takes. Interestingly, selecting a Swedish server gave me the same results, but here is me trying about the farthest point I could find: [URL=][/URL] Makes more sense now. [EDIT] Tested against Stockholm server while at work: [URL=][/URL]
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[URL=][/URL] For the record, the tariff is 6 Mbps up/down for ~$17. Go figure. (Though it might be that the server is a part of my ISP's local network, thus giving me a higher-speed access.) Btw, to convert kbit to kbyte, divide by 8.192, not by 8. So 6 Mbit/s is 732 kbyte/s. Suddenly got even more confusing, didn't it?
Warp wrote:
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One of the best runs got better. Thank you!
Warp wrote:
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They will more likely than not give results at least as good. …And because it's a challenge. :D Realistically, the only setting that varies between all movies is bitrate, the rest is more-or-less the same, sometimes lightened to save time. Pretty much every other setting in my commandline is quality-for-time tradeoff.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Encoding challenge
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Inspired by the difficulties with encoding the recent Shadow of the Beast submission, I decided to run a few tests of my own. After making 20 excruciatingly slow test encodes on a short (26 second long) sample I realized that doing this alone would be much slower than otherwise. Since I originally aimed to use a bitrate of 500 kbps I decided to freeze this value and try to optimize quality by tuning other x264 settings. I use SSIM (append --ssim to your x264 commandline) for quality measurements since it's the most accurate quality measurement algorithm available to me. So, here's the challenge. Get a SSIM value of 0.92+ on the following sample: (249 MB). So far my best attempt got 0.9151, but I didn't max out a couple of potentially useful parameters due to lack of available waiting time. Restrictions: use --fullrange on, don't use --deldup (for this sample). Target bitrate is 500±5 kbps. Post your best encodes along with their commandlines, and maybe we can improve something in the current encoding standards! Or maybe you will find some settings in your usual commandlines that decrease the quality in some way. My current commandline:
--bitrate 500 --ref 16 --no-fast-pskip --bframes 10 --b-adapt 2 --direct auto --deblock -4:-4 --subme 10 --trellis 2 --partitions all --me tesa --merange 64 --aq-strength 2 --no-dct-decimate --ssim --fullrange on --rc-lookahead 250 --qpmin 12 --qblur 0.1 --keyint=1800 --weightb --8x8dct --mixed-refs
Warp wrote:
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Aw, so that's fake? Damn.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.